Pump it full of ATK and DEF then.
Final call:
Nature that boosts attack and lowers speed. EVs in hp and attack.
Pump it full of ATK and DEF then.
I decided to give Delphox another chance, since I really like its design.Did you decide that you liked Delphox now? I went MIA after you were talking about resetting yesterday.
I decided to give Delphox another chance, since I really like its design.
I don't know what MIA means.
Some help from the more EV knowledgeable Pokéfans:
I have a blank Aegislash. Need some ideas for EV training this thing.
I have an extra Houndoom if anyone wants to trade a Y exclusive for it.
Nah. Attack/Speed and HP.
According to the research so far, I went with Attack/Speed like any physical sweeper.
You could go Attack/(Sp)Def to capitalize on both its forms. I've also seen people pull Attack/HP which sounds decent as its base HP isn't grand. So yeah, I went with Attack (since many of its natural attacks are physical) and Speed (the mediocre important stat it has that doesn't change with stances).
I don't see any point in trying to make Aegislash faster since it's slow as crap. Hell wouldn't it be detrimental, considering its ability?
who wants to trade me a Skrelp for a Clauncher?
I do, add me at 2766 - 8404 - 4880
I wonder traded Luvdisc, and got a Farfetch'd, lol.
What Y exclusive are you looking for?
Super/Secret Training spoiling evolutions D:
Nope. Only with the Good Rod.Can you catch Skrelp with an Old Rod?
How can you enable game chat. I try from options and it says something about parental control
Does anyone want to trade a Chespin for an Ivysaur?
Super training. If you are still trying to get EVs from fights then you are doing it wrong.
Nope. Only with the Good Rod.
So I beat the first gym and no I'm at somewhere do I go? I can't find where I'm supposed to go.cliff thing and I can see the coast under me.![]()
Does super training add "+4" evs or does it add +4 to a stat which would be the equivalent of 16 EVs?
Does super training add "+4" evs or does it add +4 to a stat which would be the equivalent of 16 EVs?
Do i still have to mash A to insure capture??
or ive just been doing this all these years for nothing..?
Keep going down till you find some pillars you can jump on.
Do i still have to mash A to insure capture??
or ive just been doing this all these years for nothing..?
You've been doing it wrong. It's Up + B.
Do i still have to mash A to insure capture??
or ive just been doing this all these years for nothing..?
You've been doing it wrong. It's Up + B.
Down + B, mang.