Mihael Mello Keehl
Where do you live, I need a foriegn ditto nao!Yay, DIttos!
Where do you live, I need a foriegn ditto nao!Yay, DIttos!
How is everyone breeding starters? I never really bred Pokemon, but don't starters require Dittos?
da US of AWhere do you live, I need a foriegn ditto nao!
Noooo... still trade me though?da US of A
I have a male. Do I need a Ditto? If so, are they catchable in the game?No, you just need to have female starter to be able to breed same pokemon.
No, you just need to have female starter to be able to breed same pokemon.
I have a male. Do I need a Ditto? If so, are they catchable in the game?
Anyone willing to trade with me so I can evolve my kadabra?
Route 7; going to hold off a little on Dittos since I want one of each nature.Noooo... still trade me though?
and where is daycare?
Excellent!I'll help! You trade me your Kadabra so it can evolve and ill trade you my Haunter so it can evolve then we can trade back.
My FC is 0001-3645-2804
So theres not a chance? I just want one to trade for another ditto on gts...Route 7; going to hold off a little on Dittos since I want one of each nature.
heh found a localization goof up i think. Just before route 12. one of the NPCs when you talk to them speaks in german even when everyone else is english
Yes, I can give away male fennekins. I don't give away eggs at the moment because I'm still hoping that one the eggs is going to give me female fennekin.Just add my friend code and give me yours. 3394-3650-2720
Yes, I can give away male fennekins. I don't give away eggs at the moment because I'm still hoping that one the eggs is going to give me female fennekin.Just add my friend code and give me yours. 3394-3650-2720
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I somehow got a level 41 Throh for a level 9 Minun when doing a Wonder Trade. That was pretty cool haha.
Wonder Trade is both the fucking worst, hilarious, supremely awesome addition to the series I'm laughing my ass off at all the Japanese Bidoofs/caterpies being traded to me only to trade over and over to receive some good Pokemon like Seviper, Smeagle, Kadabra etc.
I would love a fennekin if you are wiling to trade. I could trade an egg for the water starter if you need it.
My fc is 2895-7483-8126
Hold on, let me devise a better catching method and get you one.
GTS Dittos are asking for crazy things though.
Also hatched 3 Fennekin eggs, 2 are female if people are interested.
I think a Wonder Trade only run would be pretty hilarious.
Cutscene, having to choose your Nickname, Pokedex received...not surprised they didn't. It's pretty tedious. Luckily I got an Adamant Chespin after a few resets.
I have Kadabra in my team and I'd love an Alakazam somwhere down the line. But can anyone tell me if it's recommended to get Alakazam as soon as possible or if it's more wise to level up Kadabra for a while first? I was wondering if it will influence it's stats.
Yes, I can give away male fennekins. I don't give away eggs at the moment because I'm still hoping that one the eggs is going to give me female fennekin.Just add my friend code and give me yours. 3394-3650-2720
I got it down to maybe 5%, was paralyzed and took I think 3 great balls to catch. I think I just kept using Pikachu quick attack to do little by little damage and it was unable to move like 80% of the time.How the hell do I catch Snorlax? I can kill this thing so easily so I've got nothing to hit him with once he's down below 10%. Paralyzed him and used an ultra ball and that didn't work.
Up + AB didn't work either
Yo if you've got spare Froakie eggs I'd super appreciate it!
FC: 4854-7471-9488
What is your 3DS name? I think I have you already..Hold on, let me devise a better catching method and get you one.
GTS Dittos are asking for crazy things though.
Also hatched 3 Fennekin eggs, 2 are female if people are interested.
Sorry! I'm a GafTardian.