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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Had to admit, this got me good.


That is scary and depressing. Jesus Christ.

Maddow talked about it on her show the other day. In North Carolina they challenged 30,000 people and in Ohio they challenged 300,000. Maddow said that they wasted people's time and money to check out the challenged names.
Give your writers a raise, Obama.

In other news, I would vote for a sensible republican. Are you telling me there isn't a single one that isn't aligned with the most far Right position?

Looking at those clowns they rolled out in the primaries (for the last two cycles) is horrible.

Good grief.


I don't even know what going rogue means? Ignore "the liberal media"? Not go on their shows? Debates? Or just start throwing out the supposed "truth" which they have been hiding up to now?

The last one. (Romney is already not going on liberal shows whenever he can.) It's just more of the "America is actually super conservative, but the media is fooling them and that's why we keep losing elections" idea.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
What do you guys read on slow PoliGAF days? I was counting on this thread keeping me entertained during a slow Saturday shift. I read fivethirtyeight regularly, but I've been wary of spending too much time on places like TPM or Huffington Post just because I feel like they just tell me what I want to hear.


What do you guys read on slow PoliGAF days? I was counting on this thread keeping me entertained during a slow Saturday shift. I read fivethirtyeight regularly, but I've been wary of spending too much time on places like TPM or Huffington Post just because I feel like they just tell me what I want to hear.

HuffPo, Daily Kos, MSNBC, and to an extent this thread are guilty pleasures. They may reinforce my already existing opinions, but looking at the shit Republicans say on the internet just depresses me so I deliberately avoid doing that.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
HuffPo, Daily Kos, MSNBC, and to an extent this thread are guilty pleasures. They may reinforce my already existing opinions, but looking at the shit Republicans say on the internet just depresses me so I deliberately avoid doing that.

I'm kinda the same way. I just don't want to become the liberal equivalent of the conservative who only gets his news from Fox and Rush.


Another bus tour, another bracket: Ted Strickland to shadow Mitt Romney's Ohio swing next week
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- When President Barack Obama set off on his first Ohio bus tour in July, Republican challenger Mitt Romney sent top surrogates Tim Pawlenty and Bobby Jindal to cover the same ground.

Next week, when Romney embarks on his latest Ohio bus tour, Democrats will return the favor.

Former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland and Brad Woodhouse, communications director for the Democratic National Committee, will board their own bus and make stops in the same cities Romney and running mate Paul Ryan plan to visit.

The DNC is calling the rival barnstorming the "Mitt Romney: Writing off the Middle Class Tour." It's a play off Romney's theme, the "Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class Tour."


Give your writers a raise, Obama.

In other news, I would vote for a sensible republican. Are you telling me there isn't a single one that isn't aligned with the most far Right position?

Looking at those clowns they rolled out in the primaries (for the last two cycles) is horrible.

Good grief.

I was thinking about this recently...If you were to look at both Romney and McCain, they have (at least historically) been known as "moderates" of their party. Yet it seems that in the race to win their tickets, they both (I believe) fall for the attention of the loudest and angriest voices (Fox/Tea Party). They become so entrenched in their respective bubbles that they (quite literally) become something that they truly are not.

McCain who spent years fighting for immigration reform suddenly is demanding a taller fence. Romney, who helped construct a successful health care system in Mass. suddenly disagrees with it's very concept.

The fact of the matter is that for the last two elections, it's the moderate that gets the nod and those that are voting for them are essentially getting drowned out by the noise of the far right. The campaigns are also listening and sure enough, they start to parrot those same talking points.


I'm kinda the same way. I just don't want to become the liberal equivalent of the conservative who only gets his news from Fox and Rush.

I usually read liberal websites, got to keep myself energized. :)

No point in reading sites where you agree with most of the stuff and where most people agree with you. :)

I must say that I never checked political section here, never imagine I would run into another Democratic Underground on a gaming forum!


I was thinking about this recently...If you were to look at both Romney and McCain, they have (at least historically) been known as "moderates" of their party. Yet it seems that in the race to win their tickets, they both (I believe) fall for the attention of the loudest and angriest voices (Fox/Tea Party). They become so entrenched in their respective bubbles that they (quite literally) become something that they truly are not.

McCain who spent years fighting for immigration reform suddenly is demanding a taller fence. Romney, who helped construct a successful health care system in Mass. suddenly disagrees with it's very concept.

The fact of the matter is that for the last two elections, it's the moderate that gets the nod and those that are voting for them are essentially getting drowned out by the noise of the far right. The campaigns are also listening and sure enough, they start to parrot those same talking points.

The GOP will conclude that the solution to the failure of these moderate candidates is a true conservative believer candidate.


Give your writers a raise, Obama.

In other news, I would vote for a sensible republican. Are you telling me there isn't a single one that isn't aligned with the most far Right position?

Looking at those clowns they rolled out in the primaries (for the last two cycles) is horrible.

Good grief.

When I think of a sensible Republican the image that comes to mind is basically the Democratic party at this point. I think right now I couldn't really vote for anyone to the right of the democratic party on a national scale.


What do you guys read on slow PoliGAF days? I was counting on this thread keeping me entertained during a slow Saturday shift. I read fivethirtyeight regularly, but I've been wary of spending too much time on places like TPM or Huffington Post just because I feel like they just tell me what I want to hear.
If I'm not with friends or watching football, I frequently review the committee schedules for important hearings or publications I missed during the week.


I'm kinda the same way. I just don't want to become the liberal equivalent of the conservative who only gets his news from Fox and Rush.

This is actually why I don't read Kos or HuffPost and just use TPM to refer me to other sources. But the reality is that there aren't really any progressive websites that won't get slammed as too far to the left. Mostly I read the Atlantic and TNR. And of course aggregate Sullivan, Frum, Yglesias. (I feel like I just wrote this list like two weeks ago.) Compassionate conservatives are nice to read because I don't agree with their policies but do agree that the GOP is a huge disaster -- so I know they're not just faking it.


The GOP will conclude that the solution to the failure of these moderate candidates is a true conservative believer candidate.

This is exactly what I'm hoping for. Given that the Tea Party cost the GOP the Senate in 2010 and the Presidency this year, their continued dominance of the party is a great extra ingredient for Democratic victories (on top of more friendly demographic trends).

With these factors giving Dems another Electoral College victory or two before the GOP finally figures-out their way out of this predicament, we may well see a lovely chorus line of Ginsburg clones sitting on the high court. They may fix their party, but the "damage" will have already been done. Yum.
Give your writers a raise, Obama.

In other news, I would vote for a sensible republican. Are you telling me there isn't a single one that isn't aligned with the most far Right position?

Looking at those clowns they rolled out in the primaries (for the last two cycles) is horrible.

Good grief.

I felt okay about Huntsman. Even though he was talking about rolling back Obamacare, he seemed to have a decent head on his shoulder. Plus, he had the rare ability of opening his mouth w/o offending half the country/World.

I hope the guy reappears in future elections.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
This is actually why I don't read Kos or HuffPost and just use TPM to refer me to other sources. But the reality is that there aren't really any progressive websites that won't get slammed as too far to the left. Mostly I read the Atlantic and TNR. And of course aggregate Sullivan, Frum, Yglesias. (I feel like I just wrote this list like two weeks ago.) Compassionate conservatives are nice to read because I don't agree with their policies but do agree that the GOP is a huge disaster -- so I know they're not just faking it.

I keep forgetting about The Atlantic. I always like their articles. Their article on Nixon has got me searching for a good Nixon biography. That guy is one of the most fascinating politicians I've ever studied.


I felt okay about Huntsman. Even though he was talking about rolling back Obamacare, he seemed to have a decent head on his shoulder. Plus, he had the rare ability of opening his mouth w/o offending half the country/World.

I hope the guy reappears in future elections.

I think Huntsman is almost worse because he pretended to be reasonable and serious, acting like the adult in the room, yet was one of the first candidates to enthusiastically back the Paul Ryan budget, and from what I remember he even flip flopped on climate change when it suited him.

Bleh. He was probably the best, but they all sucked.
It must be frustrating to a certain degree to have someone as dumb as Sarah Palin trolling you. Her passive aggressive schtick must piss off people who are actually running for office while she sits on the side lines popping off.


It must be frustrating to a certain degree to have someone as dumb as Sarah Palin trolling you. Her passive aggressive schtick must piss off people who are actually running for office while she sits on the side lines popping off.
Agreed its not like her experience or knowledge got her anywhere (elected office wise)


So, what does a Libertarian do when the market/a private corporation decides he's too boring and uninteresting and unworthy to include in their presidential debate? He runs to Big Government to force the private corporations to include him against their free market will, of course!

On Friday, the Libertarian presidential ticket of former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson and former California Superior Court judge Jim Gray filed an anti-trust lawsuit in U.S. District court to ask the court to force the Commission on Presidential Debates to include all presidential candidates who have enough ballot access to have a mathematical chance of winning the presidential election to have a spot on the debate stage.

The lawsuit accuses the Democratic Party, Republican Party, and Commission on Presidential Debates of violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, which prohibits certain business activities that reduce competition, and requires the federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, companies, and organizations suspected of being in violation.

It just makes it all funnier that he's citing the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
How difficult is it to get on the ballot for the presidential elections? If it's quite hard then maybe it would be a good idea to start including everyone in the debates. It could be a way to start bringing down the two party system.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I've seen a few articles today, including this one from the Washington Post, talking about how Romney is spending more time raising money than he is campaigning. I realize he needs money to stay in the fight, but it seems like a really bad idea. It furthers the narrative that he is more interested in his donors than he is in the American people.
Romney’s schedule — particularly his focus on fundraising over traditional campaigning with voters — has caught the attention of conservative opinion leaders.

“The logic of Romney’s fundraising has seemed, for some time, slightly crazy,” conservative Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan wrote recently. “He’s raising money so he can pile it in at the end, with ads. But at the end will they make much difference?”
Was at the Museum of American History in DC today and as we walked through the First Ladies section I began to wonder what will happen when Hillary gets elected. Does Bill's picture just go up next to Michelle's? Do they have to re-brand the whole thing? Was interesting to see how many First Ladies there were that weren't the President's wives. Some daughter-in-laws and nieces, I guess I never knew that was how it worked.

Also they had a timeline of all the Presidents and there was no room on the last panel for a new entry so if Mitt were to be elected they would have to redo the entire section to get him to fit on there. Looks like the Museum is dodging a bullet there this year.


I've seen a few articles today, including this one from the Washington Post, talking about how Romney is spending more time raising money than he is campaigning. I realize he needs money to stay in the fight, but it seems like a really bad idea. It furthers the narrative that he is more interested in his donors than he is in the American people.
No, it's a really good idea. He can't win and he doesn't want to spend his own money on this doomed campaign. This way he also gets a nice meal and can make questionable speeches without the press jumping all over him, in theory at least. I bet these events have a no cellphone rule now.
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