Black Republican
Marquette Law poll (which has nailed WI the last couple elections) will be released today.
Senate race should be interesting
Marquette Law poll (which has nailed WI the last couple elections) will be released today.
Marquette Law poll (which has nailed WI the last couple elections) will be released today.
the Romney/Ryan/Rape ticket.
I'm guessing it will show a modest but depressingly small bump for the Romney/Ryan/Rape ticket.
the Romney/Ryan/Rape ticket.
Wisconsin Democratic Party pulling out the big guns.
Ryan doomed in Wisconsin
I'm not sure how much the rest of you know about Wisconsin culture (I'm an expert)...
Claims We Can Believe In.
Tammy Baldwin speaking at DNC. Interesting. I'm guessing she'll be the flag bearer of the new-found gay rights platform?
Paul Ryan black ex?
Claims We Can Believe In.
Tammy Baldwin speaking at DNC. Interesting. I'm guessing she'll be the flag bearer of the new-found gay rights platform?
Paul Ryan black ex?
probably a democratic party bot
Paul Ryan was married to a democratic robot?
Tammy Baldwin speaking at DNC. Interesting. I'm guessing she'll be the flag bearer of the new-found gay rights platform?
Paul Ryan black ex?
Paul Ryan was married to a democratic robot?
A black democrat robot no less. But enough with the internet lies speculawyer, no where does it say they were married.
A black democrat robot no less. But enough with the internet lies speculawyer, no where does it say they were married.
A black democrat robot no less. But enough with the internet lies speculawyer, no where does it say they were married.
Oh come on man, I'm not that optimistic.
Democrats could win up to 56 seats but i doubt it.
Do you want us to pull up your predictions from 2010?
Oh yeah they're wretched. I was in some serious denial leading up to election night. It DID teach me a lesson, I'm not PD who doubles down on stupid ("Romney's running the perfect campaign")Do you want us to pull up your predictions from 2010?
fire up the pandermobile
Romney Campaign sets goal of getting 38% of latino vote.
McCain got 31%, and Bush got 40%, but the Republican party seems to have gone backwards. Do you guys really think they could get anywhere near that, especially now with the executive order Obama put out? I would think that would excite a lot of the latinos to vote for Obama, since he at least did something for 'em. Then again, I suppose those voter ID laws might affect some latinos quite a bit too.
Anyone post the amazon election book heat map
Irony of course is that the racist, treacherous, undemocratic anti-voting measures they themselves have pushed will make gaining Latino voters more difficult.
They might get close. The great conservative immigration freak-out of 2006 has probably receded in the minds of many Latino voters.
Anyone post the amazon election book heat map
The map is interactive with breakdowns and such. Pretty fun.
Thomas fucking Friedman is a left leaning writer now?Anyone post the amazon election book heat map
The map is interactive with breakdowns and such. Pretty fun.
It turns out their entire education system was a front for a child molestation PA is illiterate
Thomas fucking Friedman is a left leaning writer now?
Apparently the Tuesday Night sessions at the RNC will be themed "We Built This," however it has been pointed out that the stadium they're holding the convention in was built by 62% government funds. Kind of funny when you think about sports like that. Football, Baseball, and Basketball stadiums are largely helped by government funds.
The sin is butt sex.So I know I'm more of a lurker of this thread than an active participant, but I stumbled upon this article on CNN about civil unions yesterday while eating dinner, and was taken aback. We all know that gay marriage is a definite no-no in Republican books, but I wasn't aware even civil unions are something to vehemently oppose to them!
I mean, Republicans spew hateful stuff that puts me off to them on a daily basis, admittedly, so I really shouldn't have been surprised, but I'd always thought they had proposed civil unions as a means to disallow gay marriage without necessarily disallowing gay couples the rights provided to a married straight couple. If it wasn't the Republicans, who exactly did support the civil union concept, then? Blue dogs?
The thing that annoys me about the issue is that, one time when the topic came up at dinner with my family, my parents basically bluntly said they don't support gay marriage, but would be okay with civil unions - a stance I oppose, because it was hammered into me pretty hard back in school that "separate but equal" generally isn't, and that's what civil unions pretty much are. Granted, my parents are generally fairly liberal-leaning (well, not sure about my mother, since she likes to watch Fox and Friends, but she's not particularly outwardly conservative, at least), but still, it surprised me.
On the plus side, at least my state of Maryland will have a vote on legalizing gay marriage this November. I suppose you could surmise as much from this post, but I do intend to vote in favor when I reach the polling booth. I'm just worried it'll go the way of Proposition 8 from California - we may be a fairly liberal state, all told, but that doesn't mean we lean liberal on everything...
So I know I'm more of a lurker of this thread than an active participant, but I stumbled upon this article on CNN about civil unions yesterday while eating dinner, and was taken aback. We all know that gay marriage is a definite no-no in Republican books, but I wasn't aware even civil unions are something to vehemently oppose to them!
I mean, Republicans spew hateful stuff that puts me off to them on a daily basis, admittedly, so I really shouldn't have been surprised, but I'd always thought they had proposed civil unions as a means to disallow gay marriage without necessarily disallowing gay couples the rights provided to a married straight couple. If it wasn't the Republicans, who exactly did support the civil union concept, then? Blue dogs?
The thing that annoys me about the issue is that, one time when the topic came up at dinner with my family, my parents basically bluntly said they don't support gay marriage, but would be okay with civil unions - a stance I oppose, because it was hammered into me pretty hard back in school that "separate but equal" generally isn't, and that's what civil unions pretty much are. Granted, my parents are generally fairly liberal-leaning (well, not sure about my mother, since she likes to watch Fox and Friends, but she's not particularly outwardly conservative, at least), but still, it surprised me.
On the plus side, at least my state of Maryland will have a vote on legalizing gay marriage this November. I suppose you could surmise as much from this post, but I do intend to vote in favor when I reach the polling booth. I'm just worried it'll go the way of Proposition 8 from California - we may be a fairly liberal state, all told, but that doesn't mean we lean liberal on everything...
Rhode Island delegate Barbara Fenton proposed the amendment. She said that as a 31-year-old, the party's longtime opposition to legal rights for same-sex couples is increasingly out-of-step with the beliefs of her friends and peers.
"For my own generation, a lot of times homosexuality isn't the biggest deal in the world anymore, and that's okay," Fenton told the 110-member committee and its chairman, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.
Her proposal was seconded by a handful of people in the room - but two leading conservatives on the platform committee, Indiana's Jim Bopp and Louisiana's Tony Perkins, sternly argued against it.
Anyone post the amazon election book heat map
The map is interactive with breakdowns and such. Pretty fun.
Thomas fucking Friedman is a left leaning writer now?
And I'm happy to see that The People's History is still popular.
It's a solid book.
It turns out their entire education system was a front for a child molestation ring.
Okay, maybe I worded it a bit too strongly. (There's a reason I mostly lurk... <_<)Vehement opposition!
They have it.they need a freaking kindle version
they need a freaking kindle version
Okay, maybe I worded it a bit too strongly. (There's a reason I mostly lurk... <_<)
^ I'm guessing they just lump all general biographies about a person into the party that person represented.
Vehement opposition!
Really had to scour the depths of the web for it. Thank me.
Apparently the Tuesday Night sessions at the RNC will be themed "We Built This," however it has been pointed out that the stadium they're holding the convention in was built by 62% government funds. Kind of funny when you think about sports like that. Football, Baseball, and Basketball stadiums are largely helped by government funds.
The committee's opposition to her amendment was vehement.^ I'm guessing they just lump all general biographies about a person into the party that person represented.
Vehement opposition!
TAMPA–The Republican party platform will continue to call for a constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex unions, after a drafting committee rejected an attempt to allow for civil unions for gays and lesbians.
A loud majority of the committee opposed the amendment in a voice vote.
Romney might possess a marginal advantage in Florida, although the polling has hitherto indicated a legitimate toss-up. Thus, Florida does not qualify as out of reach for Obama. But my primary contention is not with your conclusion. Rather, I disagree with the spurious premise that the performance of a state's economy is electorally consequential. A state's economy is at most of nominal import. Rather, the impact of the national economy dwarfs state and local factors. This is an instance where, contrary to the conventional wisdom, politics are not local.I would count Florida out of reach for Obama. It didn't add 11,000 jobs last month like Ohio; who I will also add has an unemployment rate a full point below the national average at 7.2%. Plus it's in the South and has a strong Republican machine down there. But who needs it when you have Virginia and Ohio in your corner.
That book seems to encapsulate Friedman's most galling tendencies.Jesus. Go ahead and move that bar about 10 percentage points over to the left.
An entire convention built on an out-of-context quote. The GOP is amazing.
We Built This...
The funny thing is, "we built this" is pretty much exactly what Bams was trying to say.