I was referencing today's polls, not the jobs numbers. That's what I'm waiting to get Silver's extended opinion onOh shi
I was referencing today's polls, not the jobs numbers. That's what I'm waiting to get Silver's extended opinion onOh shi
Allen West
LOLI agree with former GE CEO Jack Welch, Chicago style politics is at work here. Somehow by manipulation of data we are all of a sudden below 8 percent unemployment, a month from the Presidential election. This is Orwellian to say the least and representative of Saul Alinsky tactics from the book "Rules for Radicals"- a must read for all who want to know how the left strategize . Trust the Obama administration? Sure, and the spontaneous reaction to a video caused the death of our Ambassador......and pigs fly.
He thought he was going to win the election despite his job killing policies. Then Romney fucked him up in a debate, and he got scared.The thing is, if Obama had the ability to "cook the numbers", he could have cooked them at any point in time. No need to wait until now.
He thought he was going to win the election despite his job killing policies. Then Romney fucked him up in a debate, and he got scared.
PD has become the boxer who keeps going back to the ring when he's far past his prime because it's the only thing he knows how to do. I'm sure Roy Jones Jr. and Evander Holyfield would even tell him to hang it up and start being a real poster again.
I was referencing today's polls, not the jobs numbers. That's what I'm waiting to get Silver's extended opinion on
So if 2008 was his Rocky I, then 2012 will be Rocky II.
I'm not foolish enough to believe the debate is impacting polls already. My argument has been that Romney is gaining ground, and this is reflected by today's Ras and WAA polls of Florida, Ohio, and Virginia.He says don't pay any attention to 'em.
Is our children learningIs the Gallup polls taken after the debate.
Okay then, fair enough.Jackson50 said:You're fretting over a misconception of undecided voters. You perceive undecided voters to be indecisive, malleable dullards who vote on caprice. However, many undecided voters have partisan dispositions which filter the media narrative bugaboo. Lynn Vavrick of YouGov, who I've cited here before, has been writing a series of articles for the NYT on undecided voters. And the data belies your misconception. At most, you're describing a minuscule segment of the population. Really, that you believe a swath of voters who've ignored Obama for four years suddenly developed an interest in politics bespeaks how warped your perception's become.
I'm not foolish enough to believe the debate is impacting polls already. My argument has been that Romney is gaining ground, and this is reflected by today's Ras and WAA polls of Florida, Ohio, and Virginia.
Pretty sure Nate's said that the model already accounts for Romney getting a bump post-debate.
I'm not foolish enough to believe the debate is impacting polls already. My argument has been that Romney is gaining ground, and this is reflected by today's Ras and WAA polls of Florida, Ohio, and Virginia.
Mccain thinks the numbers are cooked![]()
If true, McCain just lost all [remaining] respect.
Mainstream media needs to pushback against these jobbers aggressively.
If true, McCain just lost all [remaining] respect.
Mainstream media needs to pushback against these jobbers aggressively.
He means to say that he was gaining ground before the debate.Not to interrupt your shitty trolling game, but this post doesn't even make sense.
"I'm not foolish enough to believe the debate is impacting polls. I'm saying Romney is gaining based on these post-debate polls."
Those post debate polls don't fully take the debate into account though, so you can't really use them to measure its impact...Not to interrupt your shitty trolling game, but this post doesn't even make sense.
"I'm not foolish enough to believe the debate is impacting polls. I'm saying Romney is gaining based on these post-debate polls."
Romney's gaining ground in Rasmussen? ShockingI'm not foolish enough to believe the debate is impacting polls already. My argument has been that Romney is gaining ground, and this is reflected by today's Ras and WAA polls of Florida, Ohio, and Virginia.
If true, McCain just lost all [remaining] respect.
Knew he was a clown ever since his "don't bring my daughter into this discussion as I try to detail reproductive rights for all women!" shit he pulled on Alan Keys in 2000.It feels like this has been said about McCain multiple times now since August 29, 2008.
He means to say that he was gaining ground before the debate.
Interesting how Rasmussen's poll of Virginia showing Romney leading by 1 has Tim Kaine leading by 7 at 52-45. I say interesting because everyone was saying his goose was cooked after he turned in a crummy debate performance.
I wonder which side of the poll the right-wing is pushing!
It's really ironic that both McCain and Romney were both GOP members I'd have given serious consideration voting for once upon a time.
It's really ironic that both McCain and Romney were both GOP members I'd have given serious consideration voting for once upon a time.
It's really ironic that both McCain and Romney were both GOP members I'd have given serious consideration voting for once upon a time.
Ive voted to kill Big Bird in the past, Romneys ex-primary rival said. I have a record there that I have to disclose. That doesnt mean I dont like Big Bird. You can kill things and still like them, maybe to eat them, I dont know. Thats probably that. Can we can we go back on that one?
lmaoCan we can we go back on that one?
Can we can we go back on that one?
Those post debate polls don't fully take the debate into account though, so you can't really use them to measure its impact...
Next week there will be plenty of polls measuring exactly how the debate played out.
Didn't say it was sound, just consistent.As evidence of that he's leaning on polls from WeAskAmerica and Rasmussen? Come on, that's pretty shitty trolling. He's pulling a Romney here and jumping on anything he can at this point
Oh shit son. You predicted this well.i wonder if the missing BLs numbers they found last week will cause the unemployment rate to drop?
7.9% maybe?
I was referencing today's polls, not the jobs numbers. That's what I'm waiting to get Silver's extended opinion on
Yeah, the jury is still out on the debate. We can't assume this to be over with. I won't feel better about it until next week when all the major polling players finally weigh in.Those post debate polls don't fully take the debate into account though, so you can't really use them to measure its impact...
Next week there will be plenty of polls measuring exactly how the debate played out.
But the period after the debate but before the jobs numbers don't matter anymore, just the time after both.
Santorum was kind of joking here, probably not the best way to phrase it
Step 1 - Disregard the current factsAllen West is funny though. "if you'd stop yelling in my ear we can get to the bottom of this"
Allen West is on a fact finding mission.
"I don't know if i get a job until the BLS report comes out!" - Obama advisersCheebo said:Monthly jobs numbers never impact polls. Look at how much the bad numbers last month hurt Obama. Not at all. The jobs numbers are baked into the results already, those who found employment would change who they vote for when they got employment, not when a report comes out at the end of the month.
New narrative. Debates are boring, they happened over 24 hours ago! And Romney was The Winner yesterday, now Obama is The Winner today! The Winner has changed! Irrelevant political hack, your thoughts.
I live in Pittsburgh too.Apologies if this has already been posted. My sister lives in Pittsburgh and she just sent me this link...
Check out the statement under the Voter ID headline.
I would love for somebody to respond when asked for their ID with: "I'm asking you to kiss my ass, but you're not required to do so."