So, did anyone else here ev train their Chesnaught? What kind of evs and nature did you give it? I went with Jolly nature, 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 defense.
Can't decide if I want a modest charmander or not. Charizard X has higher attack, but do I want him to always be in mega form?
Would keeping the attack and Sp attack balanced be a good idea?
Blaziken? How did you get that one?
Blaziken? How did you get that one?
For Super training is the effort meter meant to be at it's max to show the pokemon has max ev's?
For my torchic i went 4hp 252atk 252spe but there is still a little unfilled bit at the top of the effort meter.
Man, I got really bummed out after the second visit to Lumiose city.
What an absolute fucking horrible city to navigate through.
I got a notice for it with Tyrantrum. You should also unlock new super training levels once you have max'd a pokemons effort values i think.
Is there any other way of finding out which specific stats are maxxed?
In W2 you could call someone if i remember correctly, is it the same for Y?
There's a meter that shows how many EVs you've collected
Kinda confused with how Super Training works. Do you get the stat boost through the soccer mini-game, punching bag, or both? Can you just do them continuously until you max out the stat you want?
This game is unplayable in 3D. The framerate is unaceptaaaaable.
Only complaint so far.
I need an Electric Pokémon. Just beat the fifth gym.'
Anything good available?
Helioptile then.Meh, I don't like him.![]()
Where did you find the item to evolveI need some advice, is it worth me evolving myholding an evolite into andoublade. Are stats increase in evolving it better than the benefits of evolite.aegislash
This game is unplayable in 3D. The framerate is unaceptaaaaable.
Only complaint so far.
Where did you find the item to evolve? And yes, I think evolving it is totally worth.Doublade
Is anyone free to trade myto get to evolve?Phantump
Damn, I was hoping there was another way to get one. Thanks anyway!I got it from one of thesuper secret training levels
Klefki is amazing. Please tell me it evolves.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
All they wanted was a low level Horsea too! As soon as I saw it I freaked out and rushed to catch one, lucky it was still there when I came back!