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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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I was just about to make this and upon first GIS for Rolls Royce, this popped up.

And this was on a conservative's website no less. Nothing says "f you, I got mine" like a Rolls.
Perfect. :lol


I wonder what's going to happen when Mitt Romney's close, personal friend Newt Gingrich starts getting the questions on right wing social engineering.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
The best part about this cycle is that there were literally zero (0, none, nada, zilch) wise picks that were willing to take the job if offered.

At least Pawlenty was a safeish pick that wouldn't rustle any feathers. Over the next few months, we're going to see hundreds of millions of dollars being spent advertising why Paul Ryan's budget is the best/worst thing for America.


From a few weeks ago:


Concern for the most vulnerable has a ballot box impact. After hearing balanced facts about the Ryan budget and messages on both sides, we asked voters to weigh the two Presidential candidates based on their positions on the Ryan budget and its impact on the most vulnerable. Not only does focusing on the most vulnerable not hurt the President, it helps him – Obama’s margin widens to 9 points, with his vote climbing above 50 percent.

• Obama’s base consolidates against the Ryan budget. The Rising American Electorate (youth, minorities and unmarried women) who swept Obama into office move sharply against Romney in this survey, especially unmarried women, who shift a net 10 points.
By far, the strongest messages all emphasize the basic understanding that we live in a moral country. These messages confront basic core principles—that we need to live in a moral country, that we should not punish children who are poor through no fault of their own, and that it is in our American character to help those who are less fortunate. Two-thirds of all voters found these messages compelling and more than a third said they were very convincing.

Our message framed solely by the moral principle that we should not cut programs that benefit those in need is the most powerful; 71 percent found it convincing and 44 percent said it was very convincing. Remarkably, this message outperforms the best Republican message – attacking those “who don’t pay any taxes at all” – by 15 points.
The Ryan budget’s impact on the most vulnerable is powerful among key swing voters, including unmarried women, who shifted a net 10 points toward Obama, the Rising American Electorate (net 3-point shift), and independents (net 9-point shift). Even conservatives were swayed, shifting a net 13 points toward Obama.

Among those who heard an even split of facts about the Ryan budget – including ones about cuts to programs aimed to help mostly lower and working class families – the shift is even more pronounced. With this group of voters, Obama leads Romney by 9 points, 52 to 43 percent, the largest margin of any of the groups in our experiment. It’s clear that focusing on what the Ryan budget does to the most vulnerable Americans can pay dividends for Obama.


Since Ryan is such a numbers guy, does his budget do anything about allowing Medicare to leverage bulk discounts with pharmaceuticals so that we pay what Europeans or Canadians do for the exact same drugs?

I forget how much money we piss away on that every year, but I remember it being in the tens of billions at least.

There was some study showing that the VA paid something like 60% of what Medicare pays for identical drugs.

Edit: here.


|OT3| My Taxes and Ryan's Budget are off-limits

Since Ryan is such a numbers guy, does his budget do anything about allowing Medicare to leverage bulk discounts with pharmaceuticals so that we pay what Europeans or Canadians do for the exact same drugs?

I forget how much money we piss away on that every year, but I remember it being in the tens of billions at least.

There was some study showing that the VA paid something like 60% of what Medicare pays for identical drugs.

You really think they would want to do something to HELP people with their perscriptions? They want the whole health care market to be free reign and survival of the fittest, letting insurance and drug companies charge whatever they want.


You really think they would want to do something to HELP people with their perscriptions? They want the whole health care market to be free reign and survival of the fittest, letting insurance and drug companies charge whatever they want.

I understand that, but BILLIONS of dollars.

We waste exponentially more money getting gouged by pharmaceuticals than we spend on foreign aid, national parks, and whatever else libertarians want to cut all combined.

It still baffles me that NO ONE from either party wants to tackle this.

I mean, ultimately all this debate about healthcare and our crushing unfunded entitlement problem is about how to finance said medical care. The real issue should be lowering the prices of the actual care, and we have one pretty obvious fix sitting right there. There are a ton of other things we should be doing as well. An MRI in Japan costs like $70. If we can lower the cost of the medical care itself, the "entitlements" problem becomes a whole lot less pressing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ryan's a clown. Have one semi-decent journalist interview him with minor push back and the dude's gonna start shitting bricks in no time.

|OT3| My Taxes and Ryan's Budget are off-limits

I was thinking of something along these lines.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Have I mentioned how much I love Kthug?

Galt/Gekko 2012:

Paul Ryan for VP — or, as Romney said in the press conference, “the next president of the United States”. I did say Galt/Gekko, not Gekko/Galt.

There is, I gather, lots of horse-race speculation: It’s a disaster! No, it changes the conversation away from Bain and those missing tax returns! I have no idea who’s right.

What I do know is that anyone who believes in Ryan’s carefully cultivated image as a brave, honest policy wonk has been snookered. Mark Thoma reviews selected pieces I’ve written about Ryan; he is, in fact, a big fraud, who doesn’t care at all about fiscal responsibility, and whose policy proposals are sloppy as well as dishonest. Of course, this means that he’ll fit in to the Romney campaign just fine.

As I said, I have no idea how this will play politically. But it does look like a move from weakness, rather than strength; Romney obviously felt he needed a VP who will get people to stop talking about him.

I'm dying here.


Krugman, short but brutal:

There is, I gather, lots of horse-race speculation: It’s a disaster! No, it changes the conversation away from Bain and those missing tax returns! I have no idea who’s right.

What I do know is that anyone who believes in Ryan’s carefully cultivated image as a brave, honest policy wonk has been snookered. Mark Thoma reviews selected pieces I’ve written about Ryan; he is, in fact, a big fraud, who doesn’t care at all about fiscal responsibility, and whose policy proposals are sloppy as well as dishonest. Of course, this means that he’ll fit in to the Romney campaign just fine.

As I said, I have no idea how this will play politically. But it does look like a move from weakness, rather than strength; Romney obviously felt he needed a VP who will get people to stop talking about him.

EDIT: D'oh, Oblivion! Interesting that we bolded different parts. :)
Is anyone else surprised at how far right Buzzfeed's politics page is?


Sometimes I feel like I'm on a modern version of the Drudge Report.

They go back and forth I think.

The media had nothing to do with 2010, anyone who pays attention to politics could have told you how that midterm would turn out.

You think media had nothing to do with feeding the narrative for HCR? Who in the media actually asked whether HCR is good for the country?


He also said the VP debates will be hilarious and he said they'll probably limit it to one since going against Biden would be like fighting a mentally retarded squirrel... Yeah
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