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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
2012 was her last chance imo. 2016 will be full of major players (if Romney loses of course). Jeb Bush, Christie, McDonnell, maybe Rubio, a more seasoned and less medicated Rick Perry, etc. The GOP has a far deeper bench than democrats

I see that somebody is moving on from "Democrats are doomed in 2012!" already.

...Multiple GOP veterans of Florida’s political wars proffered the same cautionary tale to Romney: Don’t forget what Democratic Gov. Lawton Chiles did to Jeb Bush in 1994.

In an otherwise great Republican year, Chiles won a close race thanks in part to a series of robocalls to seniors aimed at Bush’s running mate, Tom Feeney, who had criticized Social Security and Medicare. Florida Republicans on Sunday were circulating the transcript of the infamous phone call.

“It suppressed our senior Republicans and we lost what was the closest Florida gubernatorial race in history at the time,” said one Florida GOP insider, noting the contrast between Bush’s 1994 defeat and his victory four years later when he was proactive about such senior scare tactics.

“I’m hearing lots of anxiety and watching lots of email traffic from pollsters and consultants expressing concern — not that we can’t do this but that we need to be on major offense because this will be used here in the extreme.”


So apparently Romney thinks that adding Ryan to the ticket, along with his "serious ideas", opens Obama up to greater criticism over medicare. They think Ryan helps with Florida which is ridiculous because if anyone, Rubio would have helped with Florida. Their theory seems to be Ryan budget version of medicare >>>>>>>> ACA version of medicare.

It's just their strategy of throwing back their closest equivalence to nullify the attack, or have the media go "Both sides are bad with these/both sides accuse each other of the same thing. Who's right? Who knows." Like how Romney treating a dog like shit as an adult is the same as a child tasting dog in a foreign country, or how Romney bullied a kid in high school is just like how Obama pushed a girl this one time. Paul Ryan wants to destroy Medicare and Social Security, well, Obama cut some funds out of Medicare. We want Romney tax returns, they want Obama's college records. Romney is regressive with women and minorities, but women and minorities have faced it the worst in Obama's economy.

On and on it fuckin' goes. A lot of that stuff doesn't work, but I think "Obama cut Medicare" will.

Yup. They scared. But they can do this. Watch how "Obama cut Medicare" will be uttered with every single Romney/Ryan speech, every tv appearance, as many ads as humanly possible, every pundit's diatribe etc. We're gonna see that perfectly oiled machine that is Republican messaging going into overdrive.
I'm still in shock Romney picked Ryan. This is all a little...too easy. I don't know anymore lol
October surprise: Papa John's and White Castle lays off every employee, points to an obscure Obamacare provision mandating those companies to close shop the day before 2012 elections.

Youth and minorities stay home.
I see that somebody is moving on from "Democrats are doomed in 2012!" already.

Pretty obvious the post is made discussing the scenario that Obama wins.

Regardless what happens this year I'd imagine the 2016 dem bench would include Cuomo, Mark Warner, Brian Schweitzer, and Martin O'Malley; if Clinton changes her mind and runs, she'll almost certainly get the nomination.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I'm still in shock Romney picked Ryan. This is all a little...too easy. I don't know anymore lol

I am still questioning it, to be sure, but the more I read and listen to the networks and read articles in pretty even-minded newspapers and blogs, the more I realize that a lot of newsources aren't going to go for the jugular on Ryan and his TERRIBLE budget ideas.

Maybe they will after the honeymoon period is over, but so far, there is much more positivity about the choice than negativity.

Will that result in a big Romney boost? Maybe temporarily, but if they manage to make it last...well, we can all start waving palm leaves at PD.

The problem I have with this is that Romney's camp has shown no ability to control narratives, and haven't played offense since the early weeks of the campaign. If they couldn't sell voters on taxes, Bain, or immigration...how the hell are they going to sell them on Medicare? Picking Ryan may have killed the tax issue, but it will be back eventually - this time through the lens of the Ryan budget which would cut Romney' taxes to less than 1%.


I am still questioning it, to be sure, but the more I read and listen to the networks and read articles in pretty even-minded newspapers and blogs, the more I realize that a lot of newsources aren't going to go for the jugular on Ryan and his TERRIBLE budget ideas.

Maybe they will after the honeymoon period is over, but so far, there is much more positivity about the choice than negativity.

Nytimes already has a critical editorial out.

I think it's normal for the first few days for the media to have "who is Paul Ryan" profiles. Once both campaigns start the serious sprinting to define who he is, you'll see the media becoming more critical of his budget and positions. They've got a fourteen year congressional voting backlog to sift trough.


The problem I have with this is that Romney's camp has shown no ability to control narratives, and haven't played offense since the early weeks of the campaign. If they couldn't sell voters on taxes, Bain, or immigration...how the hell are they going to sell them on Medicare? Picking Ryan may have killed the tax issue, but it will be back eventually - this time through the lens of the Ryan budget which would cut Romney' taxes to less than 1%.

The tax issue is already cropping up again. It'll come up another time when Mitt releases his other year, so that's not over.

And I really don't know how they're going to sell people on medicare. It seems like they're doing a twofold strategy. They're going to claim Ryan's budget isn't what Romney's doing, and they're going to attack Obama on his "cut" to medicare. Meanwhile Obama will likely hammer them on Ryan's budget. I tend to think Obama will win that battle, because Ryan's budget only sounds good when he describes it, and if he likely won't be doing that if they're not actually going with it.

I also think in a debate Obama will have this issue. All he has to say was that it isn't a cut at all, it's savings. And he can point out that Ryan's budget starts with that exact same baseline, with those exact same savings.


Cute. Then you compare them to the actual results instead of other shit pollsters like Rasmussen and you get this.


Any lean calculated by Silver in that article is relative to the polling average with the assumption that averaging the polls cancels out any house effect those pollsters might have. That doesn't mean anything for their credibility and PPP and SurveyUSA have been incredibly accurate in past cycles, while Rasmussen came out with a poll in 2010 that missed the final margin by over 40 points.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon


If I am reading that correctly, that doesn't mean the poll is necessarily inacurate. It's just how it compares to other pollsters that have polled similar locations.

I don't think so.

The philosophy of the model is simply to strip most of the house effect out of the poll. So a Public Policy Polling survey that showed Barack Obama ahead by seven points in Colorado would be treated as more like a four point lead for Mr. Obama once its house effect is accounted for.
Dude, that list is two years old. The one I linked to is from analysis from a few months ago.
You should read that analysis then because he actually talks about this:

Nate Silver said:
I have left one question unanswered, however. We might say that Public Policy Polling has a three percentage point Democratic house effect. But that reflects 3 points as compared to what exactly?

The basis for the comparison is a weighted average of the polls, with heavy emphasis given to a firm’s pollster rating in calculating its say in the consensus. Polling firms that we believe to produce more reliable results – based on their past performance and their methodological standards – have a lot more say in the calculation.
If you look at the state-by-state projections, PPP and SurveyUSA are always weighted highly when they're the most recent. If he thought the house effect was more important than their record he would account for that.
PPP had Obama up 1 last time as well.

Of course, if those undecideds were pushed I'd assume the majority of them would go into Romney's camp, but if Obama nails Romney on the Ryan plan who knows what could happen.

I wasn't laughing at it's accuracy. I was laughing at Romney's dire situation.
I wasn't laughing at it's accuracy. I was laughing at Romney's dire situation.
Right, I figured that, just following up on it.

Obama doesn't need Missouri and he's not making a serious play for it, the fact that Romney's barely ahead there is indeed shitty for him.

45-45 is probably Obama's base approval versus the number of people comfortable enough with Romney to let him replace Obama, and the remaining 10% don't like either one or don't care.

Clevinger said:
You might be right, then. I don't know.
Sorry if I'm coming off as kind of dickish by the way.

It's true that house effect is important but when you hold PPP and SUSA up to actual results they're pretty damn good.

It's not like they're all sunshine and farts for Obama either, especially PPP. Their last poll in Florida only had him up by 1, but I imagine that's changed by now.
I wouldn't ignore that Missouri poll- it shows Akin leading McCaskill by a considerable margin which I think is accurate. If the Missouri presidential race is indeed that close... wow. I would have loved to see the breakdown of the 43% before the VP announcement versus the 57% afterward.
I wouldn't ignore that Missouri poll- it shows Akin leading McCaskill by a considerable margin which I think is accurate. If the Missouri presidential race is indeed that close... wow. I would have loved to see the breakdown of the 43% before the VP announcement versus the 57% afterward.
It probably didn't amount to much, really.

I'm really hoping McCaskill can stick Ryan's plan to Akin and drop his numbers. It'd suck to lose that race.
It's rather laughable to believe Ryan's mere presence caused a major shift in polling within less than 48 hours. Missouri has been close for awhile according to RCP, but still leans Romney.
It's rather laughable to believe Ryan's mere presence caused a major shift in polling within less than 48 hours. Missouri has been close for awhile according to RCP, but still leans Romney.

Overall, I think history has proven that VP picks do very little in the big scheme of things. All the Ryan pick did is to intensify the magnifying glass on a different part of Romney's awful campaign. His plan with Medicare would have been eventually brought up- this just accelerated its inclusion into the race.
The problem with Ryan's VP choice is that Romney has not had a real plan for fixing the economy and has just been extremely vague whining about job creators, merica, etc. Ryan Plan's is an actual real thing which can be physically tied to him now. So it's not actually Ryan himself that is the big issue as VP. It's his budget which Romney endorsed at one point and picking Ryan says to people that he still endorses him.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
The problem with Ryan's VP choice is that Romney has not had a real plan for fixing the economy and has just been extremely vague whining about job creators, merica, etc. Ryan Plan's is an actual real thing which can be physically tied to him now. So it's not actually Ryan himself that is the big issue as VP. It's his budget which Romney endorsed at one point and picking Ryan says to people that he still endorses him.

On the flipside, I feel that the Romney camp believe that the Ryan plan adds intellectual heft to Romney's loose economic plan. Therefore to pick Ryan delineates a distinct choice between two visions of the USA - Obama's vs. Romney's. Of course, that seems like madness but by this point I'm not sure what else could be done.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I think you're understating the decades-long effect of the Red Scare, the Cold War, and the pendulum-swing that was the societal reaction to FDR. If you take the long view, we've made a complete circle to where we were from Reconstruction, to the rise of the railroad/oil tycoons, to the beginnings of American imperialism, to muckraking and yellow journalism, right up to WWI. Hard not to see the parallels.

I agree with this. I'm waiting for a rooservelt typepresident to come in and fix things... Maybe Obama will grow that type of progressive backbone in his second term, though I doubt it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
From Michael Eric Dyson's tweeter:

Dems and libs can't b dismissive of @MittRomney's choice of Ryan as VP. He's Sarah Palin with brains, a cerebral version of her narrow views


Paul Ryan: I Gave Romney ‘Several’ Tax Returns, Will Release Two
Ryan told 60 Minutes Sunday that he gave Romney’s campaign “several” years of tax returns during the vetting process, but promised only to release two publicly, in keeping with the number Romney has promised to release.
“I think these issues are more or less distractions to try and take us off the fact that the president has given us failed policies that are putting us deeper into debt, that are costing us jobs,” Ryan said.
I think these issues are more or less distractions to try and take us off the fact that the president has given us failed policies that are putting us deeper into debt, that are costing us jobs,” Ryan said.

Do he even know the meaning of the words that are coming out of his mouth?
It was pretty obvious that Ryan was only going to release two years of tax returns until Romney releases more. But I just find it funny that he readily admitted that he turned over "several" years of returns to Romney's VP vetters. Basically the issue is never going away until there's some kind of equilibrium.

EDIT: Looking at the Romney/Ryan banner ad on this page, their slogan is "America's COMEBACK TEAM". I think they need a better slogan. A comeback team implies that you failed at some point and that you're looking for redemption. Not sure if that's the right message the Romney campaign should be trying to convey...


Holy shit. This is a few days old, but Rep. Steve King said that a child molester could kidnap a 13 year old girl from the play ground, rape her, take her across the border for a forced abortion, and return her to the playground without suffering any legal recourse.


This dude has really lost it since getting hit by a car... fuck it, some would say he lost it after The Stand.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Holy shit. This is a few days old, but Rep. Steve King said that a child molester could kidnap a 13 year old girl from the play ground, rape her, take her across the border for a forced abortion, and return her to the playground without suffering any legal recourse.


Do you have a source on this?
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