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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Fork 'em, Sparky!
Ingraham is a whacko, everyone in here has seen me rail against her and Mark Levin. Honestly the worst people on the radio, including Monica Crowley.


Laura Ingraham said:
“The numbers that came out on Friday show not only is there no recovery, but the real unemployment rate is around 12 percent,” she said. “People have abandoned all hope of getting a job. We have 400,000 people almost who quit looking for work. That’s hope?”

The tears, I can taste them lol

The comments are just amazing, apparently Liberals forced the GOP to pick Romney ha ha ha
The tears, I can taste them lol

The comments are just amazing, apparently Liberals forced the GOP to pick Romney ha ha ha

That comment just makes me....ugh

GOP has done everything they can to sabotage the economy to screw the President and throw unemployment back at his face. Heartless ghouls they are.


Its like some alternative universe, the Democrats are winning the argument on National Security and Republican voters are promising to head to Canada and Alaska if Obama wins


The conservative pundaratti would love nothing more than a 2nd Obama term. Much harder to sell gold or hybrid seeds otherwise.
Marriage Amendment in Minnesota is at 50-43 in passing with 7% undecided. A Yes/Pass vote restricts marriage to anyone but 1 man and 1 women, according to SurveyUSA.

VoterID law is at 65-32 or something like that. Which would require an ID to vote even though there's little fraud and the fraud that is there has been prosecuted.

The average Minnesotan is dumb. Case in point...I was at MNUnited HQ today volunteering with data entry to defeat the amendment and there were lots of other people there calling people. Many people they called were confused what a yes/no vote even means.

Minnesota Presidential numbers I missed earlier are coming up after the break. Guess they lied...maybe they'll say on their 6:30 show.


The main thing holding back the economy is "policy uncertainty"

We need the leadership and clear vision of the Romney Ryan ticket to solve this problem!


I wouldn't say Minnesotans are dumb. Those things are written to be confusing so that anyone who doesn't really care about that specific issue doesn't vote on it.


I wouldn't say Minnesotans are dumb. Those things are written to be confusing so that anyone who doesn't really care about that specific issue doesn't vote on it.

Especially when dealing with gay marriage, there are plenty examples of people confused by Prop 8 in California and other amendments.


Look at that. Uncertainty about taxes. I thought that was a huge no-no for Republicans.
Yeah. That is perhaps the most annoying cudgel of the past few years.
Paul Ryan isn't doing so well with these interviews...Here's a new one with Norah O'Donnell (CBS)

Another highlight from that particular interview:
O'DONNELL The reason I ask you that is Mitt Romney was criticized during the Democratic National Convention for saying Russia is without question our number one geopolitical foe. So do you disagree with Mitt Romney?

RYAN: No, I think what he was saying was among the other powers -- China and Russia -- that Russia stands a great threat.

Look, I think sending our foreign policy decisions to be cleared through the U.N. security council where we're giving Iran and China -- excuse me, Russia and China, veto clout over us, that's not good policy. So what we have done through our foreign policy for the Obama administration is we've increase the clout in the card of Russia and China. I think that was a mistake.

Although his statement's slightly confusing, it's a dire warning of what Romney/Ryan entails.


Paul Ryan: bla bla bla Democrats voted to cut trillions in defense spending!

Norah O'Donnell: In the bill that you voted for

Ryan: No I voted for the Budget Control Act

O'Donnell: Which contains the spending cuts that you're griping about


If you think about it, they took the conversation somewhat off topic. Ryan has a valid argument in that him voting for that bill doesn't equate to him "voting for defense cuts" -- he could make a valid argument that he was indeed voting for a mechanism that would hopefully force a compromise. But Romney said that voting for that mechanism was a mistake by the Republicans, so it doesn't matter why Ryan voted for it anyway.
Minnesota Survey USA
Obama 50-Romney 40-Undecided/Other 10

54-37 O with Women
43-40 O with Independents
47-39 R in the southern part of the state.
Ryan comes out extremely unlikeable in those interviews.

He has a grin that makes you want to punch him in the face, says the interviewers name with an extremely condescending attitude, stumbles, and follows up with nothing.

The VP debate will be a massacre.

Obama should buy up prime time slots the next day just to re air it.

I think the SNL people are creaming their pants.
Ryan was chosen because he's a numbers guy, yet so far the campaign has refused to let him discuss any numbers. If Romney loses I bet we're gonna hear a lot about arguments over how best to use Ryan and the apparent muzzling of him

He was supposed to be giving speeches like Clinton, basically

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Ryan comes out extremely unlikeable in those interviews.

He has a grin that makes you want to punch him in the face, says the interviewers name with an extremely condescending attitude, stumbles, and follows up with nothing.

The VP debate will be a massacre.

Obama should buy up prime time slots the next day just to re air it.

I think the SNL people are creaming their pants.

And don't forget one of the most nasty factors waiting in the wings - the "he could be president" stumbling block.

That's the problem with picking a VP, isn't it? You have to bear in mind what the public will think at the prospect of the VP taking over the office in case something happens to POTUS?

Palin was a disaster for that factor alone.

I have a hard time imagining anyone, including a completely stereotypical Obama hating Tea Party express member, feeling sanguine at the sudden realization that this smirking, arrogant, glassy-eyed kid could literally step into the oval office and take over in case of emergency.


I want to see another Dick Morris electoral map. Sure, Romney may have MI and PA in the bag, but Obama is closing fast in WV and AR.
I'm lost in this picture? Who is FDR shaking hands with that filter down to JFK?

I was also looking for a common link between the three pics, but it's just showing a young politician greeting an older one.

Needs to be re-posted.


Sending this to all of my friends.

There was a really good ytmnd back in 2008 that had a bunch of these looped with a jazz song in the background

Tim-E pointed me to this in an earlier PoliGAF thread:


I want to see another Dick Morris electoral map. Sure, Romney may have MI and PA in the bag, but Obama is closing fast in WV and AR.
Troll, right? West Virginians voted for a jailed felon instead of Obama in the primaries.
Ryan was chosen because he's a numbers guy, yet so far the campaign has refused to let him discuss any numbers. If Romney loses I bet we're gonna hear a lot about arguments over how best to use Ryan and the apparent muzzling of him

He was supposed to be giving speeches like Clinton, basically

He's not a numbers guy. That's simply the delusion the GOP bought into. He's a bullshitter and nothing more.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Kosmo said:
Because there is an inherent hazard to the tax payer when a public union supports the election of a particular individual, who then has the power to negotiate said union's salary/benefits with the only one who is at risk is the general tax payer.

I'm not saying members of those unions should not be able to endorse candidates on an individual basis, but I don't think they should be offering endorsements as a union.
This is...uh...the exact argument against Citizens United. Almost to the word.


Sidhe / PikPok
Random tweet I saw that made me laugh:

WARNING: Beware of any poll showing Romney down. They're polling more people who are going to vote for Obama, so of course he's down!​


My brain, it hurts.

It must be painful when people stick their head out from the Fox News bubble and reality smacks them in the face.

I can see people being legitimately confused if Fox News and Ras polls are their day to day trusted source though. Nothing else makes sense if those are the "gospel truth" and only a conspiracy can explain what is going on.

Thequietone said:
That's usually how a poll works. Is it wrong of me to look forward to their meltdowns when Obama wins?

Huge Obama win post result drinking game potential around keywords/phrases such as "voter fraud", "hijacked", "conspiracy" etc.
People have probably figured it out, but I wanted to note that this is a troll tweet. Though might conceivably represent some real people, as trolls occasionally do.

And the troll has picked up another troll lol. "Romney" is consoling him right now on twitter.
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