Nice, for the restaurants do you only have to go there once and do it? It doesn't change daily or something right? Did the 1 star place yesterday, also found 2 people who battled me in the alleys randomly just before.
Nice, for the restaurants do you only have to go there once and do it? It doesn't change daily or something right? Did the 1 star place yesterday, also found 2 people who battled me in the alleys randomly just before.
How do O-Powers work? Should I be giving them away whenever I can to level them up?
Oh god!
Torchic wants to evolve...any reason I should delay it?
Sure my code is 0946 2273 7957. If you have a houndour or larion could you send one my way? If not it's fine just send me junk
Also anyone know how to change the MII I use? I have been using the guy from the MH3 commercials for too long
Is there any way for Chickorita to appear in the game? I'd like to at least battle one so I can try to get it from GTS later.
The birds in this region blow (except for the luchabird)
Isn't it pretty much just hawlucha and talonflame?
Try leaving North and you'll get it.I just beat the first gym, when\where do I finally get exp share?
Anyone use Wonder Trade to see what they can get for their unwanted Pokemon? It's interesting but I like to name my Pokemon so it really bothers me when I come across an Eevee named Diksweat.
And pidgey. And this shitty parrot. And that psychic flying thingy I don't know what it is.
Delaying an evolution is never a bad thing is it?
I also have Y, so I don't have either ):
Oh god!
Torchic wants to evolve...any reason I should delay it?
Ah, I thought you were talking about this gen only.
Also sigilyph is rad.
Sorry if this has been asked.
Where can I get Heart Scales?
Id say brave.I have sassy, timid, relaxed, calm, brave, and rash honedges, which nature is the best for it out of these natures? Brave?
Pretty sure Sp. Atk is Chandelure.Super Training and the Pokemon-Amie games are seriously addicting.
Just realized all the Training Bags are different Pokemon families...Speed is Zubat, HP is Azurill, Defense is Aron, and Power is Machop. I think Sp. Atk is Flabebe? Haven't got a Sp. Def one to check.
ThanksFrom Luvdiscs. Use the Old Rod.
I need an electric bird![]()
Wait. So is it possible for someone to get Pokémon from the GBA/DS games, put them in their Pokébank, download them to X or Y, and trade them? Would be cool, could get early gen Pokémon that way if you didn't have the older consoles and games.
Id say brave.
Personally, im going brave and maxing out its hp and attack.That's what I'm thinking too, thanks!
Nice, for the restaurants do you only have to go there once and do it? It doesn't change daily or something right? Did the 1 star place yesterday, also found 2 people who battled me in the alleys randomly just before.
Yes but you would need to transfer them to gen 5 as that is the only one compatible with Pokémon Bank.
I need an electric bird![]()
Where do you go to get to the Team Flare base after the 7th gym? I'm stuck.
I'll trade you a Goomy that is only a couple of levels away from evolving. I don't really like the Pokemon but left it in my party anyway.Finally encounter Goomy > even my lowest level pokemon 1 hit KOs it.
I have a Houndour you can have.Trading Dittos for X exclusives.
Personally, im going brave and maxing out its hp and attack.