For some years now, Professor Jay Wexler has been analyzing the transcripts of Supreme Court oral arguments and tallying up the references to "[laughter]" in response to wisecracks from the bench. He first did this in 2005, and on Monday he posted at PrawfsBlawg about the results of the analysis of the most recent term.
Just as in 2005 (and most likely every year since), he found that Justice Scalia got the most laughs (this year, 83), and Justice Thomas got the least (every year, zero). The complete rankings:
Scalia: 83
Breyer: 56
Roberts: 30
Kagan: 15
Alito: 7
Sotomayor: 6
Ginsburg: 2
Thomas: 0
Jay concedes that his methodology is a little subjectivespecifically, Kagan is ahead of Kennedy because in one case it was unclear who should get credit and he "like Justice Kagan more than Justice Kennedy"but hey, "this shit is art, not science, folks."