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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Wow, you guys are a lot saltier than normal. Geez, hopefully the DNC convention begins soon so you guys can get some serotonin flowing through your veins ASAP.

There's reason to be-- the Republican party have had their foot on the gas to crazy town like their life depended on it and the convention with Ryan's weird made up shit, Ann Romney being a "hero" for being a rich no one who never really had to do anything, Eastwood yelling at a chair and Romney pretending to be a real person really seals the deal on the pathetic, insane mess that is the contemporary Republican party. The whole thing is an insult to all Americans, regardless of party affiliation, and to all thinking people across the world. Sad.
Pretty sure no one cares about the Eastwood stuff outside of the left...the RNC had a decent show, and Romney will get a nice bounce. Now he can spend his massive war chest too...

Oh goodie, two or three pro Romney ads (and one Obama) per commercial break here in Virginia isn't enough already. I'm telling you, the burn-out on ads here is pretty close to happening. If Romney is smart, he needs to buy a 30 minute slot like Obama did in 2008 and show a biography/policy fluff piece. Pumping these swing states with even more ads will only go so far
Wow, you guys are a lot saltier than normal.

It's to be expected. I'm in central Ohio where you can't go more than one commercial break in any audible form of media without seeing one to three incredibly vacuous ads (and where the only print news is about as gratuitously biased), to say nothing about the fact that I'm increasingly tired of the fact that discourse in this country comes about from the interactions of a center-right party and a reactionary nativist party
or the fact that the reactionary party actively wants to take away the only thing that's going to keep me from declaring medical bankruptcy if my kidney condition progresses at all before 2017

Basically I'm going to be hella salty until at least November 7, and deservedly so.
Ron Paul's Maine delegates erupt after getting barred from Republican convention.


You guys think anything is going to come from this? I mean, Ron Paul supporters have got to feel betrayed right now. That shit that was pulled at the RNC was downright dirty.

They weren't voting for Romney anyway. They're irrelevant, and why I don't condone what the Romney camp did I won't shed tears for Paulites. We live in a free market after all, and the free market continues to determine libertarians are nothing more than a loud 10% minority of the GOP; they should stop complaining about mistreatment and pull their membership up by the bootstraps
I'm a registered Independent, but the last 5 minutes of Romney's speech on foreign policy is primarily why I've voted Democratic the last two Presidential cycles.

Presidents can try to set the agenda, but domestically the party that controls Congress and holds more state governorships tends to have a bigger sway on domestic policy. However when it comes to foreign policy, the President pretty much runs the entire show and can start foreign and/or secret wars with little to no congressional oversight or approval. This means if we vote for a President who's controlled by a bunch ideologues, we can end up chasing around bunch of middle eastern dictators while stuck trying to terraform the Arabian sub-continent for the next half century. All the while sowing the seeds for terrorism for even more generations to come.

So when Mitt Romney started sabor-rattling about Iran, it just confirmed my belief that this guy needs to be nowhere near the steering wheel of our military.

In terms of domestic policy, I actually liked the concept of compassionate conservatism that Bush originally espoused. Or at the very least it was a legitimate alternative to choose from. But in the mid 2000s, Republican base just became extremely xenophobic. They became openly anti-muslim, anti-immigrants, and etc. And it's only got worse the last several years.

But if in 2016, a Republican candidate shows up who has a sane worldview and foreign policy outlook, and rejects the politics of anger, division and "othering", then I might be able to get behind the Republican ticket. Honestly, Obama pretty much already governs as a moderate conservative circa '80s. Our country has swung so much to the right that pretty much any moderate from either party is almost indistinguishable. So if the Republicans fielded a candidate who was based in reality, then I might actually have to make a real choice in the presidential election.

As it stands, Mittens is basically just a neo-con marionette like Bush. And Ryan proved he's not serious at all by the countless lies and half-truths in his speech. If he had any integrity he would have rejected that draft when the speechwriters handed it to him.

The funny part is that this was Mittens but he's sold his soul to become President. As governor in Mass he raised taxes, he criticized Bush's tax cuts, was once upon a time pro-choice, romneycare, etc. Hell, I bet he's not even anti-global warming.

The GOP has become so weird. They are the "not Obama" party and that's all they stand for besides some antiquated social beliefs.

Saw Daily Show. Michael Steele laid into the GOP for muting Ron Paul. Didn't see that coming.


Moore may be trolling or sincere, but he's totally valid in pointing out that the GOP has the ability to dump as much money as they want virtually anywhere in the country.


Couldn't disagree more with Moore. I really don't think that money advantage will make a huge difference. At the end of it, they both have vast sums of cash (it's not as if the POTUS will be at a significant disadvantage like Newt/Santorum were during the primary) and the quality of the candidate is what matters.

Accordingly, Bams' investment (and current advantage) in establishing that infrastructure/ground game/GOTV in the various swing-states will def pay off come November.
The funny part is that this was Mittens but he's sold his soul to become President. As governor in Mass he raised taxes, he criticized Bush's tax cuts, was once upon a time pro-choice, romneycare, etc. Hell, I bet he's not even anti-global warming.

The GOP has become so weird. They are the "not Obama" party and that's all they stand for besides some antiquated social beliefs.

Saw Daily Show. Michael Steele laid into the GOP for muting Ron Paul. Didn't see that coming.

I though McCain's sellouts back in 2008 were bad, but nothing prepared me for Romney's complete overhaul of everything he has ever said or believed in.

It's funny because being an Independent, he could have actually gotten my vote as Massachusetts Mittens.


There's actually some reasonable debate about which causes which: does money cause a presumably good candidate to win, or does the good candidate who is already likely to win draw more money precisely because people think he can win?
Will McAvoy would shit on so many people in this thread. We shouldn't care whether the Republicans' speeches were decent, great or amazing. We should deny and denounce until everyone else believes it was shit. This is why liberals lose, they're too reasonable.


There's actually some reasonable debate about which causes which: does money cause a presumably good candidate to win, or does the good candidate who is already likely to win draw more money precisely because people think he can win?

Interesting, I'd add that this question gains more signifigance when you consider the American fascination with wealth and success.


Setec Astronomer
There's actually some reasonable debate about which causes which: does money cause a presumably good candidate to win, or does the good candidate who is already likely to win draw more money precisely because people think he can win?
This is not an apples to apples comparison, particularly when one party represents the interests of the wealthy to begin with. Democrats used to have labor unions for institutional support, but now they've got to go to the same corporate pool that has been backing Republicans for decades and hope to find sympathetic donors.


This is not an apples to apples comparison, particularly when one party represents the interests of the wealthy to begin with. Democrats used to have labor unions for institutional support, but now they've got to go to the same corporate pool that has been backing Republicans for decades and hope to find sympathetic donors.

So this election should help test the theory, should it not? If money does not cause people to win, then Romney shouldn't win. If money does help people win (That is, even bad candidates can be pushed over the line with enough money), then Romney should win anyway.

Of course, this is hardly enough evidence to reach a conclusion. Sample size way too small, variables much too complex. But it would be one example in the study, certainly.


Setec Astronomer
It can certainly provide a counterexample to money being everything, although I'd watch out for SuperPAC bombs in local races where they can be more effective.


The funny part is that this was Mittens but he's sold his soul to become President. As governor in Mass he raised taxes, he criticized Bush's tax cuts, was once upon a time pro-choice, romneycare, etc. Hell, I bet he's not even anti-global warming.


He was in favor of cap & trade as Mass. governor.

Seriously, I might have considered voting for that Mitt Romney had the rest of the GOP not been so crazy.


My wife loved the Eastwood speech. She must be the only person in America. She thought it was hilarious.

I think if more people went without the teleprompter, people's heads would explode.

Daily Show will be glorious.

It's gonna be cute watching people try to keep the discussion on the substance of Romney's speech--instead of Eastwood's--for the three days until the DNC drops the bomb.
Fuck the NY Post



The left thought it was bad, the Right thought it was good. SHOCKING. All that really matters is whether independents not already on Team Obama would pick Romney for the job.
You won't come to a clear consensus here anyway.

edit: unrelated

I don't really believe Romney would ever attack Iran. It's just a show folks.


jmdajr said:
I don't really believe Romney would ever attack Iran. It's just a show folks.
It's really more about not letting Israel attack Iran, and he's certainly more likely to let it happen than Obama.


It was hilarious. Just not in the way anyone at the RNC would have wanted

That's what I thought she meant (I assume she is voting for Obama again) but no, she actually thought it was really, really well done.

She does specialize in elderly care though, so maybe she was just sympathetic.


Imagine the outcry if then-candidate Obama had planned with a Dem governor to tour a disaster area before Bush. I get that Romney wants to look presidential but there's only one prez at a time, assholes


Imagine the outcry if then-candidate Obama had planned with a Dem governor to tour a disaster area before Bush. I get that Romney wants to look presidential but there's only one prez at a time, assholes

Partisans would have complained! Just like now. The horror.


I sometimes wonder how people here get along with others in the real world.

Do you only hang out with liberals and or conservatives?


I sometimes wonder how people here get along with others in the real world.

Do you only hang out with liberals and or conservatives?

I vacuum seal myself in a bubble with Hope posters, to ensure they never fade.

Lol, I keep thinking about Clint, like one part senile, one part Jesse Ventura.


I watched a bit of the RNC last night and thought Rubio and Romney did fine. It's a shame Mitt lacks the spine to run on his MA record. And Rubio was oddly silent on immigration issue...


I watched a bit of the RNC last night and thought Rubio and Romney did fine. It's a shame Mitt lacks the spine to run on his MA record. And Rubio was oddly silent on immigration issue...

Let's be honest, Romney would not have made it this far if he ran on his MA record.

Liberals mostly.
Conservatives tend to be less educated and overly religious.

Most of my conservative friends are not overly religious. We find common ground in saying that the Iraq war was dumb, and Bush Spent too much. We also agree on social issues. It's the "incentive" arguments I hear most often. Also, strong defenses of supply-side economics. Lots of, "One day, I will be that rich guy." =/


Junior Member
codhand said:
Most of my conservative friends are not overly religious. We find common ground in saying that the Iraq war was dumb, and Bush Spent too much. We also agree on social issues. It's the "incentive" arguments I hear most often. Also, strong defenses of supply-side economics. Lots of, "One day, I will be that rich guy." =/

Yeah, that's why I can't stand to be around conservatives. I have a low tolerance for bullshit and ignorance.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
My favorite part about the Eastwood speech is that the GOPs main problem is reaching out to minorities and women and their keynote memorable speech is by yet another rich, old, white man.
These guys are not happy with what Clint did


At times during the interview, it seemed Ann Romney had an air of resignation about being asked about Eastwood rather than talking about her husband’s speech.

She said she wished more people could have seen the biographical video about Mitt.

Ann Romney looked less than thrilled when the camera cut to her during Eastwood's rambling act, which has, as predicted, ate up a chunk of the morning TV coverage, which would have otherwise been devoted to Romney's speech.


I will say, the convention highlighted to me that Romney had several more viable VP candidates to pick from that wouldn't have so much policy baggage. Especially considering he's trying to run as policy-free as possible.


What is your evidence that conservatives tend to be less educated?

I know equal amounts of people that are successful/educated from both ideas of thinking..and vice versa. And many have their own ways too, with a mixture of ideals.


That's the price you pay for picking a Celeb as your surprise speaker. I mean, Eastwood would overshadow just about anybody on a good day, they can't honestly expect he wouldn't overshadow Romney, Presi-bot MK MMXII.


Honestly, this campaign is being run worse than McCain's, and I didn't think that was possible.

No way. If only for the fact that Ryan is a great VP pick.

- He helps with a swing state
- He helps with younger voters
- He attacks Obama with that shit-eating grin (while Mitt keeps his negative numbers down) and somehow gets away with all the lies because he's allegedly a "serious" politician.

IMO McCain got blown out because of Palin. 2008 would have been much closer if people weren't voting against her (not him) en masse. It was an Eastwood debacle everyday after she got picked!
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