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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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That's what I thought she meant (I assume she is voting for Obama again) but no, she actually thought it was really, really well done.

She does specialize in elderly care though, so maybe she was just sympathetic.

some of my family members are old people


I sometimes wonder how people here get along with others in the real world.

Do you only hang out with liberals and or conservatives?

Simple, we don't talk about politics. I have friends who are liberal, conservative, and libertarian. We just don't get into it.


I sometimes wonder how people here get along with others in the real world.

Do you only hang out with liberals and or conservatives?

I have 2 best friends; 1 is liberal, the other conservative. The rest of my friends are conservatives, though.
Pretty sure no one cares about the Eastwood stuff outside of the left...the RNC had a decent show, and Romney will get a nice bounce. Now he can spend his massive war chest too...

I'm seriously starting to wonder how much of this is really in your head. No offense, but Clint was ALL OVER THE NEWS. Are you just not paying attention?

I'm not trying to be a dick, so if i'm coming off that way, I'm sorry, but you just seem to be running with things because it fits your views rather than looking at what's actually going on.


Simple, we don't talk about politics. I have friends who are liberal, conservative, and libertarian. We just don't get into it.

That's what most people do. Unfortunately I think it's bad because when it's comes time to talk about it tempers flare and no one is willing to listen to the others person view point. "Fuck You, you're wrong and I'm right!" etc.

Not always mind you. Personally, I sometimes have these conservations and pretend to play the role of either conservative or liberal, but play devils advocate questioning the practices of either party.


The left thought it was bad, the Right thought it was good. SHOCKING. All that really matters is whether independents not already on Team Obama would pick Romney for the job.
You won't come to a clear consensus here anyway.

edit: unrelated

I don't really believe Romney would ever attack Iran. It's just a show folks.

It's one thing to say Romney isn't serious about economics or whatever (though I disagree), but this is foreign policy, man. There's no such thing as "just kidding" when you're talking about war with somebody, because they can see you on TV as well. Remember the Cold War? Military brinksmanship isn't a game. Saying you're willing to attack somebody when you aren't is probably WORSE than if you actually were.

I sometimes wonder how people here get along with others in the real world.

Do you only hang out with liberals and or conservatives?

I live in the Bay Area, so, yeah. Most of the people I know think I am way too naive about the Republicans, I shit you not.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
What is your evidence that conservatives tend to be less educated?

It shows up in state statistics but you can't extricate that from the state economies and appeal, so I don't know if it has any meaning by head of total population.


Not directly, for sure, but sucking up oxygen from Romney is not good for the campaign.

Edit: Orrr I could just read gcubed's post.

i'd actually agree with a previous poster who said it hurt Marco Rubio more. No one is talking about him at ALL, and he had the best speech of the day.

and good god, Prince Rebius shouldn't ever speak in public


Just a guess, but I'm thinking conservatives are not going to like Obama's speech.

"Can you believe what the President said." blah blah blah

Yeah yeah...I've heard that all before.
Just a guess, but I'm thinking conservatives are not going to like Obama's speech.

"Can you believe what the President said." blah blah blah

Yeah yeah...I've heard that all before.

Obama's oratorical style has changed drastically over the years. While his 2004 DNC speech will remain, for me at least, one of the greatest political speeches of all time, that style simply doesn't woo independents anymore. They're oddly quick to discount it as "Oh he's just selling rainbows and unicorns again".

He's (unfortunately) switched to a more sober style which, I hope, will get the attention of the wider audience once more.


What is your evidence that conservatives tend to be less educated?

I'd point to the nomination of Mitt Romney. :p

Funny that the only one who talked specifics was Paul Ryan, and we all know how well that went.

Mitt did a good job
of making me like George Romney


Fork 'em, Sparky!
"Obama promised to slow the rising tides and work to heal the planet. I promise to help you and your family."

That was a great line politically. I am sure it caused some of the libs in here to roll their eyes in the back of their heads, but it was a really well written and delivered line.
"Obama promised to slow the rising tides and work to heal the planet. I promise to help you and your family."

That was a great line politically. I am sure it caused some of the libs in here to roll their eyes in the back of their heads, but it was a really well written and delivered line.

Given that few Americans really truly care about the environment, I would agree. Independents care about jobs right now and it's what Romney can play to. The "outsourcer" attacks from Obama aren't resonating, though I think Mitt overshot himself with the 12 million jobs promise. Should have gone with something a bit smaller.


Angry old man debating his own imaginary version of Obama -- if there's a better synopsis of political discourse over the last four years, I haven't seen it. Thanks, Clint Eastwood!


Junior Member
Given that few Americans really truly care about the environment, I would agree. Independents care about jobs right now and it's what Romney can play to. The "outsourcer" attacks from Obama aren't resonating, though I think Mitt overshot himself with the 12 million jobs promise. Should have gone with something a bit smaller.

Yeah, thats why Obama has been seen as someone who cares about the middle class. Oh wait.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
"Obama promised to slow the rising tides and work to heal the planet. I promise to help you and your family."

That was a great line politically. I am sure it caused some of the libs in here to roll their eyes in the back of their heads, but it was a really well written and delivered line.
Sorry, shouldn't it make anyone roll their eyes? Has he earned the right to say such a thing and be taken seriously that would stay the eyeroll from any rational listener, regardless of political leaning?
Yeah, thats why Obama has been seen as someone who cares about the middle class. Oh wait.

Depends on the state. In some swing states, he appears to be seen in such a manner but in others, there's a lot more uncertainity about it. But I guess as long as enough folks see him as such and vote for him, that's what matters.

I do think he cares, but let's not forget he doesn't make laws. Congress does, and both Dem and GOP alike in Congress don't give a fuck about the middle class except to try and win their votes.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Posted by Gary Whitta in the "Ryan running mate thread":

Mitt Romney likes to say he won't "apologize" for his success in business. But what he never says is "thank you" – to the American people – for the federal bailout of Bain & Company that made so much of his outsize wealth possible.

According to the candidate's mythology, Romney took leave of his duties at the private equity firm Bain Capital in 1990 and rode in on a white horse to lead a swift restructuring of Bain & Company, preventing the collapse of the consulting firm where his career began. When The Boston Globe reported on the rescue at the time of his Senate run against Ted Kennedy, campaign aides spun Romney as the wizard behind a "long-shot miracle," bragging that he had "saved bank depositors all over the country $30 million when he saved Bain & Company."

In fact, government documents on the bailout obtained by Rolling Stone show that the legend crafted by Romney is basically a lie. The federal records, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal that Romney's initial rescue attempt at Bain & Company was actually a disaster – leaving the firm so financially strapped that it had "no value as a going concern." Even worse, the federal bailout ultimately engineered by Romney screwed the FDIC – the bank insurance system backed by taxpayers – out of at least $10 million. And in an added insult, Romney rewarded top executives at Bain with hefty bonuses at the very moment that he was demanding his handout from the feds.

If what's in this article is accurate then any last possible modicum of respect I had for the man just evaporated. The details on page 2 are disgusting


What is your evidence that conservatives tend to be less educated?

I would argue that the party leaders aren't less educated, they just remain intentionally ignorant to specific truths that make them look exceedingly foolish.

As for the members of the party (citizens like you and me), it's a grab back of everything (juts like any other party). The only footing I see for people to claim that the party is less educated than Democrats is that some of these Republican Candidates are elected on extremely silly platforms.

I don't believe for a second that one party is "smarter" than the other, but I do believe that a Democrat would be more likely to change their vote if they thought a Politician was less an idiot, where as I think a Republican would be more likely (in todays political climate) to simply vote for a Republican just because he isn't a Democrat.


CHEEZMO™;41607766 said:
Fracking will save us all, you'll see!

Fracking can be safe depending on the situation. Also, you can't just dump the sand/water slurry wherever, it has to be responsible.


Setec Astronomer
Fracking can be safe depending on the situation. Also, you can't just dump the sand/water slurry wherever, it has to be responsible.
Are we talking theory or practice here? Because the oil and gas industry have a really bad habit of being lying assholes when it comes to this stuff.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
As soon as I find out someone is "conservative" I know that they're basically nuts so I keep my distance.

There are loads of "real" conservatives out there who are simply too embarassed by the current state of affairs to even open their yaps. I think they need to reclaim that word from the mouth breathing retards driving their PT Cruisers from Tea Party to Tea Party, so we can try to get politics back to a mud slinging corrupt sideshow that's at least partially based in reality.


I've got conservative buds. I just know which ones I can talk politics with without it geting too emotional. Same with my liberal buds.


I sometimes wonder how people here get along with others in the real world.

Do you only hang out with liberals and or conservatives?

I don't get it. Do you think people talk non-stop about politics in the real world, or something?

I live in a red state and almost everyone I know and love has about the exact opposite political leanings I do. We get along fine.


Are we talking theory or practice here? Because the oil and gas industry have a really bad habit of being lying assholes when it comes to this stuff.
I'm hardly an expert, but I have to believe that there's a way to extract it safely (though I agree that taking energy companies at their word is a bad idea).

If the technology is not ready, we should invest in it.

Yeah, it would be great to switch to renewable energy, but we're not there yet, and even under ideal conditions, it's going to take years; in the meantime, gas is a probably the best stopgap.



Ha :0


I don't get it. Do you think people talk non-stop about politics in the real world, or something?

I live in a red state and almost everyone I know and love has about the exact opposite political leanings I do. We get along fine.

Some people specifically said they don't hang out with conservatives if they are liberal.


I sometimes wonder how people here get along with others in the real world.

Do you only hang out with liberals and or conservatives?

I mostly hang out with "liberals," but most of them aren't that politically active or really care that much. I'd say most of them are just liberals in that there's no way in hell they'd ever vote for Republicans anymore mostly because of their social stances. That's what I find fascinating. To my friends and a lot of the people I work with Republicans just aren't a choice. That's because I work with a pretty young group. No one from owner on down is older than 30, so that tells you something.

That said, they do have some conservative leanings in some things. Most of them are very pro guns. Nearly all of them have concealed carry licenses. My boss is very progressive and practically communist in leanings sometimes, but he's insanely pro guns, too. There is apparently one guy who's a hardcore Republican. I haven't talked politics with him, but I kind of want to now. He's a black felon that's a Republican. It's kind of bizarre. Apparently one of the other workers when he found out just kept saying to him "You do realize they hate you right? I mean they hate you."

My family, however is very much conservative. Hardcore conservative. It's not just my mom and dad which everyone here's heard me talk about. My extended family is pretty conservative. There are a few here and there that are a bit more liberal. One uncle on my mom's side is really liberal, but that's probably because he's actually visited most European countries, so he knows how these things actually are. Other than him though the other democratic leaning aunts and uncles are only really that way because they're a part of a union and like unions. If it weren't for that they'd likely be very Republican.

I also went to a very conservative college, so I've been around extremely conservative people for a while. Granted, back then I wasn't nearly as liberal as I am now. Still, I managed to get into arguments with them a few times. One girl in particular I had to argue with about evolution. She's still on my facebook and I've argued with her about universal healthcare (she thinks UHC in Canada killed her grandma) and abortion (she thinks it's murdering your baby, and she loves Arizona's new law!).


I would argue that the party leaders aren't less educated, they just remain intentionally ignorant to specific truths that make them look exceedingly foolish.

As for the members of the party (citizens like you and me), it's a grab back of everything (juts like any other party). The only footing I see for people to claim that the party is less educated than Democrats is that some of these Republican Candidates are elected on extremely silly platforms.

I don't believe for a second that one party is "smarter" than the other, but I do believe that a Democrat would be more likely to change their vote if they thought a Politician was less an idiot, where as I think a Republican would be more likely (in todays political climate) to simply vote for a Republican just because he isn't a Democrat.

All that reminded me of this...

Michael Moore Admits Republicans Are Smarter

Still, wasn't enough to win them that election.


Really looking forward to President Obama going through the list of the various accomplishments that he and the dems managed to get done in the face of republican opposition. Put to rest that stupid "He doesn't have a record to run on" crap.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Really looking forward to President Obama going through the list of the various accomplishments that he and the dems managed to get done in the face of republican opposition. Put to rest that stupid "He doesn't have a record to run on" crap.

Really looking forward to President Obama going through the list of the various accomplishments that he and the dems managed to get done in the face of republican opposition. Put to rest that stupid "He doesn't have a record to run on" crap.
8.3 unemployment. Wall Street still too big to fail. He was elected to fix the economy and didn't get it done, and gave voters the impression he wasn't focusing on it by pivoting to health care. Good luck selling that at the convention; I have no idea what they'll possibly talk about for three days

Especially if that Friday jobs report is bad
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