Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Ha, I love slow skating in Lumiose; my character is just too adorable.
Disarming Voice does "emotional damage." Lovely.
What's everyone's highest level Pokemon right now?
Mine is a level 61 Charazard who is a destroyer of worlds![]()
This game is really weird. I have been playing for over 10 hours and I only have 1 badge. Also I have already hit my final evolution on my froakie, she is now lvl 36. Pacing seems way off right now, but at least I am having fun catching a shit load of different pokemon.
What's everyone's highest level Pokemon right now?
Mine is a level 61 Charazard who is a destroyer of worlds![]()
93 SalamenceWhat's everyone's highest level Pokemon right now?
Mine is a level 61 Charazard who is a destroyer of worlds![]()
I hope I can get a way to trade the other original starters someday, I want them all.
This game is really weird. I have been playing for over 10 hours and I only have 1 badge. Also I have already hit my final evolution on my froakie, she is now lvl 36. Pacing seems way off right now, but at least I am having fun catching a shit load of different pokemon.
Braixen is actually a cool evolution for Fennekin.
Should of been the final one, IMO.
What's everyone's highest level Pokemon right now?
Mine is a level 61 Charazard who is a destroyer of worlds![]()
o lord yes. I lost it the moment it appeared on screen. Fierce tbh.OMG AT THE FEMALE WOBBUFFET
Alright, should i go with an adamant Chespin with 252 Attack/Defense or 252 Attack/HP?
So where's Fly?
Actually it was my fifth start, but that's only because I used the first 4 to get me and another GAFfer all 3 initial starters. I got lucky on my fifth and last one, and the Fennekin I picked as my main starter was a shiny.WTF you got a shiny Fenny at first load?
Really? That's great to hear! Gonna experiment with that feature.Check GTS. I got that Charmander you pummeled in exchange for a Kadabra.
I just found out about the Synchronize 50% Nature trick. Off to get a female Abra!
They're in Route 5, correct?
Did anyone manage to evolve a Pancham? I'm reading that you need a dark type to be in your party when he levels up at 32. Does it have to be a pure dark? I've only found Inkay who is part dark and psychic.
Anyone got a link to the spreadsheet of routes/pokemon locations?
Also, the online play in this game is fantastic. I was surprised to see how smooth our battle went.
No one gives a fuck about your dancing Tierno.
Are shiny pokemon more common in this game or something? It seems like a lot of people are getting them.
Hi there Pokegaf, I need friends my fc: 2766-7929-3149
Love how you can trade on the go now. Hate the whole training mini games and punching bags but it looks like their not mandatory to keep going as I haven't been doing it. So far no problems not doing it. Wish I could cary over my heartgold team.
I gotta say tho, the story gets alarmingly dark and depressing even though it seems kind of thin in the beginning
It seems very dark for a pokemon game.
Jolly or Adamant Tyrunt?
Yeah, I just read your post about the disconnection during a trade. That sucks, hopefully you can be back at home with a reliable connection soon!I'm glad it lasted throughout. Wifi at the hotel is straight garbage. It was smooth when we played, but now I'm getting dropped every few minutes. I can connect long enough to give out O-Power and level that up, though. That's enough for me.
I say Adamant. That's my tyrunts nature. Just evolved and now I'm at level 29 with 124 attack, shits insane lmao.
Nah I used Sandile (Ground/Dark) to evolve mine.
And how do you level O-Powers? By using them repeatedly?
Cool, that works for me!
Also what are you guys doing HM slave wise?
Cool, that works for me!
Also what are you guys doing HM slave wise?