What bothers me more than Obama's worst debate -- actually, political -- performance since uh, 2007, isn't actually the debate itself. It's what everyone was saying before the debate. An uber-conservative, young, FM talk radio host (his show replayed after the debate) really made me realize it the best. This guy (wish I remembered his name) was no doubt the textbook example of the far right, tea party loving lunatic that will cling to anything to make Obama look bad, no matter how out of touch and crazy it is. Yet even he was coming down hard on Mitt because it's as though he was expecting him to fail. This is how bad Mitt was doing before the debate. He completely lost faith in the GOP nominee and might as well have started praying for a miracle on air.
But it wasn't just the extremists, the squeaky clean GOPers basically all but gave up on Mitt in advance also. Obama was expected to put this thing away -- and really, he should have. You could practically feel it in the air. Next thing you know, he totally bombs the first debate like he's still Senator Obama in the primary. Why? Obama had so much momentum on his side. He had Mitt coming off an entire month of potential progress erased by the 47% recording. He should have had all the confidence in the world and should have not hesitated to go for the juglar when pressured. Everyone knows he has plenty of things to talk about for when his back is up against the wall, and he didn't turn to any of them.
Now, I understand wanting to play it safe. Don't make any gaffes, don't do anything too bold, you are in a good position nationally according to polls. Fine. But even by listening to the audio, he wasn't just being careful. He lost control. There's a fine line between playing it cool and starting to take yourself out of the game. He crossed it quite a bit. Obama was no doubt nervous and frantically going through his mental file cabinet, restructuring his talking points and arguments on the fly, surely feeling flabbergasted. I don't think I've ever heard him do such a bad job, at least not since the primary with Hillary. This might have been even worse. I don't think Obama spent any time preparing for this. And man, this proves now more than ever that John Kerry isn't good for anything when it comes to politics, even as a debate dummy.
And based on what video I've already seen, Obama was often looking down, almost looking like he was being shunned, while Mitt instead stared Obama down during every talking point. This is just bad for an incumbent. It reeks of Carter vs. Reagan. You don't want anything remotely close to that shit. It's bad, bad, bad for perception politics, and we all know Americans love that.
Why did he not bring up 47%? He had plenty of opportunites to interject with that as Mitt talked about how much he supposedly cares about helping poor folks.
Why did he not call him out on the blatant lies about the $90b or whatever phony figure it was for green initiatives? Seriously, wtf Obama? Really?
Why was he not more aggressive in clearly defining Obamacare as the exact same thing as Romneycare? Mitt actually made it sound like his plan is fundamentally different and for the better. If I didn't pay attention to politics I'd have probably believed every word Mitt said. This is bad. This was supposed to be something that Obama was to be prepared for since he signed the fucking thing into law. The thing his folks have been bragging about for eons now, saying Romney will have no credibility with this argument. Guess what guys? Romney just evaporated all of that shit.
And -- this one not only upset me but flat out pissed me off -- why did Obama let Romney get away with Paul Ryan's lovely Medicare talking point (you know, the $716b gutted because of omg Obamacare)? Are you fucking kidding me? If memory serves, Romney spewed it out of his mouth at least three times. That gave Obama three chances -- and boy did he like milking the clock -- to debunk that bullshit, and he instead opted to go off on some nuanced point that was in dire need of simplification for a 90 minute debate.
We are far removed from the days where a convention or a debate is going to give someone a 15+ point bump. But the problem is that Obama was well within reach of practically putting this election away. Instead, he gave Romney a second chance. The entire month of September was like a gift for the Obama campaign and they completely wasted it. Completely.
I'm also not too confident in Obama's campaign at this point. David Axelrod was quite dismissive and frankly ignorant on CNN. "Oh yeah yeah the challenger always gets a bump, lol, we expected this." Like it didn't even matter that Obama basically rolled over. It does. It's like they aren't even aware of how badly Obama performed, which makes me worry about the next two debates. Stephanie Cutter on either CNN or MSNBC was really frantic, I will say. She was trying to stay calm, but you could hear her voice trembling. She knew this was a bad night.
Obama should do better in a town hall, but he was supposed to do better here, too -- even if marginally. At a minimum, that's all he needed. But he let Romney completely walk all over him. All Obama basically had to do was show up and spew out the counters to Mitt's same old bullshit, and instead he acted like he never heard them before.
I think you are going to see more tightening in polls than anticipated, and it could take a state like FL or even OH off the table if Mitt can keep the momentum up. The snapshot polls taken afterwards, even if not the most accurate in comparison to what we'll be seeing from the various pollsters in the next few days, are not encouraging signs whatsoever. Go down the list, Obama failed on damn near everything. It energized the GOP, no doubt. Democrats are really disappointed, which isn't what you want as election day gets closer.
And, you know, given how badly Romney fucked up over the past few weeks, I have a feeling he's going to grab this thing by the horns and not let go until election night. He was all but completely knocked out of the race and he just got himself a second life, just like Reagan did.
Everyone in here who supports Obama should be worried. He needs to go into the town hall swinging (at Mitt, of course). It doesn't mean he lost the election yet, but the important thing here is that it changes the narrative a bit and puts Mitt back in the game as being at least somewhat politically astute.
Frankly, I'm disappointed in the President. I don't even think he cared.