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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Ugh. I read stuff like this and I start to get a headache. Get ready for more drama towards the end of the year -- right in time for the election too.

Jesus H. Christ.

That's why it's so easy to not get too excited over polling and such. So much can happen in this small window between now and the election.
Well if the GOP wants to have a debate on gutting the defense budget and extending the Bush cuts, they'd probably lose. So if that's the centerpiece of their economic plan I think Obama would still win.

But from a purely policy standpoint, yes, unless Dems pull a rabbit out of their hat and Pelosi is Speaker again, we're boned.
Remember when TPM and GAFers were arguing republicans would have no choice BUT to agree to tax increases in order to prevent the Bush cuts from expiring/defense cuts? What a master stroke by democrats!
Remember when TPM and GAFers were arguing republicans would have no choice BUT to agree to tax increases in order to prevent the Bush cuts from expiring/defense cuts? What a master stroke by democrats!
Well seeing as how if they still refuse to come to the table, the Bush tax cuts are repealed and the defense cuts are put in place, I'd say Democrats won the policy side of the debate. That's a 2-to-1 ratio of tax increases to cuts.

Of course, they're not going to let it pass, but they have the leverage. The difference this time is that Obama won't have to worry about re-election.
Well seeing as how if they still refuse to come to the table, the Bush tax cuts are repealed and the defense cuts are put in place, I'd say Democrats won the policy side of the debate. That's a 2-to-1 ratio of tax increases to cuts.

Of course, they're not going to let it pass, but they have the leverage. The difference this time is that Obama won't have to worry about re-election.

he'll just have to worry about triggering a recession that ensures he goes down as the worst democrat since Carter
Michelle's body should've found a way to make it a boy.

When it's a legitimately beta male, their bodies can shut that whole thing down.

Eh, this is the shit we beat up Ryan etc for "blood pressure medicine" and "must not be from Iowa"

Obama's comment was less directly insulting to the heckler but I still think it is best policy to ignore them.

False equivalency. Joking about age /= "if he had a better teacher he'd have better manners"


Current Drudge headline shows how desperate he is for an actual story
(more than usual)
to run against O, and the torrent of negative Romney/Ryan news.



"This evening in New York City, President Obama will be fundraising with "NBA heroes," according to his spokesman. Those "heroes" include Michael Jordan (who is also a failed baseball player)"

What? lol. Michael Jordan defamation now? Don't think that will get you very far.

Eh, this is the shit we beat up Ryan etc for "blood pressure medicine" and "must not be from Iowa"

Obama's comment was less directly insulting to the heckler but I still think it is best policy to ignore them.

best practice is:
1) Make Joke
2) Pivot
Current Drudge headline shows how desperate he is for an actual story
(more than usual)
to run against O, and the torrent of negative Romney/Ryan news.



"This evening in New York City, President Obama will be fundraising with "NBA heroes," according to his spokesman. Those "heroes" include Michael Jordan (who is also a failed baseball player)"

What? lol. Michael Jordan defamation now? Don't think that will get you very far.

must be a laker fan


must be a laker fan

I love that heroes is in quotes, haha seriously, didn't realize MJ was on the Republican shitlist. Also last night I actually saw the documentary on the ESPN 30/30 series about Jordan's baseball career, dude was definitely gonna go pro within two years were it not for the baseball strike, pretty amazing he went from basically zero knowledge and skill in baseball to being a good player, not sure any other athlete will ever accomplish anything even close to that, let alone have the balls to do it. Stating he "failed" as baseball player is one of many things wrong with that article.


Unconfirmed Member
When it's a legitimately beta male, their bodies can shut that whole thing down.
VHS-males > beta-males for sure

False equivalency. Joking about age /= "if he had a better teacher he'd have better manners"
I agree obamas retort was orders of magnitude less offensive to the heckler (not this heckler's teachers however) Not a false equiv though. We eviscerate the right over "witty retort to heckler" why call Obama a boss when he has a bully pulpit and does the same. Save that for the inevitable burns he gets on Romney in the debates.
Scott Brown may be ahead but he sure is talking like a loser:
Scott Brown said:
"I don't need Professor Warren talking or speaking or commenting on my votes."

codhand said:
The propaganda continues....Who's funding this domain???????
Warner Brothers... more like the Marx Brothers.


What is that Marxist hiding behind his mustache?!


I guess he won't be invited to any DC townhouse cocktail parties. *daps*

I wish someone would just say "how come the qualification for being serious is the willingness to punish the lower and middle class in order to give huge tax cuts to the wealthiest."


edit: Rick Warren just cancelled his presidential town hall thing. He says this election is too negative, the most negative he's ever seen, and gosh darn it there's not enough serious people talking civilly about serious civil things.

Citing the negative climate of the current presidential race, Pastor Rick Warren on Wednesday cancelled the Civil Forum with President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney originally scheduled to be held this week at his southern California megachurch, the Orange County Register reports.

Warren's forum four years ago at Saddle Back Church in Lake Forest, Calif. with Obama and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was widely praised, but the pastor and bestselling author said the tenor of this year's campaign runs counter to the spirit of the event.

"We created the Civil Forums to promote civility and personal respect between people with major differences," Warren said in an announcement Wednesday. "The forums are meant to be a place where people of good-will can seriously disagree on significant issues without being disagreeable or resorting to personal attack and name-calling. But that is not the climate of today's campaign. I've never seen more irresponsible personal attacks, mean-spirited slander, and flat-out dishonest attack ads, and I don't expect that tone to change before the election."

edit: Rick Warren just cancelled his presidential town hall thing. He says this election is too negative, the most negative he's ever seen, and gosh darn it there's not enough serious people talking civilly about serious civil things.
hm, yes, we should be blaming mass shootings on evolution more

and Romney would be coming to my county, full of rich assholes



edit: Rick Warren just cancelled his presidential town hall thing. He says this election is too negative, the most negative he's ever seen, and gosh darn it there's not enough serious people talking civilly about serious civil things.
Haha. This is probably my single favorite thing to come as a result of Team Obama's aggressive campaigning so far.
edit: Rick Warren just cancelled his presidential town hall thing. He says this election is too negative, the most negative he's ever seen, and gosh darn it there's not enough serious people talking civilly about serious civil things.

Now if we can just get the science debate to happen!

Edit: Negative campaign? I think it has been relatively respectful so far. I think it will start to become much worse. Hopefully not as bad as those Palin rallies though where she'd accuse him of paling around with terrorists and her supporters would come with Obama monkey dolls.

Peggy Noonan's face at the 1:58 mark was priceless

I did not know who this guy was before this video... now I do, dude is a BOSS. Cruz got manhandled by him just in that sitting. Peggy Noonan, with that look on her face, must have been thinking in her head "Damn, Cruz just got sonned!"

And his full name is Mohammed Kasim Reed... figures that him and Hussein Obama would be friends

edit: Rick Warren just cancelled his presidential town hall thing. He says this election is too negative, the most negative he's ever seen, and gosh darn it there's not enough serious people talking civilly about serious civil things.

I hate peoples obsession with "serious campaigning" and non-personal attacks. I don't see Romney or Obama calling each other idiots. I see them attacking each other for perceived faults that could effect their ability to do the job.

The attack on Romney about the man's wife dying has health care policy implications, the attack on his bain record have policy implications, same with his taxes.

The attack on Obama saying "you didn't build that" be it a lie, distortion or whatever has policy implications.

They're not saying the other is ugly or not man enough. Every damn election I hear the same thing, Its too mean, politicians suck. Grow up and read a history book. This stuff has a history in more "serious times"

Political disagreements, especially in campaigns and in presidential campagins (in comparision with parlementary elections) were never something that people just had tea over. That stuff comes after elections when actual policy is debated.


Haha. This is probably my single favorite thing to come as a result of Team Obama's aggressive campaigning so far.


Watching the GOP whine about the Obama campaign's aggressiveness puts a smile to my face. I mean, these guys are currently spending hundreds of millions on negative SuperPAC ads against Obama, brought us the concept of "swift boating" your opponent (hell, they're doing it again!), 'otherizing' Obama every chance they get, whining about college transcripts, using dog-whistle tactics, etc... But if the Dems even get a bit aggressive themselves, they're all "Oh shame on you! Have you no honor, sir?!" What's worse is that the media often fall in line with the GOP on that.


Unconfirmed Member
About the "fiscal cliff." when this agreement was reached I thought it was bad news for Obama with the deadline being so close to election. Now, and I don't think this was planned, Obama has a golden opportunity to use it to his advantage.

A) he can point out he gave them an opportunity for a clean raise of the debt ceiling and they turned it down. Running sharply against congress who put these in place by failing to compromise.

B)If the debt fear picks up steam he can revisit the grand bargain, I think it's poor policy but at least it is a plan. He articulated a very specific set of proposals that lowered the deficit, Romney's response is going to be slash spending and give me a tax cut, which will look silly in comparison.

C)Congress neutralizes the cuts, deficit be damned. If he wins and this happens he is in a position to simply let the whole thing expire and propose either new mid/lower tax cuts or comprehensive tax reform out of the gate (though this rests heavily on house and senate results).
But if the Dems even get a bit aggressive themselves, they're all "Oh shame on you! Have you not honor, sir?!" What's worse is that the media often fall in line with the GOP on that.

....and how dare the Democrats try divide this country by making up this so-called "war on women"!!!!!!! for shame!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So the Thrilla From Wasilla chimed in on the Akin thing and said he should quit.

Didn't little miss mooseburger also support banning abortions in rape and incest? Where was the outrage back in 2008 from the righties?


I don't see how the fiscal cliff is a bad thing for Obama, if he has any leadership abilities. You aren't going to get jack shit done if no one feels pain. You aren't getting tax reform or higher taxes on the rich if you are arguing from a steady state. No one will fall in line. Let the bomb drop and then people will get serious about proposals, if it continues how it is people will just pussy foot around extending shit forever.

If you are a real leader the fiscal cliff post reelection should be a gold mine of opportunity

edit: Rick Warren just cancelled his presidential town hall thing. He says this election is too negative, the most negative he's ever seen, and gosh darn it there's not enough serious people talking civilly about serious civil things.

So basically he figured out he might have difficulty asking certain religious questions and getting applause lines for his preferred candidate.



National Review drops the pretense and openly extols the idea that the president should be a rich white alpha male capable of dominating and controlling money-hungry women.
It's true, though. Obama is many things, but he's not an alpha male. Remember...

PhoenixDark said:
This is a guy whose own father abandoned him, his mother was distant for much of his life as well. When you add in the racial identity confusion I think we're looking at a person who was not loved as a child to a level many children were by their parents, and has therefore attempted to find acceptance through joining close communities, always being the giver, constantly trying to impress or be accepted by others, etc. Boehner has taken advantage of that for four years, and Obama seems perfectly fine with it.
Our esteemed ally in Afghanistan is returning to the seemingly plausible, yet conspicuously unsubstantiated, refrain of foreign infiltration to excuse the recent increase in green-on-blue violence. First, the attacks have increased decidedly this year; hitherto, there have been 32 attack in 2012 after 21 similar attacks in 2011. Second, even if the claim is valid, it's not entirely relevant; I find the evidence dubious although a myriad of states are jostling in Afghanistan, so it's not implausible. The attacks, on which I've previously commentated, are effectively debilitating the sole objective in which we've been purportedly successful. I've long decried our imprudent disregard of Afghanistan's governance problem. But if even the military is being ravaged, our forlorn effort to secure a modicum of stability has been lost.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wait, what happened in that Peggy Noonan video? Can't watch it at work and it won't even let me see the title of the video.
hey, it's not nice when the nerd hits the bully on the nose

i mean, look at the bully, he's crying and everything! what happened to reasoned discussion and discourse?
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