Seriously, their plan was to tie Romney to Ryan in the first place! I swear to god Romney's campaign is run by Obama and Biden in fake cheesy mustaches.
This image made me laugh more than it should. God, I need sleep.
Seriously, their plan was to tie Romney to Ryan in the first place! I swear to god Romney's campaign is run by Obama and Biden in fake cheesy mustaches.
TBH, I'm open to experimentation with the economic aspects of our society, but I'm not willing to compromise on the social aspects because we're talking about people and civil rights here.
Seriously, their plan was to tie Romney to Ryan in the first place! I swear to god Romney's campaign is run by Obama and Biden in fake cheesy mustaches.
Remember that point about republicans moving so far right that the middle goal posts move to the right, meaning every idealogical battle is fought on conservative terms? Yup
I hate that man. I really really hate that man....
Remember that point about republicans moving so far right that the middle goal posts move to the right, meaning every idealogical battle is fought on conservative terms? Yup
In a better world he would have absolutely no power whatsoever. Crazy ass man with his middle school ideas.
He also wrote that this team will grow the economy bottom up. He was not being sarcastic.
Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.
Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.
Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.
Honestly, it's probably not worth the effort. I just tune it out. Life's too short to argue with friends and family about politics.
Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.
i've been out of the loop. romeny's picking paul ryan as a vp candidate?
Over being wrong about the rate of deficit growth?Good for you. Now de-friend them.
Yyyyyyyyup. Yup. Yup yup yup.
well i would not have done that.
Over being wrong about the rate of deficit growth?
Have you heard of the economic principal the law of diminishing returns? If you soak the rich the top 10%, fewer will make the effort to acquire wealth which results in an ever decreasing pool of rich people to tax. Its counter intuitive, but the way to get the highest amounts of money from the rich is to reduce the rates, encouraged them to invest,and spend and their motivated self interest, call it greed if you like, will result in more rich people and incentivize entrepreneurs to take risks because they see reward ahead. Rich people spending money on the things they want allows the people who build stuff for or provide services to rich people to spend money. It continues on and on down the line. But if the rich are uncertain about the future they save more and spend less. And every one down stream is hurt . It worked under Kennedy and Reagan and W. The results under W were not as profound because he also increased spending so much.
Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:
I don't even know where to start with this nonsense...
Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.
That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard in my life. This guy needs an econ text book for christmas.
Myers said vetting documents were stored in safes in a secure room at campaign headquarters for review by attorneys.
Asked what was inside the safes, Myers replied "tax documents, everything we used.”
And how many years? "Several" she said, declining to provide a more specific number.
Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:
I don't even know where to start with this nonsense...
My uncle spews the same shit when he's over for thanksgiving and christmas, ugh! He ruins my holidays like every single year...and I don't like talking about politics over the dinner table. But he always tries to get under my skin cuz he know's I am Democrat. The dude is crazy.
The dude had a recent nervous breakdown, quit his job, and is undergoing therapy. His wife would never say, but I think politics eventually did him in. His wife was a Republican herself but she eventually became pro-Obama and that didn't help matters either. It's amazing how the toxic political discourse has become in this country :-(
Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:
I don't even know where to start with this nonsense...
Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:
I've mentioned it before, but I've lost 3 really good friends cause of politics.
Well, it's slightly more complicated than that, but the result is pretty much the same. If you can avoid it, do so. I limit my political discussions to imaginary people, like here.
My uncle spews the same shit when he's over for thanksgiving and christmas, ugh! He ruins my holidays like every single year...and I don't like talking about politics over the dinner table. But he always tries to get under my skin cuz he know's I am Democrat. The dude is crazy.
The dude had a recent nervous breakdown, quit his job, and is undergoing therapy. His wife would never say, but I think politics eventually did him in. His wife was a Republican herself but she eventually became pro-Obama and that didn't help matters either. It's amazing how the toxic political discourse has become in this country :-(
Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:
I don't even know where to start with this nonsense...
• 10% on taxable income from $0 to $8,700, plus
• 15% on taxable income over $8,700 to $35,350, plus
• 25% on taxable income over $35,350 to $85,650, plus
• 28% on taxable income over $85,650 to $178,650, plus
• 36% on taxable income over $178,650 to $388,350, plus
• 45% on taxable income over $388,350.
• 60% on taxable income over $1,000,000.
• Capital Gains at LEAST 30%, though I almost want to say it should just be taxed like normal income.
Lets make the tax code really easy. 5% for all income under 25k. 10% up to 100k. 15%for all income over 100k. No loopholes no deductions.
So tonight I got accused of getting all of my news from cnn and msnbc (don't watch cable news), not making enough to understand higher taxes, being blind to facts, ignoring reality, and being ignorant because I thought calling a 60k a year salary "measly" was out of bounds.
All because I explained the electoral map in response to, "the Paul Ryan pick has just guaranteed a landslide for Romney."
Conservatives for a long time tried to package tax cuts for the rich as "simplifying the tax code".wtf? What why... how...
So tonight I got accused of getting all of my news from cnn and msnbc (don't watch cable news), not making enough to understand higher taxes, being blind to facts, ignoring reality, and being ignorant because I thought calling a 60k a year salary "measly" was out of bounds.
All because I explained the electoral map in response to, "the Paul Ryan pick has just guaranteed a landslide for Romney."
Having a conversation with that guy right now, actually. It started with Paul Ryan and turned to taxation... Just got this message from him:
I don't even know where to start with this nonsense...
So tonight I got accused of getting all of my news from cnn and msnbc (don't watch cable news), not making enough to understand higher taxes, being blind to facts, ignoring reality, and being ignorant because I thought calling a 60k a year salary "measly" was out of bounds.
All because I explained the electoral map in response to, "the Paul Ryan pick has just guaranteed a landslide for Romney."