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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
He also said the VP debates will be hilarious and he said they'll probably limit it to one since going against Biden would be like fighting a mentally retarded squirrel... Yeah

Please direct your dad to some videos of Ryan going up against Obama. I know Obama's not Biden, but your dad should at least get that he's not the boy genius of the right wingers (well actually I guess he is, which is utterly depressing...) that everyone makes him out to be.


I thought he voted for Obama last time? And was going to again? If this wasnt you, it was another person with a crazy conservative dad. Really made me laugh.

What? No. That's not my dad. Mine hates republicans because they're not conservative enough. He likes people like Palin and Santorum. He thinks Obamas an idiot and people only voted for him because they felt obligated to because he's black.


Please direct your dad to some videos of Ryan going up against Obama. I know Obama's not Biden, but your dad should at least get that he's not the boy genius of the right wingers (well actually I guess he is, which is utterly depressing...) that everyone makes him out to be.

He was talking about some video where he says Ryan eviscerated Obama do badly CNN had to pull the plug. No idea what video that is...
Obama's twitter account:

Barack Obama ‏@BarackObama
FACT: Paul Ryan voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which helps women fight for equal pay for equal work.

FACT: Paul Ryan cosponsored a bill that would ban many common forms of birth control, including certain birth control pills.

FACT: Paul Ryan would ban all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest.

FACT: Paul Ryan would cut Pell Grant scholarships for nearly 10 million students even as he gives tax cuts to the wealthy.

FACT: Paul Ryan would end Medicare as we know it by turning it into a voucher program, costing seniors up to $6,350 a year.

I guess this won't help bridge the gender gap.

hmm, from what i see not many senate gop candidates have rallied around Paul Ryan, statements of glowing praise cant be found.

Yea, the plan is toxic. That is the reason. In fact the MT GOP candidate has ads opposing the Ryan Plan on air.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Since Romney says he's not supporting Ryan's budget, I wonder if that means Ryan's gonna go Galt?
PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| Rule #1 of Romney's Campaign: Don't Talk About Romney's Campaign

cartoon_soldier said:
Yea, the plan is toxic. That is the reason. In fact the MT GOP candidate has ads opposing the Ryan Plan on air.
Yeah, Montana's about the one state where it won't make a difference, since Rehberg voted against it.

Luckily there's plenty for Democrats to run on in Nevada, Florida, Missouri, North Dakota, and Arizona. All of the GOP candidates in those races were representatives who voted for it, and of course Heller in NV voted for it in the Senate too.


This Romney stump speech is full of so much bullshit. He literally said that Obama was destroying Medicare while Paul Ryan is making it more prosperous than ever.
NBC: Shots fired at a Mosque in Chicago (BB Gun)
A man allegedly fired a BB gun at a mosque in the northern suburb Friday night while 500 people prayed inside.
The shooting happened while worshippers were celebrating the holy month of Ramadan at the Muslim Eduction Center, 8601 N. Menard Avenue, about 10:30 p.m., according to Kamran Hussain, Vice President of the Muslim Community Center of Chicago, which owns the mosque.

Off-duty Chicago Police officers, who been hired to provide additional security at the mosque during Ramadan activities, called Morton Grove police after they saw an object whiz by and hit the building just above the head of one of the officers, Hussain said.

Though the damage to the building was minor, there were about 500 people inside the mosque for prayers at the time of the shooting, Hussain said, adding that many kids from the congregation were outside of the building during the service.

One of the security guards saw someone firing the BB gun, with the shots coming from the home of a man who had previously spoken out against expansion of the school and mosque, Hussain said.

The man’s home abuts the mosque parking lot, which has been cause for a number of disputes between the building’s owners and the neighbor, Hussain said. He has lived there for about 12 years.

“He’s always been a thorn in our side,” Hussain said.

The BB gun used in the shooting was described as a rifle-type gun with a scope attached, Hussain said.

A U.S. Attorney, Morton Grove police and members of the FBI examined the building Saturday morning as the scene of a possible hate crime, according to a release about the incident from the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Source: http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/loca...ton-Grove-Mosque-165869096.html#ixzz23HidGYsG


lacks enthusiasm.
Haven't posted in awhile because I started a new job, but I couldn't imagine how Romney's campaign could do any worse after the last few weeks have gone and now they pick Ryan. Genuinely stupid people are the only ones allowed to work Romney's campaign, apparently.


Have I mentioned how much I love Kthug?

Galt/Gekko 2012:

I'm dying here.
Speaking of the media, I concur with Krugman. Their obeisance for Ryan's putative intellect is annoying. His proposed budgets are derelict. Not only because his policies are ruinous, but they're methodologically flawed.
You think media had nothing to do with feeding the narrative for HCR? Who in the media actually asked whether HCR is good for the country?
Not to dismiss the media's negligence, but the Democrats were fated to lose the public on HCR. It was a complex, multi-stage policy. And those are typically lost on the public. Nonetheless, I think the cost was justified. Healthcare is a monumental problem. And the PPACA is-hopefully-a first step towards UHC.
tweeted by buzzfeed

Romney on having a VP: “It’s now two on two instead of two on one…They’ve go someone else to pick on too. Ha Ha Ha.”

all according to plan!


I'm kind of excited about this election now that the candidates are set. Anyone volunteer or do any work at any Obama offices? Thinking about hitting some up since I have free time.


Haven't posted in awhile because I started a new job, but I couldn't imagine how Romney's campaign could do any worse after the last few weeks have gone and now they pick Ryan. Genuinely stupid people are the only ones allowed to work Romney's campaign, apparently.

I heard somewhere that his advisers were constantly begging him to pick Portman, but Romney became set on Ryan.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
0.82%........the amount of taxes Romney would have paid in 2010 under the Ryan plan. The ads write themselves



Wow. Can't wait to see this in commercial form, because you know it's coming.

As for the Ryan pick, I absolutely can't believe Romney picked him.

Who, outside of the absolute far-right and Tea Party, does this actually motivate? Does this draw in ANY independent voters? He's one of the most unlikable people in Washington! What in the world was Romney thinking?
I'm kind of excited about this election now that the candidates are set. Anyone volunteer or do any work at any Obama offices? Thinking about hitting some up since I have free time.

The Ryan pick has convinced me to volunteer here in Virginia. I'll be contacting a campaign office Monday, good job Mitt Romney!!

Wow. Can't wait to see this in commercial form, because you know it's coming.

As for the Ryan pick, I absolutely can't believe Romney picked him.QUOTE]

It better. It not only brings Ryan proposals into the conversation, but expertly ties Romney to Ryan budget and on top of that keeps focus on Mitt's tax problem. Maybe this is what it takes to expose Paul as a fraudster.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Also, how anybody could run on the platform of "eliminate capital gains taxes" and think they've got a shot at winning is beyond me.

Most likely, the only people who that benefits are already voting for you.


I volunteered in 2008, but it doesn't look like they've even opened any offices in my state this time around (West Virginia). I don't blame them since there's even less of a chance of him winning WV this time around as there was in 2008.

I'm not be able to drive to Ohio or Virginia to volunteer, so I guess my money is going to have to do.
Jon Huntsman is the only reasonable, intelligent, service-oriented, centrist "Republican" in the whole field.

It's sad that his party has no place for him.


Jon Huntsman is the only reasonable, intelligent, service-oriented, centrist "Republican" in the whole field.

It's sad that his party has no place for him.

Huntsman is on record supporting the Ryan Plan. He comes off as sane because he doesn't hate gays and wants to take troops out of foreign countries, but his economic ideas are radically right wing.


I see the GOP becoming more socially liberal over time, but they're never going to drop their batshit economic ideas, ensuring I likely never vote for one.
Hunstsman was on record supporting the Ryan Plan. He comes off as sane because he doesn't hate gays and wants to take troops out of foreign countries, but his economic ideas are radically right wing.

TBH, I'm open to experimentation with the economic aspects of our society, but I'm not willing to compromise on the social aspects because we're talking about people and civil rights here.

I'm not willing to dump my Huntsman man-love because of his support for the Ryan plan which may or may not have been largely driven by election year politics.
I just cant get over how much off their schedule they must be in the Romney Camp. Leaking it on late Friday night, after spending a day spinning their MITT VP APP like a week ago. Seriously incomprehensible and desperate.


I see the GOP becoming more socially liberal over time, but they're never going to drop their batshit economic ideas, ensuring I likely never vote for one.

They're not even fiscally conservative anymore. If they got their way, they'd spend way more than the Democrats could even dream of.

If you want to be a fiscal conservative but also account for human rights and decency, there's essentially nothing for you. You either have the Dems with the social responsibility but are like herding cats if you want anything done, and the Republicans that are supposed to be the fiscal conservative/small government party but have added more debt and more spending than anyway else, march in lockstep, expanded government and have gone so far fundie that even my religious-as-hell relatives have re-registered as nonpartisan.

And lord help you if you're in a state that neither party gives a shit about.


Huntsman is on record supporting the Ryan Plan. He comes off as sane because he doesn't hate gays and wants to take troops out of foreign countries, but his economic ideas are radically right wing.

I doubt Huntsman actually buys into the Ryan plan, its more likely he felt that was a way to endear himself to the base. He did not realize Romney would go full on cocksuck mode to the right


I just cant get over how much off their schedule they must be in the Romney Camp. Leaking it on late Friday night, after spending a day spinning their MITT VP APP like a week ago. Seriously incomprehensible and desperate.

The only sense I can make of it is so they get nonstop coverage on Sunday morning talk show and on Sunday morning front pages.


I'm kind of excited about this election now that the candidates are set. Anyone volunteer or do any work at any Obama offices? Thinking about hitting some up since I have free time.

I've been volunteering since April. This is quite hostile territory (Phoenix, AZ), but there's a lot more support than I expected when I started.
I can't wait to hear the response to the Ryan pick from the decidedly older population here.


The only sense I can make of it is so they get nonstop coverage on Sunday morning talk show and on Sunday morning front pages.

That would have probably been a good idea if Obama's campaign had not had such a workup on Ryan ready to go. With Palin in 2008 they got a few weeks before she monumentally messed up.

With Ryan it was minutes and Obama was spamming Facebook, Twitter, and the web with their first salvo of "Ryan is worse then Bush" talk.

I expect Obama to control the narrative by weeks end and continue Romney's inability to make anything but bad press


No Scrubs
That would have probably been a good idea if Obama's campaign had not had such a workup on Ryan ready to go. With Palin in 2008 they got a few weeks before she monumentally messed up.

With Ryan it was minutes and Obama was spamming Facebook, Twitter, and the web with their first salvo of "Ryan is worse then Bush" talk.

I expect Obama to control the narrative by weeks end and continue Romney's inability to make anything but bad press

Seriously, their plan was to tie Romney to Ryan in the first place! I swear to god Romney's campaign is run by Obama and Biden in fake cheesy mustaches.
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