Have to do a little fact checking here. The numbers are actually wrong for In Touch and Optimistic Vision. Those are the two categories where CNN also includes Aug. 31-Sept. 3 numbers, and it seems it was accidentally overlooked and included by you."Shares your values:" Obama +2 two weeks ago, Obama +7 today (5 pt swing)
"Strong and decisive leader:" Romney +5 two weeks ago, Obama +6 today (11 pt swing)
"Has an optimistic vision for our country's future:" Romney +4 two weeks ago, Obama +10 today (14 pt swing)
"Has a clear plan": Romney +6 two weeks ago, Obama +6 today (12 pt swing)
"In touch with middle-class Americans:" Obama +6 two weeks ago, Obama +20 today (14 pt swing)
"Can manage government effectively:" Romney +4 two weeks ago, Obama +3 today (7 pt swing)
Now that's a convention bounce.
Question 12 (Likely Voters only; n = 354; Error +/-5)
Difference in %pts between weeks Sep 7-9 & August 22-23
Obama Romney
Shares your values 4 -1
Is strong and decisive leader 7 -4
[B]Has an optimistic vision for the country's future* 3 -4[/B]
Has a clear plan* 6 -6
[B]Is in touch with middle class Americans* 4 -2[/B]
Can manage government effectively 4 -3
Considering the 95% confidence interval, these aren't earth shattering numbers.