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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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aka andydumi
I said holy shit out loud.

Respect for Marriage Act? Goddamn son.

Where is this from?

A large portion of the base thought that last time, and this time we ended up with Mitt. Realistically, electability is still a large priority with them no matter how much they scream about real conservatism.

A lot of the surveys during the primaries showed most Republicans, including Tea Party ones, to be more concerned with defeating Obama overall than with the individual Tea Party positions.

I know all about farmer problems, my friend owns 54 farms.

Ok so now the Wall Street Journal has an editorial called "Why Not Ryan?" Am I the only one not taking crazy pills? Why would Ryan hitch his future to a 'losing' campaign?


Losing as a VP candidate doesn't really damage your future. If anything it shows you're ready and motivated for the Presidency. Ryan's not going to escape his ideology and there's no reason why he would want to--from his point of view, a VP run would be win-win. In fact, Romney's failure would obscure any clear indication that Ryan's values killed the ticket. Even with Palin, there's no way to say that McCain would have won with anyone else. He probably wouldn't.

All that said, Romney ain't picking him.

Edit: At this point, I'd say the race is trending towards Obama in a walk, barring a major "event" between now and the election. A major economic crash, something to upset the status quo. I don't think a stagnant or even slightly deteriorating economy is going to motivate enough GOP voters now or swing enough independents for Romney.
The thing about Paul Ryan is that, if he's VP and Obama makes and ad saying "Paul Ryan's budget, which Romney supports, does this and that to Medicare" all Romney's camp has to do is put out an ad saying "Politifact's 2011 Lie of the Year!" Which would send a much stronger message, I think.

Mike M

Nick N
The thing about Paul Ryan is that, if he's VP and Obama makes and ad saying "Paul Ryan's budget, which Romney supports, does this and that to Medicare" all Romney's camp has to do is put out an ad saying "Politifact's 2011 Lie of the Year!" Which would send a much stronger message, I think.

So long as Obama doesn't utter "end Medicare," I don't think that's the case.

Mike M

Nick N
Meh, I don't think it's be all that difficult to phrase it a whole bunch of different ways (Drastically alter Medicare, fundamentally change Medicare, deny future Medicare recipients access to the services enjoyed by the current generation, etc.) that the constant drumbeat of references of it continuing to exist would drown out a "Ending Medicare was the lie of the year!" ad.

It's all moot, Ryan isn't the VP anyway.


Romney Camp Pushes Back Against Recent Polling Data
“Guys, it’s the middle of summer, it’s the dolldrums, it’s the middle of the Olympics,” the adviser who spoke on background said. “There has not been any national news, anything that would push these numbers from 3 to 9 points.”

The adviser pointed to no changes in Gallup or Rassmussen tracking numbers as evidence those polls were wrong.

“You’ve got to have something to precipitate that kind of sea change,” the adviser said. “The attitudes toward the economy, attitudes on right direction, wrong track haven’t changed a bit. It hasn’t changed, it is still the same as it was a month ago in terms of attitudes toward the economy.”

Haha man they are delusional as hell.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
People always say "people don't know him," but doesn't that change with the announcement and the convention? Nobody knew who Palin was and she became a superstar overnight. I don't think Portman would necessarily be anywhere as popular, but as the media focuses on him and the GOP hypes him up he'll be fine. Then again, I haven't paid that much attention to VPs before Palin, so I don't really know.

Palin became a superstar overnight because she was female and bizarre and every time she opened her mouth inaninty and insanity fell out like a fat burglar hiding in a wardrobe. That is not going to happen with ANY male outside of Trump.

You can't make a white male republican a superstar overnight, or that would be the first name on the ticket to begin with.


It would be close enough that the Romney campaign would run the ad. Hell, if the tables were turned it would be close enough that the Obama campaign would probably run the ad

we had the discussion earlier that calling someone a liar, especially in the political arena, is a horrible horrible idea.

The fact that Romney has already done this should be enough evidence
The thing about Paul Ryan is that, if he's VP and Obama makes and ad saying "Paul Ryan's budget, which Romney supports, does this and that to Medicare" all Romney's camp has to do is put out an ad saying "Politifact's 2011 Lie of the Year!" Which would send a much stronger message, I think.

And yet the budget is still extremely unpopular among senior citizens and independents. Even if democrats can't argue it ends Medicare "as we know it" they can certainly freak everyone out by constantly using the word "voucher" without getting hit with a penalty flag. It's a toxic plan

Trying to force Ryan onto the ticket tells me that
1) conservatives feel if they're going to lose, they want to lose on their own terms
2) if an economic disaster occurs, this pick could end up being the perfect Trojan horse to get Ryan and his budget into the White House

Barring some catastrophe this will be a close election. If the world blows up like it did in Sept 08 then you might as well hand the election to Romney. That's truly the best way to get him into office. Who knows, maybe Wall Steeet plays along to make it happen
God, please let us Romney select Ryan.

“You’ve got to have something to precipitate that kind of sea change,” the adviser said. “The attitudes toward the economy, attitudes on right direction, wrong track haven’t changed a bit. It hasn’t changed, it is still the same as it was a month ago in terms of attitudes toward the economy.”
Yeah . . . that is probably true. And that is the scary part for your campaign . . . the economy is weak, everyone knows it, but your campaign still can't seem to get anyone to like your guy! Most people don't believe he'll make anything better with his plans disrespecting gays and taking from the middle class to give to the rich.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


Where is this from?

The draft language in the Democratic Party platform endorsing marriage equality has been revealed and shown to say “we support marriage equality” is set to become a tenet of the party’s beliefs.

“We support the right of all families to have equal respect, responsibilities, and protections under the law. We support marriage equality and support the movement to secure equal treatment under law for same-sex couples. We also support the freedom of churches and religious entities to decide how to administer marriage as a religious sacrament without government interference.”

“We oppose discriminatory federal and state constitutional amendments and other attempts to deny equal protection of the laws to committed same-sex couples who seek the same respect and responsibilities as other married couples. We support the full repeal of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act.”

whats close? Percentage wise yes, what do you consider close EV wise?

A Romney win would likely be equal or smaller than Bush's 2004 ev margin. I'm away from a computer and can't use 270towin.com but let's say Rimney recovers in Virginia, wins Ohio, wins Nevada, and wins Florida and NC.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Aug 7-9, 2012 – Updates daily at 1 p.m. ET; reflects one-day change

Obama Approval
43% -3
Obama Disapproval
51% +3



A Romney win would likely be equal or smaller than Bush's 2004 ev margin. I'm away from a computer and can't use 270towin.com but let's say Rimney recovers in Virginia, wins Ohio, wins Nevada, and wins Florida and NC.

i agree with you on that side, but an Obama win would have him at 300+. I'm not sure what people call close on the EV side of things
i agree with you on that side, but an Obama win would have him at 300+. I'm not sure what people call close on the EV side of things

You're right, I should have said a Romney win would likely be close barring some national disaster. Whereas an Obama win could easily replicate 2008's ev or close to it


You're right, I should have said a Romney win would likely be close barring some national disaster. Whereas an Obama win could easily replicate 2008's ev or close to it

yeah, i think close, i dont think he can carry NC again, at the very least. Either way the popular vote will be much closer.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hah, I think that's Gallup's largest spread for Romney. They've been all over the map this cycle with these weird swings.

It'll swing back in a few days.

That's just the Obama approval/disapproval. Obama and Romney are tied at 46.


No Scrubs
Daily polls seem to swing a bit too much, they would probably be a bit more stable if they were weekly instead. I mean day by day numbers make no sense this far out anyway.


Well, of course Romney wouldn't hang around lowly, real farmers. They're too dirty for him. He'd have to go bathe himself in antibacterial soap in his gold-plated hot tub in his tour bus after that.

Yeah but the point of him doing this is because he wants to win Iowa and the Midwest. You aren't going to do that by having a photo op with a farmer who is about as far away from being a real midwestern farmer as you can get lol
The thing about Paul Ryan is that, if he's VP and Obama makes and ad saying "Paul Ryan's budget, which Romney supports, does this and that to Medicare" all Romney's camp has to do is put out an ad saying "Politifact's 2011 Lie of the Year!" Which would send a much stronger message, I think.

Nobody gives a shit about fact-checking, for better or worse (mostly worse). "That's a lie" is a defensive statement. Which is why the Rove playbook was to just fucking lie all the time.


Wait, so within the same exact thought he states effectively that Birtherism is fucking crackpot nonsense not worth wasting time on (via the tax question) but that Donald Trump is awesome and a fantastic asset to the republican party.


Actually, I think they buried the lede on this one: "While it’s unclear if Trump will speak at the Republican Convention, the top Romney surrogate is slated to be awarded “Statesman of the Year” honors by the Republican Party of Sarasota, Florida at a fundraising event a day before the festivities begin."

Seriously, I know it's just local Republicans but still: in what universe is Donald Trump 'Statesman of the Year'? I mean, just how far out of the mainstream are these people?
Actually, I think they buried the lede on this one: "While it’s unclear if Trump will speak at the Republican Convention, the top Romney surrogate is slated to be awarded “Statesman of the Year” honors by the Republican Party of Sarasota, Florida at a fundraising event a day before the festivities begin."

Seriously, I know it's just local Republicans but still: in what universe is Donald Trump 'Statesman of the Year'? I mean, just how far out of the mainstream are these people?

Well at least they did not give it to JOHN BOLTON!

Maybe the Statesman of the Year thing is a way to throw a bone at the clown and not give him a convention speaking slot.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Actually, I think they buried the lede on this one: "While it’s unclear if Trump will speak at the Republican Convention, the top Romney surrogate is slated to be awarded “Statesman of the Year” honors by the Republican Party of Sarasota, Florida at a fundraising event a day before the festivities begin."

Seriously, I know it's just local Republicans but still: in what universe is Donald Trump 'Statesman of the Year'? I mean, just how far out of the mainstream are these people?

There is no way that is true. I mean, just no way. I mean I know it's Florida, but how are we supposed to even take them seriously at this point?


No Scrubs
Actually, I think they buried the lede on this one: "While it’s unclear if Trump will speak at the Republican Convention, the top Romney surrogate is slated to be awarded “Statesman of the Year” honors by the Republican Party of Sarasota, Florida at a fundraising event a day before the festivities begin."

Seriously, I know it's just local Republicans but still: in what universe is Donald Trump 'Statesman of the Year'? I mean, just how far out of the mainstream are these people?

They must have been drunk at the time.


Despite administration warnings that notices related to sequestration were unnecessary, Lockheed Martin and Pratt & Whitney are continuing their preparations.

Lockheed Martin and Pratt & Whitney are going forward with plans to issue layoff notices to thousands of employees due to looming defense cuts under sequestration, despite administration claims that such warnings are unnecessary.


Will Congress even manage to cut defense?


it sucks to lose your job in a poor economy but overspending needlessly on defense is a pretty poor stimulus package. It makes me worried that the administration is saying not to worry.


No Scrubs
it sucks to lose your job in a poor economy but overspending needlessly on defense is a pretty poor stimulus package. It makes me worried that the administration is saying not to worry.

There is probably an extension in the works, it wouldn't surprise me. This wouldn't look good for anyone.
Shouldn't the Romney camp be even more concerned that despite nothing huge happening, their candidate is clearly losing? It's been a death by a million cuts so far, from the gaffes to the report on his tax plan to him not releasing his own tax information.

Still, Silver doesn't think Obama is leading by that much, and agrees nothing has happened to explain the big lead polls are showing
Cant help but chuckling to myself as I am reading this article about Romney taking the 'high ground' in the campaign. Of course you've taken the high ground, you've covered all ground with your flip-flops silly.

Jesus christ, is there a shed of honesty at all in his campaign? There's enough hypocrisy packed in to make everyone's head explode. I'd like to hear one honest truth that have come out of his mouth, just one.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Shouldn't the Romney camp be even more concerned that despite nothing huge happening, their candidate is clearly losing? It's been a death by a million cuts so far, from the gaffes to the report on his tax plan to him not releasing his own tax information.

Still, Silver doesn't think Obama is leading by that much, and agrees nothing has happened to explain the big lead polls are showing

Romney's worry should be that the polls are settling to a spot where they should have been all along.




Unless people are just giving up on Romney, I honestly doubt the convention changes that as everytime he has had a chance to make a statement it backfires. Now he will just make those blunders while the world watches live

If Clinton breaks out the sax during the convention......
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