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Eh, pretty sure it's meant to be a joke. For one thing, if we're talking about alpha male status games, I'm pretty sure "I have a lot of money" loses to "I'm the fucking President."

I mean, that's the whole reason Mittens wants it, yes?
I thought so too, then I decided to google the writer.

Poe's law strikes again.

This is seriously like an onion article:
It is a curious scientific fact (explained in evolutionary biology by the Trivers-Willard hypothesis — Willard, notice) that high-status animals tend to have more male offspring than female offspring, which holds true across many species, from red deer to mink to Homo sap. The offspring of rich families are statistically biased in favor of sons — the children of the general population are 51 percent male and 49 percent female, but the children of the Forbes billionaire list are 60 percent male. Have a gander at that Romney family picture: five sons, zero daughters. Romney has 18 grandchildren, and they exceed a 2:1 ratio of grandsons to granddaughters (13:5). When they go to church at their summer-vacation home, the Romney clan makes up a third of the congregation. He is basically a tribal chieftain.

Professor Obama? Two daughters. May as well give the guy a cardigan. And fallopian tubes.

From an evolutionary point of view, Mitt Romney should get 100 percent of the female vote. All of it.

He sure know the secret of attracting female voters (or females in general).
and it's not loading - have they taken it offline?

No. Just refresh.

I want the compationate conservatism of Bush. At least he faked caring (I actually think he personally did).

These people literally buy into the parasite metaphor. They HATE poor people and resent them.


I thought so too, then I decided to google the writer.

Poe's law strikes again.
Oh. Still its not funny and I have no doubt their playing this as a joke but really believe it.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I thought so too, then I decided to google the writer.

Poe's law strikes again.

And this piece of shit:

Each year, the United States spends $65,000 per poor family to “fight poverty” – in a country in which the average family income is just under $50,000. Meanwhile, most of that money goes to middle-class and upper-middle-class families, and the current U.S. poverty rate is higher than it was before the government began spending trillions of dollars on anti-poverty programs.

In this eye-opening Broadside, Kevin D. Williamson uncovers the hidden politics of the welfare state and documents the historical evidence that proves Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” was designed to do one thing: maximize the number of Americans dependent upon the government. The welfare state was never meant to eliminate privation; it was created to keep Democrats in power.


No Scrubs
That reads like an Onion article.

It has to be one, if it isn't then that means someone got paid to actually think of this and write it. I can live with that if it's a joke article, but if someone out there really believes this shit then I'm going to need a space ship and a shit ton of cheetos and cheseburgers.
Ugh. I don't like those WI poll numbers. At least Marquette has Obama leading though.

I'm actually okay with losing WI if McCaskill gets to cruise to re-election.
Actually reading it I still don't but that this is intentional a humor article. I think they guy thinks this. He's using hyperbole for humorous effect. for sure but he's seriously extolling the virtue of rich people and that Mitt should flaunt it.

This is how they're advertising the article
It is time for Mitt Romney to get in touch with his inner rich guy. He should not be ashamed of being loaded; instead, he should have some fun with it. He will discover something that the Obama campaign has not quite figured out yet: Americans do not hate rich people. Americans love rich people. By Kevin D. Williamson


No Scrubs
Actually reading it I still don't but that this is intentional a humor article. I think they guy thinks this. He's using hyperbole for humorous effect. for sure but he's seriously extolling the virtue of rich people and that Mitt should flaunt it.

He can't actually think this shit, no one is THAT dumb. If Romney spent his money like Bill Gates trying to cure the world of a horrible disease that's one thing, flaunt that all you want, but Mittens hasn't. He's the definition of the guy who calls you into his office and fires you, shit he WAS that guy for 25 years.

EDIT: Americans love rich people who do something great with their money. Americans love people who give back or who entertain or who make our lives better. That's who Americans love, it just so happens that most of those people are rich.
He can't actually think this shit, no one is THAT dumb. If Romney spent his money like Bill Gates trying to cure the world of a horrible disease that's one thing, flaunt that all you want, but Mittens hasn't. He's the definition of the guy who calls you into his office and fires you, shit he WAS that guy for 25 years.

EDIT: Americans love rich people who do something great with their money. Americans love people who give back or who entertain or who make our lives better. That's who Americans love, it just so happens that most of those people are rich.

They mistake the cult of celebrity for a cult of the rich. People don't like "rich people". They like celebrities who tend to be rich.

CEO's are not celebrities. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are not liked because of their business work but because they were celebrities who went beyond their jobs.
We're getting another poll in Wisconsin tomorrow, this time from Quinnipac. Presidential and senate.

Last time they had Obama up by 6, and Thompson and Baldwin were tied.
"[n]o, I don’t think Michelle Obama was worth nearly 400 grand a year." Suggesting that she only garnered that pay through Barack's political connections. Because a 40 year old Harvard JD making that is preposterous.

Well I mean, she is BLACK and a WOMAN.. so how realistic could that pay have been? Really?


No Scrubs
They mistake the cult of celebrity for a cult of the rich. People don't like "rich people". They like celebrities who tend to be rich.

CEO's are not celebrities. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are not liked because of their business work but because they were celebrities who went beyond their jobs.

Exactly, people will naturally love someone who does something great. It's just how we are. Whoever wrote this article, if they really meant it, is an idiot. Full stop.
"[n]o, I don’t think Michelle Obama was worth nearly 400 grand a year." Suggesting that she only garnered that pay through Barack's political connections. Because a 40 year old Harvard JD making that is preposterous.

Well I mean, she is BLACK and a WOMAN.. so how realistic could that pay have been? Really?

I read into that the same thing. Not overtly racist but it plays into those dog whistles.

We're getting another poll in Wisconsin tomorrow, this time from Quinnipac. Presidential and senate.

Last time they had Obama up by 6, and Thompson and Baldwin were tied.

I think you need to accept the fact Thompson is gonna win or at least is winning now. I wouldn't worry about Obama though.


Fired-Up Obama Slams Romney On Education In Las Vegas
President Obama whipped a cheering crowd into a frenzy in Las Vegas on Wednesday, delivering a barnburner speech at a high school attacking Mitt Romney over education.

“I have a question for Gov. Romney,” Obama said. “How many teachers’ jobs are worth another tax cut for millionaires and billionaires?”
“Cutting back on teachers is the last thing we should be doing as a country,” Obama said. “We should be hiring more teachers, especially in areas of math and science.”
The president was briefly interrupted by a heckler, whose shouts were drowned out by chants of “Four more years!” from the crowd.

“That young man probably needed a good teacher,” Obama ad-libbed after the man was removed from the event.



Court: Texas can cut off Planned Parenthood funds

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A federal appeals court ruled late Tuesday that Texas can cut off funding for Planned Parenthood clinics that provide health services to low-income women before a trial over a new law that bans state money from going to organizations tied to abortion providers.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans lifted a federal judge's temporary injunction that called for the funding to continue pending an October trial on Planned Parenthood's challenge to the law.

State officials sought to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood clinics that provide family planning and health services to poor women as part of the Texas Women's Health Program after the state's Republican-led Legislature passed a law banning funds to organizations linked to abortion providers. No state money goes to pay for abortions.

The appeal's court decision means Texas is now free to enforce its ban on clinics affiliated with abortion providers. Planned Parenthood provides cancer screenings and other services — but not abortions — to about half of the 130,000 low-income Texas women enrolled in the program, which is designed to provide services to women who might not otherwise qualify for Medicaid.

The ruling is the latest in the ongoing fight over Texas' efforts to halt funding to clinics affiliated with abortion providers. The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has said that the new state rule violates federal law. Federal funds paid for 90 percent, or about $35 million, of the $40 million Women's Health Program until the new rule went into effect. Federal officials are now phasing out support for the program.

Gov. Rick Perry has promised that Texas will make up for the loss of federal funds to keep the program going without Planned Parenthood's involvement. State officials have said ending the program would result in more unplanned pregnancies that would cost the state much more than self-financing the program.

In a statement, Perry called Tuesday's ruling "a win for Texas women, our rule of law and our state's priority to protect life."

"Texas will continue providing important health services for women through this program in spite of the Obama Administration's disregard for our state law and unilateral decision to defund this program," the governor said.

Perry's office referred questions about continued funding for the Women's Health Program to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, which said it would move to begin enforcing the ban.

Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said the case "has never been about Planned Parenthood — it's about the women who rely on Planned Parenthood for cancer screenings, birth control and well-woman exams."

"It is shocking that politics would get in the way of women receiving access to basic health care," Richards said in a statement.

The case began when Planned Parenthood sued, saying the new Texas law violated its rights to free speech. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott countered by arguing that lawmakers may decide which organizations receive state funds.

A federal judge in Austin ruled in May that the funding should continue pending the trial on Planned Parenthood's lawsuit, saying there's sufficient evidence the state's law is unconstitutional.

But the three-judge appellate panel disagreed, unanimously finding that Planned Parenthood was unlikely to prevail in future arguments that its free-speech rights were violated.

Abbott cheered the decision Tuesday, noting that it "rightfully recognized that the taxpayer-funded Women's Health Program is not required to subsidize organizations that advocate for elective abortion."

"We are encouraged by today's decision and will continue to defend the Women's Health Program in court," Abbot said in a statement.

The ruling comes as conservative groups across the nation try to pass and enforce laws to put Planned Parenthood out of business and make getting an abortion more difficult. Earlier this year the same court upheld a new Texas law requiring doctors to perform a sonogram and provide women with a detailed description of the fetus before carrying out an abortion.

Richards said the decision left Planned Parenthood "evaluating every possible option to protect women's health in Texas."

Only pro-life people will consider this a win. The irony of it being a part of a plan dubbed the "Women's Health Program" is hilarious, though.


Congressional Budget Office warns recession looming if Congress doesn't act on "fiscal cliff"


(CBS News) If Washington doesn't reverse the several fiscal policy changes set for the end of the year, the nation could head into another recession in 2013, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said in its latest economic report.

A whole bevy of policy changes are set to go into effect on Dec. 31 and Jan. 1, 2013, including the $1.2 billion in across-the-board spending cuts that Congress agreed to in 2011 after the bipartisan congressional "supercommittee" failed to come up with its own deficit-shrinking plan. The much-debated Bush-era tax cuts are also set to expire.

Those policy changes would have the intended effect of reducing the deficit -- by fiscal year 2013, the deficit would be nearly $500 billion less than the shortfall in 2012, the CBO reports.

However, the CBO also expects the belt-tightening to bring down real gross domestic product (GDP) by .5 percent between the fourth quarter of 2012 and the fourth quarter of 2013. Additionally, it predicts that unemployment would rise to about 9 percent by mid-2013.

The CBO report drew strong reactions from both the White House and Republicans. President Obama's press secretary released a statement strongly rebuking Republicans for holding the extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for the middle class "hostage."

EDIT: link to the CBO report, for the wonks amongst us - http://cbo.gov/publication/43539
Congressional Budget Office warns recession looming if Congress doesn't act on "fiscal cliff"


EDIT: link to the CBO report, for the wonks amongst us - http://cbo.gov/publication/43539
That's why Democrats need to win the House and Senate. Of course Republicans want this to happen, it'll set themselves up perfectly for 2016.

They can pass tax reform and more balanced spending cuts through reconciliation.
That Williamson article is written in that chickenshit tongue-half-in-cheek way where he's "lol jk" and serious at the same time. Conveniently, this allows one to straight-up propose something while hiding behind it at the same time in case it doesn't stick.
Obama earns high approval rating with Latinos

President Barack Obama maintains his considerable lead over Mitt Romney among Latino voters, according to a new poll released Wednesday by NBC News, the Wall Street Journal and Telemundo.

The poll shows Obama leading Romney among registered Latino voters nationwide, 63 percent to 28 percent. Obama earns high marks from Latino voters for his job handling the economy and foreign policy, boasting approval ratings of 59 percent and 58 percent on each respective issue. Sixty-two percent of Latino voters approve of Obama's job performance overall, compared with only 32 percent who disapprove.

The poll suggests that Romney may have his work cut out for him if he is to reach the benchmark set by his campaign. A campaign aide told The Hill that the Republican ticket is vying to claim 38 percent of the Latino vote this November. That's seven percentage points higher than Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) share of the Latino vote in 2008 and just a notch below the 40 percent mark attained by former President George W. Bush in 2004.

Romney has never reached the 38 percent threshold in the PollTracker Average, which currently shows Obama holding a massive lead among Latino voters, 60.1 percent to 30.9 percent.
They'll abandon him in droves!

C'mon guys, let's swing Nevada


Obama earns high approval rating with Latinos

They'll abandon him in droves!

C'mon guys, let's swing Nevada

Latinos self-deporting themselves to the Democratic Party.

To be honest, what did the GOP think was going to happen? I would love to see the numbers on how the discussion on immigration during the primaries have affected Latino support. All that talk on self-deportation, double electrified fences and queue jumping must have irreparable damage to the image of the GOP.
The question was never whether they'd abandon Obama: the question remains whether they'll actually show up and vote.
He has a 62% approval rating from Latinos, so it's not like they dislike him or see him as the lesser of two evils.

You can bet there WILL be a strong turnout machine in Colorado, Florida, Nevada etc. States where it will really count. All you need to do is look at Harry Reid's campaign in 2010 and that's basically Obama's playbook.

James Carville's polling outfit seems to indicate that GOP incumbents are in trouble in the House, based on Medicare and the Ryan plan. I don't really like these "battleground" polls because they tend to miss the forest for the trees and it's hard to produce a solid topline result, but it is indicative of a trend - seniors are less trusting of GOP then they were a year ago, and much less so than in 2010. Democrats can win the House like they did in 2006 when they made the campaign about Bush privatizing Social Security.
Yeah, I'd say he's the favorite.

Which means he's winning. Yes things can change. I doubt they will. He's popular.

People don't always vote on party lines and a popular guy from the other party can attract voters if he hasn't done anything extreamly offensive or represents the worst of the other party.


Dems Unveil Female-Heavy Convention line-up
Democrats are touting their female-heavy convention lineup in the wake of Todd Akin’s controversial comments on rape, and the Republican Party’s decision to enshrine in its party platform its opposition to abortion even in cases of rape and incest.

Democrats announced a slate of women and pro-choice advocates who will speak at their convention in Charlotte Wednesday. The list includes Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, and Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University law graduate whose support of President Obama’s contraception coverage policy prompted Rush Limbaugh to call her a “slut” and a “prostitute.”

“This convention will define the election as a choice between two very different paths for our nation, particularly when it comes to the health and economic security of women and middle class families,” DNC spokeswoman Melanie Roussell told TPM. “The speakers announced today were chosen because they can personally define that choice.”

Holy shit hahahahaha

like a fucking Boss.
Haha loved that part.


Queen of Denmark
Ha. I'm sorry, but if your seed can only produce two girls, you do nothing "like a boss."
It's really only a matter of time before Obama allows Romney to furiously dominance-hump him.

Don't like it, libs? Should've thought of that before you nominated a candidate with disgusting daughter children.
I thought you were trying to differentiate and just call him the "favorite" and still fighting against the fact that he was probably going to win. my mistake
It's cool. Given the extreme denial I was in over 2010 right up until the election day, I wouldn't blame you. I've tempered my expectations a bit. I'll even acknowledge the very real possibility of Obama losing, though I still doubt it.


Congressional Budget Office warns recession looming if Congress doesn't act on "fiscal cliff"


EDIT: link to the CBO report, for the wonks amongst us - http://cbo.gov/publication/43539
Ugh. I read stuff like this and I start to get a headache. Get ready for more drama towards the end of the year -- right in time for the election too.

Jesus H. Christ.

That's why it's so easy to not get too excited over polling and such. So much can happen in this small window between now and the election.
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