Knowing that post existed would have saved this entire conversation, damn it.
Hold off, TPM might rip the poll. You don't want to back yourself into a corner!
i dont read TPM, but i'm sure someone will post the story
Knowing that post existed would have saved this entire conversation, damn it.
Hold off, TPM might rip the poll. You don't want to back yourself into a corner!
i dont read TPM, but i'm sure someone will post the story
that is one weird shaped mustacheI just read that Weigel review, which led me to look up the founder of WND. Holy shit that guy has the best bad mustache ever.
I listen to the 10 or 15 minute clip that Hardball makes available via podcast. And I have to say, I'm not surprised that Matthews went off on him. He's been quite partisan lately and he especially HATES the fringe GOP stuff. The birther stuff, the raped-women-don't-pregnant stuff, etc. He seems to take that stuff quite personally . . . that stuff is not just standard politics.I really enjoyed how Priebus denied everything, and then went right back into the very thing Matthews was talking about. The crowd applauding Matthews for taking Priebus to the woodshed was icing on the cake.
So the porn star who played Palin is actually in Tampa stripping for (presumably) GOP conference attendees.
She's going to make so much money.
The main weird takeaway I got from this was that I didn't know Lisa Ann was a dental assistant.
Health care ain't cheap. Also this is kinda creepy.
It is glorious free-market capitalism at work.
I don't remember much from the Ayn Rand books I read some 20+ years ago but I remember a character remarking about how a pair of tits can still get you somewhere.
Romney leading and tying Obama on Medicare in two recent polls
Dem message is not as effective as advertised
All Romney/Ryan needed to do was muddy up the waters. $700 Billion taken from medicare in both the Obama and Ryan plan. Both make claims the other guy's plan is worse. Who's the old person going to believe? Not the black guy.Romney leading and tying Obama on Medicare in two recent polls
Dem message is not as effective as advertised
Romney leading and tying Obama on Medicare in two recent polls
Dem message is not as effective as advertised
Obama 50
Romney 46
North Carolina
Romney 48
Obama 47
Both are of likely voters. With registered voters, Obama's up by 9 in Florida (51-42) and 2 in NC (48-46).
Definitely promising.
Romney leading and tying Obama on Medicare in two recent polls
Dem message is not as effective as advertised
Obama is down nearly 20 points with white votes in Florida.
Obama is down nearly 20 points with white votes in Florida.
If you were on one of your folks FWD lists you wouldn't.
Isn't this positive for Dems? What was once a big advantage is now slight. That's a victory. Don't need to be ahead of Romney, just close the gap.
Isn't this positive for Dems? What was once a big advantage is now slight. That's a victory. Don't need to be ahead of Romney, just close the gap.
haha, what? One might be able to argue that if this lowers Romney's numbers with elderly voters that is a plus. But Obama should have a clear lead on Medicare. This tells me that Ryan isn't hurting the ticket as advertised, and the House is not in danger of flipping.
haha, what? One might be able to argue that if this lowers Romney's numbers with elderly voters that is a plus. But Obama should have a clear lead on Medicare. This tells me that Ryan isn't hurting the ticket as advertised, and the House is not in danger of flipping.
Is this true?
Did Romney have a bigger lead on Medicare before Ryan and that lead has now trended towards Obama?
If so, how is that a bad thing for Obama?
i dont expect much movement from a state that willfully voted in someone who committed medicare fraud.
Obama is down nearly 20 points with white votes in Florida.
PD's argument is it didn't completely flip. But again, anyone who thought old people would change in droves is fooling themselves. Old people will believe the earth is flat against all evidence if they always believed it.
No offense to any old people. Just an observation.
PD's argument is it didn't completely flip. But again, anyone who thought old people would change in droves is fooling themselves. Old people will believe the earth is flat against all evidence if they always believed it.
No offense to any old people. Just an observation.
My dad is the one sending me the emails, but it's mostly about how Sharia law is taking over places like Canada, France, and Belgium, and will eventually come here.
Unless it breaks for my guy next time.
time to split Florida and make it a 51st stateThat's not surprising at all with the massive amount of old white people down there.
A bit late to this, but no, the Dispatch Poll is pretty much universally garbage.
The argument the left has made for two years is that the Ryan budget is so toxic that it flips old people, who according to most polling are vehemently opposed to it. Yet we have multiple polls showing old people sticking with Romney/Ryan, and no mass exodus to democrats. If it's true that the Ryan plan isn't as toxic as advertised than you can kiss Speaker Pelosi dreams goodbye. Likewise, Obama loses what should have been a potent talking point in multiple states.
We've established that it isn't.
The argument the left has made for two years is that the Ryan budget is so toxic that it flips old people, who according to most polling are vehemently opposed to it. Yet we have multiple polls showing old people sticking with Romney/Ryan, and no mass exodus to democrats. If it's true that the Ryan plan isn't as toxic as advertised than you can kiss Speaker Pelosi dreams goodbye. Likewise, Obama loses what should have been a potent talking point in multiple states.
Maybe I'm thinking of a different Ohio poll then, because I recall one of them being at the very bottom of Nate Silver's rankings for at least two of the last three cycles
However, it might be noted that all forms of survey research certainly including telephone polling face a problem of low response rates. And historically, the performance of the Columbus Dispatch poll has been about average, with some strong years and some poor ones.
If its survey differed greatly from the consensus, I would be a little wary of it but showing a tie in Ohio is not that different from the average of surveys there, which puts Mr. Obama ahead but by a narrow margin. In short, I dont have any problem including Dispatchs survey alongside the rest of the Ohio polls. Mr. Romneys chances of winning Ohio improved slightly in our forecast as a result of the poll, increasing to 33 percent from 31 percent on Saturday.
Obama 50
Romney 46
North Carolina
Romney 48
Obama 47
Both are of likely voters. With registered voters, Obama's up by 9 in Florida (51-42) and 2 in NC (48-46).
Definitely promising.
METHODOLOGY This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by telephone Aug. 22-25, 2012, among a random national sample of 857 registered voters (out of 1,002 adults overall), including landline and cell-phone-only respondents.
He only won 42% of the white vote in 2008, so that's about in line with what I'd expect from Florida (which votes more Republican than the nation on average).Obama is down nearly 20 points with white votes in Florida.
Also, what's the polling breakdown of that ABC/WaPo poll?
It seems pretty goofy, because Obama is absolutely DESTROYING Romney in the internals amongst all adults (like up 10 points), but is down 1 amongst registered voters. There was only a 2-3 point difference between all adults & RVs in their earlier polls.
Also, if Obama stays at 50% in Florida amongst LV, you can stick a fork in Romney.
He still ranks them to some degree - Rasmussen polls aren't counted for much, for example.okay, searched a bit further and they were definitely at/near the bottom in 2008 and 2010, but then I don't think Silver takes those rankings much into account anymore
perhaps their historical performance has been decent, I wouldn't know, but I'd still cite the UC/Ohio Poll (which does currently show tossups in both races) well before this