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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Did that guy say he requires Nietzsche!?!

My first job out of college I paid more in taxes than Mitt Romney.

Haha, you don't make enough to understand paying low taxes. Your opinions are now invalid.

November 7 will be a rough day for these people.

Indeed. It should be splendid.

This is when I start talking about our responsibility as good Christians to provide single-payer healthcare and how failing to do so makes us no better than simonists. They love that.


Craziest thing though is this is so wrapped up in unintended irony. He's misinformed (said Obama wanted to end all Bush tax cuts), he doesn't understand taxes (spoke of how a "few good months" showed him how high taxes could be: I'm guessing he's in sales), and I am pretty sure I am a few income brackets up from him.


Conservatives for a long time tried to package tax cuts for the rich as "simplifying the tax code".
The most obvious example being the flat tax proposal.

Yeah, I realize that, and it's kind of weird just how much people fell for that, too.

Seriously, wouldn't his numbers literally explode the debt to a proportion you wouldn't believe? Wealth and income inequality would balloon, and it'd lead to an all out oligarchy.


Yeah, I realize that, and it's kind of weird just how much people fell for that, too.

Seriously, wouldn't his numbers literally explode the debt to a proportion you wouldn't believe?
Which would create a budget crisis that will force "hard decisions" about our safety net.

They tried to persuade the electorate that the new deal is evil, when that didn't work they went with starving the beast.
He has a child like understanding of the world.

Fuck ideologues.
Which would create a budget crisis that will force "hard decisions" about our safety net.

They tried to persuade the electorate that the new deal is evil, when that didn't work they went with starving the beast.
He has a child like understanding of the world.

Fuck ideologues.

Awkward high schoolers finding the secrets of the universe through Ayn Rand.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I've actually converted more than a few right-wingers with persistent, logical, civil arguments. As long as you NEVER insult the person you are arguing with, there's always a chance of getting them to see your viewpoint.

On that note, as soon as an insult is thrown, nobody listens to anything after that point. It doesn't matter what anyone says; everyone's blood is at a boil, and it's just about WINNING, which no one can do at that point, so it's just wasted energy.

Our conversations would go on for a while, they'd get pretty heated, but for the most part they would remain civil. But over the past year or so, they got tired of talking politics with me, and said they didn't want to do so anymore. Which wasn't a problem whatsoever.

UNFORTUNATELY, despite them saying that, they would constantly bring up politically related shit that I'd have to respond to, but they didn't like that. This inn turn started pissing me off to the point that it was impossible to hang out with these douches without being extremely enraged at some point.

Eventually I stopped associating with them entirely, though no love was lost on their end, I imagine. It's a shame really, but what can ya do?
So tonight I got accused of getting all of my news from cnn and msnbc (don't watch cable news), not making enough to understand higher taxes, being blind to facts, ignoring reality, and being ignorant because I thought calling a 60k a year salary "measly" was out of bounds.

All because I explained the electoral map in response to, "the Paul Ryan pick has just guaranteed a landslide for Romney."
Republicans: (obviously wrong cheerleading)
Democrat: (correction of obviously wrong cheerleading)


lol, he deleted the post now, leaving me with this: "Top down or bottom up its not something that we are going to solve on Facebook but I appreciate your passion for this subject. We probably will never convince each other of our point of view, at least we both agree that the status quo in unacceptable. The government is full of waste fraud abuse, inefficient allocation of resources, duplication, and corruption. There are wrongs that we agree need to be righted we disagree on how."

I kind of doubt he got anything out of it, which sucks. I gave him all the sources, and he really seems like an intelligent guy who would actually look at this stuff. Oh well.

Republicans: (obviously wrong cheerleading)
Democrat: (correction of obviously wrong cheerleading)

I really hate this. My dad does this all the time. I can't say anything to him. You guys saw the nice email I sent him after he tried to guilt me about my mother having to close her shop if Obamacare is put into place. I got back just "Nice lefty talking point letter, but in the real world it's different." In real life conversations he's said the same thing. His deflection is just that I'm using a talking point.
Republicans: (obviously wrong cheerleading)
Democrat: (correction of obviously wrong cheerleading)

It's remarkable. They'l accuse you of watching 15 "biased sources" all because of their secret knowledge from one particular source. Said source made it a rule of engagement to always accuse the other party of "liberal bias" instead of refuting their assertions.
Pretty much all my aunts and uncles do this. My wife and I get all sorts of crap but we never respond to them. Just not worth getting into and they are literally idiots so you can't debate with them anyways. Evil teacher unions always get brought up every single family event (even though 3 of them are teachers).... Somehow my wife doesn't deserve her pay because they shouldnt be taxed as much even though they have benefited from being teachers for the past 40 years.

It sucks man. I know it's not worth the trouble debating with the opposing side, but when it's family members, it's especially awkward even when you are trying your best not to argue and just do something else.

Republicans: (obviously wrong cheerleading)
Democrat: (correction of obviously wrong cheerleading)

This explains why guys like Dick Morris have a job, lol


Republicans: (obviously wrong cheerleading)
Democrat: (correction of obviously wrong cheerleading)
You'll be surprised how far "show me where I'm wrong" will get you.
Remember, most of those people are not evil, just misinformed.

And man, it's never fun to be proven wrong, and people don't rush to admit it, regardless of political leaning.
I don't think Ryan's love of Rand will matter much, but he's on record opposing social security and Medicare to a point where even the media can't save him. I'd imagine the Halperins of the world will cry over Obama not offering solutions and running negative ads, but real people will be paying attention. They're going to hear Ryan not only discuss Medicare as a voucher system, but privatized social security that is tied to Wall Street. Good fucking luck with that shit, bros.

It's high time someone called out the beltway/DC townhouse crowd for seemingly thinking the only way to demonstrate you're an adult in Washington is to hurt poor and middle class people.
I don't think Ryan's love of Rand will matter much, but he's on record opposing social security and Medicare to a point where even the media can't save him. I'd imagine the Halperins of the world will cry over Obama not offering solutions and running negative ads, but real people will be paying attention. They're going to hear Ryan not only discuss Medicare as a voucher system, but privatized social security that is tied to Wall Street. Good fucking luck with that shit, bros.

It's high time someone called out the beltway/DC townhouse crowd for seemingly thinking the only way to demonstrate you're an adult in Washington is to hurt poor and middle class people.

and yet you still think Romney's going to win, lol
wtf? What why... how... I can't take this seriously anymore. That's crazy. That's just beyond crazy.

How about 0% for everyone and magical unicorns for our department of defense, magical fairies to care for old people, and everyone just pray to their deity for healthcare.

If you are going to live in fantasyland then just go all out.

Yeah, that is scary. I just listened to the first couple minutes and it is an admission of blind-faith ideology. Fuck that shit! COLLECT DATA AND SEE WHAT WORKS BEST.


You don't fucking read books of fiction and build policy on it. Science-fiction is great fun but it is fucking fiction. Real scientists go out and measure things, test things, form hypothesis's, test them, develop theories backed by data. They don't fucking use science-fiction books as the basis of science.

These dumb fuckers are using works of fiction as guidebooks for policy. NO! Look, if you are inspired by some fictional book . . . fine. But then go out and test the ideas in the real world. Find examples where different things have been tried and see how they worked. And base you policy on what was actually PROVEN to have worked.

George HW Bush said it best . . . "VooDoo economics". It is literally RELIGION economics because it is not based on factual study but instead based on works of fiction and blind-faith belief.


Science, mother-fuckers, science!


Guys I finally did it. After seeing so much ignorance on my facebook I decided to open up the can of worms. I re-posted a pic from the obama page and already had one person tell me the Obama doubled the debt. Another person posted his support for Romney. I decided to finally take a stand.
Ask tha person for proof that Obama doubled the debt. Then fire back with the truth.

Edit: if this person doesn't relent, ask for their opinions on Reagan, and then ask how that measures up with the fact Reagan tripped our debt.

edit2: Just read that the conversation ended, never mind this post.

President Barack Obama will be at the Republican National Convention in Tampa later this month — on local TV, that is.

Obama's team plunked down more than $181,000 in ad time on Tampa-area network affiliates for the last week of August to ensure that the president isn't completely out of the spotlight when Mitt Romney is crowned as the GOP standard-bearer.

Obama for America will air more than 160 spots during shows such as Dr. Phil, Undercover Boss and Bachelor Pad, including $73,720 for 49 spots on the Tampa CBS affiliate (WTSP-Ch. 10), $54,500 for 75 spots on the ABC affiliate (WFTS-Ch. 28) and $53,750 for 42 spots on the NBC affiliate (WFLA-Ch. 8), according to public disclosures posted this week to the website of the Federal Communications Commission.
Obama will make sure Florida goes blue, and that the Ryan plan is raked across the coals.

The funny thing is Aug 11 was my due date, the same day Romney announced Ryan as VP. In an alternate universe this could have been my 21st birthday present from the Republican Party.
Yeah, that is scary. I just listened to the first couple minutes and it is an admission of blind-faith ideology. Fuck that shit! COLLECT DATA AND SEE WHAT WORKS BEST.


You don't fucking read books of fiction and build policy on it. Science-fiction is great fun but it is fucking fiction. Real scientists go out and measure things, test things, form hypothesis's, test them, develop theories backed by data. They don't fucking use science-fiction books as the basis of science.

These dumb fuckers are using works of fiction as guidebooks for policy. NO! Look, if you are inspired by some fictional book . . . fine. But then go out and test the ideas in the real world. Find examples where different things have been tried and see how they worked. And base you policy on what was actually PROVEN to have worked.

George HW Bush said it best . . . "VooDoo economics". It is literally RELIGION economics because it is not based on factual study but instead based on works of fiction and blind-faith belief.


Science, mother-fuckers, science!

Anti-intellectualism is a very strong force at play. Somehow beliefs are better than facts. Anti-vaccine movements, people believing that Obama is a Muslim and that Islam is working to bring down the American government, all are based on anti-intellectualism.

As long as I say it's my belief, you can't prove it wrong even if the evidence clearly shows that I am. I believe it to be true so it is.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Honestly, it's probably not worth the effort. I just tune it out. Life's too short to argue with friends and family about politics.

You are right. I typically do tune it out. Sometimes though it really does get to me. I am in Texas by the way so I know a live in Republican land.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Speaking of insanity, I was just viewing some threads from popular GOP message boards and the new feeling about Romney's taxes (and the response to the idea that he'd have paid under 1% in taxes under Ryan's plan) appears to be this:

"He's paid more in taxes than I ever will, so I'm fine with that."

It is amazing to me how the GOP has completely tricked the poor and middle-class into thinking that's ok.
Speaking of insanity, I was just viewing some threads from popular GOP message boards and the new feeling about Romney's taxes (and the response to the idea that he'd have paid under 1% in taxes under Ryan's plan) appears to be this:

"He's paid more in taxes than I ever will, so I'm fine with that."

It is amazing to me how the GOP has completely tricked the poor and middle-class into thinking that's ok.

.....fucking really?




Mazie Hirono won the democratic primary for the senate seat of Hawaii, which is up for grabs due to a retiring senator.

However, Erasure is wrong. The republicans have a chance in this one, and most places I've looked (include Nate Silver) have it as a toss up. This is plausibly a lost Democratic seat.
She lost to Lingle before but the polling I saw a few weeks back had her up double digits with Case in a dead heat with Lingle.

Erasure is right. Opiate is wrong. Plus it's Hawaii dude.
She won the primary over Ed Case.
Oh, I knew what you were talking about, but I was looking for a source about it. Sorry. I wasn't being clear.
However, Erasure is wrong. The republicans have a chance in this one, and most places I've looked (include Nate Silver) have it as a toss up. This is plausibly a lost Democratic seat.

Nate Silver had a summary about it not too long ago.

The current FiveThirtyEight forecast gives Mr. Romney a 0 percent chance of winning Hawaii. Even if Mr. Obama were from another state, he would still be a prohibitive favorite. But as a native son, Mr. Obama will likely win around 70 percent of the vote again. Perhaps only the District of Columbia is more assured of voting for him.

Mr. Obama’s coattails will likely hurt Ms. Lingle, unless she can persuade a significant number of voters to split their ballots. FiveThirtyEight’s official Senate projections are coming soon, but at the end of 2011 we published “Senate Odds Guesstimates,” and guesstimated Ms. Lingle’s electoral chances at 25 percent. That seemed about right to both Mr. Milner and Mr. Winer.

Although a few partisan polls have shown a close race, or even Ms. Lingle leading, the last nonpartisan poll of the contest, conducted in mid-July by Ward Research for The Honolulu Star-Advertiser and Hawaii News Now, found the two top Democrats, Ms. Hirono (the congresswoman) and Mr. Case (a former congressman), trouncing Ms. Lingle by nearly 20 percentage points.


From Paul Ryan selection shrouded in secrecy, at Fox:
Romney advisers had hoped to announce Ryan's selection Friday in New Hampshire, but the funeral for the temple shooting victims was schedule for that morning.
This is apparently the reason they didn't announce on Friday. Not like that makes much of a difference, because Friday is the day for bad news. If they were more confident they should have just pushed into next week. The pick was also decided on Aug. 1, so earlier than thought and not actually based on the calls for Romney to pick Ryan. According to Fox News, anyway.

I get the feeling the person writing the article was trying to make this a dramatic story but man did the writing come off stilted.

ErasureAcer said:
Erasure is right. Opiate is wrong. Plus it's Hawaii dude.
Why are you referring to yourself in the third person?


Honestly, it's probably not worth the effort. I just tune it out. Life's too short to argue with friends and family about politics.

Fuck that.

Life's too damn short to let ignorance and stupidity persist any longer than we have to.

People treating political debate like it's a social taboo is the number one cause for the decline in quality political discourse. Instead everyone sits in their little echo chambers and only see one small fragment of the larger picture.

Mature conflict resolution is a skill sorely lacking in today's society. A little more arguing over politics would do people a lot of good.

If someone can't handle having their stupidity questioned they need to stop being stupid. I don't treat anyone with kid gloves for being intellectually dishonest or lazy. Fuck 'em.
0.82% should be the number Democrats talk about from now until election day. If that's not going to make the majority of America say "WTF", I'm not sure what will. If Romney is still elected despite this, I'm not sure what to say. It'd be worse than Bush in 2004.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
0.82% should be the number Democrats talk about from now until election day. If that's not going to make the majority of America say "WTF", I'm not sure what will. If Romney is still elected despite this, I'm not sure what to say. It'd be worse than Bush in 2004.

I agree.

This should be, by far, the most broadcast statistic and talking point for the entire democratic party.

*Paul Ryan talking about his budget in the background*

Show how much Mitt made, then show that tax rate. Show how much the average American makes, then show their tax rate.

Seems like a very easy commercial to make.


Gregory is surprisingly staying on top of Preibus while he spouts his bullshit about Obama ruining Medicare. He's also bringing up his votes for Iraq, Part D, and TARP. Preibus continues to stick to the script.
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