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Poland reverses decision to take in refugees after Brussels terror attacks

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Poland's government says it is not prepared to accept any refugees following the deadly attacks in Brussels.

The ruling party, Law and Justice, is staunchly anti-migrant, but had previously indicated it would respect a commitment by the previous government to resettle around 7,000 refugees.

But government spokesman Rafal Bochenek indicated Wednesday that Prime Minister Beata Szydlo's government is reversing that position.

He said that "at the moment Poland is not able to accept immigrants."

He said the government fears that Europe is not able to eliminate security risks connected to the mass influx of migrants, adding: "for us the most important thing is the safety of Poles."

Poland has gone back on an earlier commitment to accept refugees, citing the recent terror attacks in Brussels. Under the resettlement programme, the EU member had agreed to take 7,000 refugees over four years.

The promise was made by the previous liberal government in 2015 but sitting Prime Minister Beata Szydlo has shot down the scheme. "I'll say very clearly, I see no possibility for migrants to arrive in Poland at this time," Szydlo, the right-wing prime minister who came to power in October 2015, told the Polish news channel Superstacja TV. "Twenty-eight EU countries agreed to solve the issue through relocation. But I will say it very clearly. I do not see it possible to allow migrants in Poland at the moment." The country was to take in 400 refugees in 2016.
Doubled up on sources and quotes for verficistion to make sure stuff wasn't taken out of context.

I'm... Not sure I follow. Aren't these terrorists normally "homegrown", finding radical Islam through recruiters rather than immigrating into the countries as refugees?

Not just that, but why cite the Brussels terror attacks as the reason? Couldn't they have used the Paris attacks or the controversy in Germany to try and justify it? Sounds like they're pushing an anti-refugee agenda and just using this as cover, but that's my opinion and I'm nowhere near as educated as this as some others so I may full and well be completely wrong.

I searched threads with Poland in the title and did not find this. Please lock if old.


Is it immigrants or is refugees? I'm seeing contradicting reporting. Seems they want to limit immigration but will continue with all their agreements on refugee integration.


Another country where the biggest mass attacks and crime was done by native citizens bans immigrants to prevent nothing but ensure more human suffering.

There comes a point where a decision needs to be made where you either let them win for the safety of your people after a tragedy or stand up to them. Either way I can't blame them it's a tough choice.

But the evidence is pretty clear, most all terrorism is done by native citizens of any particular country.


Yeah, 2016 isn't going to be the year of Europe. It's gonna get bad, between radical islamists and the right wing.


Another country where the biggest mass attacks and crime was done by native citizens bans immigrants to prevent nothing but ensure more human suffering.

But the evidence is pretty clear, most all terrorism is done by native citizens of any particular country.

If you let in the first generation as immigrants and refugees, and the second generation turns to violence, seems like it's still an immigration problem.


Heh. This goverment can't do anything right. The message that went into the world isn't entirely correct.
When Poland agreed to take 7K it did it on strict condition that every single person would be throughly prevetted both by EU agencies as well as their own. The current registration system is pure mess though and makes it impossible to impelement the safety requirements Poland demanded.

But instead of leaning on that, which is reasonable, the message that went out was "screw out commitements, we're not talking anyone". Instead "we're not going to take them at this monement"

Ultimatelly Poland will take migrants. The 7K is the max ammount and it won't take even one additional one and everybody out of those 7K will be merely given temporary asylum, to be sent back once the war in it's home country ends, but it will take those 7K. It will take longer, will be acompanied with a lot of posturing, but Poland in the end will take those 7K sooner or later.


I know the last thing countries are going to do is think "How will this effect the US" when making policy, but holy shit are guys like Trump and Cruz going to take something like this and run with it.


Another country where the biggest mass attacks and crime was done by native citizens bans immigrants to prevent nothing but ensure more human suffering.

But the evidence is pretty clear, most all terrorism is done by native citizens of any particular country.

They are often done by 2nd or 3rd Generation though. It's a risk unless we can find a solution to the assimilation problem.


I know the last thing countries are going to do is think "How will this effect the US" when making policy, but holy shit are guys like Trump and Cruz going to take something like this and run with it.

Poland has smart leaders. Not as smart as me because I would never have agreed to anything in the first place. But smarter than ours. And smarter than Merkel. I used to be a fan of hers but she's destroying Europe. It's turning into a hell hole. I called them out on this before and the dishonest media attacked me. I hate 'em. I won't let that happen to America. We need strong and we need tough. So I'll bomb the shit out of 'em.
ISIS is successfully radicalizing entire governments. Which is super weird considering they literally publish the ISIS magazine where they say exactly what they are doing and why.


I wonder would many even stay here. My city took in a group of families, about thirty of them via a local charity. Within 2 weeks, 28 of those families skipped the country and moved to Germany.

Expect more dick moves from Poland in the future. We have a very nasty government at the moment.


Poland has smart leaders. Not as smart as me because I would never have agreed to anything in the first place. But smarter than ours. And smarter than Merkel. I used to be a fan of hers but she's destroying Europe. It's turning into a hell hole. I called them out on this before and the dishonest media attacked me. I hate 'em. I won't let that happen to America. We need strong and we need tough. So I'll bomb the shit out of 'em.

How sad is it that I didn't realise you were doing a Trump impression before I got to the line about you being attacked by the media.

And regarding the topic and the Polish government: I don't believe for a second that this actually has anything to do with them actually revising their security concerns. They're just using Brussels as an excuse. The current Polish government has been absolutely hostile to the very idea of accepting refugees from the start.

And sure, the terrorists are second generation immigrants. But are we so pathetic that we're going to turn away people fleeing wars and persecution right now on the mere possibility that a tiny number of their children could become terrorists in 20 or 30 years time? Really, that's what we are now?


Gold Member
ISIS is successfully radicalizing entire governments. Which is super weird considering they literally publish the ISIS magazine where they say exactly what they are doing and why.

Yea, like when they say in their magazine that they will send terrorists over posing as refugees and immigrants and bring the fight to Europe. It's weird that anyone would take them at their word.


ISIS is successfully radicalizing entire governments. Which is super weird considering they literally publish the ISIS magazine where they say exactly what they are doing and why.

Turned out the European commitment to our values and supposed civilisation was never more than skin deep. Should have figured, but I genuinely thought we were better than this.


Neo Member
I\ve heard from my professors that Poland is going through a tough and fearful period, basically ever since the 2010 plane crash.

Are there any poles here? Whats it like?

I personally am Estonian and we had our fair share of politicians who used these attacks to point fingers at the coalition and say "This is what you are asking for". Disgusting.


Is it immigrants or is refugees? I'm seeing contradicting reporting. Seems they want to limit immigration but will continue with all their agreements on refugee integration.

It doesn't matter. The only thing that is certain is that these attacks are done by Muslims and increasing the Muslim community in your country, in some peoples mind, will increase either immigrant terrorist attacks in the present or home grown terrorism in the future after a generation or two.

At the end of the day, terrorism is done by a very small minority of Muslims but unfortunately it is reflecting on the whole according to many countries and politicians.


Bullshit. Genuine refugees have the same fears, they risked thier lives to escape these terrorists

Should EU nations use the similar blanket discrimination to bar poles because of high rate of polish criminals in our prisons?


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Not taking refugees in is not letting the "terrorists win". Victory in ISIS's mind is killing/subjigating infidels and setting up a caliphate, not influencing immigration policy.


Is it pretty clear?

I'm having trouble sourcing

Are you including insurgency or rebellion?

Bath School Bombing - 1921 . Still the deadliest attack on a school in US history, somehow. Native born terrorist.

16th Street Baptist Church Bombing - 3 native born terrorists.

Columbine High School - two native born terrorists.

Oklahoma City Bombing - two native born terrorists.

Sandy Hook - native born terrorist.

Unabomber - native born terrorist


Poland's Trump-esque political party was just looking for any excuse. They aren't as bad as Orban, but they could easily get there with time the way things are going.
Not taking refugees in is not letting the "terrorists win". Victory in ISIS's mind is killing/subjigating infidels and setting up a caliphate, not influencing immigration policy.

Influencing any decision is going to register as a win to them as it indicates to them that they've the power to influence governments.


Bath School Bombing - 1921 . Still the deadliest attack on a school in US history, somehow. Native born terrorist.

16th Street Baptist Church Bombing - 3 native born terrorists.

Columbine High School - two native born terrorists.

Oklahoma City Bombing - two native born terrorists.

Sandy Hook - native born terrorist.

Unabomber - native born terrorist

School shootings aren't generally considered to be terrorist attacks, though.


Not taking refugees in is not letting the "terrorists win". Victory in ISIS's mind is killing/subjigating infidels and setting up a caliphate, not influencing immigration policy.
Nope. Their ideology grows substantially when people are forced to comply as their is no other option. It's a huge win for them.


Not taking refugees in is not letting the "terrorists win". Victory in ISIS's mind is killing/subjigating infidels and setting up a caliphate, not influencing immigration policy.

And by not taking in refugees we leave more of them for ISIS to kill, subjugate and forcibly include in their expanding caliphate. Not to mention strengthen their efforts to convince the Islamic world that they're all at war with the "crusader states" of the West.

ISIS' worst enemy isn't drones and bombs, it's other Muslims refusing to support them.


Wow. Let's hope other countries don't follow suit. This is truly appalling news. Trump must be grinning.


Lots of mass shootings are terrorist incidents to spread a particular ideology, e.g. Elliot Rodgers.

Well obviously it's murky... Like, why is Breivik considered a terrorist but Rodgers isn't, at least generally? I'd say the reason is that Breivik's attack was clearly political. Rodger's, even though you could say he had an ideology, was more of a personal vendetta, therefore not terrorism. It just depends how you define the word and it usually requires some form of political or religious motivation.
And by not taking in refugees we leave more of them for ISIS to kill, subjugate and forcibly include in their expanding caliphate. Not to mention strengthen their efforts to convince the Islamic world that they're all at war with the "crusader states" of the West.

ISIS' worst enemy isn't drones and bombs, it's other Muslims refusing to support them.

That's why we should support the guys who are actually fighting them.
And those guys certainly ain't ''refugees''.


That's why we should support the guys who are actually fighting them.
And those guys certainly ain't ''refugees''.

Great idea. Would you prefer the al-Nusra suicide bombers or Assadi torturers? There are no good factions left to support in Syria, a lot of the men who are fleeing do so to avoid getting pressganged and forced to committ atrocities themselves. Or to protect their families. Or after having gotten attacked or even tortured before going on the run.

But sure, if you were a Syrian yourself I bet you'd win the war single-handedly. The refugees are all cowards, there can be no other explanation.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.

Doubled up on sources and quotes for verficistion to make sure stuff wasn't taken out of context.

I'm... Not sure I follow. Aren't these terrorists normally "homegrown", finding radical Islam through recruiters rather than immigrating into the countries as refugees?

Isis has 'at least 440 fighters trained to attack Europe in deadly waves'


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Influencing any decision is going to register as a win to them as it indicates to them that they've the power to influence governments.

Whether terrorists want something to happen or will read something as a reaction should not determine policy. If it helps defeat them, protects a country's citizens, and abides by the law then who cares what they think. (not saying this Poland thing meets that) Whether they like seeing people change and react to them should not be the litmus test for action. There are more important considerations than if some murderers got off on a power trip.


Turned out the European commitment to our values and supposed civilisation was never more than skin deep. Should have figured, but I genuinely thought we were better than this.

This has been the morbid irony behind the whole home-grown terror movement.

The parroting of pro-immigration rhetoric for decades never amounted to anything more than lip service. Europe failed to integrate and assimilate a large number of these immigrants and will now reap the results.


But the brothers were native Belgians....

In the minds of anti-immigrant people you never stop being an immigrant as long as you're of a "non-European" ethnicity. You could have had family in the country for over 150 years and you'd still have these people fret about fifth generation integration.

And let me pre-emptively point out that this is not aimed at anyone in this thread but at far-right politicians like the Polish government.
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