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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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A federal judge in Ohio on Friday restored early voting rights in the three days before the election, ruling in favor of the Obama campaign.

U.S. District judge Peter C. Economus ruled that "restoring in-person early voting to all Ohio voters through the Monday before Election Day does not deprive UOCAVA voters from early voting."

"Instead, and more importantly, it places all Ohio voters on equal standing," Economus ruled. He said the state "fails to articulate a precise, compelling interest in establishing the 6 p.m. Friday deadline as applied to non-UOCAVA voters and has failed to evidence any commitment to the 'exception' it rhetorically extended to UOCAVA voters."

The Romney campaign had falsely accused Obama of trying to curtail military voting when the suit simply sought to force the state to make early voting available to all Ohio voters.



I sometimes wonder how people here get along with others in the real world.

Do you only hang out with liberals and or conservatives?

Most of my family are conservatives, and many of them are vocally racist when behind closed doors.

"Oh.. you're goin' out tonight, Tommy? Where to? Downtown?! Why ya goin' there? There are gonna be so many niggers there!"

"You don't wanna live in town.. there are too many of those people who live there."

It's embarrassing, and it's part of what has hardened my dislike of conservative people in general. The Southern base of the GOP, in my experience, is utterly racist much more often than it's not. I don't see my family very often, by my choice.

Mom and Dad are middle-of-the-road, thank goodness.
Mom's a good barometer for telling me what the Democrat's chances are in an election. She splits her votes usually, saying that she votes for the person and not the party. But if she votes for the Democrat, the Democrat usually wins. She loved Clinton and Obama, and didn't care for Gore, Kerry, or Dukakais.

Dad used to lean a bit more Republican, but when we debate he's very easily embarrassed about the party's anti-science stances. Over the past decade, he has developed the attitude that it doesn't matter, and that humanity is going to fuck itself over, no matter which party runs things. I feel partially responsible for this development, as we talk a lot about energy/environmental/resource issues whenever we're together.

My friends are all liberals, save for one whom I don't see much anymore. He knew that I have a hard time respecting folks who would willingly associate themselves with such a bigoted, anti-science crowd, just to save a few bucks on his taxes and calm his gullible, paranoid mind on the government takin' his guns away.

When my partner and I decided to leave Austin and move back east to be closer to our families, we had a huge discussion about where to settle. The political atmosphere of each location was a factor in our decision. The options were our 20-acre lot just outside of Hattiesburg, MS (an area with no shortage of rebel flags and 'God hates faggot' bumper stickers), and uptown New Orleans (which voted 83% in favor of Obama in 2008). Although I like the idea of having a big garden, chickens and goats, and a small fruit orchard.. the prospect of living in a car-not-required, politically comfortable city was too alluring.

We've been in NOLA for 11 months now. The 20 acres are up for sale, and we'll be using this tidy sum to build a small ICF house on an uptown lot sometime soon.. :)

edit: after moving, I found a book related to this topic called "The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America is Tearing Us Apart." I've gotta grab it soon.



"The Romney campaign had falsely accused Obama of trying to curtail military voting when the suit simply sought to force the state to make early voting available to all Ohio voters."

That was just the most... uh, there isn't even a word for it. Fuck Romney.
No way. If only for the fact that Ryan is a great VP pick.

- He helps with a swing state
- He helps with younger voters
- He attacks Obama with that shit-eating grin (while Mitt keeps his negative numbers down) and somehow gets away with all the lies because he's allegedly a "serious" politician.

IMO McCain got blown out because of Palin. 2008 would have been much closer if people weren't voting against her (not him) en masse. It was an Eastwood debacle everyday after she got picked!

Ehhh, I don't think a guy who comes off as a smarmy, mean little nerd is really going to connect with the youth vote.


Jesus where do you live?

i've heard less in your face racism but a shit ton amount where i grew up. I mean, where i grew up is like xenophobia central though with the almighty Lou Barletta removing the color brown from all crayon packs


Jesus where do you live?

This is pretty common stuff in many parts of Louisiana. My dad was a contractor and I grew up hearing it all the time and not just on job sites. My favorite quote is when he'd jokingly ask his friends "Would you rather your kid come home with a N** or another man?"

Even here and now in Baton Rouge I hear it a good bit, but less frequently. The first day I met my neighbor he told me he left Alexandria because there were too many N* there. We live in a mixed neighborhood so he had to literally look left and right to make sure nobody could hear him. That was two years ago.


i've heard less in your face racism but a shit ton amount where i grew up. I mean, where i grew up is like xenophobia central though with the almighty Lou Barletta removing the color brown from all crayon packs

I'm basically in Kentucky and cannot remember the last time I heard someone so casually drop a "nigger." I'm always kind of shocked how less racist it seems to me than Boston.

Nothing will ever top south side Hispanics v. north side African Americans in Milwaukee. That is some hard core racial hatred.


Jesus where do you live?
When that happened, it was in the suburbs of New Orleans.

The sad thing is, even non-family members would say stuff like this. People wouldn't bat a friggin' eye.

Another story:
Freshman year at Ole Miss, 1996. My new dormmates and I are hanging out in the common room of our dorm building, watching TV. Political news coverage comes on TV.

Mississippi country boy #1 asks, MCB #2, "Who ya votin' for?"

MCB #2 replies, "I dunno. Who are all the niggers votin' for?"

MCB #1 answers, negative tone in his voice easily detected, "Clinton."

MCB #1 replies, "Then I'm votin' for the other guy!"

Nods of agreement around the room. Within a few minutes, me and a like-minded friend were outta there. Astonishing.

This kind of thing happened way too damn often, and it has hardened my attitudes notably.


I'm basically in Kentucky and cannot remember the last time I heard someone so casually drop a "nigger." I'm always kind of shocked how less racist it seems to me than Boston.

Nothing will ever top south side Hispanics v. north side African Americans in Milwaukee. That is some hard core racial hatred.

My friend in VA said he had to cut off friends for casually dropping N-bombs on a regular basis. My time in Indiana I would heard the word more in one year than in the rest of my years combined. I find it's the 20 smth white guys saying it mostly. Usually as an insult to their 20 smth white friends.


I'm basically in Kentucky and cannot remember the last time I heard someone so casually drop a "nigger." I'm always kind of shocked how less racist it seems to me than Boston.

Nothing will ever top south side Hispanics v. north side African Americans in Milwaukee. That is some hard core racial hatred.

yeah, growing up i heard it, but now going back home its all about the hispanics (grew up right outside of Hazleton, PA). I've had my sister tell me that these illegals from Puerto Rico are moving in and taking over. I just have to shake my head and walk away.


When that happened, it was in the suburbs of New Orleans.

The sad thing is, even non-family members would say stuff like this. People wouldn't bat a friggin' eye.

Another story:
Freshman year at Ole Miss, 1996. My new dormmates and I are hanging out in the common room of our dorm building, watching TV. Political news coverage comes on TV.

Mississippi country boy #1 asks, MCB #2, "Who ya votin' for?"

MCB #2 replies, "I dunno. Who are all the niggers votin' for?"

MCB #1 answers, negative tone in his voice easily detected, "Clinton."

MCB #1 replies, "Then I'm votin' for the other guy!"

Nods of agreement around the room. Within a few minutes, me and a like-minded friend were outta there. Astonishing.

This kind of thing happened way too damn often, and it has hardened my attitudes notably.

Ah, yeah that makes sense. For some reason I didn't think you were deep South.
Ehhh, I don't think a guy who comes off as a smarmy, mean little nerd is really going to connect with the youth vote.

Not only that but he's a jackass who used government benefits to pay his way through college and now wants to get rid of them completely.

They just need to convey that message to college students.


illegals from Puerto Rico

lol. wtf. omg.

Not to mention those damn Hawaiian illegals, they're the worst.

We will know when the N-word is stricken from our vocabulary when we stop seeing it on youtube comments. If people don't post it there, they won't post, and certainly wouldn't say it anywhere, unfortunately, I don't think I'll live the 50 years it'll take to see that happen.


WTF @ Ann Romney? Tell her this isn't her convention.

The fact that Eastwood's pathetic speech is actually taking away some of the spotlight from Mitt speaks to how much he sucks at connecting with an audience.
WTF @ Ann Romney? Tell her this isn't her convention.

The fact that Eastwood's pathetic speech is actually taking away some of the spotlight from Mitt speaks to how much he sucks at connecting with an audience.

She really is a nasty piece of work. She'd be the most evil and out of touch first lady since Bar Bush.


lol, Medina.

damn thas a lotta house 4 sale


She really is a nasty piece of work. She'd be the most evil and out of touch first lady since Bar Bush.

Hey, she was redeemed. Didn't she support Obamacare, or was that just barb jr.? Damn these 1%ers naming conventions.
"Obama promised to slow the rising tides and work to heal the planet. I promise to help you and your family."

That was a great line politically. I am sure it caused some of the libs in here to roll their eyes in the back of their heads, but it was a really well written and delivered line.

It is well written. The problem is it isn't true.


After watching the Republican Convention last night, Obama has this in the bag. I'm not worried at all. The GOP is a joke! If anyone wants to tell me different, be my guest.



After a Gunslinger Cuts Loose, Romney Aides Take Cover
Clint Eastwood’s rambling and off-color endorsement of Mitt Romney on Thursday seemed to startle and unsettle even the candidate’s own top aides, several of whom made a point of distancing themselves from the decision to put him onstage without a polished script.

“Not me,” said an exasperated-looking senior adviser, when asked who was responsible for Mr. Eastwood’s speech. In late-night interviews, aides variously called the speech “strange” and “weird.” One described it as “theater of the absurd.”

Finger-pointing quickly ensued, suggesting real displeasure and even confusion over the handling of Mr. Eastwood’s performance, which was kept secret until the last minute.

A senior Republican involved in convention planning said that Mr. Eastwood’s appearance was cleared by at least two of Mr. Romney’s top advisers, Russ Schriefer and Stuart Stevens. This person said that there had been no rehearsal, to the surprise of the rest of the campaign team.

Funny watching the Romney camp running as far as they can from the Eastwood debacle. Whoever "organized" that event should be fired.



After a Gunslinger Cuts Loose, Romney Aides Take Cover

Funny watching the Romney camp running as far as they can from the Eastwood debacle. Whoever "organized" that event should be fired.

They will be able to write numerous books about how bad Romney's campaign has been.

For a person running for President for two cycles and having run for office for much longer he just stinks at it
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