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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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I think the RNC's coverage may be dampened by the fact that they had to cut a day from the schedule and Isaac will likely become a hurricane as it enters the gulf and heads toward New Orleans. I'm pretty sure it's common to get convention boosts, regardless, so they aren't really something to stress over.

They basically said on C-Span the convention will be compressed, speeches will be shorter.


More and more 80's era Republicans are speaking out on the party:

Quayle was once considered an 'ultra' conservative when he was selected to be VP.

Very strange, and perhaps telling, that Quayle can say this now as his son, Ben, runs a primary campaign based on the most over the top rhetoric. This ad has been running here for months.

President Obama has failed the country. He promised unity, but brought division. He peddles dependency, to buy votes. His stimulus was nothing but a corrupt and shameless payoff to interest groups.
And his health care takeover is worse. Two years ago, I called him "the worst president in history." I overestimated him.

Thankfully, it seems that redistricting is going to make Quayle's time in the House brief. He's running against a seasoned ultra-conservative, David Schweikert in tomorrow's primary.



Charlie Crist, the former Republican governor of Florida, will speak at the Democratic National Convention, a Democratic official confirmed to TPM Monday. Crist became an independent during an unsuccessful Senate bid against Sen. Marco Rubio. Crist currently has no party affiliation, according to CNN.

Crist endorsed President Obama in an editorial in the Tampa Bay Times on Sunday in which he lit into the GOP for moving too far to the right.

Knew it was coming.


Very strange, and perhaps telling, that Quayle can say this now as his son, Ben, runs a primary campaign based on the most over the top rhetoric. This ad has been running here for months.

But that's just politics. There is a huge difference between smearing an opponent and smearing an entire voting bloc.




So yesterday, my parents went and saw this movie

2016 Obama's America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the world's most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man's past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question, "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?" Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to America's ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn't know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him--who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world. Love him or hate him, you don't know him. -- (C) Official Site

Anyone heard of it? Willing to bother and go see it?
So yesterday, my parents went and saw this movie

Anyone heard of it? Willing to bother and go see it?

One of my friends is the theater manager at the major theater here in Roanoke Virginia. He told me last night that the first showing yesterday was sold out (all tickets purchased by a local church who went after Sunday service). He also said that to nobody's surprise, it was a sea of white.


Christie chose NJ over Mitt's VP role due to fears that they'd lose: sources

Romney’s top aides had demanded Christie step down as the state’s chief executive because if he didn’t, strict pay-to-play laws would have restricted the nation’s largest banks from donating to the campaign — since those banks do business with New Jersey.

But Christie adamantly refused to sacrifice his post, believing that being Romney’s running mate wasn’t worth the gamble.

“[Christie] felt, at one point, that [President] Obama could lose this. And, look, there still is that chance. But he knows, right now, you have to say it’s unlikely,” one source said.

I was also shocked that someone on cable news (MSNBC's Morning Joe) acknowledged this morning that Romney pretty much has to "run the table" in order to win in the Electoral College. I know how much they love that whole "it's neck-and-neck" narrative..

video: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036789/ns/msnbc_tv-morning_joe/#48799460


Christie chose NJ over Mitt's VP role due to fears that they'd lose: sources

I was also shocked that someone on cable news (MSNBC's Morning Joe) acknowledged this morning that Romney pretty much has to "run the table" in order to win in the Electoral College. I know how much they love that whole "it's neck-and-neck" narrative..

I suffered through a bit of the show this morning, and Squawk Box, basically they reference the RealClearPolitics national polling which does show a tightening race (1.1) points, but I think those following more closely--like us--know the deal.


Professional Schmuck
I like this idea that today's GOP is anything but a natural conclusion of the ridiculous dog-whistle politics designed to benefit the wealthiest people on the planet, bloat the coffers of the military/industrial complex, and to permanently undermine the voices of the underprivileged.

That it's so ugly now is only a sign that these people were raised on the nonsense and don't see anything wrong with less-than-restrained ugliness that started looong before now.


just saw the Chris Matthews thing on mediaite. Priebus really didn't have a chance, Chris is way too quick. I love the fact that the crowd in the "elephant" bar all clapped and cheered for Chris calling him out. The reason Priebus goes on shows like Morning Joe instead of Hardball is because he never gets called out on anything. It's nice seeing him get his ass handed to him.


Reince Priebus was on one of those morning shows and kept saying how we (Republicans) need to prosecute Obama for his broken promises. He said prosecute like three times. Is this a new thing?
Reince Priebus was on one of those morning shows and kept saying how we (Republicans) need to prosecute Obama for his broken promises. He said prosecute like three times. Is this a new thing?
Oh really... yeah I happen to remember a few legitimate war crimes committed by the previous administration that didn't get followed up on and now look. Yeah and if he's repeating it like that I fully expect it to be a Talking Point distributed to all GOP talking heads today.


Matthews went after him over Romney's birth certificate "joke", the welfare ad, how the Republican party try's to portray Obama as "foreign", and how they claim Obama is running a dirty campaign and the Romney campaign are not. It got VERY heated

That was great. " I'm not going to get into a shouting match with Chris." That's because you're full of **** and have nothing to shout back with. Reince says the same garbage all the time, Obama's "European" policies, because if you say it enough it becomes true when there is ZERO pushback by the people next to him.
I've heard of it. No I'm not going to see it in theaters.

You should tell us what they thought of it.

Well here's what my mom wrote on Facebook:

...they really need to air this on TV where there would be more people to see it and open their eyes. Of course, there are those that feel that he can't do any wrong and everyone is blowing things out of proportion. Guess we'll have to see how things go in November...


Well here's what my mom wrote on Facebook:

Gotta open them eyes and wake up!


The mere notion that a two hour film can be made vetting a man who has been historically vetted to death is preposterous to me. But I'll watch it, when I don't have to pay for it, or maybe on Nov 7th for yucks.

Is there a way to read just crazy right wing Facebook posts?

*I found this site that compiles the awful FWDs that go around.


Gah why would you want to? that kind of shit just makes me sad or angry, or equal parts of both.


Well here's what my mom wrote on Facebook:

The mere notion that a two hour film can be made vetting a man who has been historically vetted to death is preposterous to me. But I'll watch it, when I don't have to pay for it, or maybe on Nov 7th for yucks.

Is there a way to read just crazy right wing Facebook posts?

*I found this site that compiles the awful FWDs that go around.


haha, ahh it's an Acorn!


The mere notion that a two hour film can be made vetting a man who has been historically vetted to death is preposterous to me. But I'll watch it, when I don't have to pay for it, or maybe on Nov 7th for yucks.

Is there a way to read just crazy right wing Facebook posts?

*I found this site that compiles the awful FWDs that go around.

lol! yeah thats when I will watch the video too, right after Obama wins. Sweet sweet justice.


It's really pathetic how the Republican party has the "our shit doesn't stink" mentality now, despite how much extremely smelly shit they are pandering.

Really? Can't they cut Romney instead?

They cut Rubio in favor of Ann Romney. I say they cut Romney in favor of a monkey juggling. It will be just as informative and even more entertaining.


Obsidian fan
Reince Priebus was on one of those morning shows and kept saying how we (Republicans) need to prosecute Obama for his broken promises. He said prosecute like three times. Is this a new thing?

Obama is a criminal because we didn't let him do what he said he was going to!!

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Wow i havent seen Matthews that pissed in a long time :eek:. Pribeus makes michael steele look so good in retrospect. Steele always came across as silly, not straight up vile like this guy.
Matthews on Preibus:

http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/08/chris-matthews-gop-priebus-race-card-birther-welfare.php?ref=fpblg said:
Political observers have noted for a while that Mitt Romney’s claim that President Obama gutted the work requirement in the 1996 welfare reform law is false. But few in the mainstream media have have gone so far as to accuse Republicans of playing the ‘race card.’

But Chris Matthews, the host of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” didn’t hold back in a tirade launched against RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Monday morning, accusing the Romney campaign of using race to defeat Obama. Matthews lit into Priebus, citing both the welfare attacks and Romney’s recent birth certificate joke as evidence that the GOP is “playing that little ethnic card there.”

“I have to call you on this, Mr. Chairman,” Matthews said in an appearance with Priebus on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” as he responded to Republicans’ criticism that Obama is running a very negative campaign. “But they’ve both negative. That cheap shot about ‘I don’t have a problem with my birth certificate’ was awful. It is an embarrassment to your party to play that card.”

Matthews continued, turning the attacks up a notch:

“You can play your games and giggle about it but the fact is your side playing that card. When you start talking about work requirements, you know what game you’re playing and everybody knows what game you’re playing. It’s a race card and yeah, if your name’s Romney, yeah you were well born, you went to prep school, yeah, brag about it. This guy has an African name and he’s got to live with it. Look who’s gone further in their life. Who was born on third base? Making fun of the guy’s birth certificate issue when it was never a real issue except for the right wing.”

Priebus pushed back against Matthews remarks. “Congratulations,” he said. “You’re loaded up, you got it out.” Priebus argued that Romney’s birth certificate comment was just “a moment of levity” and “everybody gets it.”

“It just seems funny the first joke he’s ever told in his life is about Obama’s birth certificate,” Matthews responded.

Though few have said explicitly that Romney’s welfare attacks are about race, it was a charge launched at Newt Gingrich, who made “paychecks versus food stamps” a central issue in his primary bid for the nomination.

“Under Obama’s plan, you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job,” one of many Romney ads on welfare says. “They just send you your welfare check.”

Last week, President Obama cited the welfare attacks as evidence that Romney was playing dirty. “The contrast, I think it is pretty stark,” Obama said at a press conference. “They can run the campaign they want, but the truth of the matter is that you can’t make stuff up. That’s one thing that you learn as president of the United States: You will be called into account.”

Though Matthews comments stand out, he isn’t the first to note the connotations Romney is hoping to play up with the welfare attacks.

“The presumptive Republican presidential nominee wants voters to conjure images in their minds of freeloading moms sitting on couches watching big screen televisions,” the editorial board of the Des Moines Register wrote earlier this month. “And he wants voters to think the president is helping them do just that … but the idea of anyone ‘sponging off the system’ is apparently something Romney believes voters will rally behind him to oppose. He may be right.”


i dont think the RNC knows the Ann Romney comes off as rich mimmie stepford wife when she talks. Showing her more isn't really a good thing


i dont think the RNC knows the Ann Romney comes off as rich mimmie stepford wife when she talks. Showing her more isn't really a good thing

"We're doing terribly with women voters. Should we figure out what they want?"
"Nah just put Ann on stage"


Ugh, this scum makes me want to vomit almost as much (more?) than her piece of shit husband. Entitled monsters.
You should be overjoyed instead. Because the one thing they want in all the world, to be president and first lady, is something they will never, ever have. Not all their money, their lies, their smear tactics are going to change that. They are stuck in a slow motion car crash towards failure, and all they can do is flail their arms before the inevitable crunch.


You should be overjoyed instead. Because the one thing they want in all the world, to be president and first lady, is something they will never, ever have. Not all their money, their lies, their smear tactics are going to change that. They are stuck in a slow motion car crash towards failure, and all they can do is flail their arms before the inevitable crunch.
I'd be much more reassured if this post was written after the election.

Nothing is assured at this point, and there are lots of factors that could tip this race either way. Israel could bomb Iran tomorrow, there are still several job reports to go, and the Eurozone crisis has not yet been resolved.

I still think the electoral college math favors Obama, but that could change quickly.
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