Solid Jobs Report Spawns Crackpot Job Truthers Movement

Solid Jobs Report Spawns Crackpot Job Truthers Movement
Lol CNN showing two videos of Ronemy flip flopping on coal for job creation
I find it amazing how the media is defending Romney flip flopping but nailed Kerry to the wall for his supposed flip flopping.
His campaign surrogate just admitted on LIVE TELEVISION that Romney is changing positions to win votes. Obama said at a campaign event in Virginia today that Mitt Romney's claim that his health plan would cover people with pre-existing conditions was "fact-checked by his own campaign. That is rough."
His campaign surrogate just admitted on LIVE TELEVISION that Romney is changing positions to win votes.
If Romney wins like this I will lose faith in America.
I see that Obama's Nation of Islam thugs have already crashed WeAskAmerica website
They do supply a pad of paper, actually.
That could be his hankerchief, though. Most people don't put those in their pants pocket of a suit, but it could be.
Whoa...Bombshell. CSPAN too. Hardly an biased source.
I agree with former GE CEO Jack Welch, Chicago style politics is at work here. Somehow by manipulation of data we are all of a sudden below 8 percent unemployment, a month from the Presidential election. This is Orwellian to say the least and representative of Saul Alinsky tactics from the book "Rules for Radicals"- a must read for all who want to know how the left strategize . Trust the Obama administration? Sure, and the spontaneous reaction to a video caused the death of our Ambassador......and pigs fly.
Ouch ouch ouch
Obama: Romney Health Care Claim Fact-Checked By His Own Campaign
Sounds about right.As soon as I saw the unemployment numbers I immediately knew the paranoid conspiracy theories would start flying. I didn't expect them to come from such a figure though.
So now we have:
Magic rape contraception believers
Climate change denialists
Saddam had stockpiles of WMDs believers
Obama is a secret Muslim truthers
Poll 'unskewers'
Obama is gay truthers
jobs number truthers
Bill Maher is right, a large subset of the right lives in an entire alternate universe of crazy.
Running for president in today's Republican party is literally the easiest thing in the world. Just lie with a smile and spout some of the most crazy shit you can think of, and you're on your way to being a major player within the party. I know politicians lie all of the time, but at least they'd utilize twisted facts and half truths, not bold faced lies 100% of the time.
Hmmm maybe Bill Maher will be less bitchy tonight
Obama is gay?
Romney says UE rate went down “Primarily due to the fact that more and more people have stopped looking for work.”
"It looks like unemployment's getting better," says Romney, but says "truth" is that rate would be 11% if it workforce hadn't shrunk.
Romney“There were fewer jobs created this month than last month.”
*looks to left*Best way to be safe: never use any slang terms for women or woman parts. I don't even say "boobs" on GAF anymore.
Follow my advice and you'll never be banned
At the rally now:
Yes he did. Obama was practically an observer. The biggest takeaways from the debate are passive Obama, commanding Mitt and Sesame Street. Obama set not one narrative.
Obama is gay?
Yeah- there was a scoop on Neogaf a few days ago about how his wife is so cold towards him and there's no passion there anymore. No wonder he has to go find love elsewhere.
The people who know better already know who they're going to vote for, no? I think you underestimate how poorly informed "undecideds" generally are. Presidential debates aren't substantive policy discussions they're public arguments. Obama lost. Jay-Z lost.He didn't get trounced among people who know better, and that's why the debate is having no effect. He won with the people who were gonna vote for him anyway.
Was the fist bump a lie??
The people who know better already know who they're going to vote for, no? I think you underestimate how poorly informed "undecideds" generally are. Presidential debates aren't substantive policy discussions they're public arguments. Obama lost. Jay-Z lost.
Americans are only .1% better off than they were four years ago? What an inspiring message
At the rally now:
Romney says UE rate went down “Primarily due to the fact that more and more people have stopped looking for work.”
He didn't get trounced among people who know better, and that's why the debate is having no effect. He won with the people who were gonna vote for him anyway.
Americans are only .1% better off than they were four years ago? What an inspiring message
Americans are only .1% better off than they were four years ago? What an inspiring message
So now we have:
Magic rape contraception believers
Climate change denialists
Saddam had stockpiles of WMDs believers
Obama is a secret Muslim truthers
Poll 'unskewers'
Obama is gay truthers
jobs number truthers
My favorite cartoon thus far..
Hot damn..
My favorite cartoon thus far..
Hot damn..