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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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“Our top political priority over the next four years should be to deny President Obama a third term.”

We all know you can't get elected to a third term when it's written into the law.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I don't understand this. How do they even have standing? What do they get out of it? Nothing. Aren't they just saying "Hey fuck you normal people we want you to get less than us. We don't get anything extra, we just want to shaft you with less."

Actually, that's a good question. "Standing to Sue"

Wikipedia said:
Standing requirements

There are three standing requirements:

Injury: The plaintiff must have suffered or imminently will suffer injury—an invasion of a legally protected interest that is concrete and particularized. The injury must be actual or imminent, distinct and palpable, not abstract. This injury could be economic as well as non-economic.
Causation: There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct complained of, so that the injury is fairly traceable to the challenged action of the defendant and not the result of the independent action of some third party who is not before the court.[15]
Redressability: It must be likely, as opposed to merely speculative, that a favorable court decision will redress the injury.[16]

Empty Vessel could probably answer it :(


“Our top political priority over the next four years should be to deny President Obama a third term.”

"If we really crash the economy this time, we'll totally get a Republican in 2016!"

Actually, that's a good question. "Standing to Sue"

Empty Vessel could probably answer it :(

Out of curiosity, how are do abortion cases have a standing to sue? By the time that Roe v Wade got to the SCOTUS, she must have had the baby?


Unconfirmed Member
How is it a gaffe?

"You talk about things you think are important...I talked about a strong military. I didn't use the word "troops" - I think they refer to the same thing."

"The military" and "the troops" are two completely different things. One is the institution, a large organized apparatus that coordinates money and numerous other resources, including but by no means limited to troops, across the globe. The other refers to the individual volunteers who serve the country and work within the greater overarching framework of the military.

It's equivalent to talking about "corporations" and then claiming you were actually talking about "workers" the whole time. Which, to be fair, would be a very Romney thing to do.


Given that we have approximately 70,000 troops in Afghanistan and waste a few billion dollars each month, it's a glaring omission. It should be one of the primary issues of the campaign.

I love that Dems are driving this issue, they already gained a foreign policy advantage this cycle, and hearing Romney's excuse was pathetic. The actual Romney mention of Afghan, was what one sentence a month ago?


it's a glaring omission.

He won't be able to avoid Afghanistan on October 22.

I am still surprised that Team Romney allowed foreign policy to be the final debate going into the election. I guess they're resigned to the idea that if they can't present a credible peformance there it's over no matter what, so they might as well go all in.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Clinton got that shit locked up in 2016. The GOP have start thinking about 2020.

Unless the Constitution is amended and you're talking about Bill, 2016 is in no way "locked up."


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

Not so fast. If Mittens loses this dude is gonna be front and center in 2016.

If he could make it through the primary... which would require a dramatic shift in the GOP electorate.


Wow, Wolf Blitzer is a flaming idiot. "Would Obama's speech have been better if he delivered it outdoors as planned..because there are more people. Was it written for the larger venue"? Really?

This is why I'd rather watch Fox than CNN. At least they don't pretend to be fair..
Also military =/= troops.

Can't wait for the foreign policy debate. Gonna be epic.

Can't wait for debates in general. 2008 was different. Even though McCain sold his soul to Master Karl Rove, Obama still admired and respected the man. He was a Vietnam vet who came from a distinguished family and sacrificed for our country. Besides, the guy is 700 years old. 2012 is vastly different. We read the reports that Obama despises Mitt Romney for being an opportunistic, scheming bootlicker that's been on every side of every issue imaginable. That's a whole lotta permutations. It's gonna be unrelenting.


She's not, but I'm also speaking to the fact that his wife is hot as hell and could definitely have some kind of Palin factor in attracting middle aged, white, conservative, horny male voters. :D


No Scrubs
Wow, Wolf Blitzer is a flaming idiot. "Would Obama's speech have been better if he delivered it outdoors as planned..because there are more people"?

This is why I'd rather watch Fox than CNN. At least they don't pretend to be fair..

Blitzer is worthless, watch Soledad or Cooper if you're going to watch CNN.


I love that Dems are driving this issue, they already gained a foreign policy advantage this cycle, and hearing Romney's excuse was pathetc. The actual Romney mention of Afghan, was what one sentence a month ago?
Yeah. When he delivered his foreign policy speech in July, he basically concurred with Obama except he would have waited until December to withdraw the surge troops. Oh, and the usual refrain about the generals. It was a terribly weak speech.
He won't be able to avoid Afghanistan on October 22.

I am still surprised that Team Romney allowed foreign policy to be the final debate going into the election. I guess they're resigned to the idea that if they can't present a credible peformance there it's over no matter what, so they might as well go all in.
No, he won't. His destitute foreign policy will be exposed.
Not so fast. If Mittens loses this dude is gonna be front and center in 2016. He would be quite a formidable candidate to go up against. He's basically the GOP Obama.
Oh, no. Not Marco Rubio.
Can't wait for debates in general. 2008 was different. Even though McCain sold his soul to Master Karl Rove, Obama still admired and respected the man. He was a Vietnam vet who came from a distinguished family and sacrificed for our country. Besides, the guy is 700 years old. 2012 is vastly different. We read the reports that Obama despises Mitt Romney for being an opportunistic, scheming bootlicker that's been on every side of every issue imaginable. That's a whole lotta permutations. It's gonna be unrelenting.

For some reason, I highly HIGHLY doubt this.
Blitzer is worthless, watch Soledad or Cooper if you're going to watch CNN.
Erin Burnett > Soledad. The way she went after Michele Bachmann and the GOP teaparty nutballs for laying allegations against Huma Abedin and Muslims in general was Murrow-worthy. It's high praise, but well deserved. Cooper is pretty amazing too.

Wolf Blitzer just kinda sucks.
For some reason, I highly HIGHLY doubt this.


"One factor made the 2012 grind bearable and at times even fun for Obama: he began campaign preparations feeling neutral about Romney, but like the former governor's GOP opponents in 2008 and 2012, he quickly developed a genuine disdain for the man. That scorn stoked Obama's competitive fire, got his head in the game, which came as a relief to some Obama aides who had seen his interest flag when he didn't feel motivated to crush the opposition. Obama, a person close to him told me, didn't even feel this strongly about conservative, combative House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the Hill Republican he disliked the most. At least Cantor stood for something, he'd say.
He holds Cantor in higher regard than Mittens. That's indescribably awful.
He won't be able to avoid Afghanistan on October 22.

I am still surprised that Team Romney allowed foreign policy to be the final debate going into the election. I guess they're resigned to the idea that if they can't present a credible peformance there it's over no matter what, so they might as well go all in.

The first debate will probably be the most influential in terms of the election. They're probably hoping to take the first two of three. Votes are pretty solidified by the end of October and two debates.
Meh, that's just a poorly thought out answer. There are way better things to go after him on, even on Afghanistan.
Yep. Stuff like this is just silly when there are so many disagreements on important issues.

But considering how much mileage Romney and the Republicans have gotten out of an out of context 'You didn't build that', they'll get no pity from me. Let the talking heads go full on Heathers on him if they must - what else are they going to do with their time?



I watch MSNBC the least of the big 3. I like Rachel for her honesty and facts but she is a bit too "peppy" at times. Matthews is good but I don't like overt bias and/or cheerleading. Chris Hayes and Ezra Klein are probably my favorite guys on that network. They are obviously liberals but they aren't shrill or partisan and only operate in facts.

I do watch/listen to Morning Joe everyday though. I like Joe even though he unfairly attacks Democrats a lot. I just like the banter on that show. Not a lot of shouting and Mika the alcoholic is pretty funny.


Romney Calls Obama Speech 'Disappointing'

ORANGE CITY, Iowa - In his first public campaign event in five days, Mitt Romney gave a scathing review of President Obama's convention speech, referring to it as "extraordinarily, surprisingly disappointing."

"I was surprised by his address because I expected him to confront the major challenges of the last four years, which is an economy which has not produced the jobs that the American people need," said Romney, who said that he had read, but didn't watch, Obama's speech last night.

First Romney says he wasn't going to watch it, then he reads it and shits all over it. Honestly, can the man say anything nice about someone that isn't currently kissing his ass?


For some reason, I highly HIGHLY doubt this.

Why would you doubt this? Obama seems like the kind of guy that loves a nice intellectual debate, even with people who disagree with him. As long as they're hashing it out over the issues, then it seems like he could have a lot of respect for someone. Romney hasn't indicated at all that he's any sort of man of character or conviction. I don't blame Obama. Honestly Romney has some of the least respect from me as any politician I know of. I can at least respect crazy people like Santorum or Ron Paul more, even though I disagree with them possibly more. Romney has no convictions in him. He's a shell of a man. As RustyNails puts it perfectly, he's an opportunistic, scheming bootlicker. Fuck that guy. If I was Obama I'd wish nothing more than to bury him in a debate so hard his name would never be heard from in politics again.



He holds Cantor in higher regard than Mittens. That's indescribably awful.

The best part of this story is that Rupert Murdoch dislikes Romney for exactly the same reasons.

tnr said:
During the 2008 campaign, when I spent several hours each week interviewing Murdoch for the biography I was writing about him and was privy to his constant campaign replays, Romney never earned more from the often non-verbal Murdoch than a snort, guffaw, or grimace. Murdoch, whose core political values are more visceral than ideological, marveled at the contrast between the stolid father—George Romney, running a come-from-behind automobile company—and what he reckoned to be the hopelessly superficial son in the private-equity business. (Murdoch’s oldest daughter, Prudence, was once, briefly and unhappily, married to a private-equity type whom he didn’t like at all.)

Romney, he continues to tell people who find their way into his political conversations (or monologues) this year, can’t be trusted. Romney is “unprincipled”—one of Murdoch’s bad words—by which he usually means too camera-ready, too media-attuned, and too market-focused. And the larger point: He is just plain grumpy about the uninspired Republican nominee, with the implicit threat that, if unappeased, he is capable of throwing a wrench into the works.



Looking at Drudge, the Gallup poll is nowhere to be found, but guess what is there? The election year-over-year ratings for all stations sans Fox News.

Republican's, you're gonna get ear infections from sticking your fingers in there so hard.

Such a fucking bubble they wanna create, I can't wait, can't fucking wait for the debates.

It will only get worse for you Matt, I remember Barbara Boxer headlines in 2004 on Drudge, rubbing salt, well right back at you, you bald prat.
60% for the schadenfreude
20% for the lulz
10% for Shepherd Smith
5% for the crazy babes
10% for arithmetics

But a bit more seriously, you can get a good feel of things by seeing what the other side think.
And in the case of Fox News, you can many times get a preview of the next news-cycle talking points, so you can be prepared for kosmo.

I don't know if this was a meta joke but your percentages add up to 105%. Were you poking fun at those Fox News graphs that have weird percentages of their polls?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
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