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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Dick Morris

The media is trying to create a sense of momentum and of inevitability about the Obama candidacy. One benighted Newsweek reporter even speculated about a possible Democratic landslide.

On Friday, I saw the real numbers. These state-by-state polls, taken by an organization I trust (after forty years of polling) show the real story. The tally is based on more than 600 likely voter interviews in each swing state within the past eight days.

The trend line is distinctly pro-Romney. Of the thirteen states studied, he improved or Obama slipped in nine states while the reverse happened in only four. To read the media, one would think that Romney had a terrible month. In fact, the exact reverse is true.

Romney is currently leading in every state McCain carried plus: Indiana, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, and Colorado. If he carries these states, he’ll have 228 electoral votes of the 270 he needs to win.

To win the election, Romney would then have to carry Florida where he trails by two points, and either Virginia (behind by two) or Ohio where he’s down by only one.

If he carries all three of these states and also wins all the others where Obama is now at 50% or less — Iowa, New Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey — he will get 351 electoral votes, a landslide about equal to Obama’s 363 vote tally in 2008.

Only the most fervent tea party fanatic could possibly believe this; I think most regular republicans either expect an Obama win or a small Romney victory.
Dick Morris is a fucking idiot.



Well Mitt still doesn't get it

Romney Dubs Obama’s Attacks ‘Obamaloney’
“We’ve been watching the president say a lot of things about me and my policies, and they’re just not right,” Romney told Fox News’ Carl Cameron. “If I were to coin a term it would be Obamaloney. He’s serving up a dish which is simply in contradiction of the truth, and it relates to everything from how I’m going to help the middle class to tax policy. He’s just simply saying things that are not accurate.”
I guess my dad is a fervent tea party fanatic then. I mean, I always knew he was a crazy republican, but he keeps going on about Obama's wedding registration stuff and how Obama is getting clobbered
Yeah, I'll acknowledge Romney has a chance of winning, but if he did it'd be by a slim margin. That's the GOP echo chamber telling all their members that everyone hates Obama.
"Our best estimate is that the Obamacare will cost 11 to 14 cents per pizza, or 15 to 20 cents per order from a corporate basis," Schnatter said.

So if I assume the worst of the estimates . . . 20 cents more a pizza? And then I can have the Pizza guilt-free knowing the employees have healthcare.

WELL THEN FUCKING DO IT. Sheesh. I guess I'm a bleeding-heart . . . I can't believe he'd rather have the guilt of some employee dying of cancer w/o health insurance when all he'd have to do is charge 20 cents more for a pizza. I really don't think 20 cents is going to make or break your company compared to your competitors. Hell . . . advertise the fact that you pay for your employees healthcare with 20 cents more per pie and that your competitors are letting their employees die of cancer w/o insurance and I'm sure you'll get a boost of business.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

I mean, it's not that I'm shocked that a CEO happens to e a dick, but I don't usually see them straight up and almost gleefully proclaim that they're going to fuck over the CONSUMERS (you know, the people who actually BUY your shit?) because Obama was mean to them.


This is pretty cool

Michael Jordan To Headline Obama Fundraiser
Michael Jordan will join in fundraising efforts for Barack Obama at an "Obama Classic" celeb basketball game, the Obama campaign said in an email to supporters.
According to the campaign email, the event will also include Kyrie Irving, Carmelo Anthony, Alonzo Mourning, Patrick Ewing and former WNBA star Sheryl Swoopes.



it's so..., uh, catchy?

My god, this turd is really bad at simply everything, isn't he?
He really is,he need to stop trying to copy Obama.
Good news apparently for Portman being VP:

One Clue To Romney's Veep Pick: Whose Wiki Page Is Getting The Most Edits?

Reddit post discussing it, with stuff like the Controversies section edited out, stuff about NAFTA taken out, and all of it done by one user who's account was since deleted

Apparently it's also being vandalized so take with a grain of salt

You know, people could edit pages to try to change InTrade futures. Sleazy, possibly illegal (?), but certainly possible.
Well Mitt still doesn't get it

Romney Dubs Obama’s Attacks ‘Obamaloney’


LOL so Obama comes up with a clever nickname for Romney's tax plan (Romney Hood), and Romney comes back with an awkward and contrived nickname for Obama.

This is pretty much exactly like when Obama released that devastating ad with Romney singing America the Beautiful off-key, so Romney came back with one of Obama singing Al Green to throngs of cheering supporters... you know until it was taken down for copyright infringement.

I don't think he meant who says something opposing Obamacare, but who says something like "we're gonna charge our customers more because we need to protect the millionaire investors." Even if that's true (and it always is), it doesn't seem like something you should say.
LOL so Obama comes up with a clever nickname for Romney's tax plan (Romney Hood), and Romney comes back with an awkward and contrived nickname for Obama.

This is pretty much exactly like when Obama released that devastating ad with Romney singing America the Beautiful off-key, so Romney came back with one of Obama singing Al Green to throngs of cheering supporters... you know until it was taken down for copyright infringement.
I envision the Romney campaign being a frenzied, panicky atmosphere at all times.

Even when Romney gets a good opportunity he'll either blow it or do something else that's stupid.


it's so..., uh, catchy?

My god, this turd is really bad at simply everything, isn't he?
It's kinda pathetic. Romney Hood is all over the twitter and news. Probably some poor intern was forced by Romney to come up with a similar witty play on Obama's name, and one of the names the intern came up with was Obamaloney. Romney's desperation knows no bounds.
It's kinda pathetic. Romney Hood is all over the twitter and news. Probably some poor intern was forced by Romney to come up with a similar witty play on Obama's name, and one of the names the intern came up with was Obamaloney. Romney's desperation knows no bounds.

Or maybe he was hinting that Sasha should marry James Loney of the Dodgers... then she could be Sasha Obama-Loney.


Professional Schmuck
Again, the fact that Romney is responding to Romneyhood with anything shows that he's being completely mismanaged and has a terrible campaign that hasn't been off the defensive since before the ACA ruling. Dude's in serious trouble.


Again, the fact that Romney is responding to Romneyhood with anything shows that he's being completely mismanaged and has a terrible campaign that hasn't been off the defensive since before the ACA ruling. Dude's in serious trouble.

I would say it would be wise of Romney to fire his entire staff and bring on some new blood, but transitioning to a new team would probably make things even worse for him this far in.
Romney may be President by running a campaign solely based on running from his record, not telling people what he would actually do and lying. It is mind blowing.


Professional Schmuck
I would say it would be wise of Romney to fire his entire staff and bring on some new blood, but transitioning to a new team would probably make things even worse for him this far in.

Right. And firing his staff en masse would only prove the skeptics correct. Instead, he's going to bring in an expert here, a new expert there. The damage is done either way.

Also, the economy is improving, even if it's in fits and starts.


Romney may be President by running a campaign solely based on running from his record, not telling people what he would actually do and lying. It is mind blowing.

Yeah its mind blowing but wait till the debates, you better believe Obama is going to challenge him for answers and when he can't give them in front of a live television audience...well there is no spinning in the world the media can do to save him from that moment of epic fail

It will be just like George HW Bush looking at his watch and McCain pointing at Obama, a moment that idiot general population figures out this is not the right person to vote for


Combine that with the element of value and effectiveness of each dollar. A greater bankroll doesn't help matters when your ultimate message is poorly constructed or conveyed; a $100 million ad buy that doesn't reach or resonate with the correct audience will fail no matter how polished or pervasive it is, while a $1 million buy that reaches the correct audience in the correct emotional way will be infinitely more effective. Obama's proved very capable at getting value for his campaign dollar, and from what Ghaleon just posted it seems safe to argue that Romney's functionally pissing away money.
Your point about conveying the message is paramount. Obama maintains a decided advantage in his ability to effectively convey his message because of his campaign infrastructure. Not to wholly discount political advertisements, but their import is highly exaggerated. Their effects are typically ephemeral and only marginally more effective than worthless tactics such as robocalls. Instead, personal efforts, such as canvassing, have an appreciable effect on turnout. That's Obama's cardinal advantage. I've posted on his organizational advantage previously. It proved to be a considerable boon against Hillary, McCain, and, now, Romney.
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