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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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I hope Obama can get ahead of this Medicare issue. As sangreal said they need to fight against being labeled as "cuts"

I don't know why Seniors would care about Ryan's plan (which cuts $700b from medicare after repealing obamacare) -- it barely affects them. I sure as hell have a problem with Ryan's plan though
They either don't trust that it won't affect them and they do care about their kids and family and want the same for them. Its not just "I got mine, screw everyone else"
Hannity seems comfortable with every GOP talking point, that's his entire job.

We're gonna have to break out the everybody-chill-I-got-this gifs for you soon, and no one wants that.
I was listening to Hanity today (don't ask me why) and he seemed really comfortable with this attack it seemed like the old GOP and it just got me worried.

Where does this $700 billion come from and does it cut any services or require bigger copays?

Oh hey. Sarah Kliff just posted the perfect article for that question!

It used to be 500 billion, but I guess it's 700 billion now because it's two years later.
Oh hey. Sarah Kliff posted the perfect article for that question!

It used to be 500 billion, but I guess it's 700 billion now because it's two years later.

Oh my god, lol.


"okay, heres 700 billion dollars cut from fat associated with medicare costs, while still keeping benefits and usage completely whole"

Distinctions have to be drawn between cuts in Medicare spending and cuts in benefits. Everybody wants the former to go down, because it is currently victimized by rent-seeking in the corporate for-profit health care non-market. The ACA doesn't cut benefits, unlike Ryan's plan. That is good, and that is what people need to understand.


A little humor for serious ol' Poligaf:

Lowering the Bar said:
For some years now, Professor Jay Wexler has been analyzing the transcripts of Supreme Court oral arguments and tallying up the references to "[laughter]" in response to wisecracks from the bench. He first did this in 2005, and on Monday he posted at PrawfsBlawg about the results of the analysis of the most recent term.

Just as in 2005 (and most likely every year since), he found that Justice Scalia got the most laughs (this year, 83), and Justice Thomas got the least (every year, zero). The complete rankings:

Scalia: 83
Breyer: 56
Roberts: 30
Kagan: 15
Alito: 7
Sotomayor: 6
Ginsburg: 2
Thomas: 0

Jay concedes that his methodology is a little subjective—specifically, Kagan is ahead of Kennedy because in one case it was unclear who should get credit and he "like Justice Kagan more than Justice Kennedy"—but hey, "this shit is art, not science, folks."

Distinctions have to be drawn between cuts in Medicare spending and cuts in benefits. Everybody wants the former to go down, because it is currently victimized by rent-seeking in the corporate for-profit health care non-market. The ACA doesn't cut benefits, unlike Ryan's plan. That is good, and that is what people need to understand.

You can't make that distinction in an Ad. Unfortunately, anytime you are trying to explain something in an Ad, you are losing the narrative on that issue.

That is why the Welfare attack is effective, and that is why the Medicare attack today is also effective. Even though both are distortions and lies.

besides hillary, no other person on earth would have given obama a 4 pt surge. He was already favored to win the election, and Biden was a "safe" pick.

Romney is/was desperate. A 1/2 pt surge means election is over.

Way too early to say anything like that?


Heh voted in the republican primary here. Saw Grothman's name and hoped anyone at all was running against him. Saw only a write in space. So, I voted for "A literal piece of shit"

Honestly I think it would do a better job.
Romney to now introduce Medicare attacks in his stump speech too

mckaycoppins In speech tonight, Romney will refer to Obama raiding Medicare, "the trust fund you have paid into all your lives." Smart way to frame it.

ZekeJMiller Romney to say; If the President is re-elected, he will succeed in raiding $716 billion from Medicare


This shit doesn't even add up. US politics is exclusively for people with mental problems, there is no other way to be able to endure the utter idiocy.

You now have a party that stands for liberal economic policies attacking the opposition for cuts in a governmental healthcare program (implying that it will affect benefits).
Not only contradicting their own medicare damaging budget but also contradicting their liberal economic ideology that would obviously oppose any kind of governmental policy comparable to medicare.

It's madness.


Vote for us, because we need to make cuts to entitlements. We can't afford it! Also vote for us because the other guy is making cuts to an entitlement. We would never do that!
Vote for us, because we need to make cuts to entitlements. We can't afford it! Also vote for us because the other guy is making cuts to an entitlement. We would never do that!

If his wife would have lived in my state, he'd have had gov't mandated insurance. Vote for me.

PS: I'm going to overturn gov't mandated insurance.

The GOP's presidential platform is "we will do the opposite of Obama at all times even if it's what we want to do."


Oh hey. Sarah Kliff just posted the perfect article for that question!

It used to be 500 billion, but I guess it's 700 billion now because it's two years later.

I shared this with my (liberal) brother. He asked what prevents the insurance companies from raising Advantage premiums. I told him that hopefully the provision that requires a certain percentage of all money go to actual health care would stop that from being a problem. He then wondered what stops the insurance companies from colluding with hospitals to inflate procedure costs (further) to get around that. The article says:
The Affordable Care Act gives those private plans a haircut and tethers reimbursement levels to the quality of care administered, and patient satisfaction.
and I know there are certain new transparency guidelines, but I assume there's other language to head that kind of stuff off. Anybody have it handy?


I shared this with my (liberal) brother. He asked what prevents the insurance companies from raising Advantage premiums. I told him that hopefully the provision that requires a certain percentage of all money go to actual health care would stop that from being a problem. He then wondered what stops the insurance companies from colluding with hospitals to inflate procedure costs (further) to get around that. The article says:
and I know there are certain new transparency guidelines, but I assume there's other language to head that kind of stuff off. Anybody have it handy?
Medicare advantage companies are required by law to pay the same benefits as Medicare (should be actuarial value so you may see differences in co-pays etc etc). Now some
Companies give additional benefits which they can charge premiums for.


The private plans are required to offer a benefit “package” that is at least as good as Medicare’s and cover everything Medicare covers, but they do not have to cover every benefit in the same way. Plans that require higher out-of-pocket costs than Medicare for some benefits, like skilled nursing facility care, can balance their benefits package by offering lower copayments for doctor visits. A private plan may use some of the excess payments they receive from the government for each enrollee to offer supplemental benefits.
connie mack wins sen. FL gop primary no surprise

RT @davecatanese: Bad news for Thompson? Campaign email blares: "Election officials are adjusting their election projections, and it's DOWN from 20%" #WISEN

gonna be a close one



I'd pay to see that. What would he talk about? Opposing bailouts or his strong anti abortion/anti gay stance?
He's been a resolute proponent of nuclear nonproliferation and has led efforts to secure vulnerable nuclear material. He could speak on that issue. Essentially, he's got nothing.


What are you talking about seriously?

He lives in a world where the media is going to tank us all and nothing good ever happens

Obama has had a stellar week in Iowa, everytime Romney runs a medicare lie ad its followed by an Obama rebuttal ad

I am not sure what Obama needs to respond to either, he is not the one down in the polls with no message. Even with Ryan, Romney cannot produce anything resembling a path except it won't be like Obama and it apparently won't be like Ryan

And Ryan is trying his damndest to fire up the young and the old against him


This shit doesn't even add up. US politics is exclusively for people with mental problems, there is no other way to be able to endure the utter idiocy.

You now have a party that stands for liberal economic policies attacking the opposition for cuts in a governmental healthcare program (implying that it will affect benefits).
Not only contradicting their own medicare damaging budget but also contradicting their liberal economic ideology that would obviously oppose any kind of governmental policy comparable to medicare.

It's madness.

I don't think it would work as well if you didn't have a fake news network thriving in misinformation.

Romney dialing it up

How will Obama respond. Hasn't been a good couple of days for them.

Its VEEP week- when McCain chose Palin, it looked like he had all the momentum with his "bold" pick. Give it time, even if Romney chose T-Paw the week would be the same.

Similar to McCain/Palin, I can't imagine the Romney/Ryan ticket looking better with time once the initial euphoria wears off.
He lives in a world where the media is going to tank us all and nothing good ever happens

Obama has had a stellar week in Iowa, everytime Romney runs a medicare lie ad its followed by an Obama rebuttal ad

I am not sure what Obama needs to respond to either, he is not the one down in the polls with no message. Even with Ryan, Romney cannot produce anything resembling a path except it won't be like Obama and it apparently won't be like Ryan

And Ryan is trying his damndest to fire up the young and the old against him

it seems the news media so far has been *gasp* pretty good at sticking it to Romney's aides about their medicare lies
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