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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Image is just one part of it. You also have the object and focal distance.

1/f = 1/o + 1/i

But the optics is what determines the image size and position. Therefore, optics=how much the media is exaggerating the original story (object). While the image is a property of the bs itself.


I could only fit ten people on there. I was planning on putting more people (Kosmo is obvioulsy missing as well as eznark, Jackson, and Invisible_Insane), but I could only put in ten people.
Hey, you cannot fit everyone. It's cool. Although, I'm sure Ghaleon's in the corner crying because he was omitted.
Well damn. I was making the new thread and who knew I would get called in to work for 12 hours straight...

Anyway I made this thingy for what would have been in my OP...


Its suppose to be us Poligaffers voting in November.
I'm guessing I already voted and am now on a Madison street corner wearing only a grocery bag pestering everyone to vote for Russ Feingold.
I'm not a citizen yet.

Welcome to Obama's America.

By the way folks, Dr. Ron Paul is still set to cause chaos at RNC convention.
WASHINGTON -- This may be the Ron Paul gambit we've been waiting for.

An obscure rule change made four years ago by the Republican Party has opened the door for Paul forces to cause a major headache for Mitt Romney when he tries to nominate his choice for vice president at the party convention in August.

The Republican National Committee could change Rule 40 in the week leading up to the convention, but that would risk the appearance of jamming Romney's nominee through, and likely cause a subsequent backlash.

Republican officials are still waking up to the fact that Paul loyalists -- who control the majority of delegates in Maine, Minnesota and Iowa, and have sizable contingents in a number of other states -- could very likely enter Paul's name into nomination for vice president. This would force a roll call vote where each delegate of each state is polled on the floor of the convention.

Such a move would transform a symbolic procedure that has taken mere minutes in the past several conventions into a chaotic and time-consuming spectacle that could eat up the better portion of a day.

Not only would such a floor fight step all over the message of party unity and strength that the Romney campaign hopes to drive through the convention, it would also open the door for alternatives to Romney's choice to gain momentum and further drive the process off the rails.

For example, if Romney chose Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) as his vice presidential pick, but the Paul forces leveraged their impressive foothold in several states to nominate Paul from the floor, then someone like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla) could emerge as the preferred pick for many delegates as the convention goes into a roll call vote. And Rubio's name could be entered into nomination, in addition to Paul's, if a plurality of five states voted to nominate him.

Where things would go from there is anybody's guess.
Go go Paulites!


Professional Schmuck
Pelosi: Obama Should Raise Debt Limit Directly, Go Around Congress

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has changed her public position on an issue that divided Democrats during the fight over raising the debt ceiling last summer. She now says that President Obama should use the 14th Amendment to raise the debt ceiling by fiat — to preserve the country’s credit rating and avoid another economically harmful brinksmanship over the country’s borrowing limit.

“I would like to see the constitution used to protect the country’s full faith and credit,” she told a handful of columnists at a roundtable. According to Matt Yglesias, “She didn’t offer a legal argument in favor of the position, but argued on policy grounds that ‘you cannot put the country through the uncertainty’ again, noting that America’s sovereign debt was downgraded by ratings agencies in the wake of the standoff even though it was successful resolved.”

This is the best/worst idea ever. Prevents catastrophe, plays into this recent "totalitarianism" meme I've seen conjobs like Kosmo floating around the past week.
Aren't Paul and Romney actually friends? I have difficulty envisioning Paul damaging him like this.
Ron Paul fanboys are about to learn why their personality cult-political movement is doomed from the outset.

Politicians are compromising in nature. I don't know how willing Ron Paul himself would be to go through with these shenanigans if it meant jeopardizing Romney's chances in the GE.

But the loyalists, who have no skin in the game other than their e-peen hipster bullshit, will go all the way.


Professional Schmuck
Romney Campaign Reportedly Asked Florida Governor To Downplay Job Growth

A Romney adviser reportedly requested that Scott’s office say that Florida’s unemployment rate could improve faster under a Romney presidency, unnamed sources told Bloomberg.

The development is perhaps one of the clearest examples of the messaging predicament the Romney campaign finds itself in. For the Republican presidential nominee, the election is largely a referendum on President Obama’s handling of jobs and the economy. And with last month’s weak jobs report, he appeared to have a winning message. Yet when you ask Republican governors how things are going, especially in swing states, the economic picture starts to brighten considerably.

Here's the thing -- I'm not sure that we're going to see much movement at all in the next few months. Why bother Scott's campaign in FL?


this fast and furious dispute cracks me up, honestly. Is this actually being seen as a game changer for obama?
Fuck executive privilege.
That shit is unconstitutional and was never used for a good reason. Seriously, go read up on that and fine me one case where it was justified.

He deserves all the shit that he's about to get, it just saddens me that he's doing it for a cunt like Holder.
Oh, and Fast and Furious was a clusterfuck and congress has every right to investigate it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Fuck executive privilege.
That shit is unconstitutional and was never used for a good reason. Seriously, go read up on that and fine me one case where it was justified.

He deserves all the shit that he's about to get, it just saddens me that he's doing it for a cunt like Holder.
Oh, and Fast and Furious was a clusterfuck and congress has every right to investigate it.

They have requested documents far beyond the operational scope of the program aand their investigaton


lacks enthusiasm.
Did the congressional committee ask to interview any actual ATF agents involved with the program? You'd think they would since they want to be so thorough and all with how many documents they've requested so far.


Multiple sites are saying the SC could reveal their Obamacare verdit sometime Thursday morning
Oh shi----

I have to sleep, too.

I should really just force myself now, that way I'll just open my eyes and hopefully the verdict will be on my screen.

Please be upheld. Please please please.


Going to bed and hoping for the best.
Just think if it's overturned on the heels of this executive privilege shit, and a week before a vote of contempt for Holder. The narrative is already set.

Hell and a week after the contempt vote we'll get new, bad jobs numbers.


I could only fit ten people on there. I was planning on putting more people (Kosmo is obvioulsy missing as well as eznark, Jackson, and Invisible_Insane), but I could only put in ten people.

No problem, I actually turned around after running into some Black Panthers in front of the polling place.


Ah, this is where Poligaf went, I always forget to check the community boards. Don't post much but I missed reading this thread, especially in an election year.


I'm going to be in meetings all day so:

In the event of the law being upheld:

eznark said:
Fuck you Kennedy!! Piece of shit commie!!!
In the event of the mandate being struck down:

eznark said:
Well no shit. Thank God for common sense.
In the event of complete strike down:

eznark said:

Use as necessary.


I'm hosting a web conference from my PC for the next two hours. While it would be hilarious to show the meltdown (from Kosmo or GAF depending) I don't think it'd be wise.

I'm in a win/win - upheld = good for my company. Struck down = aligns with my view (and will enjoy the meltdown here), status quo for my company.



I got stood up, bring on the hilarity SC!

I doubt it's coming until next Thursday, which is the last day for the year. Get on the airplane, drop the decision into the hopper, and wheels up.

EDIT: Effective TODAY the SC has changed the press protocol - could be why "multiple sites" are speculating that today in the day. That place has to be like vultures around a fallen water buffalo with all the reporters.

I'm in a win/win - upheld = good for my company. Struck down = aligns with my view (and will enjoy the meltdown here), status quo for my company.


So you like it because you think the end result will benefit people but you don't like it because it goes against what you think is best for the country.



So you like it because you think the end result will benefit people but you don't like it because it goes against what you think is best for the country.


Glad you agree with Citizens United that corporations are people. Welcome aboard!


Unions again taking it. Rough summer for the unions.

Opt-in requirement seems pretty ominous but I have no idea the context.

Apparently it has to do with political advertising from unions.


Professional Schmuck
there's one more

To reiterate, we don't know what the next opinion will be. It won't be from Justices Alito, Sotomayor, or Kagan, b/c the last opinion was from Justice Breyer.
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