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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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-to argue that they didn't address the economy is just flat out bullshit. Stimulus WAS to address the economy -- they wanted more, but had to compromise because Republicans were the party of 'no' from day fucking one

-if they didn't focus on healthcare then, there's NO CHANCE it would have gotten anywhere after they lost the supermajority. And while it's not necessarily an immediate benefit, healthcare reform does help the economy in the long run.

-you're proposing that they waited too long to go after policies that should be popular on all sides -- those are, logically, the policies that CAN wait... because they should be able to pass regardless of who controls what... unless of course the other party goes insane trying to kill the economy to get Obama out of office

-"no resistance" hahahahahahaha

-The problem is that the administration assumed the stimulus would be enough despite indicators showing otherwise, and did nothing to re-address the economy. I'm not referring to pushing for another stimulus, I'm talking about ANY economic push be it tax cuts or spending

-It became quite clear, quite early, that republicans had no interest in supporting democrat legislation. The super majority should have been used to pass things that NORMALLY are supported in bipartisan fashion, but weren't with Obama in office. If republicans wanted to vote against a manufacturing tax cut, they should have been allowed to do so - but not at the expense of the bill passing. Which is why it should have been done when democrats had control of both houses

Ultimately republican governors were elected in 2010 and acted as Obama should have in 2009. Scott Walker pushed through his reforms quite quickly and dared voters to give a shit. They didn't, thanks to the economy improving. The entire political landscape would likely be very different today if Obama had taken the same initiative on economic issues in 2009, after the health care bill had passed each senate/house committee. I hate to sound like a broken record, but Jobs Act+manufacturing tax cut would certainly have helped the economy at the time.

61 - 3 = 58. + Specter, + Kennedy = 60. You want to say 59, I'll concede. Oh, and Lieberman, forgot about him. So there were 60 who caucus with the Dems, +Specter.

How did you see EV's post and make that edit? Kennedy is a recorded "yea." Specter was already a Dem.

Heh. It was actually 57 Democrats, 2 Republicans, and 2 Independents.

The independents were Lieberman and Sanders. Specter had already switched, so he is counted among the Dems. Snowe and Collins were the two Republican Yea votes.

Counting Lieberman and Sanders as Dems still only brings it up to 59.




-The problem is that the administration assumed the stimulus would be enough despite indicators showing otherwise, and did nothing to re-address the economy. I'm not referring to pushing for another stimulus, I'm talking about ANY economic push be it tax cuts or spending
But didn't he float the idea of another stimulus around and republicans stomped on it? Same thing happened with his more recent jobs plan that had heavy infrastructure development in it, IIRC. Hell, there's probably a long list of things Obama tried to do for the economy that the republicans shot down. Seems to show that the republican tactic of not letting anything happen does work to convince people like you that Obama "hasn't done anything for the economy."

-It became quite clear, quite early, that republicans had no interest in supporting democrat legislation. The super majority should have been used to pass things that NORMALLY are supported in bipartisan fashion, but weren't with Obama in office. If republicans wanted to vote against a manufacturing tax cut, they should have been allowed to do so - but not at the expense of the bill passing. Which is why it should have been done when democrats had control of both houses
It'd have been another decade or two before healthcare reform got another chance. Fuck that. Obama borrows republican ideas and republicans still shoot them down -- it's a lost cause.


LOL Game, Set, and Match for Obama

I keep saying wait till the debates, because Romney has absolutely no answer for a charge like this and in front of millions of people is going to get angry and come off as even less of a personable candidate.

He'll do what he usually does: change the topic and attack. I can see him bringing up an equivalence; probably a list of what Obama has changed his stance on. Whether that works or not, we'll see. It'll probably depend on the moderators pressing him for an answer.
There's no way Obama gets re-elected with 70k jobs/month, which is what we've had over the last three months. This is pathetic

ten bucks says that even with anemic job growth, it will make absolutely no difference at all in terms of polling and Obama will continue to crush Mitt Romney in swing states. Romney is such a terrible candidate that he REQUIRES an outright economic meltdown to even have a shot.

But why are we talking about this when we could be talking about...

Ted Nugent thinking America would be better off had the south won the civil war!

Mitt can back away from his endorsement any day now...what's that? nothing from the Romney camp?
There are three jobs reports left until the election. There's simply not enough time to rebound. Romney may suck but he's not an unqualified danger to US security, like a Palin or Santorum would be. He will be tolerated
Girl on facebook posts the '5 best sentences you'll ever read', which is basically a diatribe shitting on poor people.

Another girl posts a quote from D.Trump about Healthcare, where he calls out our 'dumbo' president. Then says 'NObama' in her comments.

At this rate I'm not going to have anyone left on there.

I have no problem with substantive discussion, but it seems like no one ever wants to do it; facebooklol.
I know a guy who says that Obama is literally a moron. I can't even.
There are three jobs reports left until the election. There's simply not enough time to rebound. Romney may suck but he's not an unqualified danger to US security, like a Palin or Santorum would be. He will be tolerated


July Numbers
August Numbers
September Numbers
October Numbers

Not that I think it matters much, I don't expect July numbers to be any better.


There are three jobs reports left until the election. There's simply not enough time to rebound. Romney may suck but he's not an unqualified danger to US security, like a Palin or Santorum would be. He will be tolerated

The jobs reports would literally have to be reports saying "Obama shut down our businesses in person" for it to affect the election at this point.
Girl on facebook posts the '5 best sentences you'll ever read', which is basically a diatribe shitting on poor people.

Another girl posts a quote from D.Trump about Healthcare, where he calls out our 'dumbo' president. Then says 'NObama' in her comments.

At this rate I'm not going to have anyone left on there.

I have no problem with substantive discussion, but it seems like no one ever wants to do it; facebooklol.

The great thing about being gay and having tons of gay friends(or gay friendly) is that my exposure to the common layman conservative is minimized. My friends still post stupid shit about politics but for the most part, it's mostly about gay rights.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

Libruls annihilated once again.
Rebound from what?

exactly. if Obama's poor numbers don't "rebound" he'll only beat Mitt Romney "very badly" or "by wide margins" instead of utterly humiliating him.

the fact here is that unless we start seeing negative numbers out of nowhere, the jobs report doesn't matter. Everyone is already aware we're in a pattern of anemic growth, and most people blame congress for this, not the president.

Running on "it's the economy, stupid!" doesn't work when the Republican party can be called out as responsible for blocking progress in the house.
There's no way Obama gets re-elected with 70k jobs/month, which is what we've had over the last three months. This is pathetic

If they keep up the strategy of throwing everything including the kitchen sink(except the economy), then I can see it happening so long as the economy doesn't go negative. And those things are actually sticking for the most part on Romney.
There are three jobs reports left until the election. There's simply not enough time to rebound. Romney may suck but he's not an unqualified danger to US security, like a Palin or Santorum would be. He will be tolerated

There were already some bad reports the last 3 months. Obama is still leading. A month or two of good reports can change things.


I really think the job reports affect on the election has been overstated. As bad as the last several job reports has been, Obama still polls very well against Romney, at least better than he should with this economy.


I wouldn't sweat it at this point. The last two polls in that average are a We Ask America poll that has Romney up 5 and an Old Dominion poll that has Romney up 7. Both of those are trash
Then why the fuck is TPM using their data?

It's getting worse... the trend of giving garbage pollsters a shot that is.
I wouldn't sweat it at this point. The last two polls in that average are a We Ask America poll that has Romney up 5 and an Old Dominion poll that has Romney up 7. Both of those are trash

Old Dominion has obama up by 7, not Romney. the only polls that show romney with a lead are We Ask America, and Rasmussen a while back.

but yeah, We Ask America is a trash pollster, and Rasmussen's bias is well known at this point. both are outliers to literally every other poll in the area.


-The problem is that the administration assumed the stimulus would be enough despite indicators showing otherwise, and did nothing to re-address the economy. I'm not referring to pushing for another stimulus, I'm talking about ANY economic push be it tax cuts or spending

First, as was mentioned, Obama floated the idea of another stimulus package only to be told he's an unpatriotic communist atheist.

Second, so you're saying that government spending during a recession/depression (Keynesian) is what a responsible and good government would do. So, I assume you will be voting a straight Democrat party ballot?


Girl on facebook posts .

Does she claim to be Christian? I've had 3 people post that image on FB this week, and 2 of them are very active members in our church. :lol

People are still saying NObama?


All the time here in Central FL. There's this truck with a huge "Save America, NOBAMA '12" graphic on his back window that I see a few times a week. Next time I see this patriot's truck, I'll make sure to snap a picture. Either he got a good deal, or he really hates Obama to pay for that graphic on his truck.


So, I assume you will be voting a straight Democrat party ballot?

Why would this be in question? PD is about as liberal as anyone here, and will indeed be voting for Obama et al.

Don't mistake concern trolling and comedy contrarianism for conservatism.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
This type of comic is effective because most people don't know their American History. At least, not accurately.

It shouldn't even be a matter of history. Its core point is fundamentally flawed in a way I would hope a five year old would be able to pick up on as soon as he learns the concept of "we pay taxes for government services"
First, as was mentioned, Obama floated the idea of another stimulus package only to be told he's an unpatriotic communist atheist.

Second, so you're saying that government spending during a recession/depression (Keynesian) is what a responsible and good government would do. So, I assume you will be voting a straight Democrat party ballot?

How many times do I have to say a second stimulus was unlikely, and other things could have been done to spur economic growth such as business tax cuts and many parts of the Jobs Act?
Then why the fuck is TPM using their data?

It's getting worse... the trend of giving garbage pollsters a shot that is.

Most sites don't filter out any pollsters.

PPP is polling VA this weekend, we will know

How many times do I have to say a second stimulus was unlikely, and other things could have been done to spur economic growth such as business tax cuts and many parts of the Jobs Act?

Republicans haven't passed Jobs Act either. Its been proposed for a long time now.


I like how the blame gets pased onto obama for what wasn't passed in the short super majority with blue dogs and republican obstructionism doesn't get talked about. If republicans wouldn't have been so radical in the last two years the economy would be doing much better. But of course they know that which is why they purposely sabotage everything and then blame it on Obama


Today's employment report only reinforces the current assessment that the election will be close. As long as the labor market does not contract, which would be an acutely adverse narrative, Obama's prospects are, at worst, a tossup.
-The problem is that the administration assumed the stimulus would be enough despite indicators showing otherwise, and did nothing to re-address the economy. I'm not referring to pushing for another stimulus, I'm talking about ANY economic push be it tax cuts or spending

-It became quite clear, quite early, that republicans had no interest in supporting democrat legislation. The super majority should have been used to pass things that NORMALLY are supported in bipartisan fashion, but weren't with Obama in office. If republicans wanted to vote against a manufacturing tax cut, they should have been allowed to do so - but not at the expense of the bill passing. Which is why it should have been done when democrats had control of both houses

Ultimately republican governors were elected in 2010 and acted as Obama should have in 2009. Scott Walker pushed through his reforms quite quickly and dared voters to give a shit. They didn't, thanks to the economy improving. The entire political landscape would likely be very different today if Obama had taken the same initiative on economic issues in 2009, after the health care bill had passed each senate/house committee. I hate to sound like a broken record, but Jobs Act+manufacturing tax cut would certainly have helped the economy at the time.

First, as you acknowledge, Obama was confronted with an obstreperous minority determined to exploit every procedural mechanism to impede Democratic legislation. Second, most underestimated the magnitude of the recession. Third, the overwhelming majority of the ARRA was designated for 2010 and 2011. So it was reasonable to assume the stimulus was going to prove more potent. Of course, upon retrospection the notion was clearly a miscalculation. Last, the notion that Obama did nothing to address the economy after the ARRA is revisionist nonsense. They passed legislation to help homeowners and accelerate the rehabilitation of the housing market. They passed the car rebate legislation. They extended unemployment insurance. They implemented a payroll tax cut in early 2010. Unmistakably, the Administration commited mistakes during their first year. The composition of the ARRA was defective. And I could list other missed opportunities. But, please, predicate your criticisms in reality.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Today's employment report only reinforces the current assessment that the election will be close. As long as the labor market does not contract, which would be an acutely adverse narrative, Obama's prospects are, at worst, a tossup.First, as you acknowledge, Obama was confronted with an obstreperous minority determined to exploit every procedural mechanism to impede Democratic legislation. Second, most underestimated the magnitude of the recession. Third, the overwhelming majority of the ARRA was designated for 2010 and 2011. So it was reasonable to assume the stimulus was going to prove more potent. Of course, upon retrospection the notion was clearly a miscalculation. Last, the notion that Obama did nothing to address the economy after the ARRA is revisionist nonsense. They passed legislation to help homeowners and accelerate the rehabilitation of the housing market. They passed the car rebate legislation. They extended unemployment insurance. They implemented a payroll tax cut in early 2010. Unmistakably, the Administration commited mistakes during their first year. The composition of the ARRA was defective. And I could list other missed opportunities. But, please, predicate your criticisms in reality.
Don't forget the auto bailouts, which saved the american auto-manufacturing industry


Does she claim to be Christian? I've had 3 people post that image on FB this week, and 2 of them are very active members in our church. :lol

The first girl is married to a Indian guy, so I don't even know what's up with that.

The other girl used to be a catholic, and with 5 children, I imagine she still is.


I like how the blame gets pased onto obama for what wasn't passed in the short super majority with blue dogs and republican obstructionism doesn't get talked about. If republicans wouldn't have been so radical in the last two years the economy would be doing much better. But of course they know that which is why they purposely sabotage everything and then blame it on Obama

Remember, either "You had your chance to do something!" or "Cramming this legislation down our throats" depending on the situation.
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