I'm assuming this has already been answered but I couldn't find it. Will this game come out at Midnight on PST or 9:00 PM? Sorry if it's a dumb question.I remember DK3DS came out a good few hours before release, so i'm hoping Pokemon comes out soon.
I'm so antsy to play it.
Midnight EDT, which is 9PM PDT.
Pokéhype will envelope the globe.
So how are download speeds on the 3ds, more like the 360 or ps3?
My FC is 3540 - 0044 - 0952. Let me know if you add me! Yay!
I'll add you later. Who are you picking?!
#TeamChespin. Bladenic, it would be an honor to Pokemon with you.
Wow. The midnight launch here in São Paulo is crazy, Nintendo obviously understimated us. The line is huge inside the store and there are people waiting outside too.
The fuck. Midnight release for a Pokemon game here in Brazil? Thats a first right? I've seen some big ones for games like God of War III, but I don't remember seeing one for Pokemon before. Thats pretty cool.
I tried to snake one from my Walmart, telling this poor clueless old dude that the game came out today, but his coworker said it came out tomorrow. I had it in my hands.
Sigh. E-shop it is.
1 hour for East coasters? Will the system clock allow you to download it on the West coast if you set it to EST? I'd trust that anyone other than Nintendo would have safeguards in place.
Going to bed, picking it up early tomorrow from TRU. Gaiz, please add me, I have no friends.
PM me if you add me I'll add you back!
1 hour for East coasters? Will the system clock allow you to download it on the West coast if you set it to EST? I'd trust that anyone other than Nintendo would have safeguards in place.
Flip a coin. If heads, X. If tails, Y.Gaf, Help! Wich one do I buy? X or Y? Help!
This made me lol so hard. Nintendo: Internet! how does it work!?!?!?
This is why I cancelled my Amazon preorder.
I think eShop can open at any time now!
Flip a coin. If heads, X. If tails, Y.