Came home early from an event, said I was "sick", just ordered Domino's, playing Pokemon.
What is my life.
Man, a Domino's sandwich would really hit the spot right now...sounds like you're living the dream to me.
Came home early from an event, said I was "sick", just ordered Domino's, playing Pokemon.
What is my life.
Still no luck finding Corsola on Route 12. Guess I'll need a Super Rod. -_- How early can you get one?
How do I get a Pokemon's enjoyment up? I've gotten Eevee to max affection playing and feeding that mofo but enjoyment is only at 2
Look at what I found.
What? You literally go straight every single time to get where you need to go, and only take the side paths if you want items.i'm in the cave you rideand goddamn is it confusingthe rhyhorn to get to
What? You literally go straight every single time to get where you need to go, and only take the side paths if you want items.
Fuccccckkkk this increased shiny rate makes being physically unable to find a shiny so much worse.
What? You literally go straight every single time to get where you need to go, and only take the side paths if you want items.
Look at what I found.
Is there a definitive way to open up that boutique yet? Someone posted a list a few pages back but I can't find it now.Fuck Heracross. Just gonna trade for him later. *sigh*
Spent 200K on the clothes in the Paris city. Need some more money. Amulet + Battle Mansion, here I come!
Is there a definitive way to open up that boutique yet? Someone posted a list a few pages back but I can't find it now.
Nope the first one I caught was female.
By "every cafe" I'm assuming every cafe in lumoise?All that I did was enter every cafe, dine at the 1 star and 2 star restaurants, and drink the smoothies at the smoothie place. After doing that, she let me in. Keep in mind, the smoothies and 2 star restaurant are only available once the blackout is finished. If you aren't that far, it's still possible, but you gotta do extra stuff. Go catch the poodle, groom it, etc.
Best of luck!
Oh that sounds pretty straight forward, I'm past the blackout so I'll give it a shot!All that I did was enter every cafe, dine at the 1 star and 2 star restaurants, and drink the smoothies at the smoothie place. After doing that, she let me in. Keep in mind, the smoothies and 2 star restaurant are only available once the blackout is finished. If you aren't that far, it's still possible, but you gotta do extra stuff. Go catch the poodle, groom it, etc.
Best of luck!
So I took the lift to the second floor of a random office building in the main city, and the game froze and started blacking out weirdly. I thought it had crashed, but then a random woman like... floated out from the lift, said 'you're not the one', and floated off screen south. Then I got back control and she wasn't there.
This was in the north part of the city.
Caught this very nice female Snorlax. Adamant, Loves to eat. No Thick Fat, but Immunity is a cool ability aswell.
By "every cafe" I'm assuming every cafe in lumoise?
What are Furfrou's stats? I want to use him.
Should I get a Adamant or Jolly one?75/80/55/65/90/100
I'm enjoying my furfrou owning with headbutt.
So does it look like greninja is geared towards being more special than physical?
Errr yes. Wasn't aware there were other ones--must not be far enough. Or I'm just blind.
Route 7Where is Spritzee located?
Route 7
Why is there a woman speaking German at the exit of Shalour City? Is it a glitch?
Why is there a woman speaking German at the exit of Shalour City? Is it a glitch?
Surf left of the North entrance/exit to Santalune Forest.Dawn Stones? I wants my Gallade.
How many Pokemon can be caught in X/Y?
I have 51 caught, 10 hours in. Not even the 2nd badge yet.