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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Setec Astronomer
Ugh. I actually haven't seen Romney's speech in full, but what I have seen reminds me of the kind of speech given at the Mormon Church's General Conference.


Junior Member
When Romney said that he and other Republicans wanted Obama to succeed, I yelled bullshit so loud that it woke up my wife. It made me feel vindicated when Stewart did the exact same thing.


Love Bill Maher, took an atheiest to do God's work. With or without that crowd behind him, Dinesh got excoriated.
Bravo Bill.

Just saw the round table on Real-Time, kinda upset everyone on the panel whiffed on the 716 billion dollar question. The cuts are to spending for Medicare Advantage which even some Repubs agree doesn't provide any "advantage".
They specifically said they were going to be there for the DNC.......
I specifically expect soft balling up the ass.

What is this weak sauce, it's so weak
The Daily Show?

Yeah, but you can't really blame them. When the Republicans give them such low hanging fruit, they've gotta strike.
Right, but I meant in general.

It's almost like there was some kind of event that focused exclusively on one party.
It's almost like I was speaking in general.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm just saying it suffers from mostly being a one sided circle jerk vs casting a wider net than it used too.

The issue you are talking about has been true of comedy, basically, for thousands of years. You mock the wealthy, those in power and those who do the most ludicrous things. Ultimately you go where the material is. If you can reel off a list of more ridiculous high profile democrats and stack it side by side with a Palin, a Romney, a Bachmann, a Tea Party, a Hermann Cain and so on, then you'd make a stronger case. I just tried and I can't do it.

The Daily Show specifically is itself a reaction to how bizarre right wing politics got from Bush Jr onwards. Before that things were actually pretty balanced in terms of sheer absurdity. Look at how stretched and awful and unfunny Red Eye is.

If the right keeps getting crazier - and it unarguably is - then this is the natural result.

This is the point where right wing politics wasn't any longer about some slight differences in social and economic philosophy, but had rather gone full retard - stopped governing - and abandoned both policy and logic entirely, in favor of naked rhetoric and divisive cognitive dissonance. They even stopped hiding their simple economic and environmental agenda.


I'm just saying it suffers from mostly being a one sided circle jerk vs casting a wider net than it used too.

In comedy you gravitate to where the funny is, legitimate rape, constant lies, and invisible Obama is the comedy

Don't be upset because to modern day GOP is a farce and CONSTANTLY lends itself to comedy
I'm just saying it suffers from mostly being a one sided circle jerk vs casting a wider net than it used too.

If you can't see how much more absurdity there is on the GOP side of the ledger these days, well, I don't know what to tell you.

And he has gotten on Obama about drone strikes and secret lists and the like, if you've been watching.


Usually I think PoliGAF tends to exaggerate when they say, Jon Stewart "destroyed [insert Republican]". But I gotta say, that segment was very well done and struck at the heart of the problem and the utter duplicity of the GOP.

I think it's the difference from saying you disagree with something to " you're full of **** and here's why" and in that regard the daily show nailed it yesterday.


Love Bill Maher, took an atheiest to do God's work. With or without that crowd behind him, Dinesh got excoriated.
Bravo Bill.

Just saw the round table on Real-Time, kinda upset everyone on the panel whiffed on the 716 billion dollar question. The cuts are to spending for Medicare Advantage which even some Repubs agree it doesn't provide any "advantage".

Link to this?


The issue you are talking about has been true of comedy, basically, for thousands of years. You mock the wealthy, those in power and those who do the most ludicrous things. Ultimately you go where the material is. If you can reel off a list of more ridiculous high profile democrats and stack it side by side with a Palin, a Romney, a Bachmann, a Tea Party, a Hermann Cain and so on, then you'd make a stronger case. I just tried and I can't do it.

The Daily Show specifically is itself a reaction to how bizarre right wing politics got from Bush Jr onwards. Before that things were actually pretty balanced in terms of sheer absurdity. Look at how stretched and awful and unfunny Red Eye is.

If the right keeps getting crazier - and it unarguably is - then this is the natural result.

This is the point where right wing politics wasn't any longer about some slight differences in social and economic philosophy, but had rather gone full retard - stopped governing - and abandoned both policy and logic entirely, in favor of naked rhetoric and divisive cognitive dissonance. They even stopped hiding their simple economic and environmental agenda.

I like Stewart, but let's not pretend there isn't just as much material that could be drawn from Obama, Biden, Reid, Pelosi, Holder, and Napolitano. TDS plays to their audience, however, and while we get the occasional jab at Obama or Biden, let's not be so deluded to think only Republicans provide material worth mocking.

I agree, the RNC convention was going on and that is where the material was this past week. Will the DNC convention be given as much ridicule? My guess is they will simply use lofty Democrat rhetoric and try to juxtapose it with something to ridicule Republicans. Maybe I'll be wrong.


i still dont understand where people say he looks presidential. He looks... so awkward

I wish there were a gif of his expression while all those troglodytes were laughing after his sea level line. Exactly the same face and eye movements as frodo at the end of return of the king when the crowd bows to the hobbits.

Memorably bizarre facial tics.


Thanks for sharing. I'm sure everyone knows what your talking about.

I was just posting in case someone else had seen it too, and waiting until there was a video or something. They were on the topic of welfare and how the American people seem to support helping the poor, but as a whole do not support "welfare." Anyway, she got pretty incredibly angry and went on a rant about how it's really not easy to be poor and how she's sick of that stereotype.


I like Stewart, but let's not pretend there isn't just as much material that could be drawn from Obama, Biden, Reid, Pelosi, Holder, and Napolitano. TDS plays to their audience, however, and while we get the occasional jab at Obama or Biden, let's not be so deluded to think only Republicans provide material worth mocking.

I agree, the RNC convention was going on and that is where the material was this past week. Will the DNC convention be given as much ridicule? My guess is they will simply use lofty Democrat rhetoric and try to juxtapose it with something to ridicule Republicans. Maybe I'll be wrong.
As Stewart himself pointed out many times, the fair and balance thing is Fox News' shtick not his.

Also, Stewart is a liberal, he never hid it, and as such, he mock people from the left.
But he isn't partisan.

Obviously, for a liberal, a conservative will present more opportunity for mockery, I mean "yeah! I agree with you!" does not make a great comedy.

But when did not shy away from making fun of Democrats just because they were Democrats.

I mean, the guy started his political jokster career with Clinton jokes.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I like how we are still arguing over whether the satirical comedy program is Fair and Balanced (tm). When said satirical comedy program, for all its supposed liberal democrat commie bias, still comes across as more reasonable and considerate of all sides than programs and pundits on the GOP news network who are supposed to be for reals and making with the serious talks.

The problem I have with this sort of thing, is that I am kind of reminded of the statement "Men fear women will make fun of them. Women fear men will kill them", as an observation on the nature of false equivalency.

The inescapable problem with trying to paint false equivalency between left and right politics right now, is that it seems a bald faced lie to claim that the extremist elements in both are positioned equally. The entire point of focusing on the right currently is to highlight how the crazies have been brought fully into the mainstream and propped up as the only true Americans.

You'd be on to something if Obama was campaigning with PETA and endorsing rhetoric about how we must all become vegetarians or be fined for eating meat, give driver's licenses to cows, and let dogs and cats vote.
If you can't see how much more absurdity there is on the GOP side of the ledger these days, well, I don't know what to tell you.

And he has gotten on Obama about drone strikes and secret lists and the like, if you've been watching.
I'm just saying per 9/11 coverage was different. It was more even spread and more enjoyable. I honestly dont think it was as tied to a political leaning like it is now. I'm not saying that the modern GOP isn't a target rich environment, but it became more and more focused on it to the overall detriment of the show in general. However, it appeals to the main viewership and gives them high ratings, so I'm not going to blame them for doing that. Perhaps it's the method I don't like, as I do enjoy Stephen Colbert's way of satire a lot more.

I just wonder if a study was done of normal episodes from different time periods and material and percentage of time focused on it what the results would be. I'd even be willing to exclude times like a convention.
I was just posting in case someone else had seen it too, and waiting until there was a video or something. They were on the topic of welfare and how the American people seem to support helping the poor, but as a whole do not support "welfare." Anyway, she got pretty incredibly angry and went on a rant about how it's really not easy to be poor and how she's sick of that stereotype.
Oh see I misread it as pooped and was really confused as to what happened. lol
I like how we are still arguing over whether the satirical comedy program is Fair and Balanced (tm).

Not arguing so much as pointing out how weak Manos is for suggesting that The Daily Show is somehow faltering in their duty to be fair and balanced. The Daily Show is not some new thing. The fact that anyone who has interest in politics can still be confused about it is indicative of a more significant overall cluelessness.


I wish there were a gif of his expression while all those troglodytes were laughing after his sea level line. Exactly the same face and eye movements as frodo at the end of return of the king when the crowd bows to the hobbits.

Memorably bizarre facial tics.

It's as facile a compliment as his speech. Yeah, his mannerisms are conspicuously artificial. I can't identify any saving grace aside from he didn't trip approaching the stage.Here's the link to the D’Souza interview.

there is just something... off. Like he shrugs his shoulders constantly, or just holds them high


Perhaps it's the method I don't like, as I do enjoy Stephen Colbert's way of satire a lot more.

That almost has to be it. Colbert makes fun of the right a lot more than The Daily Show, I think. That's kind of his whole thing. I suppose though when he's presented entirely as satire of the right, then it doesn't come off quite as biased. He's just doing what's expected.

Oh see I misread it as pooped and was really confused as to what happened. lol

Not arguing so much as pointing out how weak Manos is for suggesting that The Daily Show is somehow faltering in their duty to be fair and balanced. The Daily Show is not some new thing. The fact that anyone who has interest in politics can still be confused about it is indicative of a more significant overall cluelessness.
The problem is when people tell me they actually watch it for news content I'm a little bothered. But once again I just don't find circle jerks to be entertaining generally. I also think there was a diversity of stories that were also non political back in the day. A great one is the story Colbert did that became the inspiration for Wigfield, it had nothing to do with leanings it was just funny. When those stories got overshadowed by a more politics first focus I think the show became less enjoyable. Like I said Colbert's works better because it's an explicit parody of shows like Bill O Reilly and that's been clear since day one, that was not the case with The Daily Show.
That almost has to be it. Colbert makes fun of the right a lot more than The Daily Show, I think. That's kind of his whole thing. I suppose though when he's presented entirely as satire of the right, then it doesn't come off quite as biased. He's just doing what's expected.

I'm a bit disappointed as we haven't had a good actual shit related political story for awhile.


The problem is when people tell me they actually watch it for news content I'm a little bothered. But once again I just don't find circle jerks to be entertaining generally. I also think there was a diversity of stories that were also non political back in the day. A great one is the story Colbert did that became the inspiration for Wigfield, it had nothing to do with leanings it was just funny. When those stories got overshadowed by a more politics first focus I think the show became less enjoyable. Like I said Colbert's works better because it's an explicit parody of shows like Bill O Reilly and that's been clear since day one, that was not the case with The Daily Show.

As you should be. And the people that do this should be. I mean aside from the fact that it's not a news show, it becomes a lot more funny if you know the backstory on some of those things before watching.


I like Stewart, but let's not pretend there isn't just as much material that could be drawn from Obama, Biden, Reid, Pelosi, Holder, and Napolitano. TDS plays to their audience, however, and while we get the occasional jab at Obama or Biden, let's not be so deluded to think only Republicans provide material worth mocking.

I agree, the RNC convention was going on and that is where the material was this past week. Will the DNC convention be given as much ridicule? My guess is they will simply use lofty Democrat rhetoric and try to juxtapose it with something to ridicule Republicans. Maybe I'll be wrong.

I doubt it -- I think they'll try to find specific ways to mock the Democrats, but I agree that it'll be much lighter than the equivalent for the RNC. I do kind of think that that's because the current GOP is way crazier -- yeah, you can mock the Democrats for contradicting themselves or talking about golf, but when you can mock the Republicans for legitimate rape, well, one of those is a lot easier to write.

There have been a few efforts to create a conservative equivalent of the Daily Show, but they've all kind of failed. Is it just harder to sustain a lengthy comic critique of the left, or is there some other issue? (I feel like the study they did that showed that lots of conservative viewers watch the Colbert Report believing that he is serious about his political opinions is relevant here.)
Oh Kosmo. Equivalency argument yet fucking again.

Stewart will most assuredly get delicious material from Biden...but there's absolutely no way Obama, Clinton, or Reid are anywhere near as embarrassing as what the RNC trouted out.


Link to this?

Unfortunately, I actually have HBO (roommate's), it's all I watch via DVR. But it really was one of the better episodes I've seen.

I'm at the airport for vaca checking this thread;I have a problem, if I'm still posting tomorrow someone digi-slap me.

It's just that I love politics and humor, so the past few weeks have been euphoric.
Not arguing so much as pointing out how weak Manos is for suggesting that The Daily Show is somehow faltering in their duty to be fair and balanced. The Daily Show is not some new thing. The fact that anyone who has interest in politics can still be confused about it is indicative of a more significant overall cluelessness.
There is no duty for them to be fair & balanced. It is a fucking comedy show, not the news. That said, they are much more fair & balanced than a news channel that claims to be. And yeah, the Daily Show probably hits the GOP more than the Dems . . . but that is only because the GOP is more fucking crazy and hypocritical.

One my my favorite daily show segments.


There is no duty for them to be fair & balanced. It is a fucking comedy show, not the news. That said, they are much more fair & balanced than a news channel that claims to be. And yeah, the Daily Show probably hits the GOP more than the Dems . . . but that is only because the GOP is more fucking crazy and hypocritical.

One my my favorite daily show segments.

Never saw that segment. Thanks for the link. That's goddamned ridiculous.
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