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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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That's just the Obama approval/disapproval. Obama and Romney are tied at 46.

Ah, I totally misread it. My mindset was still in the head to head polls. *facepalm*

Shouldn't the Romney camp be even more concerned that despite nothing huge happening, their candidate is clearly losing? It's been a death by a million cuts so far, from the gaffes to the report on his tax plan to him not releasing his own tax information.

Still, Silver doesn't think Obama is leading by that much, and agrees nothing has happened to explain the big lead polls are showing

This is true, but on balance, Silver looks at the other inputs to their model and concludes Romney should be worried (but not yet panicking).

Nate Silver said:
To be clear, the model has shown a favorable trend for Mr. Obama lately. His chances of winning the Electoral College rose to 73.3 percent on Wednesday, a new high. His projected margin of victory over Mr. Romney in the national popular vote, 2.8 percentage points, is also a new high.

But the shift is more because the consensus of evidence has been slightly favorable to Mr. Obama than any one piece of evidence pointing toward a major inflection point in the race.

The economic numbers are still very mixed, but the jobs report was better in July, personal income growth has been accelerating and the stock market has been rallying. I’m certainly not going to render a prediction about the long-term future of the euro zone, but it now seems less likely that it will blow up soon enough to substantially affect the election in November. (Perhaps whichever candidate wins will have a huge mess on his hands in 2013 instead.)

Mr. Obama has also had a fairly strong set of polls from swing states. It’s just not a good sign for Mr. Romney that he’s down in almost all polls of Ohio, and more often than not, in polls of Florida and Virginia as well — although he has posted some better numbers in Colorado recently.

Finally, and despite my earlier caution about how time in a campaign should be measured on a relative rather than absolute scale, we are seeing some time tick off the clock. Mr. Obama is almost certainly ahead right now, so any day that the status quo is preserved is basically a good one for him.

Things are starting to add up, and while some big events loom - veep, conventions, debates - time is runnnig off the clock.


Why do people think the convention's going to give some huge bump to Romney? They're both having conventions, so they'll both be in the news with whatever they're saying there. It's not like this convention is actually cementing Romney as the candidate. Everyone already knows that's happened. It'd only be big news if he was suddenly, somehow not the candidate after the convention. At this point it's just two super huge rally events for each of the candidates. Sure if they knock it out of the part compared to the Dems, then maybe, but I just don't see that happening. Both sides will be invigorated.


aka andydumi
One thing that would invigorate Romney would be to release taxes showing he paid a fair amount. Sort of a "see I told you they were lying, I am an honest man" approach. If this happens it will be a brilliant move by the campaign.

But realistically I don't think it will, because i don't believe he did pay a "fair" amount.


Why do people think the convention's going to give some huge bump to Romney? They're both having conventions, so they'll both be in the news with whatever they're saying there. It's not like this convention is actually cementing Romney as the candidate. Everyone already knows that's happened. It'd only be big news if he was suddenly, somehow not the candidate after the convention. At this point it's just two super huge rally events for each of the candidates. Sure if they knock it out of the part compared to the Dems, then maybe, but I just don't see that happening. Both sides will be invigorated.

Convention bumps are by definition fleeting. IIRC, Silver forecast how long they would last for both Obama and McCain based on the proximity of the Dem and GOP conventions to one another. He was almost spot on. I was just listing it along with other major events.

Among them, I think the debates will be most critical (setting aside outside major economic events).


No Scrubs
One thing that would invigorate Romney would be to release taxes showing he paid a fair amount. Sort of a "see I told you they were lying, I am an honest man" approach. If this happens it will be a brilliant move by the campaign.

But realistically I don't think it will, because i don't believe he did pay a "fair" amount.

If this were the case he would have released like 20 years worth months ago.


Huntsman Sr. isn't Reid's source, but he probably doesn't like Romney much anyway.

“I feel very badly that Mitt won’t release his taxes and won’t be fair with the American people,” Huntsman told me. In a reference to Romney’s father, who pioneered the release of returns as a presidential candidate, Huntsman said: “I loved George. He always said, pay your taxes for at least 10 or 12 years.”

“Mr. Romney ought to square with the American people and release his taxes like any other candidate,” Huntsman said. “I’ve supported Mitt all along. I wish him well. But I do think he should release his income taxes.”
I'm honestly still shocked at the amount of traction romney has. Politics really has turned into the NFL. It's all "GO TEAM!" no matter what they stand for.

I honestly would have a fair amount of respect if MItt came out and said "Look, I'm a rich mother fucker, so I want to take care of rich mother fuckers like myself. That way, we can be rich mother fuckers together and not have to hang out with you poor mother fuckers who hate my success. I think we rich mother fuckers make the mother fuckin' world go round like a disco ball. I have so much money I like to swim around in it like Scrooge McDuck. I make it rain, you bitches should call me Hurricane Mitt. And I'm not giving any of ya'll shit. I'm gonna raise your taxes so mine don't go up. And I can get away with it cause I can call myself "a job creator". When all I'm really doing is creating fat stacks for me and my family. I'm not giving shit back. That's how I roll. VOTE FOR ME, BITCHES!"

But he doesn't. Instead he acts like a fucking champion for the regular guy because, you know, he had it hard in school. They ate tuna fish and sold stocks! But then he flip flops on everything. He doesn't even know what his stance is on issues. Neither does his campaign.

And people applaud it because they want to be just like him.

Whole lotta bitch-like behavior.

Mitt is basically a repressed, white, morman version of Puff Daddy.

Mike M

Nick N
“I feel very badly that Mitt won’t release his taxes and won’t be fair with the American people,” Huntsman told me. In a reference to Romney’s father, who pioneered the release of returns as a presidential candidate, Huntsman said: “I loved George. He always said, pay your taxes for at least 10 or 12 years.”

Love the implication that gaming your taxes outside those 10 or 12 years was kosher.


“I feel very badly that Mitt won’t release his taxes and won’t be fair with the American people,” Huntsman told me. In a reference to Romney’s father, who pioneered the release of returns as a presidential candidate, Huntsman said: “I loved George. He always said, pay your taxes for at least 10 or 12 years.”

Haha, anyone else take this as a huge stealth jab to Mitt? Like he's acknowledging that not only is he not showing them, he probably isn't even paying them for the 10 years, like Reid is accusing him of doing. Also partially seems like a jab that if you're running for president you should be smart enough to at least pay them for enough years to release them and get people off your back.

Love the implication that gaming your taxes outside those 10 or 12 years was kosher.

That's not what I got out of that quote. See above. It seems like a "well at least if you're going to game it, be smart enough to pay the shit for the 10 years you need to show everyone!" like Mitt probably hasn't even done that.


least if you're going to game it, be smart enough to pay the shit for the 10 years you need to show everyone!" like Mitt probably hasn't even done that.

That's how I read it. It's like he recognizes that Romney didn't do his due dilligence. It's so revealing to see it phrased the way he did.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm honestly still shocked at the amount of traction romney has. Politics really has turned into the NFL. It's all "GO TEAM!" no matter what they stand for.

I honestly would have a fair amount of respect if MItt came out and said "Look, I'm a rich mother fucker, so I want to take care of rich mother fuckers like myself. That way, we can be rich mother fuckers together and not have to hang out with you poor mother fuckers who hate my success. I think we rich mother fuckers make the mother fuckin' world go round like a disco ball. I have so much money I like to swim around in it like Scrooge McDuck. I make it rain, you bitches should call me Hurricane Mitt. And I'm not giving any of ya'll shit. I'm gonna raise your taxes so mine don't go up. And I can get away with it cause I can call myself "a job creator". When all I'm really doing is creating fat stacks for me and my family. I'm not giving shit back. That's how I roll. VOTE FOR ME, BITCHES!"

But he doesn't. Instead he acts like a fucking champion for the regular guy because, you know, he had it hard in school. They ate tuna fish and sold stocks! But then he flip flops on everything. He doesn't even know what his stance is on issues. Neither does his campaign.

And people applaud it because they want to be just like him.

Whole lotta bitch-like behavior.

Mitt is basically a repressed, white, morman version of Puff Daddy.

The passion is more like College Football, where it's basically irrational. Most NFL fans know their team's fate and accept it about 2/3rds of the way into the season and start rooting for whoever is going to dong on the Patriots/Cowboys. College Football fans just froth from beginning to end of season about a college they statistically did not attend and have no affiliation with outside of geography.
I'm honestly still shocked at the amount of traction romney has. Politics really has turned into the NFL. It's all "GO TEAM!" no matter what they stand for.

I honestly would have a fair amount of respect if MItt came out and said "Look, I'm a rich mother fucker, so I want to take care of rich mother fuckers like myself. That way, we can be rich mother fuckers together and not have to hang out with you poor mother fuckers who hate my success. I think we rich mother fuckers make the mother fuckin' world go round like a disco ball. I have so much money I like to swim around in it like Scrooge McDuck. I make it rain, you bitches should call me Hurricane Mitt. And I'm not giving any of ya'll shit. I'm gonna raise your taxes so mine don't go up. And I can get away with it cause I can call myself "a job creator". When all I'm really doing is creating fat stacks for me and my family. I'm not giving shit back. That's how I roll. VOTE FOR ME, BITCHES!"

I'd add . . . "But you have to vote for me anyway because like you, I want to ban all abortion, keep those queers repressed, deny those environmentalist do-gooders whatever they want, keep those brown-skinned people out of our country, and guns for everyone!"


I hope Ron Paul supporters cause enough of a mess at the convention to divert some of the attention their way.

Isn't Rand Paul speaking, that should take some attention away from Mittens. Especially since Rand puts his foot in his mouth almost everytime he speaks
Huntsman said: “I loved George. He always said, pay your taxes for at least 10 or 12 years.”

Oh. wow. *knife twist*

It would be amazing if the conference actually hurts Romney because the Paul people fuck things up
I know the Paulites have it in em.


It would be amazing if the conference actually hurts Romney because the Paul people fuck things up

That's exactly what I'm hoping for. Ron Paul won't get ALL THE DELEGATES, but hopefully they can cause enough of a mess to divert attention media attention away from Romney.


No Scrubs
It would be amazing if the conference actually hurts Romney because the Paul people fuck things up

Oh god, that would make AMAZING television. I think most newspeople are hoping for this, not out loud, but quietly and in their prayers before they go to sleep. Comedians too.


Why do people think the convention's going to give some huge bump to Romney? They're both having conventions, so they'll both be in the news with whatever they're saying there.

The convention itself will not show Romney to be a better candidate than he currently is and sway voters thusly, but during/after the party conventions people actually start to pay attention to the race, and numbers will take shape in ways we can't predict at this time. This is why most political scientists will tell you it's best to wait 'til after Labor Day to start analysing statewide polling to determine the nature of the race in a meaningful way.

Even if his lead is short-lived like McCain's, Romney will most likely be leading at some point in this race when he reaches the high water mark of Republican unity and Independents' receptiveness. People should prepare themselves for that right now.


Junior Member
Shouldn't the Romney camp be even more concerned that despite nothing huge happening, their candidate is clearly losing? It's been a death by a million cuts so far, from the gaffes to the report on his tax plan to him not releasing his own tax information.

Still, Silver doesn't think Obama is leading by that much, and agrees nothing has happened to explain the big lead polls are showing

The problem is that in the fall, the job market is going to start revving up for the holiday season. So there's a good chance that the UE number will drop below 8%.

Remember the last year?

June 2011: 18,000 jobs
July 2011: 117,000 jobs
August 2011: 0 Jobs
September 2011: 103,000 jobs
October 2011: 80,000 jobs
November 2011: 206,000 jobs

If this repeats itself, Obama could be sitting pretty in time for election day.

pretty remarkable

This is business not personal: Romney also said in the interview he would like a pledge (of sorts) with Obama that there be no "personal" attack ads. "[O]ur campaign would be — helped immensely if we had an agreement between both campaigns that we were only going to talk about issues and that attacks based upon — business or family or taxes or things of that nature." (Question: Is Romney really saying that scrutinizing his business record — which he has held up as one of his chief qualifications to be president — is personal? But we digress. ...) He continued: "[W]e only talk about issues. And we can talk about the differences between our positions and our opponent's position." Romney said of his own campaign: "[O]ur ads haven't gone after the president personally. ... [W]e haven't dredged up the old stuff that people talked about last time around. We haven't gone after the personal things." That doesn't mean surrogates or Super PACs have, as was brought up to him. Bottom line, obviously, this negative stuff is getting to Romney or he wouldn't have said this. Campaigns that are winning never complain about the tone of the campaign (although Obama certainly laments "crazy" things outside groups say — more on that below.). There will be more on this from Romney on MSNBC's The Daily Rundown. Did he just offer the Obama campaign an official pledge? See for yourself.

as he's always shown, this guy cannot handle an attack. he better be practicing for the debates or he's going to embarrass himself.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
They're too busy not realizing that their messiah sold them out.

He's done that so many times, guy is about as principled as Romney, he's just more consistent with his messaging. People following a doddering old zealot who vacillated between what was palatable to his Stormfront fringe and his mainstream republican ambitions - just as pathetic as following Romney because he's the only electable candidate.


No Scrubs

pretty remarkable

as he's always shown, this guy cannot handle an attack. he better be practicing for the debates or he's going to embarrass himself.

He hasn't gone after the president personally, what do you call the last year or so then Mittens? This debate is going to be something to behold. We all know he'll get roflstomped in the FP one, but he might just get stomped in the others as well at this rate.


Oh my god. How can you continue a campaign if you can't handle the fact that your opponent is hitting you? Seriously, what a pathetic move. Is there a sign of defeat that's more weak than begging your opponent to stop picking on you three months before the election?

This guy absolutely should not have ran for this office. He doesn't want to open himself up and he absolutely cannot stand scrutiny.

Mike M

Nick N
It's hilarious they're attempting to classify criticism of his business practices as "personal attacks" when it's the very foundation of his claim that he's the more qualified candidate.

pretty remarkable

as he's always shown, this guy cannot handle an attack. he better be practicing for the debates or he's going to embarrass himself.

And this guy we're supposed to trust to handle himself on the international stage in the hypothetical 3 am phone call in the morning? Obama has an incredibly thick skin and despite the outright LIES about him, continues to shrug it off.

He hasn't gone after the president personally, what do you call the last year or so then Mittens? This debate is going to be something to behold. We all know he'll get roflstomped in the FP one, but he might just get stomped in the others as well at this rate.
What gave you the idea he stood a chance in the others?
Just watch. Romney will be like Rocky and make a comeback.


Wait, didn't Rocky lose to the black guy? Shit.

Yeah, but he lost victoriously and was a hero, so maybe that will happen to Mitt.

LOL, no. If he loses, the right is going to kick him so hard that he'll want to move to France. They'll be all over him for Romneycare, flip-flopping, being Mormon, etc.


Oh my god. How can you continue a campaign if you can't handle the fact that your opponent is hitting you? Seriously, what a pathetic move. Is there a sign of defeat that's more weak than begging your opponent to stop picking on you three months before the election?

This guy absolutely should not have ran for this office. He doesn't want to open himself up and he absolutely cannot stand scrutiny.

If Santorum and Gingrinch had unlimited money he would have done this earlier. Obama seriously just needs to watch how Perry handled Mitt and then repeat it and watch him implode


If Santorum and Gingrinch had unlimited money he would have done this earlier. Obama seriously just needs to watch how Perry handled Mitt and then repeat it and watch him implode

It doesn't seem like this onslaught is thickening his skin. I imagine he'll be no better at taking heat when the debates come around. I hope he just has one moment where he loses it on screen.
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