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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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My father is the same way, he grew up in Yugoslavia back in the day. It seems to be a common thread among people who grew up in that sort of situation.

Exactly many people who lived through communism won't even discuss it, her reaction was in line with her peers, but she went too far. Look at someone like Lech Wasela now though for an apt idea of what the views can be like.


I can. It's nothing out of the ordinary for their campaign. I get just giddy thinking about the debates.

Romney will just lie through his teeth to get through the debates. He's going to slam Obama for the Medicare cuts in the ACA and just hope that enough people buy the misdirection.


So what do the other open senate races look like around the country? Assuming Thompson wins (as you really probably should...the only real attacks on him are that he isn't conservative enough which will help him in Wisconsin) what does the Senate look like? Is there a chance the GOP takes it?
Hey, I know. You can point that out to guys like my dad, but they won't listen. The only thing he is reasonable on is immigration and that's because he had to go through it and knows how bad it was even back then.

The fact that people only realize the stupidities of certain issues when they go through them is sad. I'll probably never be put in a situation where I'll really need the social safety net (knock on wood) or Universal Health Care but I understand where other people come from and have seen people that need it.

There isn't that understanding here. People have a hard time empathizing here. Even my parents who are democratic still do the "we're doing well" when I try to talk about what the GOP is doing, they know they won't be hurt so they find it weird when I get angry. A few years ago I studied in Spain and it was such a different experience seeing a completely different view of the world (though to be fair I don't really want to adopt everything about Europe though sometimes their collectivism is a bit much for my american sensibilities).

I previously noted that the prospects of the law being upheld were respectable. The SCOTUS upheld a similar law in Indiana.
The Warren court upheld poll taxes until the 24th amendment. That's the best way to attack these. Argue that they are indirect taxes on voting. Or is that what they are doing?
One of my best friends ever is a liberal and a fan of Obama, but she's in college and one of the first things she did in college like many impressionable young people was being pressured into reading Atlas Shrugged. She really enjoys it and Fountainhead and she's recently become very open to objectivism and Ron Paul. Shitty thing is, as much as I love her, her whole life she's been on her father's teat. She's never had an actual job her whole life.

She owns a BMW. Let that sink in.

She's still voting Obama though.
So what do the other open senate races look like around the country? Assuming Thompson wins (as you really probably should...the only real attacks on him are that he isn't conservative enough which will help him in Wisconsin) what does the Senate look like? Is there a chance the GOP takes it?
It looks like it'll be pretty close to where it is. Maybe 50-50 (which would give it to whoever has the presidency since the VP would vote) or maybe a 51-49 split. Its gonna be close.

I find it interesting that nobody really talks about the fact the second of the Bush's tax cuts (in 2003) passed only through reconciliation and the vote of Cheney. Health care had a much bigger mandate.

One of my best friends ever is a liberal and a fan of Obama, but she's in college and one of the first things she did in college like many impressionable young people was being pressured into reading Atlas Shrugged. She really enjoys it and Fountainhead and she's recently become very open to objectivism and Ron Paul. Shitty thing is, as much as I love her, her whole life she's been on her father's teat. She's never had an actual job her whole life.

She owns a BMW. Let that sink in.

She's still voting Obama though.
Her philosophy only appeals to those that are wealthier or comfortable in their lives. It justifies to them why they have what they have, they're not lucky they're hard workers. I'd love to find someone making less than 30k who praises Rand.
One of my best friends ever is a liberal and a fan of Obama, but she's in college and one of the first things she did in college like many impressionable young people was being pressured into reading Atlas Shrugged. She really enjoys it and Fountainhead and she's recently become very open to objectivism and Ron Paul. Shitty thing is, as much as I love her, her whole life she's been on her father's teat. She's never had an actual job her whole life.

She owns a BMW. Let that sink in.

She's still voting Obama though.

She's not really into Ron Paul until she starts mistaking the interaction of States and the Federal Government in the US Constitution for the Articles of the Confederation. Then she's huffing pure Paul.

Her dad bought it for her!

To be fair he's a the head of a car dealership.

For some reason that made me think of Spaceballs. lol

It looks like it'll be pretty close to where it is. Maybe 50-50 (which would give it to whoever has the presidency since the VP would vote) or maybe a 51-49 split. Its gonna be close.

I find it interesting that nobody really talks about the fact the second of the Bush's tax cuts (in 2003) passed only through reconciliation and the vote of Cheney. Health care had a much bigger mandate.

That would be nice as it would ensure no one could dick with my hobbies.

While we're talking about Rand.

So how many of you guys have read her work, specifically Atlas Shrugged?

I've read the Fountainhead.
She's not really into Ron Paul until she starts mistaking the interaction of States and the Federal Government in the US Constitution for the Articles of the Confederation. Then she's huffing pure Paul.

I think her whole thing with Paul is honestly "end the fed!"


Setec Astronomer
I find it interesting that nobody really talks about the fact the second of the Bush's tax cuts (in 2003) passed only through reconciliation and the vote of Cheney. Health care had a much bigger mandate.
Republicans have mandates from being in power, while Democrats only have a short mandate after an election.
I think her whole thing with Paul is honestly "end the fed!"
Well it still fits in a little with what I said. Ask her about state banks. lol

I should have also had profound misunderstanding of how globalization works, US history, and Constitutional law.

I do like how Paulities are despised in the Republican party as being delusional as much they are outside of it. It's this weird sort of America coming together for a better world...or anything is better than Paul. lol

So how many of you guys have read her work, specifically Atlas Shrugged?

Not me, but I know sane people who aren't huffing up Objectivism and enjoyed it.
As if the NRA and the gun makers they represent haven't already won.

When the 1989 Semi Auto Import ban, the Sporting Test bullshit, 922(r) is repealed, parts of the 1968 GCA are removed, and I can buy a new civilian owned machine gun (keep in mind NFA owned machines have be used in only two verifable crimes including one where a Texas Ranger emptied a Thompson into his wife and her lover after finding them in bed...that's it). Then I'll say they've won.

Granted the 1989 Semi Auto Import Ban is like parts of the sporting test in the GCA of 1968 mostly protectionist legislation so the gun companies most likely wouldn't want that tossed.

CHEEZMO™;41057110 said:
Dont forget goldbuggin'.

Gah, how could I forget that!


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I actually enjoy her writing. Atlas Shrugged had a really great descriptive mood to it. I could really see the scenes she described. In reality, I know that "rugged individualism" and "objectivity" don't work in a real-world sense due a million different extenuating circumstances, but the characters and the settings were really interesting.
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