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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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what part was that?
The law requires all employers with more than ten full-time-equivalent (FTE) employees to offer health insurance to their workers with a “fair and reasonable” contribution—one-third of the cost of coverage—or pay a contribution of $295 annually per employee.

Romney vetoed that.
Gay conservative is truly the most obvious and sad oxymoron.

It's interesting how they seem to compensate for being surrounded with people that hate them by hurling some of the harshest criticisms at Obama. I rarely hear them calling out the hate on the right, and they act like conservatives might accept them more if they slam Obama hard. It's pretty sad.

I wonder what log cabin republicans were honestly thinking when Obama came out for gay marriage.
It's interesting how they seem to compensate for being surrounded with people that hate them by hurling some of the harshest criticisms at Obama. I rarely hear them calling out the hate on the right, and they act like conservatives might accept them more if they slam Obama hard. It's pretty sad.

I wonder what log cabin republicans were honestly thinking when Obama came out for gay marriage.
I was friends with a conservative lesbian on facebook who put up a long-ass rant about how much she hated Obama and slipped in a "Oh, I guess it's good he supports gay marriage, but STILL!"

Like it's so hard for them to admit he's ever done anything good in his life.


I just saw tonight's episode of the Newsroom. It's pretty damn horrifying to see how the GOP has descended to this circus. What's even more shocking is that it's been quite effective to them.

"The American Taliban" was a great way of describing this movement.


Here's another story on the tax schemes hidden in the Gawker release

It links to the Victor Fleischer's article about manager fees disguised as carried interest that I linked before, but it brings up another scheme called a total return equity swap. Interesting stuff, and it really shows Bain was and is up to some really really shady stuff.

Also they make a good point at the end. I wonder if Romney's birthed comment was trying to distract front here documents while buying time until the convention so these never got brought up.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Oh god.

I come to find out that one of the people I admire most, a film professor who I've taken several classes with, is in fact a right winger. He has a bunch of right wing related things on his FB page.

And he's GAY, mind you!

When I see the amounts that these multi-millionaire donors give to politics (and this is on both sides), I just shake my head at all the more good that money could do for individuals. I'm not even talking about food banks, etc., but think how much of a life-changer it would be to pay off a hundred mortgages or student loans instead.
I don't think all gay people should be democrats of course - conservatism/liberalism obviously are economic and social philosophies. But it's interesting how unyielding log cabin republicans are in terms of attacking Obama, even on gay rights issues. And it's not like his actions on gay issues contradict their economic views; for instance, I could understand a black republican disagreeing with many of LBJ's legislative achievements, even though they helped black people, due to them violating their views on what government should and shouldn't do. But there's really no comparison to that and Obama's decisions on gay rights, making the anger even more baffling
When I see the amounts that these multi-millionaire donors give to politics (and this is on both sides), I just shake my head at all the more good that money could do for individuals. I'm not even talking about food banks, etc., but think how much of a life-changer it would be to pay off a hundred mortgages or student loans instead.
Enh, it all gets spent on ads and employing people to run the campaign. Just think, if Karl Rove didn't have a job he'd have probably become a serial killer.




Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I give Debbie Wasserman-Schult a lot of shit (rightfully, I might add), but she was on fire on MTP today.


So the Paul Ryan "bump" has pretty much been erased. 538 forecast back up to 298 electoral votes and 69% chance of winning for Obama.

These shifts could be consistent with a small vice-presidential “bounce” for Mr. Romney which has since faded — perhaps as less favorable stories for Republicans, like the comments on abortion and rape made by Representative Todd Akin of Missouri, have come to dominate the news cycle.

But these are only very minor differences — the model estimates that Mr. Romney gained a net of perhaps one percentage point in the popular vote after his selection of Mr. Ryan, and has lost perhaps half a percentage point since then. Changes of that magnitude could potentially be caused by statistical noise, as well as by real shifts of opinion.

What’s clearer is that Mr. Romney did not get as large a bounce in the polls from his vice-presidential pick as most past candidates have — a fact that can arguably be read as a bearish sign for him.


Is S.E. Cupp a fake atheist, trying to redefine what it means to be an atheist to Americans who still don't "get" it? I can't believe most, if not all of the stuff she says.


Professional Schmuck
SE Cupp is an atheist posing as a conservative so she can get attention. Or she's a conservative posing as an atheist so she can get attention. She obviously can't be both with any seriousness.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yeah, she's an idiot, but she wants to maintain her conservative cred by coming off as a self hating atheist.


Oh god.

I come to find out that one of the people I admire most, a film professor who I've taken several classes with, is in fact a right winger. He has a bunch of right wing related things on his FB page.

And he's GAY, mind you!


Probably racist and/ or crazy. And those tenets, along with a general sense of self-loathing, pretty well sum up all gay "conservatives."
Nothing, I just watch clips of her and stuff and I just can't believe how she can say what she does with a straight face.

Case in point: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zEL1ktDNBg&feature=related

I mean, really? Is she a plant by the GOP or some religious organization?

Nah, her argument lines up with the basic self hate expectation some on the far right have for groups/people they dislike. You see the same thing in the way many on the far right love hearing black republicans criticize black people, or Phyllis Schlafly slam women (especially single women)

Obviously not all republicans are like that.


I don't think she is crazy or dumb, I think she has an agenda to discredit atheists by setting some stupid example and topping it off with "I'm still open to being religious someday". If she's not a plant, she's damn close. Her tactics are dumb. I don't doubt she's intelligent. I just think she's ignorant and has a dumbass plan.

It's like she's defining a narrative. "I'm a smart atheist but oh teh noes, I've lost my way, won't someone please guide me when I'm ready?"


I don't think she is crazy or dumb, I think she has an agenda to discredit atheists by setting some stupid example and topping it off with "I'm still open to being religious someday". If she's not a plant, she's damn close. Her tactics are dumb. I don't doubt she's intelligent. I just think she's ignorant and has a dumbass plan.

It's like she's defining a narrative. "I'm a smart atheist but oh teh noes, I've lost my way, won't someone please guide me when I'm ready?"
Her motivation is irrelevant. Whether she's trolling, a bit daft, or a combination of both, her product is numbingly stupid and illogical. And it's unfortunate she promotes the stigmatization of atheists. Of course, it's only S.E. Cupp, so I'm not losing any sleep.
Fox News’ Monica Crowley Finds Way To Politicize Neil Armstrong’s Death, Somehow

Did you know that Neil Armstrong’s recent death and Obama’s secret Muslim ties are totally relevant to each other? No? That’s probably because you don’t possess Fox News analyst Monica Crowley’s preternatural ability to politicize every single piece of news. Tonight, Crowley tweeted this:

Monica Crowley@MonicaCrowley
As we remember Neil Armstrong, let's not forget that Obama changed part of @NASA's mission to do "Muslim outreach." #Really #WhatTheBleep

What the bleep indeed. In an apparent attempt to justify the tweet, Crowley then explained:

Monica Crowley@MonicaCrowley
FACT: "NASA chief says agency's goal is Muslim outreach, forgets to mention space" csmonitor.com/Science/2010/0…

Another FACT: The article to which Crowley cites specifically states:

In an interview last month on Al-Jazeera, NASA chief Charlie Bolden said that one of NASA’s foremost tasks is to engage with Muslim nations. The White House disagreed, suggesting that the agency should perhaps focus on space exploration.


Sorry that looks like a mess. LOL.
Joe Scarborough is feeling very at home down in Tampa, so the crazy is already starting to flow with this gem, "The president doesn't believe the Republicans are wrong, he thinks they are evil."


She's so hot, but she says some of the stupidest things.

Awesome, Nate's pretty accurate. Though I wonder if the RNC will give Romney a large boost.

I think the RNC's coverage may be dampened by the fact that they had to cut a day from the schedule and Isaac will likely become a hurricane as it enters the gulf and heads toward New Orleans. I'm pretty sure it's common to get convention boosts, regardless, so they aren't really something to stress over.


More and more 80's era Republicans are speaking out on the party:

"The Republican Party needs to re-establish its philosophy of the big tent with principles. The philosophy you hear from time to time, which is unfortunate, is one of exclusion rather than inclusion. You have to be expanding the base, expanding the party, because compared to the Democratic Party, the Republican Party is a minority party."

-- Former Vice President Dan Quayle, quoted by the New York Times.

Quayle was once considered an 'ultra' conservative when he was selected to be VP.
SE Cupp is an atheist posing as a conservative so she can get attention. Or she's a conservative posing as an atheist so she can get attention. She obviously can't be both with any seriousness.

You can call yourself a conservative and be atheist (not that I think you're wrong about her, though.)

Given that she's a young woman conservative, it's pretty odd that she feels the need to pose as anything to get attention.
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