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Police fires 20 shots at huge shark after deadly attack.

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Sounds like overkill force to me. Few years ago a cop shot my year old chocolate lab mix (short, chubby) 8-10 times while he was on the run trying to escape. He had escaped my house earlier and managed to return to my old house and got trapped in the back yard and they couldn't capture him then he jumped the fence and booked it, so they drove around shooting him. True story. She (the cop) had blamed the dog for having killed one of her chickens a few weeks earlier, which wasn't possible because the dog never left my sight in that time frame nor was he the attack another animal type. Then her Son rubbed the entire story with all the details in my younger brothers face during school, telling the entire class. (7th grade) What are you gonna do? Small town, a Cop. More recently she lost her Job and might have been going to prison for stealing from her husbands parents and some other embezzlement. Anyway I didn't Want to go off topic or anything Just seeing Cops killing animals always gets me worked up.

dear god! did you sue at least or pursue charges?

It is interesting to me that my innocuous comment, however ignorant it may be to Gaf's ecological experts, was more controversial than comments that justified the shark's killing of the person.

Let me explain my views on the matter. The man who was killed by the shark was a lot like us in many ways. He had a mother and a father and may have had siblings. He probably had friends and perhaps a wife and children of his own. He worked for many years of his life, went to school just like we did; established friendships and relationships just like we did; practiced hobbies, watched movies, read books; felt sad and angry and happy and laughed and cried and stood in awe of the universe and thought about the nature of things and wondered where his life was headed.

On the day that he died, that man may have come to the beach to swim so he could clear his mind of some anxiety-inducing matters that are bound to bother all of us from time to time. He may have been thinking about what he was going to do that day, what he was going to eat, when he was going to find the time to finish some work, and maybe what he was going to get for his child on their birthday. Maybe, in a moment of sadness, he may have even thought about the death of one of his parents due to some inoperable, incurable disease that diligent scientists around the world are still trying to find cures for.

Do you want to know what that shark was doing that day? Want to know what he was thinking? Do you think the shark was lamenting the loss of his parents, or wondering what his purpose in the universe was? Do you think the shark had just gotten through doting over its offspring in an affectionate manner? This isn't Finding Nemo. The shark wasn't thinking any of those things.

So, I apologize to all the gaffers who have concluded that all life on this planet is equal, but I think you're wrong. Does this mean that I squash insects and wring the necks of chickens for pleasure? No. But I don't give a shit about the shark and can't feel anything but pity for the man who lost his life, and sympathy for his friends and family. How dare anyone in this thread shrug their shoulders and say, "Oh well, it was the shark's territory." That doesn't mean that you should admonish the man who died, or try to create some false parity between the life of a human being and that of a shark. Fuck the shark.

god damn you're a fucking moron, or a master level troll.


You got Moxie, kid!
Mortality and management of 96 shark attacks and development of a shark bite severity scoring system.

The Shark-Induced Trauma scale is one of my favorite things in medicine. The 8.3% mortality from shark attacks is probably my favorite useless medical statistic, too. No one has ever been impressed that I know that.

I wish the paper were open access. It actually says something like, "if there is danger of a shark attack, the first step is to get out of the water," which is amazing.

shark attacks vs. lighting strikes


For me personally, it would depend on how far out the guy went before being eaten by the shark. If it was farther than anyone generally goes, then it's not reasonable to bother going after the shark population out there. If it was right at a beach, where humans go all the time, and a shark wandered in the area, I'd be in favor of hunting that shark down and killing it.

but it isn´t like you can tell the shark "dont cross that line."
he will swim wherever he wants. i dont think the shark thougt to himself " what a nice day to eat a human."
i cant feel sorry for that man, he sure knew there are sharks in the ocean.


one person eaten. I don't fear sharks because I stay the fuck out of the water.

I can feel sorry for the person but I can't blame the shark for being shark.


You're a likable douche I'll give you that. Like that drunken uncle at family reunions that hates great whites.

I'm not anything like what you think. I like sharks from an observational standpoint.

People calling me a moron just need to shut up. They seriously think I'm stupid because of one or two posts they don't like, but if they checked my comment history they'd see our views are more or less aligned.


I harbor no ill will toward sharks or other predators, since we're the ones encroaching on their domain. And without them the population of seals/sea lions and other prey would explode.
This is why I'll stick to swimming pools, thank you

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
No, cajunator. Every square inch of this planet, land or ocean, is man's territory. And I'm not trying to be biblical when I say that. I'm just pointing out mankind's dominance in the world. This shark fucked with one man. Guess what's going to happen to him and the next 20 sharks they find.

Yeah, if more people were like you, we'd had no Earth for our grandchildren. But then again assholes run this planet, so you can probably have it your way.

If the Chinese have their way we wont have any sharks left pretty soon. or any that are left will be so rare it will be like seeing bigfoot

And don't forget about the whales too.

Angry Fork

I don't know why people gave Bombadil the time of day. The amount of retardation/ignorance in his stance is too much to take, either that or he's trolling.
Don't understand this. Sharks can be deadly obviously, but there aren't that many fatailities world wide from shark attacks each year. I think there were only something like 20-25 in 2012. There are other creatures that are far more deadly.


^ the picture and words so true.


I fucking hate sharks but unfortunately killing them all would unbalance the ecosystem.

Also lol at all of the 'Shark-Castle Doctrine' arguments in this thread. If you dare encroach on another animal's territory you should be prepared to suffer the consequences!

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
What do the Chinese have to do with whales? IIRC Europeans hunted whales to near extinction in order to harvest their oil for burning.

I assume he meant Japanese or mixed up the Japanese whaling industry with China's shark one.

Dammit, I did. Sorry. And thanks for the clarification. But my point still stands (just with another country).


Don't understand this. Sharks can be deadly obviously, but there aren't that many fatailities world wide from shark attacks each year. I think there were only something like 20-25 in 2012. There are other creatures that are far more deadly.


All I came to post and was beaten. I'll never understand the shark hate.


I'm not anything like what you think. I like sharks from an observational standpoint.

People calling me a moron just need to shut up. They seriously think I'm stupid because of one or two posts they don't like, but if they checked my comment history they'd see our views are more or less aligned.

The quickest way to avoid being called out is to not make ignorant statements. If you do, a "ya, I guess you have a point. My bad", people will back down and resume discussing the story. Claiming to have knowledge of ecology when you clearly have a very poor understanding of population dynamics at best is going to get people calling you out.

The entire world is not ours to do with what we please. The might makes right argument is the same one that lead to slavery and all sorts of other horrible events in human history. Individual animal lives are not as valued as human lives for obvious reasons, but animals have the right to exist, and a handful of people are not worth the lives of entire species.

From 2006-2010, 3 people were killed by sharks in the US. There were around 180 shark attacks during that time frame, so even people who are attacked by sharks end up living 98% of the time. From 2006-2010, over 1 billion people visited US coastal beaches. Your chances of being killed by a shark if you swam in the ocean between 2006-2010 were 1 in 333 million. For comparison, over a dozen high school and college students a year are killed playing football. 30 people a year are killed by pet dogs.

For every 1 person killed by a shark, people kill 25 million sharks, mostly so they can eat their fins.


Dammit, I did. Sorry. And thanks for the clarification. But my point still stands (just with another country).

You're still wrong, though, if you were trying to make some point about Japan and whales. They should stop hunting whales and dolphins, but they're not the primary reason that whales are endangered.


The quickest way to avoid being called out is to not make ignorant statements. If you do, a "ya, I guess you have a point. My bad", people will back down and resume discussing the story. Claiming to have knowledge of ecology when you clearly have a very poor understanding of population dynamics at best is going to get people calling you out.

The entire world is not ours to do with what we please. The might makes right argument is the same one that lead to slavery and all sorts of other horrible events in human history. Individual animal lives are not as valued as human lives for obvious reasons, but animals have the right to exist, and a handful of people are not worth the lives of entire species.

From 2006-2010, 3 people were killed by sharks in the US. There were around 180 shark attacks during that time frame, so even people who are attacked by sharks end up living 98% of the time. From 2006-2010, over 1 billion people visited US coastal beaches. Your chances of being killed by a shark if you swam in the ocean between 2006-2010 were 1 in 333 million. For comparison, over a dozen high school and college students a year are killed playing football. 30 people a year are killed by pet dogs.

For every 1 person killed by a shark, people kill 25 million sharks, mostly so they can eat their fins.

Overreacting much? My statement is ignorant? Okay great. I've read that 12 times today. Why don't you write a statement in response to the people who casually dismiss the death of the man who got eaten? Nothing to say against them? Everything's cool with nihiligaffers?

I've never eaten shark fin soup, I've never even went fishing. But I make one statement that means absolutely nothing and causes absolutely no harm to any animal, shark or not, and suddenly I got a bunch of fully licensed ecologists raising their fingers and making a stink at nothing.

I'm not ignorant for having no sympathy for great white sharks. I also don't have a button next to me that, when pressed, will kill all the sharks on the planet, so you guys can calm down. I bet some of you have contributed more to the death of sharks than I have.


Overreacting much? My statement is ignorant? Okay great. I've read that 12 times today. Why don't you write a statement in response to the people who casually dismiss the death of the man who got eaten? Nothing to say against them? Everything's cool with nihiligaffers?

I've never eaten shark fin soup, I've never even went fishing. But I make one statement that means absolutely nothing and causes absolutely no harm to any animal, shark or not, and suddenly I got a bunch of fully licensed ecologists raising their fingers and making a stink at nothing.

I'm not ignorant for having no sympathy for great white sharks. I also don't have a button next to me that, when pressed, will kill all the sharks on the planet, so you guys can calm down. I bet some of you have contributed more to the death of sharks than I have.

I think you are missing the point that, when I say ignorant statements, I am not talking about the first post you made in this thread. I don't really care that you dislike sharks. There is no logical reason to hate them. In terms of human deaths, they are way down the list for animals (substantially more people die from allergic reactions to cats). However, you are free to like or dislike whatever you want. A lot of people hate spiders for mostly no reason as well. The ignorant statements came later when you tried to argue ecology without much of an understanding of what you were talking about.

I guarantee you that you have been annoyed at some point in your GAF history when a poster argued out their ass in a thread where you actually did have a good deal of knowledge on the subject matter. You might even have made a post or two trying to outline why their argument is flawed. Calling a statement ignorant when it actually is ignorant is not an attack.

The "man has dominion over earth" type comment you made was ignorant. Some of the statements you made about ecology and population dynamics were ignorant too. Your opinion about sharks is up to you.

EDIT: As for the man who died, it's tragic that he was killed, but there is not much else to say on the matter. This is the first person killed in New Zealand by a shark in close to 40 years. We're not talking about a scourge on humanity or anything. All shark attacks are freak animal attacks going by how often they occur. However, thanks largely to Jaws, sharks have an aura of mysticism around them making all shark attacks worldwide news. If a New Zealander was killed by a sheep, we would never have heard about it. In reality, sheep kill way more people than sharks do.
To recover the body.

If not to stop the attack in progress.

why, he was already dead.

Overreacting much? My statement is ignorant? Okay great. I've read that 12 times today. Why don't you write a statement in response to the people who casually dismiss the death of the man who got eaten? Nothing to say against them? Everything's cool with nihiligaffers?

I've never eaten shark fin soup, I've never even went fishing. But I make one statement that means absolutely nothing and causes absolutely no harm to any animal, shark or not, and suddenly I got a bunch of fully licensed ecologists raising their fingers and making a stink at nothing.

I'm not ignorant for having no sympathy for great white sharks. I also don't have a button next to me that, when pressed, will kill all the sharks on the planet, so you guys can calm down. I bet some of you have contributed more to the death of sharks than I have.

your statements contribute to the fear and ignorance that is spread about sharks. if your statement menart nothing why didn't you say it was a joke? or did you just want to be a contrarian? do you think that makes you smart? and you're the dummy saying that you took all these ecology classes and when you have people refuting you with facts, you don't even acknowledge it.


"dear god! did you sue at least or pursue charges?"

Yeah, but it never got anywhere. Small town, a lot of the police seem to be corrupt and do whatever they please. Just a couple of years ago one of the higher up cops lost his job after getting caught having sex with a couple of 13-14 year old girls and doing drugs; I don't think he ever went to jail or anything more than losing his job.

The Woman who reported the dog came and apologized some time later saying she would have never expected that to happen. Obviously wasn't her fault though.


why, he was already dead.

your statements contribute to the fear and ignorance that is spread about sharks. if your statement menart nothing why didn't you say it was a joke? or did you just want to be a contrarian? do you think that makes you smart? and you're the dummy saying that you took all these ecology classes and when you have people refuting you with facts, you don't even acknowledge it.

You know, as dumb as I look, I don't think I compare at all to the dozens of people who diligently said the same thing over and over again in a mass circle jerk to admonish me. It's like I'm working in an office with 20 supervisors, all seizing the opportunity to tell me off just so they could feel better about themselves.

Congratulations, guys. You accomplished something today.


An all points bulletin has been put up for the shark in question, here's a photo:

The shark is armed and dangerous, please approach with caution. We need to take these motherfuckers out before they wipe us out.
You know, as dumb as I look, I don't think I compare at all to the dozens of people who diligently said the same thing over and over again in a mass circle jerk to admonish me. It's like I'm working in an office with 20 supervisors, all seizing the opportunity to tell me off just so they could feel better about themselves.

Congratulations, guys. You accomplished something today.

By making you look like an idiot?

I would like to give them the credit, but truth is it was all your work.
You know, as dumb as I look, I don't think I compare at all to the dozens of people who diligently said the same thing over and over again in a mass circle jerk to admonish me. It's like I'm working in an office with 20 supervisors, all seizing the opportunity to tell me off just so they could feel better about themselves.

Congratulations, guys. You accomplished something today.

Wow you come across both as insanely obnoxious and also a total idiot.
You sure showed them huh?


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Just so you know, if you kill all the sharks, jellyfish takes over the oceans and scallop, oyster, and clam become rare commodity.


And squid. The squid are pretty bad, when they have no predators they get out of control and eat almost everything (have been know to attack humans, they school like fish) and once they have killed everything they just cannibalise each other and keep breeding. Pretty cool really.


I smell a troll. Either that or deluded kid.

Man has dominion over the earth? that's why the vast majority of the planet is uninhabitable for us (not just the oceans but most of the land as well). Without technology we would be living on the margins, hunted by predators and stuck on small pockets with access to fresh water.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
It is interesting to me that my innocuous comment, however ignorant it may be to Gaf's ecological experts, was more controversial than comments that justified the shark's killing of the person.

Let me explain my views on the matter. The man who was killed by the shark was a lot like us in many ways. He had a mother and a father and may have had siblings. He probably had friends and perhaps a wife and children of his own. He worked for many years of his life, went to school just like we did; established friendships and relationships just like we did; practiced hobbies, watched movies, read books; felt sad and angry and happy and laughed and cried and stood in awe of the universe and thought about the nature of things and wondered where his life was headed.

Honestly, I know people have piled on in here but that was one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read on this forum. I just read it again.

"How dare anyone shrug their shoulders"? It's the fucking ocean. It's full of things that eat other animals. If you step in the ocean, you take the risk of being lunch. You'd think people would be smarter about it, given all the shark attacks you hear about. I guess they weigh up the small risk and do it anyway.

I find stuff like 'man has dominion over this Earth' incredibly deluded and obnoxious - most people would be found dead (or never found) if they were left in the wilderness/ocean alone for any length of time. The very fact you can go for a swim at a family beach and get EATEN kind of ruins your theory.
Why is that when people get eaten by lions in Africa they say that it is the human's fault for walking in the savannah in the first place, but seem to completely hate the great white's for eating a human while he is swimming in the deep blue? They are the same things in different locations.

There is a reason why we humans created things like houses and cities. We might feel like we are on top of the food chain but when push comes to shove and you have to survive in the wild with only your clothes, our #1 ranking plummets down under the squirrel.
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