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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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oh man, the potential.


I have to read some garbage from the CATO Institute for class. I sleep better at night knowing that no libertarian will ever be elected to a position of power in the US.


Ann Romney:
Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? Get in the ring,” she said. “This is hard and, you know, it’s an important thing that we’re doing right now and it’s an important election and it is time for all Americans to realize how significant this election is and how lucky we are to have someone with Mitt’s qualifications and experience and know-how to be able to have the opportunity to run this country.”

I kind of feel bad for her.


Tort reform is probably part of the answer, but it's not the key issue. It should be pretty clear that if you have a system where doctors get paid for providing services regardless of their efficacy

The public wants certain services regardless of their efficacy.

A simple example for you:


What is the usual American expectation - "I have a cold, I want my Zpak dammit!"

Most doctors come out of training adamant not to prescribe antibiotics for simple colds but soon get tired of nonstop arguing with patients who want their antibiotics dammit and prescribe antibiotics just to be able to move along with their work.

Overuse of antibiotics and resulting drug resistant infections is a major source of morbidity and mortality in this country. Do you honestly see Norvay's approach taking root in this country?

Moving on to bigger expenses, this is actually a good explanation of what you called "babble". Of coruse the guy gets paid for writing this stuff, so I will quote instead of writing my own article.


In particular:

Take Britain, which provides universal coverage with spending at proportionately almost half of American levels. Its National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence uses a complex quality-adjusted life year system to put an explicit value (up to about $48,000 per year) on a treatment’s ability to extend life

Unless you implement something like this, you will not achieve meaningful reduction in costs. The US public has to either accept insane health care costs or accept rationing.
Ann Romney:

I kind of feel bad for her.

I guess I can see why Mitt thought people would get tired of her....

Just saw the end of Dick Morris on Greta. lol, he is saying the 14% weight for black vote opposed to 11% from the past is overstating Obama. Somehow, that's enough to change +8 leads in states, eh?

She's probably forced into it. For some reason their camp think she's some golden ticket to victory.

I can give you the reason. They're idiots who have no idea how to run a campaign.


The public wants certain services regardless of their efficacy.

So what? That's the entire point of doctors -- to provide appropriate medical service, and to delineate what that appropriate service is. If doctors didn't get paid for providing unnecessary services, they wouldn't provide them, and the public would stop requesting them. But a reduction in unnecessary services is by no means "austerity." Definitionally, if they're unnecessary, then the public will not notice a decline in health from not getting them -- so there won't actually be any austerity required.


Ann Romney said:
"Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? Get in the ring,” she said. “This is hard and, you know, it’s an important thing that we’re doing right now and it’s an important election and it is time for all Americans to realize how significant this election is and how lucky we are to have someone with Mitt’s qualifications and experience and know-how to be able to have the opportunity to run this country.”

Has Michelle ever said anything like this? I understand being thrust into the national spotlight and all, but that's such a sour attitude.
Has Michelle ever said anything like this? I understand being thrust into the national spotlight and all, but that's such a sour attitude.

It's actually kinda sad, I think. The woman was in no way prepared for something like this emotionally, and reading between the lines of that statement really sounds like its taking its toll on her.

Husband's still a cock, though.
Peter King is on CNN claiming Obama wants to release Blind Sheik.

LMAO. The Repubs are really throwing everything at the wall, even their own feces.

holy fuck!

edit: OMG, Wolf is actually taking King to task. ahahaha
Michael Savage of all people summed up Ann Romney perfectly: obnoxious country club woman. I also chuckled when he said that if he finds her annoying then he can't even imagine what poor people think of her lawl.


No Scrubs
Peter King is on CNN claiming Obama wants to release Blind Sheik.

LMAO. The Repubs are really throwing everything at the wall, even their own feces.

holy fuck!

edit: OMG, Wolf is actually taking King to task. ahahaha

Even Wolf can't just sit there and be a tard when it comes to something like that.


Michael Savage of all people summed up Ann Romney perfectly: obnoxious country club woman. I also chuckled when he said that if he finds her annoying then he can't even imagine what poor people think of her lawl.

I don't know where I heard him, but listening to him talk about her actually made me sympathize with her. Savage is such a piece of human garbage.
In this thread, whenever we talked about income, it goes like this.

"100,000 isn't middle class, it's godamned rich"
"lol not for everyone, you can barely get by in new york city on that"

It's always telling how entitled and out of touch the person is when they make that comment.

Median household income in the city last year was $49,461, just below the national median and down $821 from the year before (compared with a national decline of $642). Median earnings for workers fell sharply to $32,210 from $33,287 — much more than the national decline.)


Guess what silver-soon posters.....even in NYC, 100,000 is no where near middle class, it's godamned rich.


The now cast on 538 is so sexy. 47 god damn days.

The best part was this assessment by Nate:

Nate Silver said:
But if Mr. Obama is having days like this in the polls a week from now, then Mr. Romney is either going to be banking on an exceptionally lopsided turnout, or some sort of October surprise. Either is a possibility, but not one you’d want to put a lot of money on.

in other words, if next week the polls are still here, Mitt Romney will need a confirmed miracle to win.

And the fact that I am more convinced than ever he is going to be eviscerated at the debates, just makes it more impossible. Romney has spent the entire campaign fumbling over his own record, he's played softball media for months only occasionally giving in when some red alert occurred. He has pandered so hard to every constituency at some point that he literally has trouble remembering what position he is currently in that second holding (As always, the Quantum Law of Mitt Romney still applies).


If there is even a little push back during the debates, and I can't see how Obama won't continually take simple alley oop after alley oop on the subject of his endless flip flopping, this thing is over. When confronted with the actual nature of Obama's accomplishments, the roots of his health care bill, the triple and quadruple speak of the Romney's... he's going to look like a withered detached fool.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I didn't exactly watch the entirety of the last pres. debates, but what was the consensus in the media on how well Obama did?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
One interesting factual observation about this election, and by all means Kosmo, chime in. Dems are terrified the other guys get in and do what they have stated they will do. Republicans are terrified the other guy will win and do stuff they completely made up.
Peter King is on CNN claiming Obama wants to release Blind Sheik.

LMAO. The Repubs are really throwing everything at the wall, even their own feces.

holy fuck!

edit: OMG, Wolf is actually taking King to task. ahahaha

I'm driving from San Diego to Texas for a wedding and listening to Fox/Patriot Radio a lot to pass the time. This came up a few times on Wilcow and the interim Savage host. It was hilariously desperate.

Time to throw shit at the wall and see if it sticks, I guess.


I didn't exactly watch the entirety of the last pres. debates, but what was the consensus in the media on how well Obama did?

His tactic in the debates with McCain seemed to be 'do no harm, pass the "look presidential" test'.

He was very reserved, hardly went for the jugular, but always calm and collected, leading many media pundits to consistently remark positively about how he seems completely calculated and informed on the subjects. He appeared very even handed and respectful in his approach to McCain. At the end puntis would say things like "if anyone was expecting the polling landscape to radically change with a debate, this debate was certainly not the one that will do it for McCain." McCain didn't do awful, relatively speaking, but since the expectations game was a certain way, Obama made the right moves for the right time.

The goal during that year was to seem even-tempered and like he knew his stuff, since the "inexperienced" thing was the main attack if we ignore Palin's 'friends with terrorist' attack stuff. And he did it.

I suspect this year, the viciousness of Obama's attacks are going to be far less passive aggressive. He doesn't like Mitt Romney in the least, it has been widely reported, and there is so many ripe low hanging fruit to pick from that the harvest can pretty much be nothing but bountiful for an even half-on-his-game Obama.

And considering that the second debate is a townhall, and how Romney suffers painfully even when he's alone on stage during such a format, and Obama has always been a natural crowd worker, it's going to be a brutalizing.



"Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? . . . This is hard and, you know, it’s an important thing that we’re doing right now . . .”


One interesting factual observation about this election, and by all means Kosmo, chime in. Dems are terrified the other guys get in and do what they have stated they will do. Republicans are terrified the other guy will win and do stuff they completely made up.

What exactly is Romney going to 'do what they have stated' with a slim House majority and a Senate minority? I thought the big knock on the Romney campaign was that they haven't stated shit?

What's the big fear? Households making less than 200k might have to pay less capital gains?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

Still one of my favorite images/lines of this campaign.

The accompanying description still makes me laugh:
"A Feynman diagram of an encounter between a Romney and an anti-Romney. The resulting collision annihilates both, leaving behind a single electron and a $20 bill."
This is disrespectful, arrogant, and dare I say hateful!!!!!!


Courtesy of Fox News reporting. Coming to a facebook post (and Kosmo thread) near you.
Flag etiquette is something that exists that no one adheres to. You're not supposed to put it on clothing for instance. How many red/white/blue and stars clothing do you see around the 4th that looks tacky as hell? A lot.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
What exactly is Romney going to 'do what they have stated' with a slim House majority and a Senate minority? I thought the big knock on the Romney campaign was that they haven't stated shit?

What's the big fear? Households making less than 200k might have to pay less capital gains?
Social issues and the Ryan plan. And the Supreme Court.


Flag etiquette is something that exists that no one adheres to. You're not supposed to put it on clothing for instance. How many red/white/blue and stars clothing do you see around the 4th that looks tacky as hell? A lot.

Obama's lost the Eagle Scout vote. I wonder if 538 will factor this in.

Social issues and the Ryan plan.

How will Ryan's plan come to fruition when the paradigm will be exactly the same as when it failed the first time? Actually, probably worse because the left have completely drove up the negatives on it in the public realm of opinion.

What do you mean by 'social issues'? That's a ridiculously broad brush.
Flag etiquette is something that exists that no one adheres to. You're not supposed to put it on clothing for instance. How many red/white/blue and stars clothing do you see around the 4th that looks tacky as hell? A lot.

It's generally pretty stupid to begin with. This isn't Westeros.

Karl Rove thinks Obama's campaign isn't working.

Mr. Obama's challenges may be more daunting. His strategy hasn't worked. Team Obama planned to use its big financial edge to bury Mr. Romney under negative ads over the summer. From April 15 to Labor Day, they spent an estimated $215 million on TV. But this was more than offset by conservative groups (principally American Crossroads, which I helped found). While Mr. Obama drained his coffers his own negatives climbed, and Mr. Romney partially repaired his image with voters.

Mr. Obama needs a different strategy, but his team seems stubbornly focused merely on disqualifying Mitt Romney by whatever argument or means necessary. Yet as Rahm Emanuel has repeated for most of the year, Mr. Obama must, as he put it on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sept. 2, "lay out an agenda and a clear vision of the next four years" or he'll lose.

This election must be killing him.

How will Ryan's plan come to fruition when the paradigm will be exactly the same as when it failed the first time? What do you mean by 'social issues'? That's a ridiculously broad brush.

Afraid of what they will and won't do. Lower taxes, balloon deficits without new spending. Iran. Meanwhile, they won't work towards climate change or extend unemployment if needed, etc.


So what? That's the entire point of doctors -- to provide appropriate medical service, and to delineate what that appropriate service is.

Very easy to say and not so easy to do in real life.

If doctors didn't get paid for providing unnecessary services, they wouldn't provide them, and the public would stop requesting them.

Plenty of doctors are salaried and still do it. Public is brought to think that more = better, as such when a doctor does more, his or her life is easy. When they do less, they get to deal with very angry people. Do you like dealing with very angry people who think that you are killing their grandma?

But a reduction in unnecessary services is by no means "austerity."

Definitionally, if they're unnecessary, then the public will not notice a decline in health from not getting them -- so there won't actually be any austerity required.

Perception is reality - if the public thinks they are necessary then it is extremely difficult to convince them otherwise especially when we are talking about life and death decisions.

Plus, it is impossible to easilyl delineate "unnecessary services". Well known figures show that about 5% of Medicare patients who die each year account for 30% of Medicare's costs, with 78% of last-year-of-life expenses occurring in the month before death.

For example:


But when it comes to expensive, hi-tech treatments with some potential to extend life, there are few restrictions.

By law, Medicare cannot reject any treatment based upon cost. It will pay $55,000 for patients with advanced breast cancer to receive the chemotherapy drug Avastin, even though it extends life only an average of a month and a half; it will pay $40,000 for a 93-year-old man with terminal cancer to get a surgically implanted defibrillator if he happens to have heart problems too.

"I think you cannot make these decisions on a case-by-case basis," Byock said. "It would be much easier for us to say 'We simply do not put defibrillators into people in this condition.' Meaning your age, your functional status, the ability to make full benefit of the defibrillator. Now that's going to outrage a lot of people."

"But you think that should happen?" Kroft asked.

"I think at some point it has to happen," Byock said.

"Well, this is a version then of pulling Grandma off the machine?" Kroft asked.

"You know, I have to say, I think that's offensive. I spend my life in the service of affirming life. I really do. To say we're gonna pull Grandma off the machine by not offering her liver transplant or her fourth cardiac bypass surgery or something is really just scurrilous. And it's certainly scurrilous when we have 46 million Americans who are uninsured,

So let us say someone with advanced cancer wants Avastin and you tell them "sorry, it is not cost efficient". I think the usual American response in this situation is "GRAA LAWYER SHOTGUN KILL SUE GRAAA" - something along these lines, anyway. Do you plan to empower doctors to deliver such decisions and put the power of the state behind them. Or do you plan something along the lines of "bah these docs get paid too much anyway they should just go do it, snap-snap". Just curious.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Obama's lost the Eagle Scout vote. I wonder if 538 will factor this in.

How will Ryan's plan come to fruition when the paradigm will be exactly the same as when it failed the first time? Actually, probably worse because the left have completely drove up the negatives on it in the public realm of opinion.

What do you mean by 'social issues'? That's a ridiculously broad brush.

I'm not saying any of these things will come to pass, I'm talking about motivation and fear. Can you imagine what would happen to the repubs if Roe v Wade got overturned? Supreme Court is the only realistic and well understood 'danger.'
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