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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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It's amazing how much money people spend to lose elections.

Linda McMahon has spent $61 million so far between her two runs... that's absurd. The sad part is that she is going to lose again this year.

Is it really worth it? I mean how much can she gain that she doesn't already have with all that money.


I'm sure if they had the financial and logistic backing the Tea Party enjoyed things would have been much different for OWS.

If they'd had the sense to kick out the "End the Fed" Paulites and presented a unified message demanding campaign finance reform and lobbying reform, they'd have done better, IMO.

I still think they made a significant impact in spite of the public defecation and Manos trolling.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
He got bin laden, nobody gives a shit about whether he bragged about it, even if it were true.

Some people care, but they all hated Obama long before he gave the order to kill bin Laden. They just needed to figure out a way to be upset about that actually happening. Romney won't be gaining any votes from this silly attack. Just preaching to the choir.
Some people care, but they all hated Obama long before he gave the order to kill bin Laden. They just needed to figure out a way to be upset about that actually happening. Romney won't be gaining any votes from this silly attack. Just preaching to the choir.

Notice they had no problem with 8 years of claiming Bush was protecting America, killing terrorists, got rid of Saddam, etc. You're right, they were looking for a way to attack Obama on this and settled on the lowest common denominator. Same with Lincoln winning the Civil War, Reagan winning the Cold War, etc; presidents always get credit for shit like that.

It just so happens Obama gave the order to kill Bin Laden, and conservatives can't can't it. After all, why would an America hating, dithering terrorist appeaser decide to kill Bin Laden


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Notice they had no problem with 8 years of claiming Bush was protecting America, killing terrorists, got rid of Saddam, etc. You're right, they were looking for a way to attack Obama on this and settled on the lowest common denominator. Same with Lincoln winning the Civil War, Reagan winning the Cold War, etc; presidents always get credit for shit like that.

It just so happens Obama gave the order to kill Bin Laden, and conservatives can't can't it. After all, why would an America hating, dithering terrorist appeaser decide to kill Bin Laden

Less than a month after the statue of Saddam was toppled, George Bush made a spectacle of a speech to troops returning from the Iraq War, landing onto an aircraft carrier in an S-3 Viking, emerging from it in full arresting gear, and delivering his speech in front of a huge red white and blue banner reading "Mission Accomplished." He even planned to say mission accomplished in his speech, until Donald Rumsfeld made sure that part was redacted. Now THAT's bragging.


Same with Lincoln winning the Civil War, Reagan winning the Cold War, etc;
Only Lincoln did won the Civil War, insofar as presidents "do" anything.
Reagan almost bankrupt (shhhh ev, not the point, not now) the country because he was afraid of commies everywhere, even though the USSR was crumbling economically and was reaching to the US.

But hey, if it wasn't for Reagan keeping the 60s alive for a whole new decade, we wouldn't have got Rocky IV.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The thing that makes that swiftboating ad even weirder is that even if you agree that Obama "bragged" about killing OBL, and agreed that that's a bad thing, Obama hasn't mentioned him in weeks!

It's a solution looking for a problem.
It's amazing how much money people spend to lose elections.

Linda McMahon has spent $61 million so far between her two runs... that's absurd. The sad part is that she is going to lose again this year.

I pretty much won't ever vote for someone who spends a lot of their own money on an election. There's just a red flag, there.

Why I was so mad about our Jerry Brown vs. Meg Ryan election.

Interesting thing to note is that when the Presidential election is over, all told, chances are a billion dollars will be spent on losing that election. ONE BILLION. TO LOSE AN ELECTION.

Shit is so stupid.


omg @ the woman in this video. classic

Obama actually bought 10 people beer here, or something.

Obama isn't universally popular, but the people who do like him love him.

I'd have to imagine if he pulled a similar stunt at the Minnesota State Fair I would die on the spot. The only comparable event was meeting Reggie Fils-Aime which I'd estimate is about 1% as cool.

I'm not a fan of what's he done so far, in general, but Obama seems like a cool cat to hang out with (and play ball with). He's a genuinely likable guy.

Romney seems like he's okay, but we'd have nothing to talk about really. And I can't even drink a coke with him...

Also, while it would be cool to meet the President in general, don't need to drop your panties about it! Then again, I've met/seen a bunch of celebs in general out here so I'm used to that stuff.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
The thing that makes that swiftboating ad even weirder is that even if you agree that Obama "bragged" about killing OBL, and agreed that that's a bad thing, Obama hasn't mentioned him in weeks!

It's a solution looking for a problem.

I look at it as Bain and taxes was killing Romney's Campaign so he hoped Paul Ryan would work. Paul Ryan has already started killing Romney's campaign so he is throwing out Osama's name cause at this point he's run out of options.

I have a feeling that between now and the RNC Romney's campaign is going to throw out any and everything they have to find a narrative for their campaign that can stick.


The thing that makes that swiftboating ad even weirder is that even if you agree that Obama "bragged" about killing OBL, and agreed that that's a bad thing, Obama hasn't mentioned him in weeks!

It is actually part of his stump speech now, albeit a very minor part: he mentions it, as he did yesterday in Iowa, when summing up all the campaign promises he kept. "We promised we'd go after Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden and we did!". He immediatly moves on to healthcare or one of his other achievements, but of course the OBL mention gets the biggest cheers. Very smart.
Do you really have to defend against this? Isn't a campaign like this really just going to remind people that Osama was downed during Obama's time? I don't think most people really give a flying fuck about bragging or whatever. It's such a silly criticism...

This might be a positive for Obama in the end. It will remind people again that he [Amerikuh] did in fact get Bin Laden. I'm also sure there will be massive push-back on this by Obama supporters and it the media will be only happy to oblige.


I guess Obama is still a angry, hateful black man wooooooo
“[H]e’s intellectually exhausted, out of ideas, and out of energy,” Romney said, according to prepared remarks. “And so his campaign has resorted to diversions and distractions, to demagoguing and defaming others. This is an old game in politics; what’s different this year is that the president is taking things to a new low.”


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage


Honestly, to me it appears that the GOP is stuck in old campaign mode and I just don't think these things are going to resonate that much any more.

Don't tell us the other guy is out of ideas--tell us YOUR ideas.
Yep, they already tried all the old 2008 attacks again lol.


He has to get Obama's likability rating down somehow.

Thing is it won't work because they've attacked him like this from the start. No one believes this crap when they say it and they shouldn't. Perhaps had they not acted like a bunch of asses from day one many of their attacks and plans might be working. They've made people so desensitized to their attacks (outside of people that just hate Obama because of who he is) and now are trying everything with the hopes something will work. I really doubt anyone is going to buy the attack Romney is trying to push.

Here's the thing though that might be why he's trying to make a big deal of it. There are some far rights out there that would like to put people in chains. They already don't want black/brown people to vote and will do what they can to stop that. I do not doubt there are a number of them that would rather take things even further. That's what I've always felt was really behind the "take our country back" and "back to how it used to be" phrases . Back to what? Back to a time where african americans, hispanics, and women were second class citizens or worse? However they can't openly acknowledge this but are clearly defensive about it because they know it exist. They court the very people that express these desires.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Thing is it won't work because they've attacked him like this from the start. No one believes this crap when they say it and they shouldn't. Perhaps had they not acted like a bunch of asses from day one many of their attacks and plans might be working. They've made people so desensitized to their attacks (outside of people that just hate Obama because of who he is) and now are trying everything with the hopes something will work. I really doubt anyone is going to buy the attack Romney is trying to push.

Here's the thing though that might be why he's trying to make a big deal of it. There are some far rights out there that would like to put people in chains. They already don't want black/brown people to vote and will do what they can to stop that. I do not doubt there are a number of them that would rather take things even further. That's what I've always felt was really behind the "take our country back" and "back to how it used to be" phrases . Back to what? Back to a time where african americans, hispanics, and women were second class citizens or worse? However they can't openly acknowledge this but are clearly defensive about it because they know it exist. They court the very people that express these desires.

"America's comeback team!"

A comeback from what? Is the black man in the White House holding America down? WTF @ that slogan?


Junior Member
Just saw the governor of Iowa on the daily rundown. He was lying so much about welfare that Chuck Todd took him to task about it. Unfortunately, the governor continued to lie about welfare for the rest of the interview.


Just saw the governor of Iowa on the daily rundown. He was lying so much about welfare that Chuck Todd took him to task about it. Unfortunately, the governor continued to lie about welfare for the rest of the interview.

I just wish there was a limit in regard to how many lies they're willing to take. Sometimes I see those on CNN/MSNBC push back on the lies but not enough and it isn't always consistant. They have to know the lies when they see them. Not saying pick a side but when you know the truth call anyone and everyone on it. Not just give them a platform to lie unchallenged.


Are you kidding me?

Judge Won’t Block Pennsylvania’s Voter ID Law
A state judge on Wednesday refused to block Pennsylvania’s controversial voter ID law. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson’s 70-page order ruled that opponents of the law failed to establish “that disenfranchisement was immediate or inevitable.”

Simpson did not rule on the case’s merits, only on whether it could be enjoined. Opponents of the law are expected to appeal to the state’s Supreme Court.

“We’re not done, it’s not over,” Witold J. Walczak, an American Civil Liberties Union lawyer who helped argue the case, told the Associated Press. “It’s why they make appeals courts.”

What the the hell?


Miss me motherfuckers?!


6 point victory guaranteed.


Are you kidding me?

Judge Won’t Block Pennsylvania’s Voter ID Law


What the the hell?

What's the problem? ACLU's lawyer was exactly right. The system as it exists allows individual judges a ton of power. In Wisconsin it is working in our (Id law opponents) favor (the state supreme court will uphold the law), in Pennsylvania it isn't (assuming their state supreme court will kill the law?)


Just saw the governor of Iowa on the daily rundown. He was lying so much about welfare that Chuck Todd took him to task about it. Unfortunately, the governor continued to lie about welfare for the rest of the interview.

The Gov of Iowa is like the white Marion Barry

He was resoundingly thrown out of office and then they waited a few terms and brought him back under his lies that he has changed, a few weeks after people complained why did they vote this asshole back in office when hr started cutting state workers retirement and benefits


What's the problem? ACLU's lawyer was exactly right. The system as it exists allows individual judges a ton of power. In Wisconsin it is working in our (Id law opponents) favor (the state supreme court will uphold the law), in Pennsylvania it isn't (assuming their state supreme court will kill the law?)

Do you mean proponents? And why do you assume Penn's SC will strike it down?


Do you mean proponents? And why do you assume Penn's SC will strike it down?

I was guessing based on the one sentence I quoted!

No, in Wisconsin the system is working for opponents. The ID law will be delayed as it was stopped by a Dane County judge and the Supreme Court won't fast track it. As such it's unlikely to be law in November. However, it has no chance of being struck down in the Supreme Court so the inevitability of the law exists, yet the current system allows for the bill to at least be delayed.

And no, I oppose voter ID laws.


I predict a hilarious three months of Tommy Thompson. He has credit a video of him doing 50 push ups with his victory. He called it "viral." Tommy Thompson is basically 200 years old. I can't wait to hear how much he loves twatter.


That is the American dream to certain Republicans: be born on third, act like you hit a triple, and blame others for their lack of work ethic for still struggling to get to first, even though you are responsible for rigging the game.
"When I was growing up and saw kids born into wealth and political power, I didn't say: 'Hey, that's unfair!' I said, 'my kids are gonna be born on third too.'"


Seriously. Don't think any of that quote had anything to do with "angry black man"
I was not actually talking about that quote.

I was guessing based on the one sentence I quoted!

No, in Wisconsin the system is working for opponents. The ID law will be delayed as it was stopped by a Dane County judge and the Supreme Court won't fast track it. As such it's unlikely to be law in November. However, it has no chance of being struck down in the Supreme Court so the inevitability of the law exists, yet the current system allows for the bill to at least be delayed.

And no, I oppose voter ID laws.
Oh ok,thanks for explaining.


Ann Romney: ‘There’s Going To Be No More Tax Releases Given’
Ann Romney told NBC's "Rock Center" that the campaign still has no plans to release more tax returns. "We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us," Romney said. "But the more we release, the more we get attacked. So we have done what's legally required and there's going to be no more tax releases given."
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