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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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1 ambassador dead is so much worse than what happened on 9/11 under Republican watch...sigh. Using a man's death for political gain....
Well . . . you gotta give them some credit for the PR on this. Yes, Romney looks like a bit of a putz, but he is now effectively scaring some (pussies) people about what is going on in Libya.

WHAT THE FUCK? Hello people . . . did you all forget that we just recently got rid of a 30+ year dictator in Libya?!?! That was a MASSIVE foreign policy success. Yes, there is still some lingering instability and extremist bullshit. But Reagan's nemesis and crazy-nut Ghadaffi is GONE. Yet somehow Libya is being made into a bad story?!?!?
PoliGAF was moving too fast the past couple of days for me to post.

But just wow @ Romney....

There's a lot of time left before election day, but this is certainly the week where Romney lost significant ground and caused critical (possibly permanent) damage to his presidential campaign. There's a segment of voters who aren't thrilled with Obama and are open to switching horses if given a mature alternative. Romney however very likely eliminated himself from this group by looking extremely unpresidential in an unexpected foreign affairs situation.

Up until this week, Romney has been extremely evasive and vague. His whole mantra has been "Just trust me. I'll do a better job. Even though I'm not going to tell how". But with the whole Libya situation, Romney had a chance to show his mettle in an unplanned current affairs event (the 3am phone call) and he failed absolutely miserably. It was like Bush II all over again. Romney initially reacted and made rash decisions without having all the proper information (parallels going into Iraq with flawed intelligence) and then even after realizing the mistake, instead of altering their stance the Romney campaign decides to double down even further (parallels fighting the insurgency in Iraq for half a decade). This kind of mentality is dangerous especially the way Romney has been talking about Iran. The idea that Romney was a mature alternative to Obama has probably gone completely out the window for most centrist voters.

I think it's now just a matter of turn out. Obama probably now has enough voters to win in the crucial swing states regardless. He just needs them to show up at the polls. As for Romney, he now probably just has to try to play to the base the way McCain was forced to when he picked Palin. The middle is pretty much gone for Romney. He just has to hope the right's anger for Obama is strong enough and as well as hope the Dems won't be as fervent to show up at the polls. But even the Dem enthusiasm seems to be picking up over the last couple of weeks. At this point the GOP really have to hope one of the new voter ID laws will help swing a state or two to Romney's.


“We’ve got Barack Obama with a risk-adverse, lead-from-behind approach, and how’s that worked?” Williamson said. “We not only have the events in Egypt and Libya and now in Yemen...
What was the Obama administration thinking, intervening on behalf of revolutionaries oppressed by their governments?

...but we have in Syria 20,000-plus people killed, many by means of various atrocities by a regime, and the Obama administration is missing in action.”

Why isn't Obama taking material action to stop the atrocities by this oppressive regime?
Esquire and Yahoo! News asked prominent national pollster Gary Langer of Langer Research Associates to survey more than a thousand Americans about those topics, and many more, in the days following the political conventions. We asked questions most pollsters don't — on religion, race, personal values, class, and personality — and over the following weeks, we will report our findings. (The complete survey will be available in early October in the November issue of Esquire as well as on Yahoo! News and Esquire.com's The Politics Blog.)

Read more: http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/romney-obama-poll-2012#ixzz26QrS99lZ


Yeah, I am.

I'm pretty new here. I fell for a few of these. From what I can tell the dark truth of how crazy some people are is so much that the regulars here have to be beyond sarcastic in their mockery. I had a few of the same reactions to their jokes my first couple visits to this thread.

Welcome to the event horizon, where everything is warped only looking from the outside in :D
Samuel L. Jackson will film a provocative spot supporting President Obama’s re-election bid as early as tomorrow — telling voters to “Wake the f--k up, Vote for Obama.”
The ad is a riff on Jackson’s viral video “Go the F--k to Sleep,” where he narrates a children’s book written by Adam Mansbach.

It’s paid for by the Jewish Council for Education and Research Super PAC — which earlier this summer aired an ad of comedian Sarah Silverman offering “free lesbian sex” to billionaire Sheldon Adelson if he stopped supporting GOP nominee Mitt Romney.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/nation...e_the_up_7S8Md502aEI2OLeLmh8r8L#ixzz26Qv2jZPL



I'm not looking forward to "republicans attempt to pretend Obama isn't a real American president" operation 2.0. Just think. He stole the election by 100 evs.
Yeah that's what I'm worried about too. A coordinated effort by the GOP all the way down to the state level to file lawsuits and such claiming voter fraud and whatnot.

Case in point, I can't help but think that Gov. Scott looks at FL polling and shrugs it off knowing he has a plan B.


It's not fresh unless you rely on TPM for news :p, that said, Romney saying he would replace Bernanke is dangerous territory, a lot of people of intelligent people and investors have great respect for what he's done, if he were out, expect a huge drop in the stock market.
Yeah he repeated again today. :p


Romney: Obama During Debates Will ‘Say Things That Aren’t True’
“I think the challenge that I’ll have in the debate is that the president tends to, how shall I say it, to say things that aren’t true,” Romney said. “I’ve looked at prior debates. And in that kind of case, it’s difficult to say, ‘Well, am I going to spend my time correcting things that aren’t quite accurate? Or am I going to spend my time talking about the things I want to talk about?"
“Well, I’m ahead in a lot of other states, too. I saw one this morning, ahead in Florida, ahead in North Carolina. Gosh, we’re even tied in Wisconsin,” Romney told me. “These polls are going to bounce around a lot. I don’t pay a lot of attention day to day to which state’s up and which one’s down. But I believe that when the final decisions are being made by the American people, they’re going to ask themselves, “Who do I have confidence in to keep America safe? And who do I believe can get our economy doing what it needs to do?”



The word is that Romney is spending lots of time in debate prep. That means he'll have lots of ways to work in Jimmy Carter references and jokes about Al Gore inventing the internet. But he will still probably get flustered and wilt when pressed. I just hope Obama doesn't get tripped up. At this point the press are desperate for any story to swing things in Romney's favor.


“Well, I’m ahead in a lot of other states, too. I saw one this morning, ahead in Florida, ahead in North Carolina. Gosh, we’re even tied in Wisconsin,” Romney told me. “These polls are going to bounce around a lot. I don’t pay a lot of attention day to day to which state’s up and which one’s down. But I believe that when the final decisions are being made by the American people, they’re going to ask themselves, “Who do I have confidence in to keep America safe? And who do I believe can get our economy doing what it needs to do?”

Reminds me of this
Huh, has the Kansas (Kobach really) taking Obama off the ballot thing already been debunked or is this just some stupid sword rattling non-news?


Gasoline prices push up consumer inflation in August
(Reuters) - Consumer prices rose in August by the most in three years as the cost of gasoline jumped, but there was little sign of a pick-up in underlying inflation pressures, which should allow the Federal Reserve to stay on its ultra-easy policy path.

The Consumer Price Index increased 0.6 percent last month after being flat in July, the Labor Department said on Friday. That was the first increase in five months and was slightly above economist's expectations for a 0.5 percent rise.

Gasoline prices, which recorded their largest increase since June 2009, accounted for about 80 percent of the rise in consumer inflation last month.

However, underlying inflation was fairly muted. The core CPI, which excludes food and energy prices, increased 0.1 percent for a second month in a row.

In the 12 months to August overall consumer prices increased 1.7 percent, staying below the Fed's 2 percent target, but advancing from July's 1.4 percent rise.

Triple U

So apparently there were two more embassies attacked by protesters of the infamous youtube video. Only thing is, they were British and German.
It is mindblowing what slime Romney is turning out to be. I mean...there's the terrible I'd reckoned him to be for years now, but then there's The Terrible of late and only worsening as the election moves onward.

Just disgusting.


What in the flying fuck?

We are living in a parody universe at this point. When did the timelines diverge, I wonder?

I think he's playing mind games, to get it into people's heads that Obama will be the one lying during the debates that way when Romney lies nonstop, viewers will think Obama's rebuttal is a lie.


I'm trying not to be too confident about the President's chances but Romney keeps making it hard. The thing is though, while he is making mistakes and saying stupid stuff other people might not be having the same reaction as us.

The most encouraging sign is that Romney has completely failed to reinvent himself as a moderate in the general.

Mike M

Nick N
Seems pretty clear they're eschewing a pivot to the center in lieu of channel stuffing with so many lies that they cannot all be refuted.

I'm going to have to agree with Romney here. The Fed would not be doing QE3 if Obama's fiscal policy had work. He underestimated the size of the recession and did not get enough stimulus to combat it. But Romney is also ignoring that everyone underestimated the size, and the congressional opposition that Obama faced in passing more of his fiscal plan. But he is correct in stating that Ben would not be doing QE3 if everything was going well.


From Gallup yesterday
Democrats Pull Even With Republicans as Better on Terrorism

ha, didn't see this.

I'm going to have to agree with Romney here. The Fed would not be doing QE3 if Obama's fiscal policy had work. He underestimated the size of the recession and did not get enough stimulus to combat it. But Romney is also ignoring that everyone underestimated the size, and the congressional opposition that Obama faced in passing more of his fiscal plan. But he is correct in stating that Ben would not be doing QE3 if everything was going well.

not like obama had a jobs bill or anything.
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