The Hoenn references far outweigh Sinnoh/Kanto/Johto/Unova allusions, if you don't think so maybe you haven't been playing for long enough....
Just progress normally through the game. You can't possibly miss it.Where do I get Surf? I can't find it
It's not like Gen III is unpopular enough to not warrant a remake.
Beside, GB game get a GB advance remake, GBC gets a DS remake, the GBA is two generations away from the 3DS.
Where do I get Surf? I can't find it
I did a wonder trade, offered up a level 15 Roselia and got a level 60 Druddigon in return. Dude wrecks shit.
Wow! I figured there was some sort of parameters that would limit that based on the Pokemon I've been getting (all similarly leveled).
If you're going by that logic it's actually three generations removed, since DSi was an incremental bump. I'd also argue that it is pretty unpopular, Gen III tends to be the point where most people bowed out of the series. It's mostly anecdotal evidence admittedly, but I don't know anyone who actually prefers RSE over any previous gen.
Cue GAF gen 3 love in 3, 2...
It's given to you automatically as you progress in the story. Right after the third badge, I think?
Being able to walk diagonal now. Defiantly changes it up with sliding on ice. Pretty cool.
can anyone briefly explain IV/EV and super training? as a casual player i'm new to this stuff. through the training could i theoretically just max out every single stat? thanks
And my pokemon time will be cut short. work week D:
It's pretty complicated, but here's a brief explanation: EVs (Effort Values) and IVs (Individual Values) determine your Pokémon's stats. The point of them is to make all Pokémon unique.can anyone briefly explain IV/EV and super training? as a casual player i'm new to this stuff. through the training could i theoretically just max out every single stat? thanks
man...finally got a Heracross. Now to find a place to train it up so it's equal level with my others. (it's Lvl28, all of my team is Lvl36)
Also, where can I get Rock Smash? I feel like I've missed it since I just finished the fourth gym
I loved Pokemon Blue and Silver, but the last Pokemon game I played was Diamond and I never bothered to finish it because it got to feel a little tired to me. Is there a decent chance of me enjoying X/Y?
its before the 2nd gym. Just some random guy in town lol.
Poke'gaf, Axew or Bagon?
I loved Pokemon Blue and Silver, but the last Pokemon game I played was Diamond and I never bothered to finish it because it got to feel a little tired to me. Is there a decent chance of me enjoying X/Y?
Yep. And a fyi, you can make a pokemon do two different animations.Anyone else just love making their Pokemon do their animations in the summary screen?
Magikarp are a surpisingly common request on GTS. Makes me regret not having more of them. Tonights taks: Restock Chespin, start stocking Charmander (got a female for trading female Bulbasaur) and stock someI'm gonna go catch like 30 magikarps and wonder trade them all.
I hate how they know take down so false swipe is not reliable (as it may recoil itself to death).Old Rod. I ONLY caught Luvdisc on that thing.
Some people seemingly hate shinies is all I can assume from how "easy" some of the GTS trades have been (due to lacking stock of the species I missed out, Meditite and Miltank you could have been mineGot a shiny in wonder trade
Either hacked or someone hates zigzagoon
Beaten but another perspective helps sometimes.can anyone briefly explain IV/EV and super training? as a casual player i'm new to this stuff. through the training could i theoretically just max out every single stat? thanks
Poke'gaf, Axew or Bagon?
Poke'gaf, Axew or Bagon?
Diamond was a lazy pile of shit, X and Y is probably the best game since Gold and Silver.I loved Pokemon Blue and Silver, but the last Pokemon game I played was Diamond and I never bothered to finish it because it got to feel a little tired to me. Is there a decent chance of me enjoying X/Y?
Poke'gaf, Axew or Bagon?
They're both decent.
Axew stays pure Dragon and may have Mold Breaking ability, which is amazing. His base states don't reach the level of Bagons' final evolution--Salamence.
Salamence is a pure beast, tho. It does have 4x weakness to Ice, though.
Dat Fairy effect.My Haxorus feels like it has not been wrecking shit like he used to in B/W.![]()