Tyrant Rave
Where is the HM surf?
Go east after beating the third gym.
Where is the HM surf?
Where can you catch a Riolu? I just beat the 3rd gym for reference![]()
Finally found a Thunder Stone to use on Pikachu.
Forgot the route number but it's too the east of the first gym.
Rapidly tap A >*
I've been doing Special Training for an hour and my pokemon's stats are still the same. Even after leveling up a few times, nothing has drastically changed unlike previous games' EV training. I just don't get it.
How does ExpShare work? Do you get less experience from the main Pokemon if you turn it on?
Does anyone know when/how Tyrunt evolves?
mmmmh weird, i gave my charizard the Carizardite X but it doesn't work, and the option while fighting is greyed out...is there something i'm missing?
@i already have the ring
How does ExpShare work? Do you get less experience from the main Pokemon if you turn it on?
this and if u mega evolved at it died and then revived u can not mega evolve it again only once per battle even if its the same pokemon.You can only use one Mega Evolution per battle, had you evolved someone else?
Ooo, mind telling me where? I need to evolve mine as quick as possible and I hope I haven't missed it
each team pokemon gains half xp from battle
You can only use one Mega Evolution per battle, had you evolved someone else?
Yeah but does the main guy get less exp?
each team pokemon gains half xp from battle
Yeah but does the main guy get less exp?
Has anybody gotten the guide? Is it worth it?
Haha new Exp Share is so weird! I got my main 4 sharing fights, and then my HM slaves just about the same level despite never seeing battle lol. I have a level 30 diggleby sitting in my party that's never done anything!
I don't think its even possible to catch it when you come across your first encounter with it. I wasted about 12 different types of Pokeballs trying.
80% of Wonder Trade is Pansage. Fuck you Pansage.
.Does anyone have Pokerus? I would really like to have it. Not sure what I can offer in return, but let me know if you need anything.
Maybe I was lucky, but my first great ball caught it
Loving the game so far 15 hours and just beat the third gym
Cool, chuck us your FC in PM and I'll trade you one.It is on the Field Egg group iirc. I read someone saying they bred a Chespin with a Skiddo.
Level 39
Having just got the game last night, how do I add friends o-n the PSS? Is it by adding them how you normally would via friend codes? My FC is 4141-1859-9447. I have alot of free time on my hands til after Christmas so I'm probably gonna be into this for quite a while haha. Still so glad I got a Shiny Bidoof! He's so Golden haha
Anyone know where I can get the fishing rod? I need to get me some Clauncher.
Yeah you add friends like you normally add FC's
80% of Wonder Trade is Pansage. Fuck you Pansage.
Both. Doing them back to back makes things faster.
There are also 3 levels of the super training games; each level is unlocked by completing the game for each stat once.
That feeling when you spam bad pokemon in Wondertrade and receive something awesome.
How do you evolve pancham? I looked around online, but nothing has turned up
So far I have gotten a Hawklucha and a Bulbasaur from spamming Wonder Trade lol
pretty much, turned it off after a bit, i seriously don't want to get overpowered and ruin the main game
Loving the game so far 15 hours and just beat the third gym