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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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I just think its silly to think that far ahead. There are far to many factors.

2016 is as far as I'm realistically going with predicting candidates.
I think even 2016 is too far ahead practically speaking considering we don't even know if it'll be Obama's second term or Romney's first.

Obama-Clinton-Castro is my pipe dream fantasy alongside Democrats appointing the replacements for Kennedy and Scalia and winning supermajorities in the House and Senate.

PhoenixDark said:
It's also worth noting Citizen's United will make it harder for democrats to win. Obama is an exception to the rule given how popular he is among nearly every activist group/demographic of his party. What happens when someone other than Obama or Hillary, and no hype or bankable name, runs against a machine that can raise 70-100mil a month based off a few businessmen?
I get the feeling that the Democrats will start grooming many future Obama/Clinton-level superstars after the election. Hell just look at the DNC roster, Warren and Castro. They'll be building these candidates up in the future.


You will not have +20 years of Dem rule in the WH. However, what you will have is an electoral map where the number of purple states have increased to the detriment of the GOP. NC and VA are prime examples. Just a decade ago no one thought those two states were battle ground states. Now, the GOP are forced to defend them. With the demographic changes, it will only get worse for the GOP.
I think even 2016 is too far ahead practically speaking considering we don't even know if it'll be Obama's second term or Romney's first.

Obama-Clinton-Castro is my pipe dream fantasy alongside Democrats appointing the replacements for Kennedy and Scalia and winning supermajorities in the House and Senate.

Lol your pipe dream fantasy is dems controling everything. Its just that a pipe dream. I also tend to think whoever wins this race will win 2016 since the economy probably will have almost completely recovered and Romeny will run on his record or the Dem will run on Obama's.

a socially liberal GOP would turn the map on its head. I'm just not sure thats viable for quite some time
I don't think a socially liberal GOP is the be all end all. If they continue their tax rates to zero crusade that's not gonna fly either. A socially liberal tea party would not change the map much.
Lol your pipe dream fantasy is dems controling everything. Its just that a pipe dream. I also tend to think whoever wins this race will win 2016 since the economy probably will have almost completely recovered and Romeny will run on his record or the Dem will run on Obama's.
Well, my full pipe dream fantasy is that the Greens become the second party to Democrats but that's not feasible.
a socially liberal GOP would turn the map on its head. I'm just not sure thats viable for quite some time

Well isn't that what the Libertarian party is supposed to be? And it doesn't get much traction. OK, there is a decent Ron Paul fan club but I don't think he is that.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Read that. Raise the cap.

Also we have enough for a few decades then a bunch more at 75 percent

We have enough to pay full benefits to the fatass, sexed out, spendthrift Baby Boomers for a few decades. Then you and I will get shit.

The likelihood of the cap being raised far enough in advance to help us is inversely proportional to how useful attacking Republicans on entitlement reform is towards winning elections.


Just a decade ago no one thought those two states were battle ground states. Now, the GOP are forced to defend them. With the demographic changes, it will only get worse for the GOP.

Are there examples of the reverse situation - i.e. traditional blue states turning purple / red?
We have enough to pay full benefits to the fatass, sexed out, spendthrift Baby Boomers for a few decades. Then you and I will get shit.

The likelihood of the cap being raised far enough in advance to help us is inversely proportional to how useful attacking Republicans on entitlement reform is towards winning elections.

I think we have till 2030 something. We have plenty of time. Then the people losing out on benefits will be those voting in the largest numbers. We have plenty of time.
West Virginia

Arkansas had 2 Dem senators and 75% of its delegation was D until 2010. Now they have 1 dem congressman and 1 dem senator.

The house and Senate map for Democrats is extremely sucky.

Last I counted approx. 20 states that are solidly red and have gone more red at the State level after Obama's victory.
Sometimes I look at Romney and he seems to be thinking "Why did I sign up for this shit? I don't need this shit." Well . . . without the swear words.



You're also crazy to think that money won't flow in to the democratic party. Didn't Obama get more wall st. money in 2008?

That's probably mainly because it was obvious the Republican would lose.

Sometimes I look at Romney and he seems to be thinking "Why did I sign up for this shit? I don't need this shit." Well . . . without the swear words.

I see him thinking, "Only three more months of this bullshit and I'll be president. Fucking finally."
We have enough to pay full benefits to the fatass, sexed out, spendthrift Baby Boomers for a few decades. Then you and I will get shit.

No, we get whatever we want and demand.

The likelihood of the cap being raised far enough in advance to help us is inversely proportional to how useful attacking Republicans on entitlement reform is towards winning elections.

If benefits are lowered because the employer class is successful in their class war against employees, we only have ourselves to blame. If you don't want to see this happen, organize and fight.
The Mitt Romney campaign’s chief financial officer described himself as a “financial outsourcing consultant” on the professional networking website LinkedIn until at least July 17, according to a cached version of his profile page, but has since changed the description to “political/finance professional.”

The CFO, Bradley Crate, is also the founder and president of Red Curve Solutions , a Beverly-based financial management company that works with political campaigns, start-up companies, and nonprofit organizations.

Crate was an aide to Romney during his run for governor of Massachusetts in 2002 and later became the state’s capital planning and policy director when Romney was in office.

Crate’s brother, Darrell, is the Romney campaign’s treasurer and a former chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party.

Before going to work for Romney, Bradley Crate was a trader at JP Morgan Chase, where he traded in foreign markets, according to his profile.

not really important, but kind of funny.

Oh Mittens


Well isn't that what the Libertarian party is supposed to be? And it doesn't get much traction. OK, there is a decent Ron Paul fan club but I don't think he is that.

i would say excise the tea party, which i would assume is going to happen during Obama's 2nd term. Libertarians bring all kinds of crazy with them that a "responsible government" GOP wouldn't have. They would have trouble in the south, but unless there is a third party, where are they going to go? To the democrats? and the northeast gains would likely make up for the losses of low EV states in the south (again, which they wouldn't lose)
Cruz defeats Dewhurst in Texas for Republican Senate.

Not a good year for Rick Perry. Dewhurst is a pretty big scumbag so this isn't like Lugar getting ousted in a primary. I thought the best thing about this runoff was when Dewhurst challenged Cruz to a debate... in Spanish. Apparently, Cruz doesn't even speak Spanish.
He looks like he wants to ask where the best pulled pork sandwich is in Jerusalem.

You have no idea how much you love pork until you're in a place that doesn't have it. I've never craved a pork sandwich than the few days I spend in Israel.

Also I embarrassed myself at a kosher McDonalds once.
I've recently started watching Frontline and wow how does this series not have more exposure. PBS should have like 10x the funding it has now. We need our own BBC equivalent.


Romney is so confused even going to certain websites looks like the ramblings of someone with schizophrenia.

On Talkingpoints

07.31.2012 — 06:19 PM
Romney Pulls a Lucy

I was waiting for this to happen. Just when conservatives got in the groove and excited embracing Mitt Romney’s comments on Palestinian “culture,” Romney turns around and disavows the statement.

07.31.2012 — 10:54 PM
One More Time!!!

On try number three, Romney now says he stands behind remarks on Palestinian “culture.”

These entries are literally one on top of the other, separated by only hours of reporting.

Romney can't even keep his mind straight for more than five hours in a row lol
I've recently started watching Frontline and wow how does this series not have more exposure. PBS should have like 10x the funding it has now. We need our own BBC equivalent.

On the contrary, Frontline is probably one of the reasons politicians constantly want to cut off PBS funding.
Romney is so confused even going to certain websites looks like the ramblings of someone with schizophrenia.

On Talkingpoints

These entries are literally one on top of the other, separated by only hours of reporting.

Romney can't even keep his mind straight for more than five hours in a row lol

I'm too young to remember pre 2000 elections but has any campaign been this terrible at managment in recent history?


I'm too young to remember pre 2000 elections but has any campaign been this terrible at managment in recent history?

i mean there have been some pretty bad campaigns, and it'd be difficult to judge until we know if Romney loses or not

but IF he loses, I'd certainly say this is a top five worst run election campaign nominee for sure. IF he wins, it's going to be sad, sad commentary about the state of this country and their disconnectedness from the truth and reality (as well as the failure of the media to respond to outright lies and push back).

But I certainly can't remember a campaign that has flubbed this frequently. He made what should have been the easiest trip ever to Europe into a walking mine field of gaffes, and every single day he makes a statement and changes his mind about it three or four times. People called Kerry a flip flopper, but Romney makes Kerry look like a shining bastion for resolve and fortitude.
Mitt just released on Op-Ed on the Palestinian Culture remark.

Culture Does Matter
By Mitt Romney

During my recent trip to Israel, I had suggested that the choices a society makes about its culture play a role in creating prosperity, and that the significant disparity between Israeli and Palestinian living standards was powerfully influenced by it. In some quarters, that comment became the subject of controversy.

But what exactly accounts for prosperity if not culture? In the case of the United States, it is a particular kind of culture that has made us the greatest economic power in the history of the earth. Many significant features come to mind: our work ethic, our appreciation for education, our willingness to take risks, our commitment to honor and oath, our family orientation, our devotion to a purpose greater than ourselves, our patriotism. But one feature of our culture that propels the American economy stands out above all others: freedom. The American economy is fueled by freedom. Free people and their free enterprises are what drive our economic vitality.

The Founding Fathers wrote that we are endowed by our Creator with the freedom to pursue happiness. In the America they designed, we would have economic freedom, just as we would have political and religious freedom. Here, we would not be limited by the circumstance of birth nor directed by the supposedly informed hand of government. We would be free to pursue happiness as we wish. Economic freedom is the only force that has consistently succeeded in lifting people out of poverty. It is the only principle that has ever created sustained prosperity. It is why our economy rose to rival those of the world’s leading powers — and has long since surpassed them all.

The linkage between freedom and economic development has a universal applicability. One only has to look at the contrast between East and West Germany, and between North and South Korea for the starkest demonstrations of the meaning of freedom and the absence of freedom.

Israel is also a telling example. Like the United States, the state of Israel has a culture that is based upon individual freedom and the rule of law. It is a democracy that has embraced liberty, both political and economic. This embrace has created conditions that have enabled innovators and entrepreneurs to make the desert bloom. In the face of improbable odds, Israel today is a world leader in fields ranging from medicine to information technology.

As the case of Israel makes plain, building a free society is not a simple task. Rather, it is struggle demanding constant courage and sacrifice. Even here in the United States, which from our inception as a nation has been blessed with freedom, we faced monumental challenges in harmonizing our ideals with our institutions. We fought a bloody civil war against slavery and it took a nonviolent civil-rights movement to bring political and social equality to all Americans. In these epic struggles we changed our “culture” and vastly improved it.

I have just returned from a trip abroad. I visited three lands — Israel, Poland, and Great Britain — which are defined by their respective struggles for freedom. I met with some of the greatest heroes of those struggles. I am always glad to return to American soil. On this occasion, I am only strengthened in my conviction that the pursuit of happiness is not an American right alone. Israelis, Palestinians, Poles, Russians, Iranians, Americans, all human beings deserve to enjoy the blessings of a culture of freedom and opportunity.


The Founding Fathers wrote that we are endowed by our Creator with the freedom to pursue happiness. In the America they designed, we would have economic freedom, just as we would have political and religious freedom. Here, we would not be limited by the circumstance of birth nor directed by the supposedly informed hand of government.

hello? Slavery?

FWIW, I think he's just trying to say "democracy = prosperity, everything else = fail." But, as usual, he comes off stupid and ignorant by using the wrong words.

Oh Mittens


Romney is so confused even going to certain websites looks like the ramblings of someone with schizophrenia.

On Talkingpoints

These entries are literally one on top of the other, separated by only hours of reporting.

Romney can't even keep his mind straight for more than five hours in a row lol

Romney seems like someone who, in the morning for breakfast, will have a glass of juice, only to switch over to milk halfway through, then go back to the juice after the milk only to say that the milk is a failure to America and that the juice is truly what American's need for breakfast.
In the America they designed, we would have economic freedom, just as we would have political and religious freedom. Here, we would not be limited by the circumstance of birth nor directed by the supposedly informed hand of government.
Go fuck yourself Romney.
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