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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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This is a good article, but I think it's a little unfair to Romney. The whole problem is that the different factions of the GOP have never had the same priorities, so the coalition has basically relied on lies. The Christianists and racists want reactionary social changes (but different ones), the libertarians reactionary economic changes. The hawks want more defense spending, the bankers want government insurance, but both are otherwise happy with the status quo. The few remaining compassionate conservatives want to actually lead and implement reforms that nobody else is going to like. But the ringmaster is the Washington GOP, which has only one concern -- winning. Historically they have accomplished this by telling everybody they'll do their pet thing while actually letting the hawks and bankers lead (they have the money and their policy desires require doing the least). But the hawks and the bankers were heavily discredited by the end of Ws second term, so the other groups got to flex their muscles. That's why the GOP is splitting -- it was only held together with empty promises as it is. The distaste of some of these groups for Romney is a reflection of their fundamental doubt that the GOP will ever deliver for them if they lose control again.

Somehow I refuse to think this is in any way likely. Even if the GOP craters I still think that's more than enough time for SOMETHING to happen.

If history is any guide, we might see a weak one-term Republican president ala Carter before the next Democratic firebrand. Hillary in 2016, Rubio in 2020, Villiraigosa 2024.


Well, I just meant the stereotype that Asians parents expect more from their children when it comes to higher education and things like that. My instinct would be to think that a group like that would be much more involved in politics. It would have been better had I left out he stereotype remark, because it's rather distracting and irrelevant. If I had a time machine! It was just surprising to see such a big difference in such a young age group.

As a half-Asian, I think you're missing the strong "get along to go along" aspect of culture here, whether it's the more formal East Asian style or the more congenial Southeast Asian. The reason Asian-Americans are the model minority so often is that the culture encourages accepting existing power structures and gaining power within them. This could mean voting, but it could at least as easily mean thinking that voting is pointless unless somebody you specifically want to support is on the ballot.


I don't even know why they would agree to it.

I think it's pretty obvious. They are accused of favoring Democrats (especially after the dustup they had with Rubio) so like the rest of the media they bend over backwards to appease Republicans.

Romney could have blown the whole thing up leaving them with just Obama and charges of giving him an unfair platform. They didn't want that.

Also, notice how tough they were with Obama compared to Romney. They have to "prove" they're not in the tank for Obama lol


Your argument really only works in a single player game. I don't think you could ever argue "just don't use that overpowered weapon" in a multiplayer game. That'd be pretty bullshit. That needs to be balanced out.

Actually, my dorm-mates and I had a "no-rockets" rule in Halo CE. It worked out pretty well and made the game a lot more fun, although I'd sometimes get wrecked by people who weren't in that circle of friends and based their strategy around controlling the rocket launcher. My only real counter at that point was to get the sniper rifle and exclusively play a long-range game.


I think it's pretty obvious. They are accused of favoring Democrats (especially after the dustup they had with Rubio) so like the rest of the media they bend over backwards to appease Republicans.

Romney could have blown the whole thing up leaving them with just Obama and charges of giving him an unfair platform. They didn't want that.

Also, notice how tough they were with Obama compared to Romney. They have to "prove" they're not in the tank for Obama lol
Its sad they had to go though all that trouble lol.
As a half-Asian, I think you're missing the strong "get along to go along" aspect of culture here, whether it's the more formal East Asian style or the more congenial Southeast Asian. The reason Asian-Americans are the model minority so often is that the culture encourages accepting existing power structures and gaining power within them. This could mean voting, but it could at least as easily mean thinking that voting is pointless unless somebody you specifically want to support is on the ballot.
That's an interesting perspective. Thanks.

Wow, Romney is pathetic but Univision has to take some blame for bowing to his demands
Wow, the fact that they agreed to this is pretty disturbing. Where's the cartoons and tea party rallies about freedom of press now?
In a presidential election year, the Dems will have their own lawyers out there to fight this crap

yeah. when i worked for the obama campaign there was a lawyer in every single field office ready to combat issues like this. and if the lawyer wasn't on site, he/she was on call.


To be honest Obama campaign also planted dem supporters. But unlike Romney, Obama's number was smaller and the plants were random ticket winners who happened to be democrats. Romney's number was much higher and the tickets were for pre-selected tools bussed in.

Did they, now?


CNN Reveals Finding Ambassador Christopher Stevens' Journal And Discloses Reporting With It
NEW YORK -- Anderson Cooper revealed Friday night that CNN had found U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens' personal journal following the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed him and acknowledged the network used the journal in its reporting without previously disclosing the source.
Wednesday on his show, "Anderson Cooper 360," Cooper told Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) that "a source familiar with Ambassador Stevens' thinking told us that in the months before his death he talked about being worried about the never-ending security threats that he was facing in Benghazi and specifically about the rise in Islamic extremism and growing al Qaeda presence." The source, Cooper continued, "also mentioned [Stevens] being on an al Qaeda hit list."

But what Cooper didn't reveal at the time was that CNN's sourcing was tied, at least partially, to Stevens' thinking as written in his personal journal.

The Huffington Post reached out to CNN Friday afternoon after receiving a tip that the network may have obtained Stevens' journal. CNN had no immediate comment, but referred to Cooper's comments after they aired.

On Friday's "Anderson Cooper 360," which airs at 8 p.m., Cooper acknowledged the network had obtained the journal and that it played a role in CNN's reporting.
CNN notified Stevens' family about the journal within hours after it was discovered and at the family's request provided it to them via a third party.
The journal consists of just seven pages of handwriting in a hard-bound book.

For CNN, the ambassador's writings served as tips about the situation in Libya, and in Benghazi in particular. CNN took the newsworthy tips and corroborated them with other sources.
If Obama's second term gets what needs to be done and the 2016 Dem does very well at expanding on what Obama already accomplished, 2024 isn't that unreasonable at all.

Americans also give the other party a shot eventually as long as that party isn't crazy. Gore should have won in 2000, at least on paper. But instead of sticking with the successful party, folks elected Bush (twice6. There are never any guarantees in presidential politics

What if there's an administration scandal, or a major fuck up, or an economic collapse etc


It is literally impossible to make any sort of extrapolation about the political situation twelve years from now.

Seriously. Say Obama wins this year and is caught in an affair like Clinton was, he becomes toxic to any Dem in 2016 and the GOP probably wins. If Gore had been able to use Clinton, he might have won his freaking home state making Florida a moot point!
Americans also give the other party a shot eventually as long as that party isn't crazy. Gore should have won in 2000, at least on paper. But instead of sticking with the successful party, folks elected Bush (twice6. There are never any guarantees in presidential politics
After becoming exhausted of Clinton for the whitewater investigations, impeachment efforts for Lewinsky scandal, and other tiring BS, the american people didn't want any more it. So they elected :guy they can have beer with: over Al Gore (who was actually a weak candidate).

Second, too much surplus meant people were being taxed too much According to Republicans. So it was high time for a Republican with "conservative values" and "fiscal responsibility" to step in, and no more harvard lawyer shenanigans.

If Obama remains as clean for the next 4 years as he was for the past 4, there is no doubt Democrat can win the 2016 elections.


I've never liked "awkward" humor. I tend to emphasize with the characters too much; watching them squirm in uncomfortable situations is never funny to me, because it makes me feel uncomfortable. I made it about :40 in before I had to close the window.

Yeah, I get very embarrassed for others too lol


After becoming exhausted of Clinton for the whitewater investigations, impeachment efforts for Lewinsky scandal, and other tiring BS, the american people didn't want any more it. So they elected :guy they can have beer with: over Al Gore (who was actually a weak candidate).

Second, too much surplus meant people were being taxed too much According to Republicans. So it was high time for a Republican with "conservative values" and "fiscal responsibility" to step in, and no more harvard lawyer shenanigans.

If Obama remains as clean for the next 4 years as he was for the past 4, there is no doubt Democrat can win the 2016 elections.

The problem with thinking surplus = taxes too high that conservatives always think is, if you never have a surplus, how do you ever pay down the debt?


Not entirely sure when I should head to the rally. Doors open at 2:30, but he doesn't speak until 6:30. I want a good spot, but damn waiting around for 4+ hours kind of sucks.


Palin to Romney-Ryan: 'Go Rogue'
"With so much at stake in this election, both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan should 'go rogue' and not hold back from telling the American people the true state of our economy and national security," says Palin. "They need to continue to find ways to break through the filter of the liberal media to communicate their message of reform."
"It is nothing short of appalling that President Obama couldn't even remember how much our national debt is during his interview with David Letterman the other night. Even my 10-year-old daughter knows that it's $16 trillion, and unlike Obama, she's not responsible for adding trillions to it. Obama casually told America that we don't have to worry about our debt in the 'short term.' Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan need to ask him how long that 'short term' will last."
"At the founding of our country, a great American patriot wrote, 'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace,'" says Palin. "Obama's motto seems to be, 'Let the good times roll in my day. The kids can deal with the catastrophic bankruptcy in theirs.' That's no way for the leader of a great nation to behave, and I hope Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney continue to call him out on it. Generations of American children are counting on them."
I just remember "lock-box" and "strategery"

Damn, that was 12 years ago :jnc

You :jnc now, but imagine if we had kept that surplus for a rainy day like he wanted. The problem with the Bush presidency is people look back and see what we wasted. We could have been so much better. Instead we ran on a treadmill for 8 years before slipping off at the end. We went no where and squander a lot of our resources and citizens in pointless foreign entanglements.

What is Bush's legacy? Tax cuts? They are adding to our deficit and causing partisanship right now. No Child Left Behind? School systems hate it, and its enforcement mechanism take money away from failing schools. Obama has had to issue so many waivers. His race to the top program gets the states to do the leg work and works better than NCLB. A democratic Iraq and Afghanistan? We'll see, but they will never become like Japan did after WWII. Medicare Part D? A give away to pharmaceutical companies, but provides a good service to our elderly. Foreign Aid to Africa? Probably his best foreign accomplishment to bear fruit.

Bush was given everything on a silver platter almost, and people give Obama shit for not righting the ship fast enough.


Make small talk with the hottest ladies in line.

I should have done more of that in the line to get the tickets. There was a really cute girl that went to the college I graduated from ahead of me. I spoke with her a tiny bit, enough to learn she started a democratic group and has 3 people in it! Lol, that school is so conservative...
I should have done more of that in the line to get the tickets. There was a really cute girl that went to the college I graduated from ahead of me. I spoke with her a tiny bit, enough to learn she started a democratic group and has 3 people in it! Lol, that school is so conservative...

Second chances.


I don't even know what going rogue means? Ignore "the liberal media"? Not go on their shows? Debates? Or just start throwing out the supposed "truth" which they have been hiding up to now?


I don't even know what going rogue means? Ignore "the liberal media"? Not go on their shows? Debates? Or just start throwing out the supposed "truth" which they have been hiding up to now?

I think it just means going as crazy as she is, so all of the above.


I don't even know what going rogue means? Ignore "the liberal media"? Not go on their shows? Debates? Or just start throwing out the supposed "truth" which they have been hiding up to now?

Her audience only watches Fox News and listens to Rush so I don't really know how much more they can ignore "the liberal media".


I'll reference my post from yesterday to underscore the benefits of a strong campaign organization. It's Obama's greatest asset.
Interesting article on how the Republican party has fractured under Romney:

Cites this Gerson article as evidence of the Compassionate faction going to war with the Libertarian faction.

The theory is that only a strong Republican candidate can successfully unite all the different factions into one cohesive movement. Either way, them's fighting words. I fully expect Republican civil war when Romney loses.
He exaggerates the rifts within the Republican Party to a considerable extent. The factions, insofar that they're actually distinct factions, and I doubt a few even exist, converge on most issues. The Pauls are the only bloc which regularly deviate from the orthodoxy. Not that the coalition does not experience occasional disharmony; immigration is an issue where business interests often conflict with the rest of the party. Otherwise, the fissures are more like slight gradations.

As for unity, this is often determined by circumstances rather than personalities. For example, Dole and McCain's greatest weakness was not their failure to unite the party. Rather, they had the misfortune of running with inimical fundamentals. They appeared weak because the party was weak. Clinton was popular in 1996 buttressed by a robust economy. Republicans were the incumbent party in 2008 when the economy cratered. Republicans were damned regardless of their candidate. Conversely, Bush 41 was hardly a conservative Republican stalwart. But the party coalesced around him because the party was popular in 88. And when the economy tanked, everyone abandoned ship. Thus, Republicans are not bickering because Romney's weak. Instead, his weakness is largely a reflection that they simply overestimated the vulnerability of Obama and the Democrats. And I don't expect a civil war. They'll enjoy the usual bickering induced by a failed presidential bid. But the party's not going to atomize.
Yes, heed Sarah Palin's strategic advice.



In an ostensible hunt for voter fraud, a Tea Party group, True the Vote, descends on a largely minority precinct and combs the registration records for the slightest misspelling or address error. It uses this information to challenge voters at the polls, and though almost every challenge is baseless, the arguments and delays frustrate those in line and reduce turnout.

On the day of the recall election of Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, the group used inaccurate lists to slow down student voting at Lawrence University in Appleton with intrusive identity checks. Three election “observers,” including one from True the Vote, were so disruptive that a clerk gave them two warnings, but the ploy was effective: many students gave up waiting in line and didn’t vote.

True the Vote, now active in 30 states, hopes to train hundreds of thousands of poll watchers


That is scary and depressing. Jesus Christ.
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