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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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TBH, I'm open to experimentation with the economic aspects of our society, but I'm not willing to compromise on the social aspects because we're talking about people and civil rights here.

I think people are pretty highly involved in the Ryan budget. Most of them are the ones getting fucked in it.
Seriously, their plan was to tie Romney to Ryan in the first place! I swear to god Romney's campaign is run by Obama and Biden in fake cheesy mustaches.


has calmed down a bit.
Castellanos says Ryan is the first generation X candidate, but Obama was born 1961. Probably doesn't count cause he was born in Kenya.

He also wrote that this team will grow the economy bottom up. He was not being sarcastic.


Remember that point about republicans moving so far right that the middle goal posts move to the right, meaning every idealogical battle is fought on conservative terms? Yup

I can't wait until 2040 when Republicans are arguing for aristocracy, and Democrats are arguing for trickle down economics and destroying welfare.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He also wrote that this team will grow the economy bottom up. He was not being sarcastic.


Wow, I can't believe they're going to try to run that by the American public.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.

Fight the good fight! Show those people on Facebook how wrong they are! You can do it!


Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.

That's probably going to end up with you defriending a lot of them. Which is fine, as long as you realize that's what opening up political opinions will do on facebook. Just realize you won't change anyones opinion.


Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.

Honestly, it's probably not worth the effort. I just tune it out. Life's too short to argue with friends and family about politics.


Honestly, it's probably not worth the effort. I just tune it out. Life's too short to argue with friends and family about politics.

Me too. Arguing on facebook about politics is certainly not a productive use of one's time, all it'll do is piss everyone off involved.
Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.

Good for you. Now de-friend them.


I've got one guy on my Facebook that throws up the stupidest stuff (usually NRA type stuff, though) and has some hilarious opinions on things. Our arguments start out kind of reactionary and hostile, but then after a few posts kind of evolve into a sort of civil debate. He's got some other friends on his list that much hate what he posts, because they seem to also post with me once in a while and tell him how hilarious his generalizations are. But yeah otherwise things usually stay kind of civil. I still really should bite my tongue and just not even start it. I'm probably annoying enough to my Facebook friends with all the articles and things I post.


Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:

Have you heard of the economic principal the law of diminishing returns? If you soak the rich the top 10%, fewer will make the effort to acquire wealth which results in an ever decreasing pool of rich people to tax. Its counter intuitive, but the way to get the highest amounts of money from the rich is to reduce the rates, encouraged them to invest,and spend and their motivated self interest, call it greed if you like, will result in more rich people and incentivize entrepreneurs to take risks because they see reward ahead. Rich people spending money on the things they want allows the people who build stuff for or provide services to rich people to spend money. It continues on and on down the line. But if the rich are uncertain about the future they save more and spend less. And every one down stream is hurt . It worked under Kennedy and Reagan and W. The results under W were not as profound because he also increased spending so much.

I don't even know where to start with this nonsense...


Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.

I post so many articles and whatnot that I think all of my conservative friends on Facebook have blocked me from their feeds.


Then he followed with: "In France the prime minister is promising to double the taxes on the rich. Many are moving to neighboring nations and they are taking their spending and investments elsewhere. The same could happen here."

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard in my life. This guy needs an econ text book for christmas.

Seriously. It's like people don't understand demand or something. They've fallen for this job creator narrative hook line and sinker. It's fucking crazy. It's like being a job creator is a hobby for the rich people, and they only do it when they feel like it. We have to give them incentives or else they'll just stop doing this little hobby of theirs...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I've mentioned it before, but I've lost 3 really good friends cause of politics.

Well, it's slightly more complicated than that, but the result is pretty much the same. If you can avoid it, do so. I limit my political discussions to imaginary people, like here.
Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:

I don't even know where to start with this nonsense...

My uncle spews the same shit when he's over for thanksgiving and christmas, ugh! He ruins my holidays like every single year...and I don't like talking about politics over the dinner table. But he always tries to get under my skin cuz he know's I am Democrat. The dude is crazy.

The dude had a recent nervous breakdown, quit his job, and is undergoing therapy. His wife would never say, but I think politics eventually did him in. His wife was a Republican herself but she eventually became pro-Obama and that didn't help matters either. It's amazing how the toxic political discourse has become in this country :-(


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
My uncle spews the same shit when he's over for thanksgiving and christmas, ugh! He ruins my holidays like every single year...and I don't like talking about politics over the dinner table. But he always tries to get under my skin cuz he know's I am Democrat. The dude is crazy.

The dude had a recent nervous breakdown, quit his job, and is undergoing therapy. His wife would never say, but I think politics eventually did him in. His wife was a Republican herself but she eventually became pro-Obama and that didn't help matters either. It's amazing how the toxic political discourse has become in this country :-(

Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:

I don't even know where to start with this nonsense...

Tell him yes . . . you fully agree that diminishing returns is exactly the problem. But in the opposite direction from the way he believes. Tax rates on rich people investing were once in the 70 to 90 percent range. (And things did work back then.) But we did cut them and that worked too. They were cut to the 30 to 40 percent range. But we now went too far . . . Romney pays at a 15% range and he proposes cutting them to zero (for capital gains, interest, dividends, etc.). How does cutting them to zero raise more taxes? Cite the article showing Romney would pay 0.82% under the Ryan plan.


Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:

Cut TANF and other welfare benefits, because people will be TOTALLY motivated to work harder at $8/hr. If they work hard enough, they'll get to $9/hr! That's how you grow an economy!

On the other hand, if someone used to make $5 million a year and will now make $4.5 million with the higher tax rate, he will lose all motivation and just give up on life.

Not only is that whole argument a crock of shit, it's incredibly insulting to the people who bust their asses every day for minimum wage or slightly more.

I've mentioned it before, but I've lost 3 really good friends cause of politics.

Well, it's slightly more complicated than that, but the result is pretty much the same. If you can avoid it, do so. I limit my political discussions to imaginary people, like here.

I've actually converted more than a few right-wingers with persistent, logical, civil arguments. As long as you NEVER insult the person you are arguing with, there's always a chance of getting them to see your viewpoint.

On that note, as soon as an insult is thrown, nobody listens to anything after that point. It doesn't matter what anyone says; everyone's blood is at a boil, and it's just about WINNING, which no one can do at that point, so it's just wasted energy.


My uncle spews the same shit when he's over for thanksgiving and christmas, ugh! He ruins my holidays like every single year...and I don't like talking about politics over the dinner table. But he always tries to get under my skin cuz he know's I am Democrat. The dude is crazy.

The dude had a recent nervous breakdown, quit his job, and is undergoing therapy. His wife would never say, but I think politics eventually did him in. His wife was a Republican herself but she eventually became pro-Obama and that didn't help matters either. It's amazing how the toxic political discourse has become in this country :-(

Pretty much all my aunts and uncles do this. My wife and I get all sorts of crap but we never respond to them. Just not worth getting into and they are literally idiots so you can't debate with them anyways. Evil teacher unions always get brought up every single family event (even though 3 of them are teachers).... Somehow my wife doesn't deserve her pay because they shouldnt be taxed as much even though they have benefited from being teachers for the past 40 years.


Junior Member
Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:

I don't even know where to start with this nonsense...

I wonder if your friend ever stopped to think why companies hire more people for the holiday season.

Its not to service all those rich people buying $30 DVD players.
So tonight I got accused of getting all of my news from cnn and msnbc (don't watch cable news), not making enough to understand higher taxes, being blind to facts, ignoring reality, and being ignorant because I thought calling a 60k a year salary "measly" was out of bounds.

All because I explained the electoral map in response to, "the Paul Ryan pick has just guaranteed a landslide for Romney."


Ahahahaha, this got better

So, we're giving hypothetical tax codes. Here's mine:

• 10% on taxable income from $0 to $8,700, plus
• 15% on taxable income over $8,700 to $35,350, plus
• 25% on taxable income over $35,350 to $85,650, plus
• 28% on taxable income over $85,650 to $178,650, plus
• 36% on taxable income over $178,650 to $388,350, plus
• 45% on taxable income over $388,350.
• 60% on taxable income over $1,000,000.
• Capital Gains at LEAST 30%, though I almost want to say it should just be taxed like normal income.

He says this:

Lets make the tax code really easy. 5% for all income under 25k. 10% up to 100k. 15%for all income over 100k. No loopholes no deductions.

wtf? What why... how... I can't take this seriously anymore. That's crazy. That's just beyond crazy.
Donated $10 to the Rob Zerban campaign. He's raked up $35,000 on ActBlue alone in 24 hours. His website mentions ActBlue but he has his own way to take in money besides that so he's probably gotten even more than that since the pick was made. Since Ryan is gonna be in the news just about every day...more people will probably want to get rid of him in Congress as well. So Zerban can be looking at close to 3 million bucks raised in the last 87 days if this rate continues..at worst I'd say he picks up an extra million other than he would have got in the same time frame. Since the district went Obama in 2008, would people really split their Ryan votes...as in keeping him in Congress but voting for Obama? Basically, you'd think if Obama wins the district as he did before...Ryan is gone from Congress.


So tonight I got accused of getting all of my news from cnn and msnbc (don't watch cable news), not making enough to understand higher taxes, being blind to facts, ignoring reality, and being ignorant because I thought calling a 60k a year salary "measly" was out of bounds.

All because I explained the electoral map in response to, "the Paul Ryan pick has just guaranteed a landslide for Romney."

My first job out of college I paid more in taxes than Mitt Romney.


remember me
So tonight I got accused of getting all of my news from cnn and msnbc (don't watch cable news), not making enough to understand higher taxes, being blind to facts, ignoring reality, and being ignorant because I thought calling a 60k a year salary "measly" was out of bounds.

All because I explained the electoral map in response to, "the Paul Ryan pick has just guaranteed a landslide for Romney."

November 7 will be a rough day for these people.


So tonight I got accused of getting all of my news from cnn and msnbc (don't watch cable news), not making enough to understand higher taxes, being blind to facts, ignoring reality, and being ignorant because I thought calling a 60k a year salary "measly" was out of bounds.

All because I explained the electoral map in response to, "the Paul Ryan pick has just guaranteed a landslide for Romney."

This is when I start talking about our responsibility as good Christians to provide single-payer healthcare and how failing to do so makes us no better than simonists. They love that.
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