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Romney: Debates Will Offer Chance To Talk About ‘Truth And Fiction’


This is a terrible move by Mittens. You don't attack something that succeeded by saying "i'd have done it even better!" People want to hear how you would change failures, not successes. All you're doing is highlighting and Obama success while people dismiss your own claim subconsciously.

Furthermore, I don't even understand how he can try to argue he'd have done it earlier.

BTW, the Ipsos/Reuters poll was 46-44 Obama and it's 5 day tracking, so a bunch is pre-convention.

I wonder if this could end up being a bounce over 4.


So if Obama did exactly what Romney suggested...why does Romney have to set the record straight? Wouldn't that mean both were right...

maybe he's trying to neutralize Obama's advantage, but if that's the case el o el

Romney seems to think he would have done it faster, while also socking it to the unions harder (now that one I buy). It leaves Obama an opening to point out what the unions did sacrifice, and how much harder things would be for them had Romney done the managed bankruptcy.

Not to mention, Romney expressly argued against the government backing up and funding the bankruptcy. Which means they would have gone under.


Unconfirmed Member
Romney's way would have also almost certainly seen GM liquidate valuable assets that the new GMC ended up retaining under the administration's action.


How does Mittens explain his Let Detroit Go Bankrupt article, which involved imaginary companies buying shares in Detroit automakers? Not a single private firm was ready to step into the muddy waters of Detroit, hence why the federal government stepped in. Another instance where lolbertarian ideology fails.

See, that involves a nuanced explanation. Voters typically don't like that. So he can just keep going "But I DID want to save the auto industry, and I would have done it better and faster."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ann Romney courageously refuses to answer questions that will make her husband look bad:

KWQC TV6: Do you believe that employer-provided health insurance should be required to cover birth control?

ANN ROMNEY: Again, you’re asking me questions that are not about what this election is going to be about. This election is going to be about the economy and jobs.

KWQC TV6: Well, a Pew research poll shows those issues are very important to women, ranking them either “important” or “very important. [...]

ANN ROMNEY: Listen, I’ve been across this country, I’ve been for a year-and-a-half on the campaign trail. I’ve spoken with thousands of women and they are telling me, they’re telling me a couple of things, one they say they’re praying for me which is really wonderful, and then they’re saying, ‘please help, please help. We are so worried about our jobs.’ So really if you want to try to pull me off of the other messages it’s not going to work because I know because I’ve been out there. [...]

I’m going to talk to you about the economy and about job creation and about how my husband is the right person for the right time. This is going to be an election that is very important for women, and we are going to make sure that their economic prosperity is more certain under a President Romney.



Any moderator that values their reputation won't allow Romney to lie like that and get away with it. They just can't or that's the end of their career. So I'm hoping Romney stands up there and lies his ass off in front of the entire country. Just so Obama can embarrass him as he's called on it by by him and the moderator who unlike those on tv will ask follow up questions.


Any moderator that values their reputation won't allow Romney to lie like that and get away with it. They just can't or that's the end of their career. So I'm hoping Romney stands up there and lies his ass off in front of the entire country. Just so Obama can embarrass him as he's called on it by by him and the moderator who unlike those on tv will ask follow up questions.

It's really too bad that David Gregory is a complete hack because Tim Russert would have destroyed this Romney on MTP.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This needs to be said. I really dislike Ann Romney. She comes off as a bit bitchy. She has thrust herself into politics rather shamelessly.

Which kinda sucks cause she does have MS, and I feel sorta bad for attacking her.

But then again...Republicans. :x


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Which kinda sucks cause she does have MS, and I feel sorta bad for attacking her.

I don't, not at all. My mom has MS, and she agrees with taking away the only way my mom can pay for it through Medicaid and Medicare.

The price of Avonex (Did not work) and Tysabri are insane, and without it she would likely be in a wheelchair within a couple years.
Which kinda sucks cause she does have MS, and I feel sorta bad for attacking her.

But then again...Republicans. :x
It does suck, but she has exploited that fact several times in order to gain sympathy. I couldn't stand her when she said something to the likes of how hard motherhood is trying to raise 5 kids when you have MS, shamelessly trying to connect with women voters (not even counting the cringe-worthy I LOVE YOU WOMEN!! stupidity). I'm sure living in a $100m mansion helped out a wee bit.
I don't, not at all. My mom has MS, and she agrees with taking away the only way my mom can pay for it through Medicaid and Medicare.

The price of Avonex (Did not work) and Tysabri are insane, and without it she would likely be in a wheelchair within a couple years.
This too.


This needs to be said. I really dislike Ann Romney. She comes off as a bit bitchy. She has thrust herself into politics rather shamelessly.

A bit? I mean I feel bad attacking the actual candidate's wife, but man she really comes off horribly in most instances. She acts like asking her a legitimate question is some sort of personal attack on her. She just comes off as privileged in pretty much every way.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't, not at all. My mom has MS, and she agrees with taking away the only way my mom can pay for it through Medicaid and Medicare.

The price of Avonex (Did not work) and Tysabri are insane, and without it she would likely be in a wheelchair within a couple years.

Good point. Guess she can piss off, afterall.


Any moderator that values their reputation won't allow Romney to lie like that and get away with it. They just can't or that's the end of their career. So I'm hoping Romney stands up there and lies his ass off in front of the entire country. Just so Obama can embarrass him as he's called on it by by him and the moderator who unlike those on tv will ask follow up questions.

In a perfect world that would be the case, however moderator's of the debate are only there to ask questions and keep the debate moving forward. Its not the moderator's job to quiz a candidate and call out their bullshit (although that would be awesome), that would be the opponents job.
Ann Romney is just a bad surrogate. Don't put her out there to answer reporters questions if that is the way she is going to respond to questions that are not slanted in favor of her husband


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Why have moderators anyway? The format should be similar to how it was when Obama took on the House Reps that one time.
Wouldn't name call Ann Romney, but she does come off rather...arrogant. Contraception is a big issue to most women, regardless of what she says. The economy is certainly THE issue, but pretending like it's the only issue won't trick people.

And I can't stand the "I know what women think" nonsense from her. Well, why are most women going to vote for Obama?


Wouldn't name call Ann Romney, but she does come off rather...arrogant. Contraception is a big issue to most women, regardless of what she says. The economy is certainly THE issue, but pretending like it's the only issue won't trick people.

And I can't stand the "I know what women think" nonsense from her. Well, why are most women going to vote for Obama?

This isn't just Ann's problem at all. The entire republican campaign has been trumpeting as loudly as they can that "No no no, women care about jobs! Trust us." It's like they think if they repeat it enough times it suddenly becomes truth. It's gotta be incredibly insulting to women, too.
This isn't just Ann's problem at all. The entire republican campaign has been trumpeting as loudly as they can that "No no no, women care about jobs! Trust us." It's like they think if they repeat it enough times it suddenly becomes truth. It's gotta be incredibly insulting to women, too.
They say the same thing about black voters. It has netted them zero percent.
Wouldn't name call Ann Romney, but she does come off rather...arrogant. Contraception is a big issue to most women, regardless of what she says. The economy is certainly THE issue, but pretending like it's the only issue won't trick people.

And I can't stand the "I know what women think" nonsense from her. Well, why are most women going to vote for Obama?



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This isn't just Ann's problem at all. The entire republican campaign has been trumpeting as loudly as they can that "No no no, women care about jobs! Trust us." It's like they think if they repeat it enough times it suddenly becomes truth. It's gotta be incredibly insulting to women, too.

The Republicans solution to any problems was always 1) pretend such problems didn't exist and 2)double down on whatever policies were leading to those (non) problems.




i still havent figured out how the GOP hasnt figured out shes a terrible person to speak on behalf of Romney. prepared speeches are just bad, but anything unprepared is plain terrible
i still havent figured out how the GOP hasnt figured out shes a terrible person to speak on behalf of Romney. prepared speeches are just bad, but anything unprepared is plain terrible

She seems like a nice person but the more I've seen of her, the less I like. I kind of wonder if they're hoping for democrats to attack her (like with the "she's never worked a day in her life" thing) as some type of hail mary attempt


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She seems like a nice person but the more I've seen of her, the less I like. I kind of wonder if they're hoping for democrats to attack her (like with the "she's never worked a day in her life" thing) as some type of hail mary attempt

I'm sure she is fine, she just comes off as a clearly out of touch "made" woman. i dont really know how to properly explain it. If you have a weakness of being "out of touch" letting Ann Romney off the leash to talk in public does nothing to help fix the "out of touch" issue.


Which kinda sucks cause she does have MS, and I feel sorta bad for attacking her.

But then again...Republicans. :x
I think her having ms is all the more reason to attack her. The fact that she uses it while her husband brags about how he's going to repeal obamacare which is going to help millions with
Chronic diseases or how her husband would slash Medicaid. Frankly it pisses me off. She has no idea what it's like to be a "normal" person with a chronic disease wondering how
You are going to pay the bills or your meds/treatment.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Has this been posted? I was waiting to see some response from Ryan dealing with the Obamacare funds he requested for his district (NOT the same issue form a couple weeks ago with the stimulus hypocrisy, this is something else):

But the response from Ryan’s spokesman [Brendan Buck] also raises a question about the candidate’s philosophy on federal spending on health care: Why would he consider dollars approved by Bush to be a good use of money, but funds approved by Obama to be bad?

“Don’t dumb things down,” Buck suggested to HuffPost. “You think he’s opposed to all federal spending on health care? Health care spending makes up a significant portion of his budget.”

On the specific program in question, related to community health centers, Buck said Ryan was merely supporting a constituent. “It’s casework,” he said. “As a general principle he’s not going to turn away his constituents who come to him for help based on his own views of a program.”


Like with most things, this makes no goddamned sense. Ryan has said plenty of times that he thinks Obamacare is horrible, even unconstitutional at times, so he doesn't support the program, but was willing to accept funds because a constituent asked him to? Wtf?
Someone on DU said Dana Milbank says Obama is gonna run ads in Georgia...no link was given so who knows if true. Time to head to 270 and mess with the map with that news.
Minnesota, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio:

PPP said:
Things definitely looking good for Obama in the polls we started tonight...we'll see if it holds through the weekend as the DNC fades away
Guess they didn't hear about the jobs numbers.

ErasureAcer said:
Someone on DU said Dana Milbank says Obama is gonna run ads in Georgia...no link was given so who knows if true. Time to head to 270 and mess with the map with that news.
PPP had Georgia as one of their "where should we poll?" options a while back but it's never come back. Obama lost by only a small margin (47-52) in 2008 and it was one of their initial targets along with Arizona and Texas early on in the campaign. I would have thought we would have seen more polling there by now.

The day when Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona, and Texas are all swing states (in addition to Colorado, Nevada, North Carolina, Virginia, New Mexico, and Florida) is the day when the GOP is utterly screwed.
If Obama gets a post convention bump the world is going to melt.
I always figured the DNC bump would just put Obama where he was before the Ryan pick and the RNC. Guess it might go a little further than that. 52% approval in Gallup, volatile as it is, is not bad at all.
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