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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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All other things equal, given the degree the president determines foreign policy, this election should be a landslide.

A lot people throw out "lol whoever is president doesn't matter" I would assume due to their hands being tied on domestic policy by congress, but the President absolutely does matter in terms of foreign policy. Romney is a smart man, but he has absolutely no grasp on foreign relations.


Seriously I don't know why people are trying to pretend that these gaffes don't matter or won't have any effect.

Because they dont. Remember the 10 pages Poligaf blathered on about Romney speaking in front of an empty Ford Field and how disasterous it was? It means jack shit to the average voter today.

It only matters to people with predisposed, polarized minds. Just another coat of laminate to put on the fanboy credenza.
dat golden EIB mic.

If you noticed something, Rush's show airs for 3 hours, but Rush speaks for about 45 minutes max (or an hour, but really stretching). Rest 2 hours are ads. The guy barely speaks, yet has the following of an army. Rush has no arguments, nothing to say, other than mean-spirited-ness and cruelty yet rushbots are dime a dozen. I really want to know what's so great about him.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
A lot people throw out "lol whoever is president doesn't matter" I would assume due to their hands being tied on domestic policy by congress, but the President absolutely does matter in terms of foreign policy. Romney is a smart man, but he has absolutely no grasp on foreign relations.

Yep, congress may control the funding of said military. However, they tend to go along or be seen as not supporting the military. It would take something exceeding radical for them to step in.


Because they dont. Remember the 10 pages Poligaf blathered on about Romney speaking in front of an empty Ford Field and how disasterous is was? It means jack shit to the average voter today.

It only matters to people with presdisposed, polarized minds. Just another coat of laminate to put on the fanboy credenza.

"Fanboy credenza".. I like that. Makes me wish I had photoshop skills.


A lot people throw out "lol whoever is president doesn't matter" I would assume due to their hands being tied on domestic policy by congress, but the President absolutely does matter in terms of foreign policy. Romney is a smart man, but he has absolutely no grasp on foreign relations.

I would say that his views are pretty much realist and not some myopic view of what the would can/should be with the soft approach that Obama is using. He was right to point out that we should not be apologizing for free speech and right to point out that the Palestinians (at least their leaders) have shown no interest in peace. Obama's soft approach to currying favor in the Islamic world was not wrong to try, it has just proven to be woefully ineffective and it's time we pretty much say "screw it" and stop trying until they figure their shit out themselves.

I forget what guest I was listening to on the radio but he was commenting on the cell phone videos of Chris Stevens being dragged out of the consulate and how those filming the video have done nothing to support the creation of that technology, could never dream of building it, and all they have figured out is that cell phones are a good too for 7th century barbarism. We cannot drag backwards ideologies kicking and screaming into the 21st century, so it's about time we take a breather from trying.

If you noticed something, Rush's show airs for 3 hours, but Rush speaks for about 45 minutes max (or an hour, but really stretching). Rest 2 hours are ads. The guy barely speaks, yet has the following of an army. Rush has no arguments, nothing to say, other than mean-spirited-ness and cruelty yet rushbots are dime a dozen. I really want to know what's so great about him.

Standard talk radio is about 40 minutes of talking an hour, 20 minutes of ads - Rush is no different.


Unconfirmed Member
Because they dont. Remember the 10 pages Poligaf blathered on about Romney speaking in front of an empty Ford Field and how disasterous it was? It means jack shit to the average voter today.

It only matters to people with predisposed, polarized minds. Just another coat of laminate to put on the fanboy credenza.
Just because partisans are likely to latch in to most gaffes, doesnt mean that at some point one of those gaffes won't also resonate with independents.


Obsidian fan
I forget what guest I was listening to on the radio but he was commenting on the cell phone videos of Chris Stevens being dragged out of the consulate and how those filming the video have done nothing to support the creation of that technology, could never dream of building it, and all they have figured out is that cell phones are a good too for 7th century barbarism. We cannot drag backwards ideologies kicking and screaming into the 21st century, so it's about time we take a breather from trying.

Well whoever it was he sounds like a piece of shit.


Because they dont. Remember the 10 pages Poligaf blathered on about Romney speaking in front of an empty Ford Field and how disasterous it was? It means jack shit to the average voter today.

It only matters to people with predisposed, polarized minds. Just another coat of laminate to put on the fanboy credenza.

Actually that did matter because it was one of the first signs the campaign was poorly organized and out of its depth


Because they dont. Remember the 10 pages Poligaf blathered on about Romney speaking in front of an empty Ford Field and how disasterous it was? It means jack shit to the average voter today.

It only matters to people with predisposed, polarized minds. Just another coat of laminate to put on the fanboy credenza.
When did the ford field disaster ever matter?? Yes we all lol'ed at it but people didn't change there mind about him just because he spoke in front of an empty crowd. His gaffes with libya and now with the 47 percent have a much more meaningful affect and whether or not people will vote for him and yes a percentage point or two matters in the elections.


Those browns are too stupid to be civil, so why should we try? Let's just overtake their land and boss them around/blow them up.
Actually that did matter because it was one of the first signs the campaign was poorly organized and out of its depth
Who cares? Campaigns don't matter outside of PoliGAF and partisan bickering on blogs. The average voter doesn't pay attention to campaigns or polls. Also, votes. Who cares about those? Come the day after election day, no one outside of GAF will be paying attention to electoral votes. That's all just fanboy wank material.

Dude Abides

I would say that his views are pretty much realist and not some myopic view of what the would can/should be with the soft approach that Obama is using. He was right to point out that we should not be apologizing for free speech and right to point out that the Palestinians (at least their leaders) have shown no interest in peace. Obama's soft approach to currying favor in the Islamic world was not wrong to try, it has just proven to be woefully ineffective and it's time we pretty much say "screw it" and stop trying until they figure their shit out themselves.

I forget what guest I was listening to on the radio but he was commenting on the cell phone videos of Chris Stevens being dragged out of the consulate and how those filming the video have done nothing to support the creation of that technology, could never dream of building it, and all they have figured out is that cell phones are a good too for 7th century barbarism. We cannot drag backwards ideologies kicking and screaming into the 21st century, so it's about time we take a breather from trying.

Standard talk radio is about 40 minutes of talking an hour, 20 minutes of ads - Rush is no different.

Yeah, nothing says Scrowcroftian foreign policy realism like full-throated support for the Iraq adventure and having Dan Senor as a top foreign policy advisor. Give me a break.
If you noticed something, Rush's show airs for 3 hours, but Rush speaks for about 45 minutes max (or an hour, but really stretching). Rest 2 hours are ads. The guy barely speaks, yet has the following of an army. Rush has no arguments, nothing to say, other than mean-spirited-ness and cruelty yet rushbots are dime a dozen. I really want to know what's so great about him.
Yeah, while vacation and lying by the pool, I decided to flip around the dial and listen to various right-wing radio shows. I was shocked that people can listen to that show even if they like him. It has such a low signal-to-noise ratio. Between ads, bumper music, pointless small talk, and him just repeating himself saying the same thing over and over again, there is just very very little actual original content.


Who cares? Campaigns don't matter outside of PoliGAF and partisan bickering on blogs. The average voter doesn't pay attention to campaigns or polls. Also, votes. Who cares about those? Come the day after election day, no one outside of GAF will be paying attention to electoral votes. That's all just fanboy wank material.

Obviously people interested in politics care. The people in this thread care. If you're so disinterested in the daily happenings of a campaign then why bother coming into this thread?


Yeah Rush isn't two hours of ads it only feels like the stretches--between pearls of wisdom--are longer because they cram so much fact and information into such a dense truth nugget in time and space.

And also because the Carbonite endorsements are terribly repetitive.
I forget what guest I was listening to on the radio but he was commenting on the cell phone videos of Chris Stevens being dragged out of the consulate and how those filming the video have done nothing to support the creation of that technology, could never dream of building it, and all they have figured out is that cell phones are a good too for 7th century barbarism. We cannot drag backwards ideologies kicking and screaming into the 21st century, so it's about time we take a breather from trying.

Um, Stevens was being rescued by the Libyans. Not dragged out and paraded like the idiot probably thought.


I listen/watch to:


Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Chris Plant
Fox News


Randi Rhodes
David Cruz
Stephanie Miller
Raucous Caucus

Never knew about KTALK liberal radio shows until someone from here linked it, now I cant stop listening.


Who cares? Campaigns don't matter outside of PoliGAF and partisan bickering on blogs. The average voter doesn't pay attention to campaigns or polls.

They absolutely do, they just don't know it. The average voter pays attention to the media narrative, and the media narrative is built more than anything around campaigns and polls. Before last night, the worst thing happening to the Romney campaign had nothing to do with how dumb his comments on Libya or whatever were, and everything to do with the media's perception that Romney's campaign was falling apart and their reporting on the Libya matter as such.

By contrast, I think this video might actually move some needles all by itself -- but it's going to get very different coverage from what we'd expect to see if Romney was still hanging tight or even if he was leading. It'd still make the news, because it'll sell papers, but it's going to be called a death knell instead of, say, a painful gaffe that put the race into competition.

So the Senate forecast is out at 538. Democrats 51.2 seats, 70% to control the chamber. Not really news! But good to know.


It's a poligaf thread during a presidential election, this is pretty much what is left to do. It's seemingly all academic at this point.

Perhaps for the sake of discussion we can randomly assign ideological positions and try again?

We can change the way PoliGAF works forever!


The flood gates of Republicans in swing states and close elections distancing themselves from Romney's comments has begun. First up, Linda McMahon


Not surprising, and yeah probably the first of several. It's remarkable that team Romney is not backing down from his framing one iota, even reenforcing it today. Idiots.

Silver's latest Senate forecast is up. Article to follow later today:




I don't listen or watch much political stuff personally.

I use CNN and TPM online for political news, then just read some bloggers like Sullivan and Yglesias. Really, PoliGAF is where I get most of my info, lol.

And from the other thread, pretty dang good:



You must lean to the right. A lefty would never subject himself to so much non-printed information.

I generally have my commie talk radio playing in the background at work.

Most of my news comes from PoliGAF, NPR and my NYT digital subscription, though [/smug][/backpat]
that VA poll is brutal for romney

why would anyone continue to donate money to his campaign? all the money that has been spent on his campaign and superPACs makes me laugh. those people pissed away so much money just to have a chance at paying lower taxes.


With Obama over 52%, does the Goode factor even matter?

It doesn't, but it could further solidify an Obama victory there.

To even squeak by with a victory right at 270 with Obama winning OH and VA, Romney would need to win FL, NC, NV, CO, IA, WI, and NH. So lol.


WaPo: 52 0 - 44 R in VA. Likely

There's been a trend of Obama approaching 50 in key states, such as VA. And it's largely on the back of Dem enthusiasm, which Romney won't win over. Dude does not have a path if Obama is winning Virgina, both because of where that puts him electorally, and because of what it implies for other swing states.
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