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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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You could have Romney, on tape, saying "I have always supported the idea that legitimate rape cannot result in pregnancy. It's science" and it would get a minor dip for like a week while he or whoever else would walk back the comment. Then, his numbers would go back up.

Yeah, I think you are right on this. It would cause a dip but it might be largely forgotten a week later.

But it would change a few people's minds. Many women & scientists would think . . . "No, he's fucking stupid and I'm not voting for him." But it would probably be a small effect.

Dude Abides

Not a dagger. You guys overestimate intelligence, memory, or the faculty to care amongst the voting public of America.

The posts are almost annoying.

It makes you wonder how many folks paid attention to politics before 2008.

WTF is she making that face for? Dude laid out the case. I see no issue with it. Ryan's budget plan is a crock of shit.

Paul Ryan, Serious Thinker is received Gospel amongst the vapid Beltway pundit class that Noonan exemplifies. ASs far as she's concerned Reed may as well have been talking about ancient aliens or Atlantis.
Paul Ryan, Serious Thinker is received Gospel amongst the vapid Beltway pundit class that Noonan exemplifies. ASs far as she's concerned Reed may as well have been talking about ancient aliens or Atlantis.

The partisanship was too much for her innocent ears to bear. Chuck Todd also looked less than amused.

Nothing says "serious" and "adult" like being willing to hurt lower and middle income people; I half wonder whether DC beltway types would cheer the return of slavery if both parties came to a bipartisan agreement on it. Yet in Ryan's case he has never really worked with democrats outside of Wyden, and that seemed more like Wyden giving the middle finger to democrats who removed his ideas from the health care bill. Ryan is a far right ideologue of the highest magnitude, and there is nothing centrist or forward looking about his deceptive budget.

Let the Bush tax cuts expire, bring the troops home, get rid of the income cap on Social Security/payroll taxes. Boom, the deficit becomes more manageable and SS is taken off the table. Of course none of that is sexy or "bold"


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

Saw that months ago, dude is pretty fuggin awesome.
August 23, 2012 - Ryan Micro-Bump In Florida, Wisconsin, But Not Ohio, Quinnipiac University/CBS News/New York Times Swing State Poll Finds

Wisconsin - Obama 49 - Romney 47 (Down from 51-45)

Florida - Obama 49 / Romney 46 (Down from 51-45)

Ohio - Obama 50 / Romney 44 (unchanged from last month)



Obama hits 50% in all 3 states on who would be better for health care

Wisconsin -Obama - 50 - Romney 44
Florida - Obama - 51 - Romney 43
Ohio - Obama - 51 - Romney 43

Better Job on Medicare

Wisconsin - Obama 51 - Romney 42
Florida - Obama 50 - Romney 42
Ohio - Obama 50 - Romney 41


The Buckeye State remains in Obama's column, the poll shows. The president leads Romney, 50 percent to 44 percent, identical to his lead in the previous poll, in late July. Two percent support another candidate, and 4 percent are undecided.

Both candidates are at nearly 95 percent among members of their own parties, while Romney has a slight edge among independents, 48 percent to 43 percent.

Romney's lead among male voters is just 2 percentage points, 48 percent to 46 percent. But that does not counterbalance Obama's double-digit advantage among women, 54 percent to 41 percent.

Romney leads Obama among white voters, 52 percent to 43 percent, including a 53-40 lead among white voters without a college degree.

But Romney remains unpopular in Ohio. Just 39 percent of likely voters have a favorable opinion of him, while 45 percent view him unfavorably. Obama, on the other hand, is viewed favorably by 51 percent and unfavorably by 45 percent.

Ohio is still uh oh for Romney it seems.


For starters, Romney has flip flopped so hard on almost every issue does anyone really believe that he genuinely agreed with this guy on "almost everything"? Romney is bereft of any core convictions, so he was probably just paying this guy some lip-service so he could appeal to certain segment of voters. Now if Paul Ryan was found to have close connections with this guy, it would be different because Ryan actually drinks the KoolAid and has attempted to pass extreme abortion legislation.

Secondly, there's no strong imagery or sound bite to go along with this. There's no tape so far of Dr. Willke whipping a crowd into an anti-abortion frenzy. There's no national interview of him using the words "legitimate rape" to neatly tie the strings together with Akins comments. Mittens did send out a pretty strong press release endorsing him, but again it's still just a press release and it's 4 years old. In Mitten's terms, 4 years is equal to 16 policy permutations. And there's no video footage of Romney explicitly endorsing this guy's specific views on abortion. I honestly think Romney's interview with Mike Huckabee casually endorsing those personhood laws is more damaging than any of the above things. And that still hasn't gotten much traction lately.


Wisconsin - Obama 49 - Romney 47

Florida - Obama 49 / Romney 46

Ohio - Obama 50 / Romney 44 (unchanged from last month)



You left out Colorado - Romney 50 / Obama 45

edit: Wait, is that Colorado part on the NYT page from an older poll? I guess it is. But I don't see it listed on Nate's site, so maybe it's new.


We are constantly reminded of the scandalous, incompetent nature of the Romney campaign through an endless stream of TPM and Thinkprogress links, as if to spell the end of Romneys election hopes.

And then you look at the polls and see that very little has changed over the last few months; Romney was slightly behind in June and hes slightly behind now. Very clearly, this stuff matters less than most people here think it does. Or should.

The Obama campaign is rock solid so far. The headline on Drudge Report yesterday was about how Obama is attending a fundraiser with NBA star Carmello Anthony, (yes, that's a conservative's idea of scandulous incompetence).

The state polls are rather steady, but looking at most any important qualitative poll, Obama is up. IE, likabilty, handling terrorism, women's issues (+28), ability to handle medicare, and a 22 point lead on "caring about average people".
You left out Colorado - Romney 50 / Obama 45

edit: Wait, is that Colorado part on the NYT page from an older poll? I guess it is. But I don't see it listed on Nate's site, so maybe it's new.

its the new poll released today, my bad i forgot to put the date on.

But yeah Ohio, Romney camp needs to just campaign there throughout the last 3 months or he's toast, Bain attack ads probably did the damage there the most


How the hell is Obama winning Florida, but losing Colorado?

I have no idea, but maybe Rove's superpac is focusing a lot on Nevada and Colorado during the summer, and planning on moving on to the more important swing states closer to the election. That's a big maybe though. I imagine Rove has so much superpac money that he can just throw money at every swing state willy nilly.


I wish our political discourse was more like this. I want to watch c-span showing politicians from both sides with with a scotch in hand debating the actual bills and yelling at each other until shit gets done.

This is what happens now, except the scotch is in a flask in their suit jacket.

I keep listening to that Higgins smack-down, so good.
Reddit brought this to my attention and he was fantastic.

I wish our political discourse was more like this. I want to watch c-span showing politicians from both sides with with a scotch in hand debating the actual bills and yelling at each other until shit gets done.

Not that I disagree, but that video isn't showing anyone debating "the actual bills", it's people denouncing each others ideology. There's enough of that in our politics already.

Being passionate about your views is a good thing in politics as it makes for interesting discussion and gets people's attention. But more than that, American politics need more factual debate, like you said, talking about the numbers and policies... which was not in the video.



Obviously the point is that if a Conservative poll has a D trouncing an R, then it warrants the use of several "ha"s in succession.

Maybe Rasmussen is skewing to try and force Akin to drop out? If the guy is a fraud I refuse to believe any of his polls, whether I like them or not.
Rasmussen agrees with my worldview so now I find him credible.

Um, no. Here's what's going on: Rasmussen leans reliably Republican. If Rasmussen finds a Republican candidate ahead by a couple of points, or within the margin of error, take it with a grain of salt. But if Rasmussen can't manipulate their polling method to get the Republican candidate ahead, that means the Democratic candidate really is ahead. Hence the "hahahaha."


Maybe Rasmussen is skewing to try and force Akin to drop out? If the guy is a fraud I refuse to believe any of his polls, whether I like them or not.

So having a chuckle at the irony = believing the results? I think it might be possible to think it's funny AND not believe the results. I know I just did.

You should have hung on to that little quip until someone actually tried to use the poll in analysis.


Maybe Rasmussen is skewing to try and force Akin to drop out? If the guy is a fraud I refuse to believe any of his polls, whether I like them or not.

i had that typed up, but its too late for him to be replaced... i guess he can drop out with the sarah palin party candidate being a write in?


Having a cordial email debate with a coworker, and he said:
There is not a single entity that is run by the government that is successful and to let them take over 16% of our economy will be nothing but a disaster. 
Yeah. Besides the fact that I'm pretty sure that by "successful" he means "makes money," anyone care to help me refute him?


i had that typed up, but its too late for him to be replaced... i guess he can drop out with the sarah palin party candidate being a write in?

He can drop out anytime he wants. Apparently he can also get his name off the ballot with no problem too until mid-September, however the dems can sue to keep him on. I want that hilarity to unfold, obviously.

The GOP can still back a write-in. With 10 weeks they can probably make a decent push with one too. Their big problem is that they can't use anyone who lost in the primary.

The best thing for the Republicans is for Akin to go away. If Rasmussen truly polls to benefit Republicans, then he would naturally want Akin to be getting destroyed. I'll wait for a pollster with a shred of credibility.

Isn't it You're with one r? :p
yoar so dumb


Can he be replaced on the ballot or would the republican replacing him have to be a write in?

It must suck having to denounce people you agree with, not sure that is gonna work out well for Republicans long term.

IE. "He should drop out because he gave up our plan and will cost us a Seat, not because, he's is morally reprehensible."
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