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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Where's your link? Gotta cite them sources bro.

British tabloid. No credible source is reporting it. Remember that story about the ambassador being raped?

Dunno about that first part, but regarding the second part:


Still, even IF such a thing were true that there were actual important meetings going on that Obama willingly neglected, that would actually make Obama seem MORE impressive, considering how much he's destroyed Al Qaeda. Imagine if he went to ALL of them!

And that's Kosmo's cue to bow out of the thread for another page.
Where's your link? Gotta cite them sources bro.

They don't need sources. The bubble creates its own reality. Some vague factoid gets misquoted/misinterpreted/mistranslated and then embellished until there are mobile chemical weapons labs, a Kenyan in the whitehouse, a new work exemption from welfare, or a magical rape contraception system.


No Scrubs
British tabloid. No credible source is reporting it. Remember that story about the ambassador being raped?

And that's Kosmo's cue to bow out of the thread for another page.

Bastions of journalistic integrity they are, it's not like they have all gotten in trouble for hacking people's phones nope.


Probably not something that would some up in the Presidential Daily Briefing, right?

"Obama skips intelligence briefings" is one of the dumbest recent conservative memes, and it's no shock to see you peddling it.

In reality, Obama didn’t “attend” these meetings, because there were no meetings to attend: The oral briefings had been mostly replaced by daily exchanges in which Obama reads the materials and poses written questions and comments to intelligence officials. This is how it was done in the Clinton administration, before Bush decided he would prefer to read less. Bush’s results — Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, and the failure to find Osama bin Laden — suggest this was not an obvious improvement.
They don't need sources. The bubble creates its own reality. Some vague factoid gets misquoted/misinterpreted/mistranslated and then embellished until there are mobile chemical weapons labs, a Kenyan in the whitehouse, a new work exemption from welfare, or a magical rape contraception system.

Funny enough "gun control" advocates operate the same way.

For example

this is interesting because i had this argument with someone (who didn't take long to go full racist) earlier today.

These riots and fatwas and whatnot only seem to be an issue in the middle east. only about 20% of the world's muslims live there, the vast majority (the other 80) don't really seem to give a shit.

why is it that middle east muslims in particular seem to go apeshit over slights to islam?
I liked this from Egypt:


The U.S. called out the Muslim Brotherhood for apparently tweeting a different set of messages—a kind one in English, and one in Arabic with a different tone—as demonstrators and security forces were battling outside the embassy in Cairo.

The Muslim Brotherhood's English-language Twitter account (@Ikhwanweb) retweeted a message from deputy head Khairat el-Shater saying he was "relieved none of @USEmbassyCairo staff was harmed" and hoped U.S.-Egypt relations "will sustain [the] turbulence of Tuesday's events."

However, according to ahramonline.com, the Brotherhood's Arabic-language Twitter account and its website were praising the protests staged against a U.S.-made film that some Muslims deem insulting to the Prophet Muhammad. The Brotherhood's messages also called for a million-man march on Friday.
this is interesting because i had this argument with someone (who didn't take long to go full racist) earlier today.

These riots and fatwas and whatnot only seem to be an issue in the middle east. only about 20% of the world's muslims live there, the vast majority (the other 80) don't really seem to give a shit.

why is it that middle east muslims in particular seem to go apeshit over slights to islam?

Put enough poor Christians living in similar conditions and I don't doubt the same would happen.
this is interesting because i had this argument with someone (who didn't take long to go full racist) earlier today.

These riots and fatwas and whatnot only seem to be an issue in the middle east. only about 20% of the world's muslims live there, the vast majority (the other 80) don't really seem to give a shit.

why is it that middle east muslims in particular seem to go apeshit over slights to islam?

Do you really not remember the murder of Theo van Gogh that originally sparked this whole thing? Because that happened in Denmark. His murder is what sparked the original push for the Muhammad cartoons, which lead to death threats against the creators and the paper that published it. Also in Denmark.

Moreover, Libya and Egypt are both in Africa.
They don't live in the middle east and/or their religion isn't shoved down their throats by dictators and the like.

that's the thing. to clarify, this person was implying that there's something in islam itself that's responsible- I countered that the majority of the world's muslims were peaceful and not even from the middle east, and whatever it was was cultural and/or political.

not being well versed in middle eastern history and culture though, I have no idea why muslims in the middle east seem to be a LOT more volatile than elsewhere.

Do you really not remember the murder of Theo van Gogh that originally sparked this whole thing? Because that happened in Denmark. His murder is what sparked the original push for the Muhammad cartoons, which lead to death threats against the creators and the paper that published it. Also in Denmark.

I do remember that, but the muslim that killed him was the son of moroccan immigrants- again, from north africa/the middle east. these weren't native dutch muslims that killed him.


that's the thing. to clarify, this person was implying that there's something in islam itself that's responsible- I countered that the majority of the world's muslims were peaceful and not even from the middle east, and whatever it was was cultural and/or political.

not being well versed in middle eastern history and culture though, I have no idea why muslims in the middle east seem to be a LOT more volatile than elsewhere.

Eh, I'd say EVERYONE in the Middle East is more volatile. I mean look at Israel also.

I think it's just too much bad blood over the years, it gets ingrained in each generation.
Eh, I'd say EVERYONE in the Middle East is more volatile. I mean look at Israel also.

I think it's just too much bad blood over the years, it gets ingrained in each generation.

true, but israel (as we understand it today) is a relatively recent addition to the middle east, and the reason THEY'RE a mess is 100% political. no need to guess there.


Setec Astronomer
I'm actually not incredibly well versed on the specific details, but I do know that Iraq as we know it today was not created by Iraqis but by the British and I'm aware of similar legacies of political instability in other spots on the globe.


can you elaborate?

Well, for one thing, the Muslims in the Middle East have been fighting Westerners over Palestine since Salah ad-din. In the more immediate sense, though, it's only been two hundred years or so since everything from Istanbul to Cairo to Algiers flew the flag of the Ottoman Empire. As the Ottomans declined, European powers began to annex and occupy formerly Muslim countries, and when they joined World War I, they were repaid by the wholesale dissection of the remains of the Empire into what we now know as the various Arabian states, mostly ruled originally by Britain and France. Most of them didn't achieve independence until the late 1940s. So you can see why they might have some resentment. And then, of course, there was the creation of Israel and the dispossession of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, and then the constant interference during the Cold War (for example, Iran hates us specifically because we tried to keep their despotic ruler in power).

Basically just the normal colonial stuff, really.


No Scrubs
can you elaborate?

It's like what happened in Africa, the colonial powers came in and divided up the region without bothering to check if the people in their borders hated each other or not. Then they proceeded to exploit them for years all the while pitting one group against the others to help them keep power. The exact same thing is what caused Rwanda's genocide.


Setec Astronomer
It's like what happened in Africa, the colonial powers came in and divided up the region without bothering to check if the people in their borders hated each other or not. Then they proceeded to exploit them for years all the while pitting one group against the others to help them keep power. The exact same thing is what caused Rwanda's genocide.
Actually, they paid great attention to groups or even just potential groups so they could know where to divide them. With Rwanda in particular they drove a wedge between two relatively mobile work classes, turned them into castes, and used the divide to keep the people against each other so they couldn't oppose as a unified group. After they left the divide remained and people started killing each other.

"They've always been fighting" is actually the refrain of people seeking to politically exploit a conflict rather than those who would seek to mend it.
this is interesting because i had this argument with someone (who didn't take long to go full racist) earlier today.

These riots and fatwas and whatnot only seem to be an issue in the middle east. only about 20% of the world's muslims live there, the vast majority (the other 80) don't really seem to give a shit.

why is it that middle east muslims in particular seem to go apeshit over slights to islam?

Good observation. I think it is due to decades of living under oppressive regimes that carefully crafted messaging in their state-media arms. The dictators NEED Great Satan to survive. Think about it. Would the Ayatollahs in Iran sweep into power if they cozy up with America? No. It's in their best interest to keep masses frothing at US and Israel.

That, and the fluid nature of extremist groups that spill into Muslim communities, especially in middle east.


No Scrubs
Actually, they paid great attention to groups or even just potential groups so they could know where to divide them. With Rwanda in particular they drove a wedge between two relatively mobile work classes, turned them into castes, and used the divide to keep the people against each other so they couldn't oppose as a unified group. After they left the divide remained and people started killing each other.

"They've always been fighting" is actually the refrain of people seeking to politically exploit a conflict rather than those who would seek to mend it.

I admit I'm not a master of colonial history, but playing groups against each other is the point I was trying to make. It's natural they'd hate the western world after that. Thanks for the correction though, the more you know and all that.
If the numbers persist or improve, I'm going to start salivating over Congress.

Gimme MA, IN, ME, NV, and AZ

Holds in MO, VA, MT, ND, CT.

With a loss in NE and WI, that's a ceiling of about 56?

I'll take it. And 30 house seats.
I have to imagine if we took AZ and IN we'd probably be winning Wisconsin too.

I'm hopeful that Obama campaigning there will give him a more comfortable victory that would translate to downticket votes for Baldwin - I can see many Obama-Thompson voters.
This is why Scott Brown will beat Warren

Fact wise, the ad is false; Brown's bill didn't make it to the floor, and the actual insider trading bill that was passed was created by Lieberman. Regardless it's a perfectly staged 30 second ad of regular ol' Scotty driving around the neighborhood tellin folks how he's got their back. He might as well be driving to the local bar to drink a couple Buds with some construction workers
Romney campaign is now pretty much suggesting that the deaths wouldn't have occurred if Romney had been President. That is even more disgraceful from them.

of course...I don't know how it plays on the public's mind. Generally, events like these should do a rallying effect around the President.
This is why Scott Brown will beat Warren

Fact wise, the ad is false; Brown's bill didn't make it to the floor, and the actual insider trading bill that was passed was created by Lieberman. Regardless it's a perfectly staged 30 second ad of regular ol' Scotty driving around the neighborhood tellin folks how he's got their back. He might as well be driving to the local bar to drink a couple Buds with some construction workers
It's a tied race where Obama is going to crush at the top of the ticket. I don't think anyone can be making definitive statements yet


I have to imagine if we took AZ and IN we'd probably be winning Wisconsin too.

I'm hopeful that Obama campaigning there will give him a more comfortable victory that would translate to downticket votes for Baldwin - I can see many Obama-Thompson voters.
AZ and IN are polling a lot closer. WI is looking pretty unlikely with a popular former gov running over 50%

I mean, I want to win Wisconsin but at this point I'd say it's the longest of the Dem long shots.


I really like this stat from a certain Kos article:

In Florida, Ohio, and Virginia, only 2% of those decided say that they may change their minds. Hahaha!


It's a tied race where Obama is going to crush at the top of the ticket. I don't think anyone can be making definitive statements yet

Will Obama campaign with Warren though? What's the protocol on that since he's up for re-election as well? It's not like he'll be rallying in MA lol
Just wanted say, I come home from work daily and quickly read through all the pages I missed while @ work.

Everything is consolidated here for ease of use. You guys make it so I don't even have to bother scouring the web for all the news of the day.

With a sprinkling of Kid Kosmo.

PoliGAF is my favorite thread these days.
AZ and IN are polling a lot closer. WI is looking pretty unlikely with a popular former gov running over 50%

I mean, I want to win Wisconsin but at this point I'd say it's the longest of the Dem long shots.
Not to say that Thompson won't win (he probably will), but getting to 50+1 is more doable in Wisconsin than it is in Arizona and Indiana. It's close in those races because of high undecideds.
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