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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Wow, this story blew da fuk up. Some guy just called into C-Span, saying many evangelicals are in a quandary over voting for Romney who he said was an ultra-rich oligarch who doesn't care about or understand the common man. As a result of this quandary he said he was going to vote for Alabama coach Nick Saban!?


Sidhe / PikPok
well, he is addressing the US perspective.

Is that actually the "official" position of either party though?

Both parties, while siding obviously and predominantly with Israel, have been involved in trying to broker peace and some kind of settlement.

The statement from Romney sounds like he considers the peace process a waste of time and the current status quo (and casualties) acceptable because the US isn't affected.

That may have always been the expectation behind the scenes, but has any President (or presidential candidate) ever made such a blatant and pessimistic assessment of the situation?

I don't know much about US policy regarding the situation. Well, not in detail anyway.


oh by the way, I forgot to mention I was told by an elderly gentleman (whom I've known a long time) that I need to go see 2016 because it shows Obama for who he really is.

I just kept my mouth shut and played dumb, of course (OH I DON'T FOLLOW POLITICS LOL). I most certainly did not need to get into this conversation. Guess they exist in California, too!

On the plus side, he did tell me he thought Obama would win because Romney's foot is in his mouth.

Now that it's pretty clear the Marxist Kenyan Muslim is getting four more years, I've stopped having political conversations at home or over email with extended family. I'd rather kick back with a beer and soak up the vitriol than bother with debates.

Btw, I got one doozy of a chain email today suggesting that there will be a staged assassination attempt against Obama that will lead to him declaring martial law and suspending the election. That might have been the best one I've received yet.
Is that actually the "official" position of either party though?

Both parties, while siding obviously and predominantly with Israel, have been involved in trying to broker peace and some kind of settlement.

The statement from Romney sounds like he considers the peace process a waste of time and the current status quo (and casualties) acceptable because the US isn't affected.

That may have always been the expectation behind the scenes, but has any President (or presidential candidate) ever made such a blatant and pessimistic assessment of the situation?

I don't know much about US policy regarding the situation. Well, not in detail anyway.

Behind closed doors? I would bet anything Clinton and Bush agree right now, as does Obama (Bill thought he had a shot, but today I bet he sings a different tune).

Although, Romney never said it's a waste of time.

"we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it."

He's saying you do what you can to make it as stable as possible and hope for some kind of epiphany.

Real US policy is to support a viable 2 state solution but until that happens to just keep things as stable as possible to sow seeds of future compromise.


Oh local news.

Report on Romney's gaffe 35 minutes into the hour, and immediately dismiss it by noting that "Obama was secretly recorded in 2008 saying that many Americans 'cling to guns and religion.'"



Obama's statement was much more accurate than Romney's.

There are plenty of voters who exclusively vote a religion and guns ticket. I have extended family in Indiana; I've literally met hundreds of them.

On the other hand, I don't think I've ever met anyone who votes Democrat because they want free stuff, unless by free stuff you meant universal healthcare.


Unfortunately for the Republican Party, no such candidate currently exists. (Literally their entire superstar 'bench' is unambiguously conservative.)


But he's too liberal since he agreed to serve our country under President Obama


My god this thread has spiraled out of control. This is much ado about nothing, but when you have an election that is a boat race these type of non-issues can be fanned into something bigger than they are.

Romney, of course, has a huge lethargic base problem and he has to attempt to feed it red meat on the DL while presenting himself as the mainstream politician he is to the rest. But in this 24/7 news cycle, that is just not possible. Reagan made half a dozen of these type of remarks during his run, but they never really gained any traction. Just like this one won't.


My god this thread has spiraled out of control. This is much ado about nothing, but when you have an election that is a boat race these type of non-issues can be fanned into something bigger than they are.

Romney, of course, has a huge lethargic base problem and he has to attempt to feed it red meat on the DL while presenting himself as the mainstream politician he is to the rest. But in this 24/7 news cycle, that is just not possible. Reagan made half a dozen of these type of remarks during his run, but they never really gained any traction. Just like this one won't.
It was the lead story on all the network evening news and the headlines of all the national papers this morning, it gained traction.

Reagan said he didn't care about half the country and never would because there is nothing he could do to convince them to take care of themselves?


Allen's "Macaca" moment was in August, so sometimes these comments have a way of leaving lingering consequences, 24/7 news cycle or no.

Triple U

My god this thread has spiraled out of control. This is much ado about nothing, but when you have an election that is a boat race these type of non-issues can be fanned into something bigger than they are.

Romney, of course, has a huge lethargic base problem and he has to attempt to feed it red meat on the DL while presenting himself as the mainstream politician he is to the rest. But in this 24/7 news cycle, that is just not possible. Reagan made half a dozen of these type of remarks during his run, but they never really gained any traction. Just like this one won't.

Uh this is a long time past the Reagan era. Shit like this spreads like wild-fire in the Twitter/Youtube age. If it was such a non-issue as you claim, Romney sure as hell wouldn't feel the need to do a PR statement. The media isn't just gonna let this slide...


My god this thread has spiraled out of control. This is much ado about nothing, but when you have an election that is a boat race these type of non-issues can be fanned into something bigger than they are.

Romney, of course, has a huge lethargic base problem and he has to attempt to feed it red meat on the DL while presenting himself as the mainstream politician he is to the rest. But in this 24/7 news cycle, that is just not possible. Reagan made half a dozen of these type of remarks during his run, but they never really gained any traction. Just like this one won't.

Except it's all over pretty much every news outlet. If it wasn't seen as a big deal, why would Romney hold a sloppy late evening press conference?

I know your schtick is thinking you're above what us simpleton liberals think, but this is clearly picking up traction outside of liberal circles.
OK so one CSPAN caller is voting for Nick Saban and another for Virgil Goode? Who? Whaa?
Virgil Goode is the Constitution Party candidate, aka the ZOMG BROWN PEOPLE party. He'll be the one getting more votes than Gary Johnson on Election Day, while Libertarians insist that they're the Third Party.


My god this thread has spiraled out of control. This is much ado about nothing, but when you have an election that is a boat race these type of non-issues can be fanned into something bigger than they are.

Romney, of course, has a huge lethargic base problem and he has to attempt to feed it red meat on the DL while presenting himself as the mainstream politician he is to the rest. But in this 24/7 news cycle, that is just not possible. Reagan made half a dozen of these type of remarks during his run, but they never really gained any traction. Just like this one won't.

Reagan started his 1980 acceptance speech talking about the importance of preserving and fighting to advance women's rights , never blamed any % of Americans let alone 47% of them, and spent significant time talking about helping minorities and inner city children.

There are things you can believe in being a hyper partisan voter that your presidential nominee should never say in a general election. For instance, I believe all conservatives, including you, are intolerant selfish bigots who live in a fantasy world insulated by their vitriol and hatred for Jews, blacks, Muslims, atheists, poor people, Mexicans or some combination of that...But I sure as hell would never pretend like Obama publicly saying that would be a good thing...but like I said, you conservatives live in a fantasy world.


Junior Member
I think I have to say this again.. because it is becoming muddled in this whole thing..

Romney is saying that 28.3% of Americans who work and pay through payroll tax are Free Loaders.. That he can't help these people because they can't help themselves.

I believe this should be pasted all over this freaking country. It is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard a Presidential Nominee say..


Romney is saying that 28.3% of Americans who work and pay through payroll tax are Free Loaders.. That he can't help these people because they can't help themselves.
Students and Seniors as well.

From my perspective, I quit a well paying job to commit to years of non-stop studying, for next to no money, because I was attracted to the whole "enrich the global body of knowledge" thing. Freeloading slacker. No way of helping my laziness!

Not that I'm personally offended or anything, it's just one of a dozen ways of demonstrating the insane lack of perspective in a comment like that.


It was the lead story on all the network evening news and the headlines of all the national papers this morning, it gained traction.

So? So is every 'gaffe' done by every presidential candidate in our lifetime.

..and yes, Reagan did denigrate half the country by calling the South the birthplace of the KKK when making a comment about a Jimmy Carter campaign stop.

Reagan started his 1980 acceptance speech

Acceptance speech does not equal campaign stop speeches.

I know your schtick is thinking you're above what us simpleton liberals think, but this is clearly picking up traction outside of liberal circles.

No, just a select few shitheads that hyperventilate over every news item they read and pretend like it means something in the 'big picture'.


So? So is every 'gaffe' done by every presidential candidate in our lifetime.

..and yes, Reagan did denigrate half the country by calling the South the birthplace of the KKK when making a comment about a Jimmy Carter campaign stop.

I see someone is picking up Kosmo's equivalency slack.

Nobody is going to know if this "sticks" for any number of days or until polling results come in. It's pretty short sighted for anyone to say if it'll stick or if it won't stick after one day. It's fun when people group things into loose categories so that it benefits their team.

It might stick, it might not. We'll have to...wait and see.


If only we were as level-headed and knowledgeable about American politics as TA. Our backpats are failing us, guys. We need more false equivalencies!


I see someone is picking up Kosmo's equivalency slack.

Nobody is going to know if this "sticks" for any number of days or until polling results come in. It's pretty short sighted for anyone to say if it'll stick after one day. It's fun when people group things into loose categories so that it benefits their team.

It might stick, it might not. We'll have to...wait and see.

Traction and 'sticking' doesn't matter, because this shit is already over and has been for quite some time.

Nice work with complaining about false equivalencies while comparing me to an already widely denigrated user. lol

If only we were as level-headed and knowledgeable about American politics as TA. Our backpats are failing us, guys.

Somebody has a complex.


Professional Schmuck
I think you're over-reaching a bit here, TA. I think you're probably right, that this does little to change The Narrative, as our friend PD likes to call it. And by that I mean we all know he's going to lose anyway. Right now we're just trying to figure out if it's a landslide or an epic landslide.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Oh local news.

Report on Romney's gaffe 35 minutes into the hour, and immediately dismiss it by noting that "Obama was secretly recorded in 2008 saying that many Americans 'cling to guns and religion.'"


Ross Douthat made same point. In both cases, the candidates were telling their donor class what they want to hear.


Traction and 'sticking' doesn't matter, because this shit has already over and has been for quite some time.

If it's "over" then why are there any political threads with discussion of the Presidential election left open, then? What's left to discuss?


Traction and 'sticking' doesn't matter, because this shit is already over and has been for quite some time.

Nice work with complaining about false equivalencies while comparing me to an already widely denigrated user. lol

It's over? Did I miss the election?

Yeah, I thought it was funny too.

I think you're over-reaching a bit here, TA. I think you're probably right, that this does little to change The Narrative, as our friend PD likes to call it. And by that I mean we all know he's going to lose anyway. Right now we're just trying to figure out if it's a landslide or an epic landslide.

If he meant this, then perhaps he should have said it instead of charging in and making claims that are ridiculous without waiting to see what evidence of traction comes back. Of course it won't radically change the narrative, but it may mean that Romney's odds are now worse.


So? So is every 'gaffe' done by every presidential candidate in our lifetime.

..and yes, Reagan did denigrate half the country by calling the South the birthplace of the KKK when making a comment about a Jimmy Carter campaign stop.

Acceptance speech does not equal campaign stop speeches.

No, just a select few shitheads that hyperventilate over every news item they read and pretend like it means something in the 'big picture'.

A republican bashing the south is probably the best thing you can do of you're gonna bash something. Slavery, the Civil War and Jim crow are the three darkest stains in our nations history arguably and the south is the center of it all. A republican not going full redneck is one of the reasons 49 states votes for him in 84.

If a conservative found a way to understand and appeal to the people in this country who are scared of the racist bigotry in the republican party it would help them win.

Since 1992 - a Republican has gotten more votes than a democrat for president in only 1 of the last 5 elections. Democrats have gotten the popular vote in 4 of the 5 and two were absolute landslides. If Obama wins this year it will be 5 out of 6 going for the Dems.

The silent majority republican thing is LONG gone, if you want to win as a republican with the demographic shifts of increased minorities, increased women, and Clinton/Bush contrast fresh in people's minds, it would help not to alienate the majority of voters who lean democratic in presidential elections.


Professional Schmuck
Guys guys GUYS. We actually all agree if you can read. TA is just upset that we're piling on now that it's obvious, and I kinda agree. Writing was on the wall in March.
Bullshit like this. That's my whole point. Discussing pablum is what happens when people are bored or know the outcome.

I've watched enough 4th quarters of Browns games to recognize it.

You've also watched enough 4th quarters of Browns games to recognize when they're going to wind up losing by a field goal or by three touchdowns. :p


Guys guys GUYS. We actually all agree if you can read. TA is just upset that we're piling on now that it's obvious, and I kinda agree. Writing was on the wall in March.

It's a poligaf thread during a presidential election, this is pretty much what is left to do. It's seemingly all academic at this point.

Perhaps for the sake of discussion we can randomly assign ideological positions and try again?


Professional Schmuck
If the next few weeks are going to be nothing but bullshit then why bother even coming in here?

And here's where TA is mostly out of line, IMO. This is the PoliGAF thread. Politics is the bullshit that happens between POLICY and ELECTIONS. It's fun, scary, and a big fucking game. Enjoy it.

edit: i'm trying to draw a distinction between enjoying the art of politics and 5 pages of piling on. I'm not even sure if I should be and if TA is just butthurt or what. I know I'm enjoying it. ignore me.


If the next few weeks are going to be nothing but bullshit then why bother even coming in here?

The same reason everyone else comes here ... because there are a small handful of intelligent, thoughtful users that post infrequently. You just have to wade through pages of shit to get to it.

If I have to skim through 10 Aaron Strife and Diablos posts to get to the one Chichikov post .. it's still worth it.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Boo. Fell for the "shocking" hype. Hope there's something else, and if there is, I wouldn't be against them holding it back until October.

It's absolutely shocking in foreign policy terms, unthinkable, in fact, but it won't move the needle on public opinion in the US. Still, the damage is done. This is debate material rather than news fodder, I suppose.


And here's where TA is mostly out of line, IMO. This is the PoliGAF thread. Politics is the bullshit that happens between POLICY and ELECTIONS. It's fun, scary, and a big fucking game. Enjoy it.

Yep. Election stuff, whether people like it or not, is a big part of politics and people are going to talk about it. We're less than two months away from a Presidential election, so most people are naturally going to talk about it.
If it's "over" then why are there any political threads with discussion of the Presidential election left open, then? What's left to discuss?

At this point, the only thing really left to discuss at the top of the ticket is whether Romney loses like it's 2008 or like it's the inverse of 1988.

(The fun part of discussion is going to be, as it has been since roughly March, Congress and whether both chambers switch hands.)


I'm expecting the nowcast to converge a little more with the election forecast than Silver is predicting right now.

Also, had a dream last night that the government taxed all SuperPAC donations at a 90% rate and that basically shut all the groups down. Wonder if that could actually work?
Wow, this story blew da fuk up. Some guy just called into C-Span, saying many evangelicals are in a quandary over voting for Romney who he said was an ultra-rich oligarch who doesn't care about or understand the common man. As a result of this quandary he said he was going to vote for Alabama coach Nick Saban!?

c-span callers are simply the best.


(The fun part of discussion is going to be, as it has been since roughly March, Congress and whether both chambers switch hands.)

Yup. That's my main area of wonder at this point. I'm hoping that Romney has negative coattails, thus delivering the House to the Dems. He'd be the political version of Fecal King Midas.

As a connoisseur of salty tears cuisine, the wailing and gnashing of teeth that comes with an Obama victory is lovely in and of itself.. but the despair that comes with seeing Dems take Congress as well? That would be particularly exquisite. :)
At this point, the only thing really left to discuss at the top of the ticket is whether Romney loses like it's 2008 or like it's the inverse of 1988.

(The fun part of discussion is going to be, as it has been since roughly March, Congress and whether both chambers switch hands.)

No way it'll be the inverse of Reagan. Probably more like 08.


Some on my FB feed posted that the 47% who aren't paying taxes is partly due to the Bush Tax Cuts, that Obama extended. Is that correct? I need to do some research. Seemed kinda funny if true.

Oh local news.

Report on Romney's gaffe 35 minutes into the hour, and immediately dismiss it by noting that "Obama was secretly recorded in 2008 saying that many Americans 'cling to guns and religion.'"


Definitely Romney's "clinging to guns & religion" moment. But like Obama's statement, I doubt it'll have much of an effect on the campaign.

My god this thread has spiraled out of control. This is much ado about nothing, but when you have an election that is a boat race these type of non-issues can be fanned into something bigger than they are.

Romney, of course, has a huge lethargic base problem and he has to attempt to feed it red meat on the DL while presenting himself as the mainstream politician he is to the rest. But in this 24/7 news cycle, that is just not possible. Reagan made half a dozen of these type of remarks during his run, but they never really gained any traction. Just like this one won't.

That is my take from this as well. Romney's statement/opinion is so common among the Repubs I know, that I'm sure most are happy he said it.
No way it'll be the inverse of Reagan. Probably more like 08.

That's '88, the year Bush the Elder annihilated Dukakis.

Yup. That's my main area of wonder at this point. I'm hoping that Romney has negative coattails, thus delivering the House to the Dems. He'd be the political version of Fecal King Midas.

As a connoisseur of salty tears cuisine, the wailing and gnashing of teeth that comes with an Obama victory is lovely in and of itself.. but the despair that comes with seeing Dems take Congress as well? That would be particularly exquisite. :)

Not to mention the added bonus tears if the Democrats somehow expand their caucus in the Senate.


Some on my FB feed posted that the 47% who aren't paying taxes is partly due to the Bush Tax Cuts, that Obama extended. Is that correct? I need to do some research. Seemed kinda funny if true.

You mean "income tax." 60% of those people pay payroll tax, which is just as large a chunk of the federal budget as income tax. But yes, they don't pay income tax because of cuts -- not just Bush's, but Reagan's.
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